Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 173: Mishap-2


The morning light covered the blue sea again, and fishing boats did not go out of Bohai Bay during the typhoon season, fishing in the offshore. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free. After all, since there are weather records, typhoons have blown to Shandong and Liaoning. Summer is a good season, there are harvests everywhere, and you don't have to rely on the sea.

As soon as it was dawn, some people in the village went to the fields. The current system is collective distribution. No matter how much work is done, there are work points. The work points can be exchanged for food and daily necessities. But this kind of life is already very good, and many people are looking forward to more and more things returning to life.

The private property of Li Shao and the others is quite considerable, and there are quite a few things that can be exchanged, which is enough to support them to spend these two months of doing nothing. After staying at sea for a long time, I am not used to the fact that the bed on land does not shake.

Lingling was sleeping in the outhouse. The little girl played with Kraken in the sea for most of the night last night. When she came back, Anli gave her a hot bath. Before half of the bath, Lingling fell asleep.

Li Shao has been wearing big dark circles for the past few days, and when he sees An Li, he is always hesitant to speak.

An Li didn't bother to care about him, so she ran out for a stroll when she was free. She could find eyebrow pencils, compact powder boxes, and even a nice piece of clothing before the apocalypse. In the past two months, her skin has improved slightly, not so dark. Thoroughly.

"Use some grease, at least you won't get skin diseases." Xu Qishen also joined in the fun.

Li Shao was hiding a secret all by himself, and was extremely depressed.

Finally, this day, while Lingling was asleep, he secretly told An Li what he heard that night in a very reserved language.

The first time An Li was stunned, she didn't understand! For the second time, Li Shao gritted his teeth and spoke bluntly with an embarrassing expression. Anli was stunned, and then continued to use the method that the aunt in the village said to make homemade skin care ointment, and his attitude was very careless:

"I've seen it all along."


"Otherwise, why do you think Xia Yi used sound waves to talk to us?" An Li glanced at Li Shao, feeling that if there is no such character as Li Shao in the last days, he will never be able to get ahead in the circle! Without the ability to "think about the nature of things" and the ability to "see through a little bit", how can you be a good manager in the complicated and chaotic entertainment industry? The whole life is the life of a little assistant, fortunately it is Xia Yi who is following, otherwise...

"Only if you care about other people's thoughts, you will not hide any secrets. Mermaids can't understand what we say."

" that so?" Li Shao's head was full of black lines, and he almost wanted to squat in a corner.

"There is also the previous conversation with sea monsters, which obviously meant that, but at that time we were more inclined to think that the adjectives of sea monsters were lacking and improperly modified, or that Xia Yi was not actually a human being..." You are the last one in the world to know, Also use it as a secret silly tone.

Seeing An Li's indifferent expression, Li Shao really wanted to kneel down!

Isn't the point the mermaid? Isn't that mermaid obviously not a woman, not a mermaid in a movie like that in a story!

"Ah? Oh! It seems to be!"

This was Enli's reaction, this was Enli's reaction after hearing him roar! !

Li Shao decided to go to Lao Xu to complain.

But Xu Qishen listened for a long time with his eyes straightened, and then he said blankly—does this have anything to do with us

In fact, the people who know Xia Yi are the two of you, not him at all. Xu Qishen, who used to be a gold-collar worker in the company, can be regarded as a winner in half of his life. An actor is a super big name, and Xu Qishen may not be able to match his name with a person.

Li Shao dejectedly continued to squat alone depressed.

There are many torrential rains in summer, which is very troublesome. Often the sky is dark, lightning, thunder and all outdoor activities must be stopped within that hour. The thunder woke Lingling up, and the little girl rubbed her eyes and got up, squatting at the door, watching the rain, choosing vegetables, washing all the mud, and cutting it into several pieces for Li Shao to cook as a dish for lunch— No way, An Li can't cook either.

Xu Qishen and An Li used the most common shuttle to learn to weave fishing nets from a few old people in the fishing village. This is a very dexterous craft, and almost all people who go to sea, regardless of gender, can do it. When it is sunny, they go out to fish and mend the fishing nets at home when the weather is bad, and they suddenly go back to hundreds of years ago.

"Zhou Liang's reputation has spread completely," Li Shao muttered.

"He was also very famous before." En Li didn't raise her head.

"In the past, only the supernatural beings knew about it. When I went out to buy vegetables yesterday, I heard the villagers talking about it. So many people died in city b, this incident caused a lot of trouble..." Xu Qishen shook his head.

"Stop talking, everyone is dead!" An Li gave Li Shao and Xu Qishen a hard look.

Lingling sat there, as if she didn't hear anything, but she actually shrank quietly into the shadow of the threshold.

In fact, only An Li knew that Zhou Liang's body had never been found. But City B decided that Zhou Liang was dead, and Captain Hao didn't even know about it, let alone Lingling.

An Li's mood suddenly became as bad as the weather.

The heavy rain came and went intermittently for three days, and there were thunderstorms every afternoon. The road became slippery and muddy. Some domesticated chickens and ducks were carried into the house by the villagers, and when the rain stopped, they dug drainage ditches for the vegetable fields. Everyone was very busy, and Li Shao sometimes rolled up his sleeves when he got to know people well. Running to help, An Li was helping a nearby family repair the leaking roof, and when Xu Qishen found out that Lingling was not there, it was almost dinner time.

The three of them were not worried, knowing that although the little girl had a lot of troubles in her heart, she had been playing with that sea monster recently, and she seemed to be much better.

So Li Shao held up his umbrella and walked towards the beach.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, thinking that Lingling must not have brought an umbrella when she went out, and although it was summer, it would still be fatal if she caught a cold this year, Li Shao ran forward stepping on the muddy water. On the way, he saw a strange man sitting behind a rock on the seawall in the heavy rain. He was a little strange, and he glanced at the man again, and his hair stood on end.

There are distinct scars on the face and hands, like burns, and the left arm hangs unnaturally around the neck, probably broken. The whole person was huddled there, and the clothes wrapped around him were obviously too big.

Li Shao didn't take a second look. He felt that even if this person came to the village, the villagers probably wouldn't welcome him. This kind of appearance is too scary.

Li Shao was in a hurry to take Lingling home, but the thought flashed in his mind, and he didn't notice that the person slowly shifted his eyes to him who was running towards the beach, his eyes were cold and vicious.


The beach was empty, but Li Shao knew that the little girl was there.

Lingling's ability is air, and the best way to hide from the rain is to jump into the sea and stuff herself in a big bubble to play with Kraken.

The sea water surged up, as if the sea level had risen a bit, and the stingray's black and huge body floated out like a blanket. Lingling ran from Kraken's back to his head, and then swam onto the beach with hands and feet.

Kraken agrees with the reason that Lingling wants to go home to eat. Eating is the most important thing, and she is also hungry, so she has to swim out of Bohai Bay to find food. The seawater flow in the bay is not very strong. If it eats up all the plankton here, the fish here will starve to death or swim to the far sea.

Kraken patted his left pectoral fin, causing a big splash. He learned from Lingling to wave his hand to say goodbye.

It turned around and happily swam to the depths of the ocean, where the water was too shallow to jump in place.

[Huh, dumplings for dinner?]

The distance was not too far, and Lingling could still hear what Lingling said to Li Shao. Kraken thought about asking Lingling what dumplings were tomorrow, and then went back to show off to the sea monsters. Huh, those guys thought humans only ate bananas—maybe in a way, monkeys ate bananas, didn't they? Although orangutans are supposed to be omnivores.

This is the good thing about sound wave chatting. After parting, you don’t have to say goodbye to each other. After half a day, you can turn around and leave within audible range:

[Actually, you can give me a box of dumplings and let me take them back to Xia Yi.]

[…The dumplings were broken when you arrived.]Lingling can't even imagine the taste of dumplings soaked in seawater.

Li Shao complained silently on the side, as the person who tried to feed the devil fish with coconut milk - you obviously have a leaky mouth, what's the use of being interested in dumplings? !

[No, Xia Yi is not far away...]

Before Kraken could say anything, he heard a scream of pain.


It turned over suddenly in the sea water, bringing up a large wave of water, and the red light like a projection lamp shone on the sea surface in the heavy rain. From a distance, Lingling's body on the beach seemed to be slapped high by an invisible hand, Three or four white ice arrows were inserted into his body, and he fell straight into the sea. Bright red blood flew out from the wound, strangely connecting into more than a dozen red lines, rendering the rainwater crimson.

Kraken froze.

In shock, Li Shao threw away his umbrella, and before he had time to jump into the sea to find Lingling, he turned his head angrily. The beach was empty, only the man squatting behind the rock got up, and his face covered with terrifying scars was exposed in the rain. A terrible smile, which is very clear from such a distance, because the rainwater poured by the torrential rain quickly distorted and deformed, wrapping the man in the middle, and at the same time, a ball of water rushed tightly, covering Li Shao's mouth and nose.


Li Shao choked, and immediately held his breath. He realized who the other party was, and he was shocked and furious.

The ability caused the ball of water to fly away quickly. With red eyes, Li Shao picked up the three-meter-long plank of a broken fishing boat that was stranded on the beach and smashed it hard at Zhou Liang.

With Li Shao as the center, all the sea sand flew up, and the two shallowly buried stones broke away from the sand layer and floated up as a whole. The bloodline that was continuously pulled out also seemed to be cut off as if it lost gravity.

This vision finally caused Zhou Liang's pupils to shrink, and turned to stare at Li Shao vigilantly and coldly.

Another guy with special abilities and a threat to him!

During Zhou Liang's recovery and hiding for more than a month, he wished he could tear Lingling and Anli apart... Sure enough, no one can stay if there is a threat!

The supernatural ability that affects gravity looks terrifying and magnificent, but—Zhou Liang smiled coldly, after avoiding the falling ship plank, he compressed and gathered the water layer and stared at Li Shao.

Everyone has blood! He is the most powerful supernatural being! Whoever wants to die will die!

Li Shao's chest was filled with qi and blood, and his heart was throbbing. Before he could utter a scream, the raging waves rushed ashore.

The sea monster's projecting lamp-like eyes stared fiercely at Zhou Liang, and its black and huge pectoral fins shot violent waves against the seawall, almost rushing ashore.

Zhou Liang's heart trembled, he could no longer care about Li Shao, and started to back up while attacking sea monsters with supernatural powers. The torrential rain and sea water became his best weapons, and Kraken roared angrily in pain and sorrow. This sound wave shook Zhou Liang and Li Shao at the same time. It lifted Lingling up from the bottom of the sea, but Lingling didn't move.

— what is death

—I just won’t play or talk with you anymore…

[You killed Lingling! ! ]

— Will Lingling die

— will too.

[I want to kill you, I want to eat you! ]

The appearance of the stingray is very scary. It erected its body in the sea and spread its fins, almost covering a large area of the sky. During the heavy rain, the waves were churning, but the sea water turned into sharp objects and kept hitting the huge body of the stingray.

The hardness of the sea monster's outer skin was obviously beyond Zhou Liang's expectations. Anyway, the girl probably wouldn't survive, so Zhou Liang began to attack the sea monster from the inside with supernatural powers. The Kraken began to hit the beach frantically, and it still protected Lingling under its double fins to prevent her from being attacked.

Li Shao vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, then threw himself into the sea desperately trying to drag Lingling up, because Lingling would drown if she kept going like this.

The heavy rain and sea water seriously affected Zhou Liang's judgment on the blood flow of the sea monster, and his killing technique was the result of countless experiments. Although the blood tonnage of the sea monster was considerable, the strength of the sea monster was obviously beyond common sense.

There were many cracks on Kraken's body, and he was hit hard again by the Frostbolt piercing the wound. The blood stained the sea water, and it flowed out at an accelerated rate under the control of the ability. But it still tried hard to bring more seawater to the shore, and most of the beach was submerged in an instant.

This was the first time Zhou Liang saw panic in Shuiduo's heart. His powers were almost exhausted, and this sea monster didn't look like it was dying yet. The village in the distance was also alarmed. Zhou Liang saw from a distance that the woman running in front was An Li, so he gave up continuing to attack the sea monster and Li Shao, and ran along the seawall instead.

"Lingling!!" Li Shao tried his best to stabilize his body, and he was covered with wounds. If it wasn't for supernatural powers, those water arrows turned into sea water could turn him and Lingling into hedgehogs. Li Shao tried his best to let Lingling's head out of the sea. . He was so panicked that he was almost at a loss, the sea water around him was almost red, and he didn't know whether it was Kraken's blood or his and Lingling's.

When An Li arrived and saw this scene like a sea of blood, she almost thought that Li Shao was hopeless.

She jumped into the sea and dragged Li Shao upstream, Xu Qishen followed to catch Lingling, An Li touched with trembling hands, and found that Lingling was still breathing, so she quickly slapped Li Shao awake, the three of them climbed ashore and headed for the village without their lives Ben.

The author has something to say: Zhou Liang would not be able to escape if any sea monster was replaced...but Li Shao and Lingling could not be saved...Because of the infrasound waves of sea monsters that can kill people, Kraken is only one and a half years old, and he is not yet Will... gd1806102