Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 172: Mishap - 1


After more than ten days, the block was completely cleared. The lumps of cement were moved aside, and the burnt furniture and scattered items that were blown up were piled up and dragged to the garbage incinerator in the east of the city. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free. Black and red blood stains left mottled marks on the road and things, and the corpse has long been restrained. Most of the dead were refugees who had just arrived in city b and were afraid of the rumors of infectious diseases and refused to come out to work and register, and they were implicated because they lived nearby.

The ambush site chosen by Zhou Liang has no windows and is very broken. In the sweltering summer, there are many mosquitoes, so no one will live there at all. When Hao Guosong was trying to search for Zhou Liang, he was very sure of where the water flow fluctuated abnormally. He believed that Zhou Liang must use the water layer as a protection to avoid being bitten all over his body by mosquitoes. But he still didn't expect that for Zhou Liang, whose life has been getting worse and worse for ten years, being bitten by mosquitoes in summer is nothing.

Hao Guosong's misjudgment started from this point.

He is still lying on the ground in the base hospital, unable to move. The deepest wound has grazed his spine. If it were someone else, he might die for the rest of his life. He is paralyzed and will not feel anything below his waist and abdomen. But Hao Guosong's ability is that he can disassemble himself into molecules and reassemble them without thinking about it with his eyes closed. Excessive blood loss, broken bones, and the need for nutritional supplements, damage to his body is definitely a small problem for him.

But Captain Hao suffered a lot of setbacks and blows.

When he was a soldier in the past, he was a small squad leader in the army, and he was used to leading people who obeyed orders and obeyed commands. The personalities of the members of the ability team were too different. When he clearly knew that these people were afraid of death and unwilling to face Zhou Liang, he excluded most of the members of the ability team from the plan. But people's hearts are really something unpredictable. Because these people were censored and learned that they had caught the insider who kept leaking the news, they were very excited. They felt that Zhou Liang would definitely fall into the trap and beat the dog in the water. Of course he had to go—Zhou Liang didn't trust the people who came to join him. Anyone who wanted to attack or kill someone would have to come out alone. This was the main reason that finally encouraged them to come here.

People have a blind obedience mentality, everyone says to go, and those who hesitate will follow.

What's more, some of them have always expected to prove their abilities, such as Lin Xi.

This girl actually has a good mind, but she is too impulsive, and she belonged to the ivory tower species that was too unreasonable. Her ability is obviously not good at fighting. I don't know what to do when she ran out, or did she just come out with everyone to make up her mind? But she died, along with sixteen other members of the supernatural team.

Without exception, they all died of massive blood loss from the wound after being severely injured.

Professor Lin fell unconscious when he received the bad news, and he is still in a daze. Lin Xi is his granddaughter, and also his only living relative after the end of the world.

The neighborhood is too narrow, which makes the conflict of abilities particularly terrifying. The three people in the patrol team and a small number of refugees were actually killed by falling objects, and two were burned to death, and died by the explosion...

This is another reason why Captain Hao is uneasy.

Lingling was taken away, An Li stayed with her, and she didn't know what was going on now. But I heard that the family members of the patrol team were making noise outside the base. It was obvious that Lingling was also one of the murderers if it was serious.

Identifiable bodies have been claimed, but there are many others who are unrelated or unidentifiable.

There was even no way to figure out if Zhou Liang was inside.

He is black and thin, and his leg bones have been injured and then healed. There is no way to judge them. Most people are starving and malnourished. The corpses all over the floor have experienced an explosion after a fire. Some corpses are incomplete. Even if you put them all together, you can't tell the appearance, you can only judge from the belongings.

The fire was so fierce, Zhou Liang should have been trapped in the building... As long as he was in the building, he would not be able to escape the big explosion.

Hao Guosong felt a little relieved.

In fact, he was knocked out by the air wave afterwards, and he didn't know that there was chaos at the time. There were dead or still alive people all over the place. When the rescue team rushed over, they were at a loss and searched for a long time before they found Hao Guosong and Lingling. Even An Li was dug out under the wreckage of half of the flying desk, and the scene was horribly tragic. Rescue can only be a basic judgment, put your hand over to see if you are still alive, and if you are dead, step over and continue to find the next survivor.

—It’s not too difficult to pretend to be a dead body to escape the search, and then get up and escape in the pile of dead bodies that no one cares about. After all, after waking up, many survivors joined the search and rescue team with blood on their faces as long as their injuries were not too serious.

The turmoil barely came to an end in the aftermath of quarreling and cursing, and the national supernatural team was reduced by nearly half, including two advanced supernatural beings and fourteen ordinary supernatural beings. This is not the most difficult problem, the biggest problem still lies with Lingling, who probably became the enemy of everyone overnight, even if it is the most euphemistic, the little girl is too young, easily excited, and does not know her ability to cause destructive power How big must be constrained.

But abilities are not weapons, and they can't be banned by control, even if Lingling is locked in an empty room, it won't help. The family members of the deceased were excited. Although their loved ones may not have died in the explosion, the most unstoppable and illogical thing in the world is to vent their anger. In the end, General Zhao made the decision and asked An Li to take Lingling from City B to a fishing village by the Bohai Sea to live for a while.

Children are in the process of growing up with distinct likes and dislikes, education is very important, and we cannot continue to stay in such an environment where people look aside and criticize us.

Captain Hao lay on the bed and thought, this is good, the sight of the fire being poured with blood was too terrifying, and I don’t know if Lingling was frightened out of her psychological shadow. What people saw afterward were only the ruins after the explosion. Think about what emotions Lingling will have at that time... I hope Lingling can recover by going to the beach to live.


If sea monsters have such a thing as a schedule, then Taomas has only one name on the current schedule, Garfel. The turtle even wondered depressedly, why the mermaid grows so slowly. Seeing that the little mermaid is already half a year old, she has only gained a little fatter than before, and is still so big.

It was terrible, Kraken was big enough to capsize a boat at three months old, but Gaffer could be caught in a fishing net. Kraken stuttered and learned to speak like a human when he was three months old, but Gafil could only play with his fingers, and the syllables he uttered were all sound waves of a single emotion, and he was very obsessed with finding food by himself.

In the shallow sea area near the island, there are traces of manatees. Like sea turtles, they gnaw on pieces of seaweed like a bulldozer, and the little mermaids are mixed in the middle to catch those small fish and shells under the seaweed. It holds a large oyster in its two hands. Clenched his small fists and tapped on the shells, then stuffed sand inside to stimulate the oyster's shells. It looks like it's playing, but it's just for eating. Gaffer is so uncute, and Tao Masi is very sad and angry! Mermaids don't become adults until they're thirty...

In Eurebia’s itinerary, July and August must be marked with crimson. It will guide the penguins in the Ross Sea. This is the coldest season in Antarctica. Strong blowing snow and severe cold can wipe out all penguins in a group— The female did not return, and the male and the chicks waited until they starved to death and froze to death.

Nereus also said that he would go to the North Pole to visit his kin, the jellyfish, in this season.

The oarfish has returned to the Mariana Trench, where no one will laugh at its bad eyes ==

Thinking of the clothes that were buried on an island close to the Arctic Circle, Xia Yi felt that compared to the clothes that Li Shao sent, the ones he went ashore to pick up were more satisfactory. It seems that I froze the effervescent tablets and hid them with my clothes, hoping that no one would find out...

Kraken persisted in wandering around the East China Sea, and went to Bohai Bay for a stroll from time to time.

It likes to play pranks. Most of the fishing boats here are dragged by the anchor and run forward. There are some horrors, but I have seen too many, and I have never seen Kraken eating people, so the fishermen who live by the sea are calm Do not approach the coast at night, otherwise the sea monster will suddenly jump up from the sea and spread its bat-like wings, and those with heart disease will be scared to death by it.

Kraken approached the shore silently again, and the coast was as quiet as usual. It was already August, and typhoons in the South China Sea and the East China Sea were increasing day by day. The sea monsters all began to move to the north. Even if they were not life-threatening, they were insensitive to the effect of the drum washing machine. The temperature of the sea water dropped a little at night, but it was still very stuffy, which was a sign of heavy rain.

When Kraken floated up, he was startled suddenly:


Although in the eyes of sea monsters, human beings all look almost the same, but there is always a special one, which they will remember firmly.

The little girl was sitting on the reef by the sea, resting her chin on her hands, and she didn't smile when she saw Kraken.

[What's wrong?]The devil fish moved its head to the bottom of the reef. Its huge body was like a huge and pitch-black blanket in the sea under the night, glowing with shiny water.

[Sister Lin is dead... right in front of me.]

Lin Xi's body was covered in blood, stubbornly becoming a nightmare that had been appearing in front of Lingling's eyes for a month, which caused the little girl more pain than those hateful or strange gazes.

[What is death?]

[I will never play with you again, talk with you...]

Kraken was taken aback, this was serious.

[Will Lingling die?]

[I will.]

[Lingling, why do you want to die?]

The little girl was silent, obviously she wanted to tell Kraken these things, but the sea monster couldn't understand.

[Let's sing...]The heartless sea monster splashes the waves.

Lingling was still listless, she huddled there and refused to move: [Kraken, have you done anything wrong?]

[What is wrong?]The head of the devil fish comes out of the water, and its head grows on the body. In fact, all the fish of the ray family have a very embarrassing expression, with three long and narrow slits in the eyes and mouth, but Kraken is big. Instead of squinting, the eyeballs still glow like searchlights, which can attract phototaxis phytoplankton in seawater.

[That' didn't know it at the time, but everyone scolded you later...]

[what!]Kraken sank into the sea, and the double fins opened at the same time to shoot a huge splash, Lingling was doused all over her face. This refreshing effect is very good, but the stingray is unintentional. What it really wants to say is:

[That's too much, Tao Masi always likes to scold me, they all say I'm dumb and stupid!]

Could you please stop saying this in such a cheerful tone

[...Even the Siren said I was wrong, he objected to me talking to you, he himself likes to be with Xia Yi.]

Kraken brought his head closer again, and said secretly: [Once I saw them sticking together...the siren seemed to be biting Xia Yi's neck, and his hands were also on Xia Yi's stomach...Lingling, you said that it was a human being The key point, is the siren trying to eat Xia Yi?]

Ten-year-old Lingling was stunned.

- You should never try to challenge the crooked building ability of sea monsters.

Li Shaolai was sleepy, but was driven out by Anli to look for Lingling on the beach. The range of sound waves in the area was very wide, and there was no obstacle after at least a kilometer, so Li Shao, who happened to hear the last sentence, felt like he was petrified by the blue smoke!

Before the apocalypse, the information explosion, Lingling may have heard of it vaguely, but she didn't understand it, but after the apocalypse, she has lived alone in the service area next to the expressway for so long, and of course she has seen those men and women who feel that there is no tomorrow. Play wild.

[I don't know...] Lingling said nervously.

[Ah, you don't know either. ] The sea monster is sorry.

What happened to that word

Li Shao wanted to roar, but felt that the sea monster couldn't understand, so he hesitated between staying and listening to Jinglei, or turning around decisively and dragging the child back to sleep after half an hour. gd1806102