Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 170: Sea monsters dare


In the distant Azores in the Atlantic Ocean, there is a steep cliff erected on the ocean. This was once the place where the Spanish fleet fought a decisive battle with pirates. A wooden frame was once erected on the cliff, and the corpse of the pirate was hanged and swayed. Shake it until it dries up, this is the best transit point to America, and it was once the place where pirates were most rampant in the Age of Discovery. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

Before the end of the world, there will probably be pirates in Malacca.

With the high technology of satellite positioning and tracking, cargo ships sailing on the sea are still easy to find. It is said that after the pirates robbed the ships, they would drive the crew to their own ships and discard the original cargo ships at sea. Or use some paint to camouflage, or just target fishing boats. In the bustling waterways of Malacca, it is very difficult to find which one is a pirate ship.

Some people laughed and said that if the age of pirates really reappeared in history, it must be interstellar exploration. If human beings want to go out of the solar system and search for other life in the galaxy, only the government and the United Nations are not enough. At that time, for the benefit of big consortiums and large companies, there will inevitably be private forces to explore the starry sky in the name of scientific research, hoping to find life on other planets. Minerals and energy—it sounds like such a glorious history of interstellar exploration, but it is actually the same as the age of great exploration. Whoever grabs it first will occupy it first. Wars and conflicts will be inevitable. On other barren planets, there are still Afraid that nuclear weapons are useless

The earth's resources have been depleted day by day, and space technology is also developing. It's just that before this day comes, the end of the world comes first.

July, North Atlantic.

A brisk wooden boat followed the direction of the sea current, with its sails taut, ready to land near the Azores. There might be enough food on board, but fresh water was a scarce resource. The boat is not too big, and the sails are all waterproof tarpaulins, which stand out in the blue water and snow-white waves. When sailing downwind, the bow of the ship is very windy, but the speed does not seem to be very fast, because there are no markers on the sea. The synonym of "Wangshan running dead horse" is definitely Wangdao waiting for dead crew.

A large bucket of water was spilled on the oily and smooth deck, and two tall, tanned men squatted there cursing and mopping the deck. The weather is fine in summer, and the wood is too dry. If it is exposed to the sun for a long time without maintenance, it will leak. It's not easy to get a good boat these days.

A kipper, half-eaten, looked less than welcome on a plate of the same hewn wood.

Iron plates are prone to rust and corrosion, porcelain plates and glass plates are easily broken, and tinware is even worse and will turn into powder in winter. This kind of wooden plate that can't kill people is the best, and you don't have to worry about flying out and becoming a sharp weapon when the boat shakes.

"We should go to the North Sea once. The Norwegian Sea is also good. The harvest there is rich."

Seeing the silver scales constantly appearing in the sea, the crew moaned while mopping the deck. Now they can only cooperate, relying on six boats to spread the big net at the same time, sail away separately after getting off the net, and then use manpower to pull up a small part of the net. Then narrow the encirclement and use harpoons to hunt fish schools close to the sea surface. Often when they see big fat fish, they are worried and worry about breaking the net.

The worst of all were the swordfish, fierce enough to crash a wooden boat.

"God bless, I saw a dolphin, come on, get up, pull up the sails and let's follow the dolphin!"

Dolphins like to hunt in groups and drive fish together. At this time, even albatrosses come to join in the fun, which is also a great opportunity for fishing boats to cast their nets. You don't need to cooperate with other ships, just cast your own net, and if you are lucky, you can get a full net.

"Captain, the ten o'clock direction on the left front is a bit wrong."

"Let me see...huh?"

A reef island appeared in the telescope, dark and uneven in the shape of a semi-arc.

"I haven't seen this island since I came here last time!"

"Regardless of it, it's still far away from us, we'll catch one and leave."

It is not uncommon for small islands to suddenly appear on the sea. They are nothing more than new islands created by submarine volcanic eruptions. Except for islands connected to the continental shelf, most islands have experienced this process. The islands that just appeared are full of volcanic ash and stones, with high temperature and strong sulfur smell, and they are very unstable and should not be approached. The fastest record can create a new island within seven or eight days, and the Azores volcanic and seismic zone is also formed in this way.

The captain stared at the telescope for a few more minutes, making sure that there was no black smoke coming out of the reef, and there were even some blurred green and brown plants, so he settled down and told the crew to follow the dolphins to the most turbulent sea water. central area of .

A silvery slender fish hit the deck head-on, thrashing non-stop.

"It's flying fish! God bless, what a catch!!"

Everyone was so happy that they almost jumped up.

Flying fish gather in groups, and when they encounter natural enemies, they will jump out of the water and glide for a short distance. There are quite a few fish falling on the deck.

One crew member even took off his clothes and jumped up to beat the flying fish, very excited.

"Idiot, don't worry about that! Quickly cast the net!" The captain laughed and scolded.

Flying fish have very good eyesight during the day, and when they see what happens to their companions, they will flap their wing-like fins to avoid ships.

The fishing net made of nylon rope can be covered quickly. This is also a special choice, because if it is too large, it may encounter strong creatures such as swordfish and dolphins, and it is easy to damage the net. The hull is not large and cannot withstand the recoil. Resulting in their inability to use manual mechanical trawls.

"It's so heavy, come help!"

Two strong men were unable to pull the net up.

In addition to the person at the helm, the captain also ran over to help. After the fishing net was pulled up, the first thing I saw were sailfish and flying fish. It seemed that the net was full. Everyone was very excited and continued to pull up the fishing net.

Halfway through the fishing net, they found a fish much bigger than the flying fish appeared in the net bag.

The fan-shaped caudal fin is open, followed by dense light yellow scales. The body of the fish is three circles thicker than the caudal fin. It must be a very fat fish. It doesn't look like a dolphin swordfish. Could it be a new species of large salmon

Several people pulled violently and were stunned.

On the thicker and thicker fish tail, there was a section of pink and tender meat in vain, and there was a small belly button.

The fishing net fluttered, and the upside-down "fish" rolled sideways.

"What's the matter, have you caught the shark?" the helmsman yelled, stretching his neck.

shit! Even if you catch a shark, it's not that scary!

It was a very small child with a round face, short arms with no elbows visible, only three rings of flesh, and no neck visible. The chubby chin is double, and the flesh on the upper body is as plump and round as the fishtail on the lower body, but because there are no soft scales, it is strangled into small pieces by the fishing net. The flying fish in the net flopped and jumped, and when it hit the white and tender belly, it was a pit, and there were light red marks. According to the scientific name of human beings, this is a typical baby fat.

The tail of the fish is slightly bent, without any traces of bone bending, and the knees and ankles cannot be distinguished. It is as flexible and powerful as a real fish, and it slaps away other small fish that are constantly moving in the net bag.

The same soft light yellow hair, just a short layer of wet and sticky hair on the head, the erect ear fins look very obvious, the eyes are light blue like the sea, clear and beautiful, it raised its head curiously in the net pocket, and put the chubby With his finger in his mouth, he looked through the fishing net at the person lying on the side of the boat, dumbfounded and pulling the net.

"Human... Mermaid?"

"my God!"

The captain couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his hands soaked in sea water, and suddenly burst into tears because of the discomfort.

"Hey, Captain, you can't do it!" Is it so touching to catch a mermaid

The guy who was talking was obviously a big deal, staring at the net in a daze.

This mermaid can't seem to eat? The legendary mermaid... so unlucky! The mermaid others met was a beautiful woman, so they just caught a child? Oh no, it's just that small, the cats on the boat are bigger than it!


Said cat and here comes, this brown-haired adult cat is the captain's darling, raised before the end of the world. The captain said how good the cat is, it can catch mice, and it doesn’t have to worry about food on board—in fact, this cat used to eat cat food, but in the last days, it was forced to eat fish, and it often scratched the captain’s face because of it. bloodstains.

The crew hurriedly fished out the net bag, and then looked at the little mermaid in the fishing net at a loss.

Now I don’t have a mobile phone camera or anything, so it would be nice if I could take a group photo. If it is brought back to shore... people can't get enough to eat these days, and they still have the energy to fight for rare species? Uh, maybe that's not the case, it's better not to let people find out!

The captain was already thinking with a smirk on his face, whether the water tank on the ship should be moved out and used as a new home for this little mermaid, it is deep enough and hidden, no uh, he should call someone to clean it first, there is a smell of fishy smell in it, and the water is also turbid very. I don't know what the mermaid eats, but it should be similar to his cats.

"Meow—" His cat jumped down from the mast rope and gave the captain another paw without mercy.

The sailfish and flying fish in the fishing net were flopping on the deck, and the chubby little mermaid flipped over to the side of the deck deftly, and curiously pulled the fishing net with her fingers. At this time, a fish tried to jump on it. The little fish's tail immediately slapped like a fly swatter, knocking the flying fish over and twitching on the deck.

The entire crew, including the helmsman who almost fainted when he saw the truth at this time——Captain, wake up, this mermaid is obviously like your precious cat, you can't touch it, you can't touch it, and it's fierce and aggressive!

"Hi!" The captain squatted down cautiously, keeping a very careful distance, his smile must be as sincere as possible, and the words "I have something to eat, you are good" are all over his face. A special smile for cats.

The little mermaid ignored him. It was gnawing on the nylon rope, but its teeth were barely full, and it was small enough to chew on shellfish. It was quite difficult to bite through the nylon rope, and the net bag was covered with saliva after a while.

Its chubby fingers have already pulled the fishing net away, and it seems that it is just curious to bite now.

Then he overturned the wooden plate containing the salted fish, without even looking at the half of the fish, turned the plate with his little hands, first looked close to his eyes, then raised his short arms and looked away from his neck.

There is no such flat thing with a recess in the middle in the inheritance memory! What is this for

The little mermaid buckled the plate to her face, just covering her face. She thought she had found a way to use it, but as soon as she let go, the plate slid to the ground. So his face was covered with sauce and minced fish, he wiped it with the back of his hand, and crawled to the side to poke the cold anchor.

—It is too good at entertaining itself!

The crew members were all dumbfounded, and no one noticed that the reef was getting closer and closer to them. It wasn't the ship that was moving, but...

Mermaids have lived alone since they were born, and they need to see the real thing and compare it with the inherited memory. They live in the ocean, and generally refuse to surface in their juvenile stages, nor do they want to approach the living places of large fish. As long as you hide in shipwrecks and coral reefs, it is safe enough, and there are enough delicious foods such as oyster shells for mermaids to grow slowly.

But the little mermaid opened her eyes and saw Taomus for the first time.

Taomas took it to swim in the vast ocean. Compared with Taomas's size, sharks, dolphins and even whales are ordinary. Now this boat is also, and the little mermaid knows that there are people on this boat. Human beings are a wonderful existence to the mermaid. It is not interested in human beings at this age, and the crew members have no malice or fear, and they don't even approach it. Of course, they can't arouse the mermaid's reaction.

"Meow." The brown short-haired cat rushed over and stepped on the fat fish tail with its meat pad.

The light blue eyes narrowed, and the mouth opened, as if he didn't hear the little mermaid's sound, but the fish followed suit, and the cat scuttled away deftly, but the tail suffered a disaster, the tip was caught squarely, and the cat howled and jumped. into the captain's arms.

I'm so relieved that his cat was bullied and would come to comfort him!

—How come, your cat is very strong, and the reason why you don’t scratch it again is because it was frightened by infrasound waves.

The captain just laughed and suddenly froze. How could the boat float to the edge of the island


Tao Masi was anxious to find the little mermaid among a group of dolphins, and the paddle-shaped fins slapped the fish away, and it took a nap! The sun is so warm, it fell asleep in a daze, and it didn't take long, where is the little mermaid

Tao Masi suddenly saw a shadow of the bottom of the boat on the sea, and just when he was startled, he heard the threatening sound waves of the little mermaid.

Being caught, Gafeier was actually caught by humans!

Taomas raised his head out of the sea angrily, and the sea water slanted down from it like a waterfall, staring fiercely at the boat with big eyes:

[Let go of Gafeier!]

"My God! Help Captain—"

The crew backed away in fright, and some of them fell to the ground. The captain also retreated suddenly and bumped into the mast. Seeing the monster suddenly appearing from the sea in horror, his cat meowed bravely and stood in front of its owner. .

The little mermaid grabbed the plate in her hand and giggled.

Tao Masi is also stupid, does Gafeier like human beings.

That's right, Siren likes Xia Yi!

This is not acceptable, it is a sea turtle that can live too long, and there is no sea monster to accompany it to the end of its life except Kraken, this is the little mermaid it finally picked up (is it)! Absolutely not to humans! !

"set garfield free!"

As a well-informed sea turtle, it can speak a few simple English words, hum, it can definitely threaten humans!

The people on the boat hadn't recovered from the horror of seeing the sea monster, and they heard the sea monster roaring in English in an instant, were they all dumbfounded

On the other hand, the little mermaid heard her name and saw Taomasi seemed very angry. She climbed a certain distance to the side of the boat, grabbed the wooden plate with one hand, and clung to the side of the boat with the other. Shoot, the chubby body flipped out into the air and fell into the sea water with a plop, like a cannonball exploded into a high splash.

Captain Crew: …

The little mermaid swims slowly in the sea water, and Tao Masi sinks, only revealing the reef-like back, gently pushes Gaffier's tail with his head, spreads his four fins, and swims far away.

The captain slid down the mast and sat on the deck, blinking blankly, what did he hear just now


"Meow." The brown short-haired cat walked over and rubbed against its owner's face.

The captain and the crew foolishly looked at the "island" that was getting farther and farther away from the sea, then at the cat, and wailed and hugged their heads in unison. This must be a dream, they didn't catch a mermaid today, they didn't see a sea monster, and they didn't hear that a mermaid's name was Garfield!

Damn Garfield! Nickname is Garfield!

Dare to name a fish a cat? Sea monsters dare! !

The author has something to say: Garfield is the full name of Garfield, look, Garfield is such a serious name, nicknamed Garfield, but it is pronounced as ga fei er, with a pronounced sound,

Believe me, taumas doesn't even know what a "cat" is, it's just heard the name, nice and famous gd1806102