Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 168: Go back to City B


One of the cruelest things in this world is the gap between people. Search: \(????) Watch fine literature for free

In fact, regardless of natural looks and appearance, there are still those who fight with parents and relatives, and regardless of IQ and ability, etc., just putting everyone on the same starting line, luck can make most people fall behind. Some people think that their own conditions and abilities are enough, but they just refuse to take care of them when they have a good opportunity, and can only watch others make money and get promoted with a smile.

Zhou Liang firmly believes that he is this kind of person.

He doesn't have a high degree of education, but his education level is poor. There are also many people who start companies with millions of assets. They are also wage earners who have nothing and live in the basement. living room, and even paid the down payment to marry a wife. On the road, I happened to meet someone who didn’t dare to believe that he was from a town. Others drove their son in a small car and happily entered Pizza Hut to eat pizza. He squatted on the street to buy a steamed bun and swallowed it with cold water.

Ten years ago, those people were squatting on the street like him, but what happened later

——Zhou Liang never understood one thing. Although luck will miss him like a pie, it is not normal to miss him every time. Even people with little ability, as long as they work hard, they can gradually accumulate savings, from eating steamed buns to eating fast food box lunches. Even on a construction site without any academic qualifications, a bottle of beer and a few cigarettes, the next day he went to work with a smile on his face, and he could go to a food stall to have a meal and play poker with his co-workers on weekends, why is he just walking around alone? Or even worse

Apparently he couldn't figure it out himself.

Now he has returned to City B, and walked through the places he had rented for these years. Some low-rise houses were demolished as early as the city planning and development, and the smell was unpleasant. Too many mosquito-repellent coils don't work, and when I wake up, I often have red spots all over my body, which are itchy and painful. Later, it gradually got better, but the basement of the building was cold and damp, and then the basement floor of the building became a parking lot, which was a place for night security guards to rest, and there was no place for him to live.

So for a long time, he kept moving, specially living in those abandoned sheds that were about to be demolished and all the residents moved out. He dragged his luggage wherever he went, hoping that when he went back to rest at night, the temporary habitat was still there. exist. It is not uncommon to find a place to live against the north wind in the middle of the night in the cold winter months. He has a distorted personality, even if he lives an ordinary life, he can still stare at other people who are better than him. People who live in shantytowns like him grab plastic bags to pick up empty bottles every day, but Zhou Liang would rather sit there than Willing to move, and even despised these junk collectors.

Now Zhou Liang looked at the abandoned buildings on the outskirts of City B, and the people who ran in from time to time to look for things that could be used, and wanted to laugh out loud.

Look, they are all wearing dirty and old clothes, unkempt, thin and listless—but his complacency didn't last long, those people are all new to city B, they don't have much money, and everything they see is good . When Zhou Liang approached the well-planned residential area, his expression was a little distorted.

Although the clothes are simple, everyone is clean and tidy. They are busy and hurried, and some are carrying things. There is absolutely no such thing as idling on the street, shivering or curled up panting.

"Report your hometown, age, previous occupation, and the job you are good at..."

Hearing this shout, everyone around Zhou Liang squeezed forward desperately. In order not to show any peculiarities, he also pushed forward.

But Zhou Liang didn't want to get in, just like everyone else, he couldn't wait to stare at the front, very skillfully pretending that he didn't squeeze through others, and was pushed to the side. Immediately, people inside ran out to maintain order. After all, everyone wanted to go in and live a stable life, so when the crowd calmed down a little, there were a few sharp screams from the crowd.

More than a dozen people rolled to the ground, their expressions distorted and painful, and the people around them backed away in horror, as if they were infected with the plague.

Soon these people had small red spots on their faces and arms, which looked very scary. No one believes that it is not an infectious disease. Because of the seriousness of the situation and the chaos, more than a dozen people in the urban area ran out with crude medicine boxes. Only one person had a stethoscope, and the others just pressed the wrist of the screaming person to feel the pulse.

Soon puzzled and surprised expressions spread among them, but before anyone said anything, these people who looked like a medical team also fell down suddenly, and a large red spot also appeared.

Now the crowd was completely coaxed, and they all ran wildly around, thinking that this was a terrible infectious disease. But I didn't expect that if you just touch it, you can get sick. Everyone was so close before that they all got infected long ago.

Zhou Liang had disappeared with the chaotic crowd.

After a while, personnel wearing simple disinfection equipment rushed out and sprayed white vinegar in the air, but their busyness was quickly stopped. An old man took off his mask and explained coldly:

"It's not an infectious disease, it's a supernatural power."

Just like the red dots will appear on the skin surface of patients with high blood pressure, which are red moles caused by burst capillaries. If this process is accelerated and concentrated, such a terrifying sight can emerge. Of course it's more than that, those people lying on the ground, a small number of them have already died from internal bleeding and vomiting blood.

This kind of subtle control, the ability to attack people specifically, is only possible for one person in the records of the supernatural team in city b.

"Zhou Liang!"

Captain Hao slammed the table hard.

"What is he going to do?"

"You still have to ask, to create panic! People's panic is sometimes completely unscientific!" For example, panic buying of salt!

Professor Lin passed by the door without haste. The underground base only has such a little space, the offices are connected together, and the sea monster research is adjacent to their ability team.

Captain Hao had no choice but to vent his anger: "Whoever comes in last, don't close the door!"

Lingling raised her hand timidly.

Captain Hao had no choice but to pretend he didn't see it and let out a dry cough:

"Throw what Professor Lin said just now into the trash..."

[Is it recyclable garbage?]


"The chairman and General Zhao will have a headache for those fears. We must find Zhou Liang now." Captain Hao continued to pretend to ignore Lingling, crying from the bottom of his heart. How could such a good boy become so weak after staying with the sea monster for a few months? It's getting more and more out of tune. It's been half a year and I haven't adjusted it. No wonder Meng's mother has to move three times. The growth environment of children is extremely important. Kneel down.

"I agree with the captain's words... (Look), Zhou Liang must have a second hand, it won't be so simple (uh, it was Zhou Liang), now there may be three." The person who spoke was Professor Lin's granddaughter, with an expression Solemnly, "First, is he here to try to kill General Zhao?"

"Impossible. Our national institution is not a dictatorship. Even in this era, assassination is useless."

"Then secondly, he deliberately created panic and then incited the people."

Captain Hao cursed, raised his head and asked, "What about the third one?"

"This is the worst possibility - he is just to lure the captain out, or any supernatural person can do it, he wants to weaken our strength, or he is very arrogant and wants to become the most uncompromising supernatural person in China , get the prestige to contend with the government, and then form forces. After all, there is no shortage of criminals and lunatics in any era!"

Captain Hao nodded, and immediately ordered Lingling to be watched closely and not allowed to take her out.

"His blood control has been perfected, absolutely to the point of subtlety..." Captain Hao murmured through the information, of course he thought that Zhou Liang didn't have a high degree of education, and there was no system analysis suggestion from the Academy of Sciences like the supernatural team in city b. There is only one possibility to be powerful and delicate, practice.

"Bastard!" Captain Hao resisted the urge to scold. Zhou Liang is extremely cunning. Since he came, he must have the best preparations, and the people who really know him are only a few senior abilities from the ability team. If most of the certificate and household registration files are lost, it is impossible to do an accurate investigation. Captain Hao is sure that as long as he goes out by himself and is a little careless, one of the team members may die.

"Lingling is only this young." The captain was worried.

Before the soldiers fell, how could women and children be allowed to go to the battlefield.

"Wait, I remember the last time the captain you mentioned a few supernatural beings, what are they called An Li, Li Shao?"

"Ah, they went to the South China Sea, and the Academy of Sciences entrusted them to bring back some plant and fruit seeds. Calculating the time, it will take at least half a month before they come back."

After July is the typhoon season, and those who have traveled far have to return.

When he was at a loss, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Who is it, the meeting is in progress!" Hao Guosong was impatient.

As soon as the door opened, everyone jumped up like an electric shock, with weird expressions.

General Zhao, and Professor Lin! ! The two people Captain Hao fears most.

At the end was a man with tanned skin, a scar from a bump on the bridge of his nose, and fishy smell all over his clothes. If Li Shao was here, he would be able to recognize this as a crew member on their ship.

Although Li Shao and the others refused to join the national power team, Hao Guosong could let them go, but the three of them cannot sail a sea ship, and the country can put people in if they want crew members. This is not distrust, but a lack of respect Information about sea monsters. Zhou Liang has already appeared in the country, so it is not surprising to get to know the characters of An Li and the other three at a close distance. According to the plan, if there is no accident, they will only go to sea with An Li and the others once, and they don't intend to be spies for a long time.

"Xiao Nan is back, and there is good news."

Professor Lin grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, and the man quickly scribbled out a sketch.

That is Xia Yi's appearance, lifelike.

"do you know it?"

Everyone shook their heads, it was too ordinary, and they had never seen, or often seen, people with this look.

"Li Shao and An Li both have a southern accent, and they and Xia Yi...yes, this is Xia Yi! I just said that they and Xia Yi have known each other before, and they may be from the same place." The crew member smiled helplessly. The first mission after that was too shocking. I have seen almost all the sea monsters in Professor Lin's materials, especially the mermaids! After all, if Professor Lin wants to popularize this concept, mermaids are definitely not kind creatures, even sharks are more docile than them!

"They already have something like an agreement with the sea monster, but I can't understand what the sea monster and Xia Yi said. An Li and the three of them are already in the outer city."

"Professor Lin and Hao Guosong go to meet them!" General Zhao stared at the sketch, "It's strange why I feel familiar."


"It's okay, it's quite common, maybe I remembered it wrong." The old general was lamenting that he was getting older, and he could memorize even the most complicated military maps in the past. I also remember the names of the TV series, and give them the best discs during the holidays. If I don’t understand, I will watch them for ten minutes while talking. In Chinese concept, family is very important.

That night, more than one person stared at the sketch and found it familiar.

I must have seen it somewhere, but I can't figure out where.

"Isn't this 'He Yuanhui'?" In the end, there really was an answer.

"Huh? Who is that?"

"It's the classmate of the protagonist's younger brother in "Forty Years of Wind and Rain"! There is a scene where the protagonist sends his younger brother to study abroad, but the port is attacked by bombers. The action is eye-catching! That expression and blank eyes, plus the gray sky, tsk tsk."

Everyone was embarrassed and silent.

"Forty Years of Wind and Rain" was a drama of the Republic of China two years ago, and its ratings were good. When it was filmed, the actors were all unknown, but later it became popular. But one of the protagonist's brother's classmates? To be honest, not many people even remember the name of the character, the ghost knows who the actor is.

Well, with this goal as a specific memory, some people will remember it one day after another.

But the character names of the Qing Yishui TV series they mentioned, the characters are all supporting roles, and they belong to the end of the TV series. At the end of the TV series, there can be a cast list, and the character name is not the type of Lao Li Xiaoqian Baoan Jia, but it is very thorough, not even I remember who played the role, I only remember the protagonist's neighbor, or the background board of the protagonist's relatives, colleagues and classmates.

—How miserable was this person before the end of the world

Everyone was horrified, but they didn't forget Zhou Liang's investigation records. This scumbag was because he had a bad life in the past.

"Extremely superb water ability." After asking the "crew" in detail, Professor Lin said that Xia Yi is probably stronger than Zhou Liang's ability.

Could it be that people with water abilities were miserable people before the end of the world? This association is really bad, but I can finally go to the urban area to find a few people who filled in the occupations related to the entertainment industry when registering their identities, and ask Xia Yi what kind of person he is. Xia Yi may be a southerner like Li Shao, and the written records of household registration files are not in city b, which is different from Zhou Liangquan.

Over there, Anli was explaining to Captain Hao how to deal with sea monsters and sold the seeds. Although she didn't know that there was such a person in the crew, and Captain Hao already knew that they knew Xia Yi, Anli still had something to say. In the end, as far as he was concerned, he refused to answer the question about Xia Yi directly.

After asking dozens of people here, Professor Lin, who finally got Xia Yi's news, looked dumbfounded.

Is there a problem with the lonely and eccentric

It sounds like autism, and considering that Lingling is dumb—there is not enough evidence for the relationship between water superhumans and the pre-apocalyptic situation, but pre-apocalyptic physical and psychological defects allow supernatural beings to master infrasound waves, it seems that this is absolutely reliable.

The author has something to say: After thinking about it carefully, I still write it anyway, because a country is unlikely to give unconditional trust, they need to have enough understanding of things, so that the relationship can live in harmony--otherwise it is really like a fairy tale gd1806102