Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 160: big crisis


The sea breeze rolled up the dirty sail, and there were traces of white paint looming under the bulging sail. The black sail, in the past, was a symbol of pirates. Search: \(????) Watch fine literature for free

At the beginning of the famous movie Pirates of the Caribbean, a girl’s voice is singing pirate songs repeatedly. Sometimes there will be diffuse water vapor on the sea. With this layer of fog, it is difficult to see what is in the distance.

Whenever a black silhouette appeared in the fog ahead, the people on the boat would be particularly nervous.

"Where's the map!" Li Shao yelled again.

"Come on, was the nautical chart you changed back last time? That's the review material for college entrance examination!" An Li kicked Li Shao fiercely, and spread out a sheet cut from leather on the side of the wobbly boat. Then use the eyebrow pencil to roughly draw a few arcs, which are the outlines of the mainland and islands. This half of the eyebrow pencil is also exchanged from those who are in urgent need of food.

But the sea is too humid, even if you don't soak in the water, the map drawn by the eyebrow pencil will soon fade, rendering a mass of dark things. The best map is hidden in everyone's memory.

Those at the helm and those running around on the deck were all young ordinary people. They yelled and tried their best to lower the sails. The fog was still very heavy, and the sea breeze couldn't blow them away. The thing is, no one can be sure if they have lost their way. Xu Qishen didn't dare to use his abilities rashly, fearing that the boat wouldn't be able to stand it before the fog cleared.

"Damn it, I said I couldn't take this route."

Li Shao began to regret, "I made a lot of money and cheated those Japanese people to death. They are doing well. There is really no need to go to the Philippines! When we drifted from the Thalassa, it was near here. I said the South China Sea." There must be a problem! There seems to be some kind of South Sea Return to the Ruins!"

"You've seen too many ghost blowing lights!" Xu Qishen's current state is rather horrified. The spectacle frame he found again has no legs, so he wrapped it with wind power and floated in front of his face. Li Shao was terrified when he saw it for the first time Call.

"Guixu is an invincible hole in Chinese. Sea water flows into it endlessly. I remember the legend is in the East China Sea."

"Don't talk about it, Donghai doesn't have such a thing..."

"The outskirts of the East China Sea are the Ryukyu Islands, and outside there is the Sun Trench. Below this trench is the Mariana Trench." Xu Qishen turned over the map that Li Shao had brought over as if by magic, plausibly saying, "The lowest point on the earth is the Guixu should be very suitable."

"You are enough, we are clearly in the South China Sea!" Li Shao jumped.

The crew all stared at the dark shadow in the fog ahead, and all the tension was gone. They wanted to express helplessly that the danger was at the bow of the ship, and it was about to be encountered! Can we seriously discuss this matter first!

An Li rolled all the things into a bag, then glanced at it: "Have you seen the extreme cold?"

Where does that bloody man-eating monster live? South China Sea!

—Wait, stop discussing!

"Don't worry, we have no food on board, sea monsters won't... My God!" Li Shao's voice suddenly went out of tune, and the black shadow behind the mist grew bigger and bigger, which was also the main reason why the crew began to tremble, but when it When his true face was revealed, even An Li took a breath.

A huge and luxurious cruise ship, once a city on the sea.

Lady Thalassa!

The once white main body of the cruise ship is mottled, with deep and shallow marks from hitting the reef everywhere, and the carved metal railings on the edges of several decks have also fallen or deformed. The whole boat was shrouded in a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, drifting slowly.

"Turn the rudder!" Enri shouted.

Their wooden boat was only three or four meters above the waterline, and when it was hit head-on by a large cruise ship, they had no choice but to continue drifting.

Turning the rudder at too close a distance requires superb skills. Although these crew members do not have it, but with Li Shao's supernatural ability, the ship has been driving extremely briskly on the sea, and it is relatively easy to change direction.

Looking at the cruise ship slowly passing by in a cold sweat, Li Shao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

A year ago, he was on the beach in Sanya, staring at this luxury cruise ship from a distance, excitedly preparing to embark on a luxury trip, and experience what is called high society. A glass of milk costs 100 yuan, food is all transported by air, and casinos are opened day and night after arriving on the high seas. There is a floor full of high-end clothing, bags, shoes and perfume. Li Shao has only been there twice, once to count a few zeros outside the window, and once when he got up in the hot morning, the deck was full of dead bodies, and the shop was empty and there was no one there.

An Li and Xu Qishen also stared at the huge hull of the cruise ship.

They definitely felt more than Li Shao, especially Xu Qishen, he was not as young as Li Shao, he was thirty-eight years old this year. But in the business circle, he is definitely young and promising. He is the business manager of a subsidiary of a multinational company. The annual salary is also a level that many people envy. It was not the first time he was on the Thalassa Woman before the accident, and he had more memories of this cruise ship.

The glass of the viewing room and coffee shop above was broken, like a row of black holes. A certain deck is supported by white umbrellas, and there are not many fixed round tables left. The sea city that was once brightly lit now looks very intrusive. It's revealed in the mist, definitely a ghost ship vibe.

"Hey, just a..."

The helmsman who didn't know the origin of the ship smiled, but his voice turned into a scream halfway through.

On the fifth floor of the cruise ship, there is a tempered glass near the inside, but there are a few cracks, but a face is tightly attached to the glass, no, it is a half-decomposed skeleton, with some hair hanging down near the skull , with a gleaming gold tooth in his mouth, the crew is attracted by the reflection.

"Oh! I knew that this kind of boat floating on the sea is all ghosts, and many people died on it before escaping!"

The crew complained, hoping that Li Shao and Xu Qishen could control their boats away as soon as possible.

There is nothing wrong with calling these drifting ships ghost ships now, because the corpses are rotting, so those who go up without any precautions will definitely be infected with some terrible diseases. It is safest to wait until another five years, when all of them are reduced to bones, or the ship sinks. Viruses are alive and will die.

Everyone was holding their breath, only An Li asked coldly:

"Why is it floating towards us?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned pale and blue.

Obviously their wooden boat is drifting with the wind!

"An... Sister An, maybe it's an undercurrent, some places below the sea surface..." Li Shao tried his best to resist the urge to tremble. In fact, what he said was not unreasonable. There is no doubt that the tonnage of the Lhasa Lady is there. In the ocean, sometimes the surface ocean current is in one direction, and the bottom layer will change direction when it encounters complex terrain such as sea ridges, or there will be compensatory currents at the junction of different sea areas because of the different salinity of the sea water. It seems that In a famous battle, a certain country's submarine passed the enemy's surveillance sonar smoothly by extinguishing its engine.

but! No matter how deep the draft of the cruise ship is, it cannot be affected by the compensation flow!

That's hundreds of meters.

"Turn the rudder to the left and raise the sails!!" Li Shao's voice was out of tune, and he even scrambled to pull back all the people who were close to the side of the boat, as if he was afraid that there was a devil hiding in the sea water, and he couldn't wait to get the boat away from the cruise ship The farther the better!

The disadvantage of a draft that is too shallow is that it is easy to be overturned when a big wave comes. Li Shao's ability alone is obviously not enough. It is necessary to use the wind ability to skillfully blow the sail and suppress the waves ahead.

"My God!"

The farther it is from the cruise ship, the whole silhouette is revealed. In the mist and deep water, a large head that looks similar to a reef, with black and brown stripes all over its body, emerges from the sea surface, and its skin changes from that of sea water. The color shifts to the white and bumpy hull of a cruise ship, almost like a chameleon.

What exposed it was the tentacles-like thing hanging down in front of the head, long and thin, with a bulging ball hanging from the end, which was still glowing, dispelling the mist a little.

Half of its body is lying on the hull, relying on the weight of its body to make the cruise ship float slowly. It is even more terrifying to look at it carefully. There is a huge palm on its abdomen, which looks like the limbs of an amphibian, but there is only one, which slapped the cruise ship hard. , made an obvious "push" movement, then turned his neck to see the wooden boat on this side, and sank again silently.

"Sea, sea monster?"

"No, sea monsters don't have this kind..." Li Shao sat down on the ground and muttered incoherently, "How can such a deformed thing look like an enlarged version of a combination of salamander and anglerfish!"

The wooden boat shook suddenly, An Li clenched on the side of the boat, and sternly shouted:

"It's coming! The target is indeed us!"

"Damn it! No wonder none of the sailors who went to the South China Sea came back. I thought they made a fortune transporting bananas and fruits here!" Li Shao trembled, desperately trying to control the hull of the boat.

"Ouch! What an unpleasant smell!"

"It's on this guy!"

Xu Qishen made a decisive decision and wrapped the ship in a layer of wind, which proved to be the most correct choice. The plague virus on the Thalassa Lady attracted this monster that mutated under the stimulation of nuclear waste and nuclear tests, and it took this place as its home. , although the smell of its body is very bad, it still has no effect on the creatures in the sea area, but after holding on to the ghost ship, the disease was also transmitted to it. For three months, the nearby sea area has become a breeding ground for jellyfish. heaven.

An Li kept smashing the flames down, and the fiery flames excited the strange fish instead.

"Li Shao!"

"Stop shouting, no matter how capable I am, I still can't float this boat in the air, at least I have to get buoyancy in the sea water!" Li Shao was sweating, and he was about to collapse.

It is said that Abiser, who did not find her beloved boat in the West Wind Belt, swam back unhappy.

Big octopuses like the South China Sea. Australia is very convenient to swim to the left, and it is also very close to the Mariana Trench. Nereus loves to visit the North Pole every year, but this time, it growled and became angry.

[Where are the fish? ]

The effect of waking up the world.

[Nereus what did you do? ]

[I... I don't know. ] The Xia jellyfish floating somewhere in the world is innocent.

[My house is full of jellyfish! ]

Asshole! There are also many shipwrecks in this sea area, and it is different from other sea areas. There are many copper and porcelain vases on the boats here, especially those with a size of three meters (Chinese = =), all of which are treasures of Abisse. Go out and have a look. Circle back, there are many small fish, crabs, squids and octopuses in the bottle to fill your stomach.

All are dead now! Those who are not dead are dying!

The blue concentric circles all over Abiser's body became brighter, coupled with the squirming of its body, the blue rings slid and flickered like neon lights, which was a precursor to its runaway. The three rings of sharp teeth in the tentacle sucker are all open, and I will report it before going berserk.


[Didn't see anything but jellyfish? ] The mermaid's sound waves are very different from those of sea monsters.

The supernatural beings all over the world silently listened to the global roaming that hadn’t appeared for a long time, while slandering in their hearts, the siren is a sea monster, tsk tsk, the money is rich, and this sound wave alone is enough to lure the ship to stray—uh, that’s not the point! The point is, why are sea monsters dealing with suspected devastating disasters since the end of the world

After receiving the report from the supernatural team, the B City Research Institute immediately paid attention to the analysis. If Abiser’s home is the Mariana Trench, fish will never be mentioned, and only amoebas are active in the deepest place, okay

[What a bad smell... that's the smell, right! ]

The huge body of the octopus floated up quickly, and followed the breath, and the three of An Li's hearts jumped. Could it be that this is what they were talking about? Five minutes later, a tentacle came out of the water and slammed the strange fish that was still tossing the wooden boat into the sea.

Abiser then tightly entangled the strange fish of its size with its tentacles, and shouted angrily:

[I'll bite you to death!]

The author has something to say: Strange, what about Zhou Liang

Night Breeze: ... gd1806102