Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 154: Lucky hit


Xia Yi has inexplicably complicated feelings about the Great Barrier Reef. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

Even though I have been to so many places, even the sunny Caribbean is not as beautiful as the Great Barrier Reef. It is said that only the Maldives in the Indian Ocean can compare with it.

But the fierceness of the tiger sharks swimming on and around the top of the coral reef, and the fact that the water is too shallow and transparent, are not suitable for hiding or even for sea monsters to stay there. In the end, the group of people who were killed by sharks attracted by the sirens... Let Xia Yi wake up completely, this is the end of the world, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, in the eyes of others, it is just a place with rich material resources worth fighting for.

It turned out to be difficult to find a place away from the crowds.

For places like Antarctica and the Westerly Belt, forget it.

But already in the Coral Sea, Anuta Island is really a beautiful place, so don't bring so many sea monsters to scare them. The sea monsters like to ask Kraken about Lingling recently, and Gululu is clamoring to go see it too. Their lives are so peaceful that there is almost nothing worthy of special caution.

With Xia Yi's personality, she would often be in a daze for a long time without noticing that Kraken sneaked away to play. Then the king crab crawled away, and finally only the sunfish fell asleep beside Xia Yi.

The moonlight is very good, but staring at it is easy to think of home, and think of the city that is not warm but has lived for a long time.

On summer nights, the stars are always particularly bright. The sea was quietly undulating slowly, and suddenly a dolphin jumped out. The moonlight sprinkled its body with a layer of soft silver light, and the water droplets were far away. This energetic little guy seemed to pass through the middle of the full moon. plunged into the sea.

Many small boats floating near the island approached the place where the dolphin fell.

This is the same reason that seagulls follow dolphins for food. The range of dolphins' activities is obviously rich in fish.

But this time—

The penetrating moonlight shone on the sea, showing a large shadow, which made people happy, and the large number of fish gathered made them no longer have to worry about food shortages in the coming week. So he couldn't wait to cast the net out and poke the harpoon down.

The sea water surged, and it was raised by nearly half a meter in an instant. The water level suddenly exceeded the ship's side and poured in backwards.

Panicked people tried to bail out the water and turned the bow of the boat.

But their boats are small, and some of them can only be called sampans, which are flat, big planks that rely purely on excellent balance. With good skills, following the sea water surges is like stepping on a surfboard. His legs were bent, and his whole body was tense, staring at the sea.

Unless a pod of dolphins is chasing a school of fish at the bottom, this could mean that a very large sea creature is coming up, say, a whale.

The dark shadow became more and more obvious, and everyone was sure of this guess.

They controlled the boat one after another and quickly moved to the two sides to avoid it.

Whales are very docile creatures and will not take the initiative to attack humans. However, with their huge size and huge fish tail, just a light flap is enough to tear the boat apart.

Under the bright moonlight, the first thing to emerge from the water is the smooth and slightly raised pitch-black back.

But the back of this whale is too big, and the place where the eyes touch is all black. Because of the inclination of a sampan, it slipped into the sea like a skateboard, and the people on the sampan fell into the sea. He was a very experienced fisherman, still holding the harpoon in his hand, he took a deep breath the moment he fell into the sea, then he opened his eyes soberly to distinguish the direction of the sea surface by the moonlight, and kicked his legs to prepare to float up.

But just looking at it like this made him suddenly open his mouth wide, and all the breath he was holding in burst out, almost choking seawater into his trachea.

A red monster that looked like a crab was struggling to lift up half of its body, and stretched out its pincers to the surface of the sea ferociously!

"Help - sea monster!!"

It has been rumored a thousand times, but it will never be as shocking as seeing it with one's own eyes, especially after this cry, the black lacquered back bulging out of the sea suddenly opened, and it jumped high with a large amount of sea water. The same movements as that dolphin, even the angle of turning the body is the same, the water drops scrambling to roll down, but there is no taste of beauty and tranquility, this guy spreads his pectoral fins, completely covering the full moon and starlight, the entire sea surface They all suddenly plunged into darkness.

There is no need to explain, everyone screamed and howled desperately, and some even fell back straight and fainted on the boat.

The stingray's body is so large that the frightening spectacle was clearly visible close to the beach. No one ridiculed the previous rumors anymore, and no one believed that sea monsters would not attack land anymore.

"There's another one in the sea!"

This cry is the scriptures for completely defeating everyone who is on the verge of falling.

On a hillside close to the coast, there was a group of strangely dressed people, carrying wooden javelins barefoot, standing in a row silently. At the front was a very old man who couldn't even stand for a long time and could only sit. on wet ground.

Paul, who had narrowly escaped death, leaned to one side very weakly, obviously being held by several people.

But he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. As a resident of another island, he is very clear about the voice of the elders in a tribe, especially such a group of people whose belief life has not been fully exaggerated by civilization. After the end of the world, they have not collapsed The root cause of the turmoil is that the elders who already had a high status in the clan possessed incomparably powerful abilities.

Their territory is on the other side of the island where the soil is fertile, and this hillside can protect their tribe from hurricanes. Just like Anuta Island, because of the simple life, it was not seriously affected. However, the location of the island is not remote enough. With the rumors, and the massacres of Major Charles from the east, Southeast Asians from the north, and Australian desperadoes from the west, more and more survivors had to deviate from the waterway and search for the island. Smaller islands survive temporarily.

But they dare not set foot on the east side of the island, a tribe that is strict and does not welcome outsiders.

It was pure luck that Paul was pushed ashore by the little dolphin.

Strict and conservative tribes do not mean that they are completely isolated from the outside world. This place used to be the place where the Age of Discovery passed, but there are no mineral deposits, spices and gems. It is too small to be conspicuous, so it was let go by the invaders. However, like other island countries in the waterway, there are always some people who understand Spanish, French, Portuguese and English.

"Compared with sea monsters, those villains who slaughtered my hometown deserve to die!" Paul said through gritted teeth. He was staring at the huge and hideous figure of the devil fish on the sea, no longer with a dazed and horrified expression.

The old man whose face was full of various deep valleys did not speak, but squinted his eyes and stared at the stingray, watching it jump up and fall again, and found the little dolphin under its huge shadow. So he slowly said in French with a strange accent:

"It doesn't eat people."

The manta ray with the title of devil fish is not a rare species, at best it is a bit scary.

They eat plankton, and their hobby is to play pranks on humans, but they must not be angered. Most of the devil fish are huge, and they can break wooden boats with a single blow.

People who have lived by the sea for generations know the habits of marine life best, the horror rumors about sea monsters, and the conversations with sea monsters. This old man knows it all. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he feels that Kraken is nothing like that little dolphin. different. A sea monster is nothing more than a gigantic creature, neither bloodthirsty nor insane.

— Raiding on land because there is no food to eat? Don't be kidding, manta rays only swallow sea water and eat plankton like blue whales. What can they find when they come ashore? It would be better to say that sea monsters are more deterrent if they want to flood the island with sea water.

"I just mind, the Oriental you mentioned..." The old man frowned deeply, staring at the sea.

What is hidden under the sea is invisible to man.

Paul's face finally turned pale.

Apparently there really was a person who manipulated or lived with sea monsters.

"Is it Xia Yi?"

This old tribal elder didn't need to work hard at all to pick out this special case from a bunch of sea monster names he had heard before. There is no way, who made the names of other sea monsters all be given by humans, from legends, the level of names given by the sea monsters themselves is more obvious. A name like Gululu is the logical IQ of sea monsters, and Xia Yi... Only humans can have a safe name.

And there is no doubt that it is a person with water abilities.

The old man was helped up, and every time he took a step, the grass and trees that had been trampled down quickly grew back, like a trace. As a supernatural being, Paul still feels dazzled every time he sees it, and even can't help but think that the supernatural power is so strong that it is almost the same in the eyes of ordinary people.

This old man supported the food consumption of a tribe by virtue of his abilities.

"If the outsiders cannot be driven away, we must leave the hometown where we have lived for generations!"

The old man looked grim. The ability to speed up time was used to grow crops. Of course it was very useful, but the depletion of nutrients in the soil was still the same. This kind of excessive demand, soon the entire island would no longer be able to find enough fertile soil. And a large number of people who fled to catch fish gathered on the beach. This kind of unplanned fishing will eventually lead to fewer and fewer fish.

"Now that they see sea monsters, they will feel that humans are actually easier to deal with."

A closed tribe doesn't mean rigid thinking. This old man is very wise and immediately said:

"Let the people who fled to the east of the island stay together on this hillside, and don't want them to conflict. Paul, I hope you can persuade them... Of course, this is also revenge for your relatives and friends. The people who fled here yesterday have told me, then Another massacre by butchers on an island near Vanuatu."

It is only a three-day voyage away from here. People who have no food and no courage to fight the sea monster will quickly flee this place after the sea monster leaves. The problem is where to let them go.

"Many people are not lacking courage, but lacking a dilemma from which there is nowhere to retreat."

Is it more difficult to fight against a group of Americans who can't fly warships and missile planes than to deal with sea monsters

On the beach, a group of people were running around and crawling. An extremely huge crab slowly climbed up the shore. ferocious.

Its appearance crushed the last sutra of many people.

This time, Paul discovered on the hillside that the sea monsters are obviously a group of very intelligent guys, just like this crab, slowly crawling forward on the beach, and even if there are humans who panic and fall in front of it, it also Instead of stepping on it, it moved slightly to the side. It covered it sideways as if nothing had happened, its sharp claws dug into the sand, its belly was not clinging to the ground, but suspended in the air like a spider, when it crawled over, a curled up person shook in place like sifting chaff.

The giant pincers picked up a sampan, stood it up and shook it, and a fishing net fell to cover its back.

It picks up again and throws it away.

Paul suddenly discovered that it came to the shore to find things, or it was similar to those robbers who robbed houses. Amidst the screams, they kept rummaging for things with their claws or pincers. The people screamed like crazy, and ran out of the hiding place with all their hands and feet. They thought the crabs were looking for the hiding people to feast on.

Not at all, well, if the sea monster wants to eat it, the beach will be full of people!

Finally, when people ran to a place they thought was safe and turned back panting heavily, they only saw the big crab slowly crawling back into the sea, so they automatically imagined that they gnawed and devoured several people, and they were so frightened that they couldn't stand still. Only Paul, who has witnessed the whole process, can tell you with twitching corners of his mouth—the crab’s big pincers lifted up a large water tank, and the small pincers grabbed a long harpoon, and went back to the sea contentedly.

[Look, this sound is awesome!]

When Xia Yi was about to go to sleep, she saw the sea monster looking for food came back, and a certain crab excitedly hit the water tank with a harpoon.

Well, it is indeed an upgraded version of the bowl and fork!

[Where did it come from?]The siren picked up a sea urchin full of spikes and tried to peel it off.

[Go to the shore to pick it up!]

[…] It was stolen. gd1806102