Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 167: oral agreement


In the marine diet, oysters contain vitamin C, and normal anglerfish also contain vitamins A and C. Even if the scope is narrowed to the South China Sea, yellow croakers are also a good choice for vitamins. As for molluscs such as squid or octopus, they are high in protein, low in calories and low in calories. Fat is a good thing. Eating them will not make you fat. They are the favorite of many large marine creatures. For example, sperm whales and swordfish are fond of squid. Not only are they rich in trace elements, but they can also speed up the recovery of injuries, because calcium and iron A lot of content. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

Although the Siren will not eat Urebia, he is very dissatisfied with the food that Gululu found.

No squid, at least there should be tuna.

Forget it, it's really too difficult for a crab to catch food that swims so fast. This is not Antarctica, where krill is rich in nutrients, nor is it off the coast of New Zealand, where there are many calamari and shellfish hidden in the thick-leaved kelp forest. Even if it's an oarfish, you can come back with a mouthful of delicious food if you put your head up casually.

The fire on Burning Island burned for three full days and three nights, the sky was shrouded in thick smoke, and the wind blowing it was full of ashes.

Of course, only the corpse of the strange fish needed Anli's help. Because the body was too hard, it could only be burned from the inside, and the smell was even worse. When the corpse was burned into an empty shell, the bones turned slightly black. Turning the flame into white and continuing to burn consumes a lot of power. This guy is too big, and it is very difficult to completely destroy it. An Li felt that before that, she would probably die first—tired to death, but in fact, this life is not bad, drinking water has the feeling of summer, eating is thrown up by sea monsters, and lighting a barbecue on the beach can be done by herself.

Li Shao even took a luxurious bath with fresh water on the boat.

"Brother Xia, if I had met you earlier, why would I be so stinky?"

Li Shao was lying on the side of the boat with a smile on his face, with a big box in hand. He rummaged through it for a long time before pulling out a gray cloth towel. Shout to the sea:

"Would you like a towel? I haven't used it yet. I exchanged half a mackerel for it in Zhoushan last time!"

Xia Yi floated out of the sea with a strange expression. To be honest, he felt that the angle of sight was weird. But after struggling for five minutes, I took this feeling as upstairs and downstairs. In the past, Li Shao, a careless person, often forgot to take things, and shouted loudly downstairs. He just didn't want to climb four floors and asked Xia Yi to give the key to him. He dropped it. Now turn it upside down—the focus is still on the blank or curious eyes of the crew.

Xia Yi can't understand the meaning of other people's words, nor can he understand the expressions of others, but he will ignore all strangers if he can, and will not try to get close. The only person he knows on this boat is Li Shao, Xia Yi Of course he refused to board the ship.

Over there, the sea monsters gathered together to fill their stomachs.

It turns out that they should take turns to go to the distant sea to find food, but it is not convenient for Siren to move his arms for the time being. Although he still has the ability to hunt, reducing physical exertion is the fastest choice for wound recovery. So after being robbed of bananas, Eurebia was aggrieved and rushed to grab something for everyone to eat.

The speed is fast, and there are many things that can be "carried". Except for Abiser, there is only Uribia.

What, an octopus? The big octopus indicated that it too had just recovered and had a strong need for rest.

[Can't find sailfish, nor yellow lip fish...] Don't expect the cold sea giant squid to find any stonefish and sea urchins. It's too small and too good at hiding. It doesn't have hunting skills.

[Tuna... only such a small one.]

The sight of "carrying" fish on all eight arms and legs is quite spectacular.

The muscles of the tuna are very tight, and its body temperature is eight or nine degrees higher than the surrounding sea water. It is so powerful that even if it is stabbed by the barbs on the arms and feet, it is still struggling in the sea water.

The siren stretched out his uninjured hand, pressed the pectoral fin of the tuna, and dug his fingers into the back of the fin, where the arteries and veins were located. The position must be accurate, and the depth and length must be ingenious, so that the blood can flow out naturally.

After tearing off the fish and tasting it, Siren frowned.

Sure enough, it is better to do this kind of hunting by yourself. This tuna struggled too much, and there were large areas of bruises on the tail and back of the body. How can this kind of meat be delicious

[here you are!]The Siren swam to Urebia's other arm in disgust.

There were two dying yellow croakers on the barb. The body is plump and looks good, and it is all caught from the sea far from pollution. Even so, Siren cautiously pulled off one yellow croaker, tasted it carefully, and told Gululu to cut it into two pieces with small pliers.

[Go to Xia Yi.]

The king crab had no choice but to watch and eat in pain, slowly crawling forward with its pincers raised.

Eurebia stuffed the tuna into his beak-shaped mouth excitedly, biting and devouring it. This is a good thing that is not available in Antarctica. It's rare that the Sirens don't look up to them.

Seeing the siren swim away, Abiser and Keto happily swam over to grab the remaining yellow croaker.

Keto, with bad eyesight, couldn't snatch the big octopus.

But a yellow croaker couldn't fill Abiser's stomach, and then pulled down strings of crimson red croakers along the arm and foot barbs. The oarfish frantically fought for it, but Abiser was able to push the oarfish's head aside with one touch. In the end, Keto had no choice but to choose the most unpalatable mackerel, which was a little bigger than the Eurebia barb. It's too off-putting, hum, I might as well go find it myself.

The oarfish swam away angrily.

In fact, sunfish are the only ones that need to be "fed". As long as there is something to eat, no matter what it is, close your eyes and open your mouth, go on, don't care about being picked out, let alone complain.

Kraken? The child has happily "flyed" to a place with plankton to eat.

It is said that Li Shao on the boat is waving a small piece of gray thing, shouting triumphantly that this is a very good towel, Xia Yi thinks silently, not to mention whether it can be used, even if it is really good, what kind of towel should I use in the sea? absorb water

[Do you have toothpaste?]

"...Eh, ah, wait, there is!"

Li Shao quickly searched the box for a long time, then threw half a tube of toothpaste into the sea.

No one squeezes the toothpaste crookedly now. They start from the bottom and squeeze upwards carefully. Before the productivity recovers, even City B uses blue salt instead of toothpaste. After all, manpower needs to be used the most. In the key production and life, toothpaste is not available for the time being. If it wasn't for Li Shaoanli who was wandering around like this, eating black food and selling things, it would be quite difficult to find this thing in the vast sea.

"Hey, good stuff, the most expensive toothpaste before the end of the world, more than 20 yuan apiece... Cough, bleeding gums and oral ulcers are more effective than medicine!"

Xia Yi looked at the four words on the toothpaste with confusion, Yunnan Baiyao.


"It's not redundant, wait until I go to find sister An's things for you! She must have a spare!"

Li Shao ran into the cabin, and Xu Qishen beside him was speechless.

In fact, after Xia Yi asked that sentence, she regretted it, because what should she do with half a tube of toothpaste? If you have a toothbrush, you can enjoy it comfortably once, and you usually stay in the sea, and there is no place to pack your things! The sea monster didn't bring any luggage either!

At this time Li Shao came back in a hurry. Obviously, An Li's collection was richer than his, and he repeated his voice like every treasure:

"Tea? There is a tea pot!"

[Is the seal good?]

"Uh, forget it." Li Shao continued to flip through, until he moved a pile of sanitary napkins to the side in embarrassment, and picked out hairpins and other things, and finally found something, and continued to shout excitedly, "Nail clippers?"

Xia Yi cheered up, this is absolutely necessary, it is very painful to wait for the nails to grow until they break.

But the nail clippers are so small that it is almost impossible to carry them.

[Is there a small box?]

"No, do you want an empty mooncake box?"

[it is good!]This is so convenient, just throw toothpaste, toothbrush and nail clippers in, and then? Then take it yourself.

The king crab just crawled over and handed Xia Yi half a yellow croaker and a banana. Bananas were placed on top of the yellow croaker, so it was not cut into two pieces by the pliers. Xia Yi looked at the blue-yellow banana in embarrassment, but actually felt that it was not ripe and could not be eaten.

Forget it, talking is better than nothing, no matter how sour and astringent, just eat it.

Heat the pure water to boil the yellow croaker, peel off the banana, pick up the mooncake box, and put the toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clippers and so on in it.

Above, Li Shao smelled the fragrance of fish permeated and took a look, he was dumbfounded:

"Hey, where did you get the fragrance..."

Before he could say anything, the wooden boat moved suddenly, the waves moved away, and the big pink squid slowly rolled up something that looked like a banana and stuffed it into its mouth—woo, I was so reluctant to part with the last one, so I saved it for last.

The world is so curious! Squids eat bananas! !

Uribia is here to watch the excitement, so Xia Yi speaks in a language that everyone can understand—the crew? People who don't know each other are not in Xia Yi's concept at all.

Look at it with your head, a small box, Gu human things are so strange! Uribia suddenly thought of the second thing it swam over to do.


The ferocious arms and legs of the sea monster splashed out of the water, and the lethality was absolutely outrageous. Li Shao was so frightened that his hands shook, and the crew began to touch the weapons around them. The thick arms and legs stretched out to the side of their boat, and then the barb rotated 360 degrees, and it separated from the fish like a drill bit, so a dozen mackerel mackerel redfish fell on the deck like rain.

Urebia withdrew her arms and swam back unsteadily.

—The sea monsters ate the leftovers, so they don't want them anyway.

"For, for us?"


Xia Yi was too embarrassed to tell the truth, he thought the sea monsters didn't pay attention, and finally changed the sentence:

"...Yes, I will meet them in the future. Except for Kraken, other sea monsters will like food..." He said a short sentence intermittently, after all, he was a little unskilled.

It was not the time when Xia Yi first saw the mermaid didn't understand anything. He was very aware of the stubbornness and paranoia of the siren. Just because he didn't understand doesn't mean he couldn't understand, so he kept talking with sound waves. If you speak human language to Li Shaoanli, the siren will probably be very disturbed!

From a distance, he felt horrible even when he saw the wound. Although he had enough confidence in the mermaid's recovery ability, he still didn't want the siren not to get a rest.

Li Shao opened his eyes wide and stared at Xia Yi. He felt that Xia Yi must tell him the secret of the sea monster.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for the next article, so I had to say:

"Nothing else?"

Xia Yi shook her head in astonishment.

"Hey, at least tell me what they like, whether they eat people, when they love to come... No, brother Xia, don't you plan to go back to land?"

Xia Yi didn't speak.

Li Shao scratched his messy hair decadently: "Okay, can we see you later?"

Xia Yi remained silent.

Li Shao was in a hurry, pointed at the toothpaste in Xia Yi's hand and said: "Those things will always be used, they will be worn out! Why don't you go ashore? Only on the shore will there be towels, clothes, and vitamin tablets!"

[Xia Yi?]

Gululu looked curiously at Li Shao waving his arms in excitement, blushing with a thick neck, [What is he talking about?]

Xia Yi didn't hide it, in fact he was also very entangled with Li Shao's question:

[Some things are only available on land, and it is very troublesome to want them.]

[Why bother?]The king crab squeezed its pincers strangely, [Things that are only found on land, humans will bring them to the sea. If you want to intercept a ship like Abiser, or overturn a ship, you will have it!]

Anli on the island, Li Shao on the boat Xu Qishen: ...

[The boat capsizes, and they won't be able to go back. If they get this time, they won't be able to come back next time!]Facts have proved that it’s not that Xia Yi can’t explain things, but needs to talk about sustainable development with a child like a sea monster whose logic goes straight to cruelty.

[If you don't lift it, why don't they give it?]

"Wait, I'll give it!" Li Shao lay on the side of the boat and yelled loudly, "Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it all if you have it?"

Xia Yi: ...

Well, in fact, three months later, An Li went back and explained to Captain Hao that they had already reached a basic agreement with the sea monster. There must be people with supernatural powers who can hear infrasonic waves on board when they go to sea. When encountering sea monsters, throw things as required. It can be passed safely = = Of course, the sea monster unilaterally under the order of the siren, promised that as long as Li Shaoanli or someone else dropped an iron box and called Xia Yi's name, they would obediently bring the things to Xia meaning.

Sea monster global express, you deserve it - you have a hair, only serve one recipient.

The author has something to say: Correct the typos in the previous chapters tonight, all updates after 10:33

The speed of refreshing ** tonight is as fast as flying, it’s incredible—can’t miss gd1806102