Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 165: When it's time to come


No matter how powerful a creature is, the surface of its body is extremely hard, and the inside of its mouth is also soft. Search: \(\\\\) Watch fine literature for free

To the monster fish, the wound caused by the siren was actually more pain than specific damage, and the gray blood from its mouth kept spilling out. The pain was so painful that he desperately wanted to bite on something, but he couldn't break free, shaking his head desperately. At this moment, the severe pain from the eye sockets finally made it lose its sense of rage, and slammed headfirst into Urebia's body, and was pushed out nearly ten meters in the turbulent water. Suddenly, all the pressure disappeared. It hit the middle of several circles of the oarfish's body.

[Aw!]It will flatten if you press it like this, but, as hairtail, you will be flattened.

While the strange fish was opening its mouth and howling in pain, Uribia's eight arms and legs tightened suddenly, and the two middle tentacles shot out, and the three-shaped tips ruthlessly pierced into the left and right eyes of the strange fish.

The squid's tentacles are a must-kill skill for sudden attacks. The rolled muscles of soft-bodied creatures can grab small prey and swallow them in an instant. The speed is extremely fast, and the two tentacles are generally much longer than the eight arms and legs. Severely injuring the eyes of the strange fish, Uribia's attack can directly penetrate the guy's head along the hollow hole in the eye.

Nothing could be seen outside the vortex, but the eerie and dull howling sound alone was already frightening. Li Shao reached out to grab something for support, but accidentally grabbed An Li's wrist. He was so stupid that he didn't notice it. , pinching desperately nervously.

An Li woke up from the pain even if she walked again, and kicked Li Shao somersault.

Li Shao's chin hit the side of the boat again, this time he was not so lucky, he lost a tooth.

"Hey..." Li Shao jumped up with his hands on his cheeks, turned his head and saw that it was An Li, but he didn't say anything, he couldn't bear it, and he had to knead and squeeze a few times to forcefully drive away his angry face.

In other words, they don't seem to be watching the show, they should think about how to escape!

"Old Xu, let's run..." Li Shao was only halfway through when he suddenly noticed that there was an obvious abnormality in the center of the vortex. Like! Sure enough, the shutters were all unreliable!

"Everyone hide behind the sail!" Enri shouted.

A row of fireballs appeared in front of the wooden boat like a string of beads, Xu Qishen tacitly followed, let the fire take advantage of the wind, the tongue of fire swallowed and the fire surged up with the wind, let the sporadic water droplets splashed in this direction all be thrown into the fire wall, and disappeared in a blink of an eye .

There is no combustible material, and the flame can last for a limited time, but an unpleasant smell still permeates,

The sea water is somewhat horribly gray-black.

The low, terrible howl gradually became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

No matter how fierce this strange fish is, it is not a group after all. In the eyes of sea monsters, it is not as dangerous as a group of hagfish. After all, when encountering those sea monsters, they would definitely not dare to fight in close quarters. The hagfish's battlefield is in the body of the prey. Apart from the army of jellyfish, there is really no way to deal with them.

The waves that formed the vortex also gradually calmed down, like a large glass cylinder stacked above the sea.

[...Siren, I can't stop biting!]Uribia said sullenly.

The oarfish sneered: [Your mouth is too big!]

[how about you?]The siren seems very dissatisfied with Keto's trouble,[It just grew two teeth, which are useless at all.]

The shutters shook aggrievedly.

[Gululu, come here!]


The King Crab, who had been standing by Xia Yi's side and crawling around with its pincers, was stunned.

It seems to be beaten, what are you calling it for

[Gululu, hurry up!]Abiser roared imposingly.

The big crab had no choice but to crawl over to the water cover, hit it with its head and body, and it was very easy to get in without the whirlpool. But after shaking its two small black balls on the eye stalks up and down, it found that the siren's arm was stuck in the sharp jagged teeth of the strange fish, and suddenly realized.

So he waved his pincers proudly, climbed up Uribia's huge body, and finally landed on the head of the monster fish with Abiser's tentacles, and the big pincers grabbed the long hair on the head of the monster fish. Using the hanging thing as a support, the small pliers tapped on the strange fish tooth that was already a corpse, aiming at the tooth inserted into the mermaid's arm.

Found the problem!

Although the anglerfish's teeth are sparse, but the king crab wanted to stretch its pincers in, the gap was still too small, so Gululu quickly turned to the tooth on the farthest side, clamped hard against the root of the tooth, and then slammed it out pull.

The siren didn't look at Gululu, he just stared at the wound on his arm.

Although it looked terrible and serious, with blood constantly oozing out, but for the mermaid's healing ability, as long as it remained still, the wound should shrink for a while, and the amount of bleeding should decrease.

The King Crab struggled to pull out the six teeth in order, and finally it was the target's turn. It didn't dare to pull out the teeth casually this time. It first clamped the barbs on Urebia's arms and feet to cut off the teeth, and then turned back. Clamp the middle of the teeth and pinch desperately.

The toothache creaked continuously, at first it couldn't be heard outside, but then it calmed down, not to mention Xia Yi, even the people on the boat noticed it.


Probably because of the doubt in Xia Yi's voice, let alone the siren, all the sea monsters stared at the crab together.

Quick pinch, quick break!

Gululu is covered in a carapace, definitely a mobile fortress, but the shortcoming is that he can't break out in a cold sweat after being stared at like this, and can only spitting bubbles pitifully. Continue to pinch the pliers, or keep pinching!

[wait!]Abiser finally woke up, what's wrong,[Where's the sunfish?]

It remembers the hatred of Nereus firmly! Is it worthy of the high IQ of the octopus if it doesn't add insult to injury

[How dare you not be here? !]

[...It would be bad if it was there! ] Keto pushed the corpse of the strange fish with his head, the meaning was obvious, if the sunfish were around, could this guy die so easily? But having said that, Kraken obviously took the sunfish to find Abiser, but Abiser dragged a boat full of people and met them with fragrance, but—

[Kraken? ]

Fortunately, it was a sea monster. Who else could find the lost child so easily

If the kid doesn't make a sound, it means he ran out to play on purpose, huh, huh, huh. If you get lost, you will grunt twice in doubt. Because Kraken is not yet old enough to be quick enough to tell a lie.

But no one expected that an incomparably huge black blanket suddenly popped out of the sea.

There was no need to scream, the faces of the three of An Li changed color. They had witnessed the stingray smashing a boat in the East China Sea with their own eyes. The problem is that I haven't seen him for half a year. How did this sea monster grow up again? !

It was absolutely covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and a large piece of the sea was shrouded in darkness in an instant.

Stingrays like to play tricks by nature. Although they are big, they are flat, and they are good at swimming over and making trouble without sound. Kraken obviously went around and couldn't find Abiser, and followed the bad smell all the way to find here. Hearing Abiser calling it, she immediately had a "surprise" triumphantly.

Indeed enough to surprise!

Kraken wanted to jump to the top of the water cover and smash it in, but the bigger and heavier it was, no matter how strong it was, it couldn't jump very high now. I could only rub the top of the water cover where there was no oarfish body and fell into it.

Gululu's pincers were still on the teeth of the strange fish, and when the light suddenly dimmed, a huge monster descended from the sky!

The king crab was very calm, but the sunfish that followed Kraken fell on the head of the strange fish corpse, and half of the king crab's body was sunk by it. Urebia Abiser, who was tied up with the corpse of the strange fish, sank along with it. In a panic, the king crab kicked its three legs desperately trying to throw the sunfish aside.

Oops, it's too heavy to lift, put on the pliers!

The body of the king crab is not long, but wide. Even if you want to use the pincers on the other side to help, you can't reach it. So if I can, I lift up the small pliers and try to poke the sunfish away.

Then it froze.

Because a piece of tooth fell out of its pincers on the sunfish.

Trembling, he raised his body and saw that Siren had already swam to the side, holding his injured arm with his other hand. He couldn't do anything about this movement, because Gululu cut off the tooth, but the sharp tip of the lower half of the inverted triangle is still stuck in his arm. The tooth is the hardest part of any creature. The tooth of this strange fish is very large and heavy. If you don't support it, the wound will be torn even bigger.

Kraken hit the bottom of the sea with his head, and lay there dizzy with his snow-white belly exposed.

In the chaos, the sunfish opened his eyes in a daze, and found that half of his body was in severe pain. Could it be that he hit an iceberg again? No, you have to turn over again.

Huh, what does it smell like

The sunfish is very sensitive to the blood of the mermaid, because in the Caribbean Sea, the only time it will meet the mermaid with golden scales is when the mermaid is injured. Of course, this kind of situation is very rare, but the smell of the mermaid's blood is very beautiful, and it is also happy to smell it. But now the good breath in the seawater was overwhelmed by another strong stench!

Those who would come to look for sunfish are not only those with torn wounds on their bodies, but also all kinds of fish with whitish scales and festering under the scales. But there has never been such a strong and unpleasant smell, like the smell of many dead fish piled together and rotting.

Damn it! This simply does not let it sleep! !

The sunfish stared fiercely at the strange fish.

In less than ten minutes, the gray-black seawater in the water cover gradually disappeared, and even later, what floated out from the corpse of the strange fish was black, black and smelly blood, but the gray color disappeared.

Siren's dizzy feeling seemed to dissipate a little, especially Abiser, whose previous wounds had all healed. Kraken, who was lying still and stunned, jumped up happily, circling in the limited sea water. Just when Keto guessed whether the aggressive sunfish was going to jump over and bite off a piece of the strange fish, the sunfish was satisfied with the smell of sea water, lay down on Kraken's back, and began to sleep soundly again.

Krakens: …

Xia Yi finally couldn't maintain the huge water cover. After all, there were so many tonnage guys staying in it. He could control the sea water, but he couldn't make the limited sea water generate greater buoyancy, nor could he make the sea monsters that didn't swim Staying at a height of seven or eight meters above sea level for such a long time.

Seeing the water cover collapse in all directions, the people on board were terrified, hugging their heads and shrank aside.

As a result, the wall made of seawater did not fall down like a tsunami, but collapsed layer by layer from below, just like a scene where a building was blasted in a targeted manner. What seemed to be diffused and scattered were water mist and scattered water droplets. Although it still smelled a little bad, it didn't have that pungent and dangerous breath.


It was a scream from a crew member next to Li Shao.

Although Xia Yi didn't make a sound, he also saw the corpse of the strange fish tied tightly by the two Uribia Abiser. The eyes became two big holes, and there were traces of being torn by the squid's arms and feet on the edge. The jagged teeth are oddly missing the right part of the upper row. This is not the scariest thing, there is still a part of the strange fish's tooth stuck on the siren's arm, which is almost half a meter long, and Gululu is seriously clamping the upper part and trying to pull it out.

The sea water rendered alternately in black and red is particularly shocking.

The same is true for Siren's body. The scales and hair are stained with black and red marks, and there are scratches on the wrists, waist, and chest. They are of different shades, and some are also black, but they are gradually fading. He looked at the pale Xia Yi from a distance, and smiled.

It's very light, but the corners of the mouth are slightly curved, and the corners of the eyes are raised, which is strange and has a strange charm.

Everyone on the boat stared dumbfounded—it seems that this subversive and terrifying scene is the origin of the mermaid's dreamy and charming legends. Drenched in blood and bruised all over, the silver fish tail lightly patted the corpse of the fierce beast in the sea, and then disappeared in the stormy sea.

Correction, it was the seawater that collapsed and covered the sea monsters.

When Li Shao looked down again, Xia Yi had already sunk, and at first he could clearly see the shadow in the sea swimming in that direction, but then he couldn't see anything.

[What about this guy?]

Abiser let go of the tentacle, and stared at the corpse of the strange fish. It hadn't forgotten about the spider crab, and it would be terrifying if there was another hagfish. There are not no sea scavenger creatures, such as starfish, or some shellfish... Thinking about how they would change from delicious and disgusting, the three hearts in Abiser's body beat wildly, irritable.

Xia Yi didn't get close to the siren, the mermaid seemed to deliberately not show him the wound on his arm.

Because this move was obvious, Xia Yi had to stop far away beside Kraken. No matter how hard he chased him, he couldn't catch up with the mermaid's speed, and it also prevented the siren from continuing to treat the wound and resting. Xia Yi is a person with a very weird personality. When he doesn't know what to do, he would rather not do it than make random choices out of urgency.

Looking at the hideous corpse, Xia Yi suddenly thought of An Li and Li Shao who were still wrapped in water under the boat.

Just now, it seems that the people on that boat set up a flame-like shield wall out of thin air

The author has something to say: Night Breeze: Some readers say that doctors and police are always the last to come

Sunfish; zzzzzzz

Devil fish: Obviously there are people who are later than us

Audience: (⊙_⊙)

Abise suddenly realized: Nereus—

Xia jellyfish: still on the way! Despise races that swim fast...[gasp] Elegant and elegant gd1806102