Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 164: swirl


More than a year is enough for the survivors to find a way that suits them and survive with difficulty. The recovery and development of the organization and government-controlled areas are orderly. When the capable person pinches, it is essential to see all directions. First of all, they must find the geographical advantage that is conducive to their ability. They have discovered that it is far easier to be a coordinator than a creator for power. Frostbolt needs to first The condensed water is then frozen, although the power is great, but there is one more step. Search: \(????) Watch high-quality literature for free In a life-and-death struggle, attack speed is also the key.

Zhou Liang is very cunning. Unlike other supernatural beings who ruthlessly skip the freezing process, in order to maintain the attack intensity, he directly finds places with water, rather omitting the freezing process. In fact, the current order issued by City B is to require all localities to strictly investigate single men who carry more than three water bottles.

At any time, the megalomaniacs without a brain are the first to die, and Zhou Liang is obviously not in this category. The National Ability Squad caught many bad guys. In the various conflicts of supernatural beings that broke out all over the world, the stupid and careless, and even most of the people who lived alone died. Those supernatural beings who were lucky enough to hide in a place with sufficient food and could not come out for a long time were even more terrifying They found out that what they got was not safety, but a backward understanding of supernatural powers, and they were overthrown by the supernatural beings outside after a face-to-face meeting.

A single supernatural attack is no longer worth looking at, and supernatural beings are now in groups, protecting each other, with both defensive and complementary functions, and the effect of one plus one is greater than two. The same is true for the three of Anli. It is very difficult to live arrogantly and happily these days. They have wanted a water-attribute superhuman for a long time. It is obvious that if they have this substitute, their ship—whether it is a smuggler Or pirates, are invincible. So they have studied the water ability very seriously.

These days, there is no Internet and no media, and there are still gossip, especially among supernatural beings, who even use food to exchange some useful information. Of course, it is like City B Academy of Sciences, which has special issues such as how to deal with people with strong water attribute abilities-the plan is good, the analysis is detailed, and the application effect is good except for Zhou Liang.

It's not that the three of Anli haven't been attacked by people with water abilities, especially at sea. This is a naturally unfavorable environment, but as long as there is a long enough distance, there is nothing to be afraid of! Li Shao was also very frightened. He felt that he cooperated well with Lao Xu. Letting the boat float away quickly did not mean escaping, but hovering around the opponent's boat and attacking. The wooden boats burned one by one.

Unless he encounters a sea monster, Li Shao's confidence is always on display!

But now he opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the vortex that appeared on the sea ahead. It's as if the plug inside the sink has been pulled out, and it can give people a deep study of the clockwise and counterclockwise directions of the northern and southern hemispheres. But this is not normal! Only the center of the typhoon eye is empty!

Everyone stared at the center of the vortex like a big pit, and could clearly see the coral below, but it was washed away by the strong current around it in an instant, leaving only a single piece. According to logic, a monster should appear in this bizarre scene, or a beauty can be imagined, but the deep seabed is exposed, and the surrounding waves are walled up, as if it was poked out by someone, and the inside is empty.

The waves were turbulent, and there was an extremely strange scene. The entire vortex began to rise, and soon it was a lot higher than the sea surface. In the middle of the surf, the strange fish flicked its tail repeatedly and changed directions without rushing out.

Its ferocious and terrifying appearance loomed in the wall-like sea water, making everyone palpitate.

The first person to see Xia Yi was a crew member.

If it wasn't too dangerous to abandon the ship, I believe these people would have chosen to do so long ago. They looked around, desperately trying to find a way to escape safely—Xia Yi floating on the sea was very obvious!

It's clearly not anyone on their boat!

Due to the lack of fresh water on the sailing boat, everyone smells bad, and the skill of shaving on a swaying boat is a bit difficult, and under normal circumstances, blood marks will be scratched with clumsy hands, so it is usually on the shore to clean up and take care of yourself . Including Li Shao and Xu Qishen, this voyage has taken them a long time, they all have knotted beards, and An Li's hair is also badly messed up.

It is absolutely rare for someone like Xia Yi who always looks like he is clean and tidy before the end of the world.

This is a user with water abilities, as can be seen from the transparent water cover that is clearly different from the surrounding sea water around his body. His short black hair floats in the water and is slightly fluffed up, but he is not wearing a shirt, and he wears a frozen hair. The expression stared at the whirlpool.

Anyone who has seen the battle of supernatural powers can see that this is a state of full control of supernatural powers.

Could it be that whirlpool cage


Only then did Li Shao come back from his sluggishness, he screamed in disbelief.

A big red claw suddenly appeared on the sea surface, frightening many people to sit on the deck instantly, but Li Shao saw it very familiarly, it was the big crab that he tried to talk to but failed on the small island after the tsunami. So he wasn't worried about Xia Yi's safety at all.

The body of the king crab is too heavy, and the tonnage weight can make it stay there firmly without being sucked into the vortex by the sea water. Similarly, it can't all float out:

[Sirens! Come and help Xia Yi, it's here! ]

A group of sea monsters guarded the strange fish's lair, and even let the strange fish come back to attack, the anger of the mermaid can be imagined.

Hearing the sea monster call for reinforcements, the expressions of the people on the boat were polarized and complicated, but their rudder was broken, and the boat was obviously controlled by the water ability so they didn't slip into the vortex. Who told them now that they have to deal with the water ability? As long as the distance is widened, the opponent will have nothing to do even at sea, they will definitely kick that guy away!

Just a single vortex can pull Chuansheng back, and then roll it into pieces!

An Li grabbed the excited Li Shao and was about to say something.

Suddenly, I saw a silver light streak across the sea surface, bringing out a sharp water mark.

Supplementing the sea water that was instantly drawn by the vortex cage was replenished by waves from other places, but Xia Yi looked up at the vortex that was already ten meters above the sea surface, and still maintained the state of floating on the sea surface. After all, looking up under the sea water, the waves were violently churning At that time, the sea surface was like dark clouds rolling in the sky, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The silver water mark swept to the bottom of the vortex like a sharp arrow, and quickly rolled up along the turbulent sea water.

The pale silver scales reflected dazzling light in the sunlight.

The water near here is not clear, it is very deep blue. In the walls built by the waves, you can still occasionally see the hideous appearance of strange fish. Of course, the most frightening thing now is the figure of the mermaid.

At the moment of sticking to the water wall and turning along the vortex, the slender fish tail and smooth back are undoubtedly exposed.


Forgive the crew members who are still ordinary people, not even a person with ordinary abilities. The end of the world, sea monsters and even zombies may appear in the concept of normal people! However, mermaids are from fairy tales, right? !

Because of Xia Yi's ability, he can keep his eyes open in the water without feeling uncomfortable, but the ability will not help him automatically filter out the refraction of light. He is a human being, and human beings do not have the ability to distinguish the situation in the fierce sea waves. But no matter how anxious he was, he could only stare at the vortex closely.

The strange fish is very powerful. At first it wanted to swim out along the vortex, but when it found something was wrong, it started to reverse the direction and wanted to rush to the edge of the vortex and slam it out. Xia Yi can only increase the power of the turbulent waves inside the vortex. As the sea water is gradually replenished, the scale of the vortex is getting bigger and bigger.

The siren avoided the attack from the hand on the belly of the monster fish, turned over to the back of the monster fish, spread its five fingers and clasped the black-gray tendon hanging from its head with a lantern. But the effect was not great, but it angered the guy.

The strange fish gave up the movement of rushing out, its body was hanging upside down, and its head was aimed at the siren to bite.

I probably know that the mermaid is extremely fast and flexible, so the part where it bites fiercely is the waist. Even if it dodges, the fish's tail will be injured, and there is never a way to dodge backwards when fighting fiercely in the water. It is absolutely impossible to attack according to inertia. Safety.

The mermaid is a species that dared to fiercely fight against the fierce beasts in the sea long ago without such a beautiful and attractive appearance.

At that time, the earth's environment was different, and the oxygen content was high. Dinosaurs could grow to such a huge size on land, but they were more sturdy in the ocean. Up to now, they are all huge monsters like sea monsters. The mermaids who fight to survive in the ocean and the food they rob are sharks... No matter how powerful the sound waves are, they can't stop the low-intelligence monsters that are hungry and crazy. Sometimes they meet a group, just like the battle between sperm whales and squids. Mermaids are also fierce A delicacy in the eyes of the beast.

The former ocean era has passed, but the inherited memory of the mermaid will never be wrong.

Siren raised his arms as fast as he could, and his body leaned back along the water flow. Finally, the strange fish bit the siren's forearm with one bite. The line flew out extremely quickly.

But, this is the best location!

The siren's fish tail exerted force, and followed the whirlpool to flip over to the top of the strange fish's head.

The tail of the fish touched the root of the hanging lantern-like object, and immediately entangled it tightly. Otherwise, in such a speed of sea current, relying on the bitten arm to fix the body, the bones would be dislocated soon!

There was a sharp tearing pain from the arm, but the bones that could withstand the pressure of deep sea water were very hard. Moreover, although the anglerfish has terrifyingly sharp teeth, even if the teeth are closed, the lips are still impossible to touch together, and the height of the teeth even blocks the eyesight. However, these teeth are very sparse and widely spaced, and they are not neatly arranged as a murder weapon.

When encountering a large prey, it is possible to bite it off in one bite, but the length of the mermaid is not as big as the head of this strange fish.

The tip of the tooth got stuck in the bone of the forearm.

At this time, the strange fish thought it was very proud of controlling the prey, and shook its head with the help of the water flow, trying to shake off the siren, but this bite was not for nothing. It is true that the wrist ligament is also difficult to move after the arm bone is severely injured, but Mermaids have one more joint in their fingers, and the fins on their wrists are not for decoration. In fact, there are extra ligaments connecting muscles under each of the fins on the waist, wrists, and elbows. Mermaids are the first to attack these parts when killing each other. His behavior was certainly not unreasonable.

Now even though the arm is seriously injured and unable to move, the wrist is turned as usual, and the siren's purple pupils are condensed into deep black. With five fingers spread out, they ruthlessly pierced into the upper jaw of the strange fish.

A strange howl sounded immediately.

Gray-black blood flowed out between the teeth, but it was just pain, and the fatal attack was yet to come.

Xia Yi tried his best to identify the situation in the vortex, but the waves blocked most of the situation. When he was anxious, the oarfish with jagged bright red long fins on its back also arrived.

It plunged into the vortex without thinking, and the strange scene was like throwing a drawstring. Circles of silvery white quickly occupied the periphery of the vortex... Well, in the eyes of humans, it is more like a layered shutter.

Behind the rampaging Keto is Abiser.

The huge octopus also plunged into the vortex. At this time, the sea water was continuously replenished, and the battlefield had been expanded enough, followed by Uribia. The advantage of molluscs is that they can get into the lower part of the vortex and then stretch their bodies.

[Uribia, tie it up!]Abiser said that the sharp teeth on the tentacle suckers haven't grown yet.

Xia Yi's face had already turned pale, and cold sweat broke out uncontrollably from his head. Instantly disappeared into the water layer.

Controlling a vortex of such strength was actually not very troublesome for him, but there were more movements of fierce fighting in it, and the force was so great that it seriously affected the regular speed of the vortex and waves.


[It can't move? Then I will pump out all the seawater in the center! Y'all hold still!]

Xia Yi tried to move and expand the vortex cavity, sweating even more, and had no time to pay attention to Li Shao's boat, let alone the expressions of the three of An Li who were so shocked that they couldn't speak, especially the one who claimed to know a lot about supernatural powers Under the premise, seeing such a scene suddenly, and hearing Xia Yi said with his own ears that he would pump out a large area of sea water, it was obvious that he meant to dehydrate the strange fish and expose it to the sun to kill it!

Li Shao's chin hit the ship's board—when did Xia Yi become so cruel

[No, this guy can go ashore, it is not afraid of running aground!]

[It will take a whole day to dry it to death, and there is no way to last until then.]

The siren's voice was steady, and he stared at his arm. Xia Yi outside only thought that he was worried about his own abilities, but he didn't know what Siren meant, the wound on his arm was too big and heavy, and before the strange fish died in the sun, he himself lost too much blood and died.

[There is no need to delay like that—]

The Siren's expression slightly changed due to severe pain is actually very strange, because there is excitement and stern ferocity in it:

[Grab it!]

Abiser and Uribia curled up all their arms and tentacles at the same time, entangled the monster fish tightly.

[It's okay, I'm blocking the outermost, it can't escape! ] The oarfish triumphantly continued to serve as the blinds.

[Following the direction of the sea...] The siren let go of the strength of the fish tail, and fell off the head of the strange fish. The current rushed him to the left, and Uribia and Abiser also retreated to the left. With a lot of force, the Siren's stuck arm cut a deeper wound downwards horribly. While the blood gushed out frantically, the arm also got enough space in the mouth of the monster fish, and five wounds were ruthlessly pulled out along the upper jaw.

The severe pain made this guy struggle desperately, but it can only fight with the same strength as Abiser, plus a Uribia, it is really worthless.

All fish have no eyelids, what a target!

I didn't dare to attack directly before, because I was jealous of the flexibility of the strange fish. Now even the lantern-like thing hanging on this guy's head is bitten by Keto, and he can no longer swing from side to side like a spindle to attack. The siren is not polite, empty The right hand stretched out, the wrist sank, the five fingers gathered together, and the eyeball the size of a football was pulled out!


The author has something to say: Don't blame me for breaking it, because if you don't update it, you won't be able to keep up with tat

So the outcome is already decided, isn't it? I shouldn't be smashed... How about some tomatoes (⊙_⊙)gd1806102