Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 153: Choose the wrong direction


In City B, which is thousands of miles away, everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner. In fact, the analysis of pending projects piled up on the chairman's desk by the Academy of Sciences is enough to make everyone in the gang collapse together. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

Among other things, there are three big sheets of paper just for the shipbuilding and sailing plan and the schedule of things that need to be done.

This is the difference between a country and an individual. It is not difficult to build a ship to go to sea. The difficulty lies in how to make the ship withstand the test of wind and waves, the facilities on the ship, and how to store them reasonably. A bed sheet rushed out to sea relying on the supernatural powers. The ship that the country wants to build must minimize the risk as much as possible. The material of the sail, the spacing of the mast, how to steer the rudder and how to raise the sail all need to be trained, instead of messing around after boarding the ship.

The captains needed now must steer the ships in the same way as before.

For the Chinese, how to build a ship and where the facilities on the ship can exert their maximum capabilities are really not a big problem. In the long history, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal used to be the busiest transportation route. Ships of any size and safety can be built. The ancients knew how to avoid typhoons even without specific classification of natural sciences.

They didn't have a weather forecast, and they were basically in the outermost wind circle of the typhoon when they saw the squally torrential rain. The power speed of the ship is limited, and it is absolutely too late to turn around and run. However, they will constantly change the sails and steer the helm to control the direction. As long as the ship is strong enough, it will successfully escape the typhoon's range. It sounds very mysterious, but the reason is very simple. It is nothing more than changing direction clockwise. Typhoons, also known as cyclones, rotate and move forward. In the northern hemisphere, they always go in the same direction. The rotation trajectory can be rotated clockwise.

This is great wisdom. The current cruisers in the United States are in danger of capsizing in the event of a super typhoon. Without a weather forecast, they will only fight hard when they encounter them.

Char's ship came from the island residents who built ships in the past dynasties, and the craftsmanship is still very good.

But after all, there has not been a large ship specially built for long-distance voyages in so many years. It is God's blessing to experience one storm without any problems.

Ships need to be maintained all the time. Even warships before the end of the world will always have major problems. Occasionally, small problems continue. There are always some maintenance soldiers on board with wrenches busy with these things.

But the nails on the wooden boat are fastened, there are no gears, and there is no need to lubricate it, just beating and beating. And no one knows how to maintain the deck and the bottom of the boat. Everyone, including Char, hopes to have the cannon on the ship. If there is such a thing, I will see the sea monster firing the cannon. The idea is too beautiful. How to build a cannon is a lot of knowledge, and how to aim it should be well trained. .

The same problem is also placed in the b city plan.

Navigation is just a means and transportation, and deterrence must be there. A person with supernatural powers can at most have one enemy against a hundred, and cannot insist on crowd tactics. Of course, there must be the most powerful cannon of the ancient sailing ship. This is another serious test of the strength of the wooden ship. Don’t forget the recoil!

There is also a barrel, a cannon that explodes when used is better than none!

The well-preserved cannons are now in museums. They are used for exhibitions. They are not carefully maintained for war. Now they can be lifted out to see the structural imitation. But the serious problem facing the Academy of Sciences in City B is the material of the gun barrel. I don’t know why, but iron ore in China contains a lot of sulfur. At first, they caused alchemy furnaces to explode, and the ancients discovered gunpowder. Either find better iron ore, or improve smelting conditions. It is too extravagant to burn firewood, and the coal has a higher sulfur content... So the problem of shipbuilding has taken a turn for the worse, and finally turned into the need to invent a smelting furnace.

Experts who know too much think too much and put too many problems before them.

And Li Shao is so stupid and bold, he just rolls up his sleeves, let Xu Qishen float on the wooden plank when the ship is scrapped, it's not like he hasn't floated before, he's been through the most miserable time, so he cares about it? In life, even the food is cooked, because An Li is there.

Just like now, Li Shao is lying on the deck with his legs crossed, his upper body relaxed, humming a little tune.

Although there is no beer, no cigarettes, no World of Warcraft, no cs, no A resources, and girls all over the street, but I live a comfortable and worry-free life. Looking at An Li can make my eyes look good. Look, do something to sell across the Taiwan Strait. When you encounter a boat that doesn't look good, you go up to snatch it, or when you are robbed, you will eat it. If you go to any place, there will be women who want to trade their bodies for food. The three of them wandered freely among the islands in the East China Sea far away from China, and the boat was getting better and bigger.

In the end, the sailboat with two words painted on black with white paint became famous.

Those two words are "good afternoon".

In fact, when I wrote it, there were three characters, "Woman's afternoon", which was half a character separated from the three surnames. As a result... this made Li Shao very sly, and felt that he and Sister An were a match made in heaven. The reorganization is so auspicious. The most interesting thing is that the remaining radical reorganization can become a "Song". Li Shao is a petty citizen with low vision, and he wants to marry a good wife and mother or a little girl, while An Li is only suitable for being a boss.

The trouble is that the female boss is always in a bad mood for a few days a month, and she doesn't like seeing anything.

Like today.

Li Shao dodged An Li disheartenedly, lying on the deck humming, when he turned his head and saw the snow-white waves turned up by the waves, he suddenly felt something was wrong:

"Old Xu, do you feel particularly quiet recently?"

"Which aspect?" Xu Qishen was shaving his beard, which was a rare good thing, a manual razor he just grabbed yesterday.

"Don't you think you haven't seen a sea monster in three months?"

Especially the one that looks like a black cloak.

Devil fish love to jump. They compete with fish schools for plankton to eat near the fishing grounds. As a result, fish schools move away and the catch drops sharply. Sometimes its huge figure can be seen appearing on the sea level from a distance. If you can’t see it, you can still say you always miss it, but the fishing grounds near Jeju Island have recently seen a large increase in fish, and it is obvious that the sea monsters that are grabbing food are not there.

"Didn't you notice that the sea monster hasn't spoken for three months?" Xu Qishen was referring to his global roaming.


I have endured a year of suffering, always being woken up at any time, and suddenly recalled, it seems that on a certain day near the New Year, they all disappeared. So many sea monsters, are they all dead

—No, they are trying to invent sign language, oh no, because some sea monsters have bad eyesight, and the body of the sea monster is too big, it can be said that they are inventing poke language == how to poke is a meaning, because the sunfish refuses to change Swimming posture to communicate smoothly, their small-scale infrasound communication, and try to choose places without ships in the vast ocean.

[There seems to be fewer ships at sea recently.]

Cough, sea monsters, do you really have no common language with humans

[Yes, I also want to taste the taste of bananas.]

As soon as Keto said this, he was immediately poked by the sea monsters together with the squid.

Black smoke billowed from the island, and the aroma of grilled fish permeated the surroundings. Xia Yi was walking barefoot on the beach. He felt that if he didn't practice, he might not be able to walk in the future.

Look, without the buoyancy of sea water, the sense of balance became so poor that I sprained my feet three times.

The siren was lying on the beach, the sand was very hot, he found that this kind of small island was not bad, and wanted to go back to the sea and jump forward casually. No one, not even a mouse, was to be found, only the rising waves and the gorgeous coral reefs surrounding the island.

[Human beings are so strange, they like to eat cooked things.]

Xia Yi actually wanted to refute what Kraken said.

But in the water temperature of 400 degrees in the Cayman Trench, those white shrimps are still alive, can they be considered "cooked"

He didn't notice the sirens staring into the distance.

The subtle and distant singing voice sang repeatedly, and the sea was empty, and within the range that the singing voice could transmit, there was no trace of the boat. Well, that's right, it's Major Charles' ship.

Mermaids have a long lifespan, they are patient enough to let go of their prey, and then appear silently in the ecstasy of escaping from the other party... The memory of creatures in nature is nothing more than appearance, smell, etc. Unfortunately, mermaids can remember the closest The distance to touch the frightening thought wave of human beings is the taste of food.

Major Charles is having nightmares, and he has had nightmares every night since he met the mermaid.

No matter what the beginning of the dream, it must be that he fell into the water in the end, and then stretched out a pair of white and slender hands from the water, with webbed fingers, fish fins on the wrist, and an eye dripping with blood on the palm.

His own eyes!

Then Charles woke up in a cold sweat.

He is a supernatural being who can hear infrasound waves. As long as he is dreaming, the singing will appear like a ghost. So he had nightmares over and over again, which made him haggard and dry. In fact, it is very easy not to have nightmares, as long as he is not trapped in a dark mood, he will not be able to hear any singing. However, if the siren feels that "the food has finally changed its taste", it will lose patience with its prey and come directly to kill Char. Mermaids believe that when they appear in front of their prey, the food will have the most alluring taste.

This has been the habit of mermaids for thousands of years.

Everyone who saw the mermaid died. There are no exceptions, and there are exceptions that were deliberately released by the mermaid. The ocean is vast, and if it is not on the main waterway, it is normal not to see a single person for ten years. It is often interesting to let those who are not overwhelmed by fear escape back. Like a boatload of people trying to catch a mermaid...

That's more delicacies, and many mermaids just find people who are much better than sailors, such as nobles, knights... Of course, these occupations are the same for mermaids.

The siren was wondering if he had scared his prey too hard.

Why did every mermaid in my memory use a good method, but when he came to him, that person was so scared that he refused to bring the whole boat with him? If you are not afraid, why can you hear singing again. It's too unreasonable. If you were so courageous, you should have fainted from fright.

In fact, Char is also jumping.

The news that sea monsters would attack the beach spread smoothly, and the panic it brought seemed to be greater than imagined, but people everywhere fished with trepidation, and drove back if something went wrong, and no one came out to howl Let’s get rid of sea monsters with one voice—only Americans like silly heroes, and only American movies believe that aliens, zombies and monsters are not opponents of human beings, they will definitely be wiped out, and they will definitely meet hot and sexy Beauty, these kinds of movies end with a kiss scene.

"No news yet?"

"Someone saw a sea monster near the Coral Sea the day before yesterday..."

The Kraken jumps high and can be spotted from afar.

"and then?"

"The fishermen ran away, and the entire island moved further north on the Great Barrier Reef."

"Shit!" Charl's face was contorted.

People who only want to survive in the last days have no courage to fight against sea monsters, and only villains like Charles, who can't bear this kind of life destruction and lose a good place of wealth, will be unbearable and violent.

In fact, there are not many such people in the Great Barrier Reef.

After killing the islanders who fled in a hurry, a group of people gathered to discuss ideas, but they did not want to go to sea angrily like Charle, but instead migrated to the depths of the island. The sea monster is so huge, can it climb a few hundred meters ashore? Leave when it can't eat.

The saddest life is that you don't even have teammates like pigs!

Charle was so worried that he drank almost all the wine he found during the massacre of an island that day, and immediately became drunk. All intellectual and thinking activities were paralyzed by alcohol, and he snored like thunder. He didn't hear singing, and he didn't have nightmares.

So under the moonlight, the siren who was lying beside Xia Yi on the beach suddenly looked up.

—Has the prey finally let down its guard? gd1806102