Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 156: Doom - 2


Shocked by the infrasound, the old man who was supported by several people suddenly opened his eyes. Search: \(????) Watch fine literature for free

He raised his hand in surprise, as far as his eyes could see were lush purple seaweeds, like a ferocious devil, wantonly wrapped around many boats, many people jumped in the sea, climbed up the vines and climbed up again , let out a beast-like roar, and continued to rush forward to fight regardless of the blood on his body.

But there are also unlucky people who fell into the sea, their hands and feet are entangled in seaweed, struggling helplessly. But even if someone passed by them, they didn't notice their danger at all, and some even stepped on their bodies, so these unlucky people soon became corpses floating in the sea.

What's wrong

The old man couldn't help trembling, and the wrinkles on his face were all distorted. He clearly remembered everything that happened. Everyone was bravely preparing to fight those butchers, but why did they lose control like this? Looking at the pair of blood-red eyes and crazy expression, the weapon slashed down fiercely, as if what was flying was not flesh and blood, and continued to charge forward without seeing it.

Even the army has never been trained in the use of cold weapons. When it comes to killing people, no matter how fast the knife is, it will be caught by the bones of the human body. Not to mention sex, it is difficult to kill the opponent simply and neatly.

The sea water was already stained red with blood, and there were endless screams. More than half of the people tried their best to hack each other to death with their knives.

The old man was shocked. Even the bravest members of his tribe would not be able to persist in such a tragic situation. People with a little sense would be afraid, but the situation in front of them was that those white people who could only scream when they saw a mouse The skin woman also stepped on a dead body and bit an American. She tried to grab the other's neck with both hands, but because of insufficient strength, her wrist was broken and dislocated. She smiled miserably as if she couldn't feel the pain, and bit the man's throat The meat was pulled desperately.

This woman escaped. It is said that her daughter and sister did not escape, and fell into the hands of these Americans on a certain island... Three days later, the tide floated the mutilated body of the victim. Certain hatreds may be deeply buried because of their low abilities, and when they erupt with crazy bloodthirsty emotions, anyone has the ability to incarnate as a devil.

As an old man who is not young and has seen through many things, although he hates those butchers and the supernatural beings who scramble for the island, it has not yet reached the point of madness that corrupts the soul. And he himself is a supernatural being with strong attributes and abilities, and he can distinguish infrasound waves far more than others.

The moment when Siren and Xia Yi were talking was enough for him to wake up.

"Get on board!"

The old man looked stern, and he also heard the indistinct singing. Just listening with curiosity makes my heart beat faster and restless. Not to mention those who are driven by hatred and fear for the unknown fate.

——The mermaid's singing is the most terrifying catalyst, capable of amplifying certain emotions infinitely.

As long as you don't have the thought of killing, you will be able to calm down soon.

The old man felt that his previous actions were too reckless. He was actually influenced to jump into the deep water regardless of his age, and let the seaweed form such a hideous net. Although it would not use up his abilities, he had to support the plant... at this age Diving is really a test. I almost didn't straighten my back, and I didn't climb into the boat for a long time, and the tribesmen around me seemed to have never heard of it and only focused on fighting.

Char on the big ship was also precariously leaning on the mast.

All he breathed was the fishy smell of the sea breeze, as well as the strong smell of blood.

Char finally believed in the mermaid, no, what kind of terrifying monster is the siren, who has the ability to make it rain continuously in a place, and can also lure people crazy with singing. It is estimated that when all the people here are dead, the sea monster with a beautiful appearance will swim in the blood-soaked sea water, reach out and take his other eye!


Nalin screamed and tried to struggle again before Charle's eyes.

He knew that Na Lin must have died, but he didn't know how she died in the end, shed all blood? still is…

Chargen didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Westerners generally admire soldiers with a strong character, or a tough attitude, and Charles has always been like this, but what he shows is not tough but domineering, not decisive but vicious. In times of crisis, let alone massacre civilians, so what if you abandon your compatriots and subordinates!

Char brutally swept out an open space with the wind blade, and then jumped into the sea on the boat.

He's going to swim to shore! He is convinced that only land is the safest now! Because he has been targeted by the devil!

His plan was good, but the water near the boat was already full of seaweed, and he was almost entangled to death by stumbling, let alone escaped. Charles was struggling, and suddenly saw an old man lying on the side of the boat, acting strangely. stared at him.

How dazzling it is in such a place full of lunatics.

Charl caught a glimpse of the old man's tanned skin covered with grease, a big skeleton and not a shriveled little old man, with strange paint patterns drawn between his brows and eyes, which had been messed up due to being wet with water. But there is still a necklace made of a large string of animal bones and whale shark teeth around his neck. Such an old man often has a particularly noble status in the tribe.

He rushed over violently, strangled the old man's neck tightly, and growled:

"Make them stop!"

"...what you can't do, I can't either."

The word stop is simple, and the tribal elders can understand it, but the New Caledonian common French with strange accents and grammatical errors... Chaergen couldn't understand it, he choked it fiercely, the old man began to struggle, Also firmly pressed Charl's arm.

At first this action did not arouse Charle's vigilance at all.

He even felt his body lighten up, and the hangover headache suddenly disappeared, as if he had a good night's sleep and was so comfortable that he almost stretched his waist, but soon he saw his nails began to grow rapidly, his eyes were blurry, and his heart was beating extremely fast Intense, there was a dull pain that couldn't be said to be wrong but something was wrong, and there was a buzzing in the ears.

Even his strength seemed to be taken away by someone, and Char suddenly fell into the sea.

He wanted to float up, and his limbs started to twitch. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and unexpectedly lost a lot of hair, and these hairs were so long, like deformed and bent nails, they grew rapidly and then broke off. Char yelled in horror. At that moment, he thought that Na Lin's ghost must have come back to take revenge, and he hated himself for not saving her!

"No! You are too stupid! You stimulated the sea monster with your supernatural power!"

Char waved his arms incoherently, lying in a pile of seaweed like a prostration, and because of his weight, he sank slowly. However, his limbs began to cramp and he couldn't float up. He just watched the sea water gradually overflowing his chest, neck, mouth and nose. He also tried to hold his breath, watching in despair as the bright light disappeared from his eyes and was replaced by a hazy and full of bubbles. Bloody sea water.

The seawater is full of floating corpses, as well as thick seaweed rhizomes.

It can't be any closer than this, the water level has just reached Char's forehead, but he can't float up, he can only wait for the waves to take him out, and take a breath, but this kind of luck didn't last After a while, he sank lower and lower, and soon even if the waves were agitated, only his hair was exposed to the surface of the sea.

At this time, some red-eyed guy stomped on his head after beating him indiscriminately.

Charles almost cursed, but the water was filled with sea water, and he sank completely into the sea, no, just like a tuna hanging from a fishing net, the end is to maintain an upside-down posture and slowly die


Not far away, the sea monsters stared blankly at the lush seaweed.

Kraken swallowed two big mouthfuls of seawater one after another, which smelled of blood. It didn't care about these, but there was no plankton in the seawater! ! Except in the middle of the barren South Pacific Ocean, with thermocline intervals on the sea surface, other places are unimaginable, only it is not rich and delicious, and there is nothing!

What's more, this is near the island, there were obviously some just now!


Now no matter how Uribia poked it, Kraken still burst into tears with great sadness!

Nothing to eat! There was nothing to eat! !

Ke Tuo was struggling to bury his head under the seaweed, wondering at the same time. No, such exuberant seaweed can only be found off the coast of New Zealand, and it is so dense, the rhizomes should be covered with shells, and there are many small fish and shrimp hidden in the gaps between the thick leaves. Why not? Couldn't find anything to eat.

The oarfish with poor eyesight was not found at all, and the seaweed grew out of nowhere.

When it gradually spread, Uribia opened his eyes wide and poked Gululu desperately. After poking for a long time without any response, he remembered that the king crab carapace could not feel it. So it poked the sunfish next to it, but there was still no response. When it's time to poke the Kraken—

[Uribia, you made Kraken cry!]


The old man, who was lying on the boat and panting desperately, suddenly became alert and stared at the distant sea.

It's the voice of a sea monster! Are they nearby

The king crab cut off a piece of seaweed with its pincers, put it in its mouth to chew a few mouthfuls, and then spit it out. This is the worst seaweed it has ever eaten! ! Well, it doesn't even eat this stuff, it's Tao Masi who loves to eat this!

The sirens also stared at the abnormally growing seaweed, because it suddenly spread and grew wildly, almost consuming all the nutrients and oxygen in the nearby seawater, causing countless fish and shrimp to die. Sea monsters come from a long distance, and there are many I am used to living in the deep sea, and there is no adverse reaction.

Through the water layer, Xia Yi looked at the faint red color of the distant sea water gradually spreading.

In the pre-apocalyptic era, everyone was numb by newspapers and public opinion that the excessive war in the Middle East had not been quelled for decades. There is also the African tribal war that is not often mentioned. Everyone knows that the smell of blood and fire has never really dissipated. In some places, dead bodies are everywhere. But no one cares much about these things, and that can't be changed.

The same is true for Xia Yi, no matter what the fight is about - in view of the diversity of human contradictions, even racial discrimination, let alone religion - he is not interested in taking a second look.

The siren's attitude is very strange, saying that human wars are interesting...

That's right, most of the current wars take place on land. The Gulf War is the Persian Gulf, which has to enter from the Arabian Sea, where the most prosperous oil transit is, and it is impossible for sea monsters to go there.

Even if it can't be contaminated, Xia Yi can't turn a blind eye to the strangely colored sea water.

[Let's go.]

At this time, the Siren just noticed that Charl's emotions were full of panic and despair.

The ultimate delicacy is only when you are on the verge of death...

After all, his target wasn't those who were madly fighting. His singing voice turned soft and ethereal, but finally stagnated. When Charl was gradually illusory contact with death, he was suddenly awakened by the pain in his stomach.

Char's eyes widened in horror, realizing where he was, he struggled suddenly in fear, and this time his numb and weak limbs were freed from convulsions. He floated to the surface of the sea, but he only took a breath of air, because His stomach swelled from drowning, causing him to fall back into death in an instant.

He stretched out his hand and tried to shout, but in the end he saw the people who were fighting frantically stopped gradually, and everyone was a little dazed and dazed.

"Take off the boat! Set it on fire!"

The old man noticed the change and decisively gave the correct order.

This made the war final because there was no effective command over there. But none of these were seen by Char, who sank in the sea like all the corpses.

No matter how powerful the supernatural being is, death is nothing more than that.

Char didn't understand until his death why he suddenly lacked strength and couldn't even use his abilities.

Time abilities, in fact, are not counted at all, because only the time that flows forward is accelerated. This is the effect, in fact, it just speeds up the process of cell division, and it is only effective for living things. It can neither weather a piece of furniture, nor soak your hands in wine to make it ten years old. In the process of crazy division and growth, the oxygen and nutrients consumed are still the same. A creature whose metabolism has been forcibly accelerated, the lower it is, the more harmless it is, and the human body has many organs, and there are not enough nutrients for cells to accelerate division many times. The time ability can initially make the wound heal and the negative state disappears. After it is excessive, it is extremely terrifying Yes, it will speed up the process of cell division at the cost of consuming all the expendable parts of the body... In the end, the person does not die completely because the cells have exhausted the ability to divide, but the person is so skinny that the organs fail and die directly. No matter how active the cells are, they cannot be saved. Cells are in a cycle of instant death and rebirth.

Even if Char didn't die, he was no different from a dying person who had been sick for more than ten years.

This is the truly terrifying ability, as long as it is touched—

When the tribal elder was helped onto the boat, he was out of breath. When he saw the calm sea, he knew that the sea monsters might be hiding not far away, but he didn't want to go and make enemies with them at all.

There are many sea monsters, but he is only one.

No matter how old they are, no one likes to make fun of their own lives.

The author has something to say: Now I know why the time-powered user is set to be such an old man, but it must not be Zhou Liang or Charles... gd1806102