Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 174: as a result of


The sea water is scarlet, and the hideous and huge body of the devil fish is looming in the sea water. Seeing this scene in the thunderstorm, the villagers are almost terrified and want to take up weapons to drive away the sea monster. Search: \(\\\\) Free Watch Fine Literature Li Shao and Lingling, covered in blood, were both regarded as victims of a sea monster attack. After all, only An Li and Xu Qishen could hear Kraken's angry shout.

Li Shao wiped the blood on his face, gritted his teeth in pain, looked up and saw the panic on the faces of the villagers who had heard the sound, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up, it's dangerous here!"

An Li looked at the terrible wound on Lingling's body. The Frostbolt had melted uncontrollably, leaving only a bone-white wound that was continuously oozing blood.

"What the hell is going on? Who is that person?"

"It's Zhou Liang!! Sister An, you clearly said that guy is dead!"

An Li's expression changed.

Is that bastard really alive? How on earth did you find it here? By the way, when we were in city b, those noisy people were extremely emotional, and there was a great possibility that someone was instigating them behind the scenes. Then they lived here with Lingling for more than half a month. Usually, Li Shao loves running from house to house, An Li likes to go shopping in the nearby market to barter, and Ling Ling likes to run on the beach... It is really obvious to find a target.

An Li felt a chill down her spine, and raised her head abruptly in the rainstorm.

If the guess is correct, Zhou Liang's next target will definitely be himself or Li Shao!

She wanted to look back at the situation of Kraken. Looking from the seawall, the sea monster dragged its heavy body to the distance in the heavy rain, and the bright red blood stretched all the way, and finally sank into the waves.

Like Li Shao, Zhou Liang didn't know that when the stingray shouted angrily, it didn't use regional sound waves.

Zhou Liang had a kind of supercilious arrogance, even though he was extremely embarrassed now, he ran all the way down the breakwater, and quickly rushed into a small forest, and then wrapped his clothes tightly, his hanging arm was in a heart-pounding pain. It would take a hundred days to hurt his muscles and bones. Fortunately, when the explosion happened that day, he had already escaped from the house, and he happened to be behind the load-bearing wall. He had enough time to escape, but he just rolled out in a panic, with his face and body covered in embers. It's just a broken left hand.

Thinking of what happened that night, Zhou Liang gritted his teeth with hatred.

That was an excellent opportunity, obviously able to kill Hao Guosong! But that girl named Lingling and a strange woman appeared again... Today, when I was going to get rid of Lingling, there was another supernatural being with special attributes.

Zhou Liang recalled that the attack failed, the water arrows collapsed, and the strange shape of the gravel reef floating in situ, his expression distorted.

—An anti-gravity ability

Coupled with the woman who used the powerful fire attribute to attack, Zhou Liang turned to another path angrily. He felt that he couldn't stay here for long, maybe Hao Guosong would come from City B!

What, that sea monster

Dealing with sea monsters was never part of Zhou Liang's plan, and the encounter today was purely accidental, since the sea monsters had swam so far, yet they still heard the sound returning. Zhou Liang has never thought about going to the island or going to sea in the future. What he wants is that the government will have nothing to do with him, and he can slowly gather enough strength, so that he can live comfortably for the rest of his life

Zhou Liang can understand what air route communication redefines the world's strength and determines the country's future vision

He has been an extreme cynic since before the end of the world, and he can't understand everything in society, including the government. It belongs to the kind of blind hatred. As long as the country says something is right, he will inevitably criticize it eccentrically, and he can't wait to swear while drinking beer. At first, there were some hopeless people around who felt reasonable, but gradually they found that Zhou Liang was paranoid and stubborn like a lunatic, and subconsciously avoided him. This intensified Zhou Liang's resentment and distortion.

Sometimes he was woken up by the sound of sea monsters talking in the middle of the night, and he even speculated maliciously that these monsters had no brains, and they didn't even know that they were fighting each other for territory.

The feet trampling through the mud suddenly stopped, and Zhou Liang remembered what he had just heard on the beach.

Dumplings... Xiayi...

Hmph, it's not worth thinking about, it's just a sea monster, no matter how powerful it is, can it still climb to the shore? If they climbed to the shore to plunder and destroy, then the national supernatural team would be the one to suffer! He enjoys watching the show.

Zhou Liang thought with a sneer.


The sound waves are different from normal speech, and sometimes they may not have the exact meaning, but they must contain some kind of emotion, and Kraken's shouting, not only can hear the "Lingling was killed", but also feel the strong hatred of the stingray with anger.

In fact, at that time, Xia Yi was wrapping a sea urchin covered with black thorns with water balls, and carefully trying to pry it open with the claws of a sea crab after holding it up. It is impossible for every family to have small eight pieces. The best way is to use local materials, and use sharp claws to dig into the hard shell to pick out the fresh and tender meat.

Kraken's shout made Xia Yi's hand tremble, and the sharp claw of the sea crab poked his left hand, and a deep blood spot appeared.

The siren immediately threw away the sea crab that was still eating, grabbed Xia Yi's hand, and pressed the wound.

The Kraken's yells of anger continued, and there was even a howl of pain at the end.

This time even the siren's expression changed. Gululu slowly crawled out of a pile of seaweed and tried to lift his upper body towards the sea surface. The sunfish patted the last two fins of its body, apparently waking up.

Whether it's Eurebia driving penguins as far away as Antarctica, or Volkus basking in the sun in the Sagasau Sea. Even Keto under the abyss, Nereus in the Arctic sea of ice... Seeing Taomus, the little mermaid rolling in the sea, all the sea monsters stopped in doubt.

Lingling, this name sounds familiar... Oh yes, it is a human being that Kraken knows, and he likes to teach Kraken how to sing.

Humans die, that's normal, but being killed—

Other sea monsters are not as ignorant as Kraken, except for Vorkus, they did not grow up drinking sea water. Every day he has to fill his stomach to hunt. Although the sea turtle Taomus eats seaweed, he also likes jellyfish and oysters. To be killed is to be eaten by sea monsters... So Lingling was, eaten

The sea monsters were very confused and couldn't understand, so they immediately replaced themselves. For example, Abiser imagined that Nereus was eaten by sunfish, Taomus imagined that Gaffer was killed by sirens, and Urebia Gululu was eaten by Xia Yi, crab roe, etc. Suddenly all the sea monsters became irritable, this is absolutely unacceptable! !

[Kraken? ]

No reply.

Judging from the location of the sound waves, it is in Bohai Bay. Aren’t the sirens nearby? They’ll be fine. There’s also sunfish—but sea monsters have no sense of distance. Their proximity is calculated according to their own swimming speeds, like the Sulawesi Sea and the South China Sea, or the East China Sea and the Bohai Bay. . You must know that there is a Yellow Sea above the East China Sea, and then it turns into Bohai Bay, which is the distance from Shanghai to Tianjin!

Dangling in the Sea of Okhotsk, the big octopus that waited for Nereus sank immediately, dragging all its tentacles behind, and flew to the southwest at the fastest speed.

Abiser's road is longer, three times that of Siren, and it will take at least three days to get there.

If Kraken waited for Abiser to save his life, he would probably be a dead body.

When the big octopus arrived, Kraken was floating motionless in the sea, and the sunfish slowly swam around it, occasionally hitting the devil fish with its head, but Kraken spread its fins and moved along. The waves rolled slightly, without any movement.

Abise wanted to try to poke Kraken with her tentacles.

[do not move!]

Abise huddled to look at the siren.

It must be late, it must be late. Although the mermaid's speed is fast, the siren can't bring the sunfish to swim over. Apart from Xia Yi, there is only Gululu around the siren, and each swims slower than the other... The king crab is probably still on the way to climb.

[...Woo Lingling...]

[Kraken, are you still alive?]Abiser almost jumped out of the sea.

There are wounds all over the devil fish's body, and there are countless cracks on the bat-like fins on both sides, which have healed until only fine lines remain. The white belly is also criss-crossed, and the largest one still has red marks. From the back to the tail, the flat body seems to be covered with fine cracks, as if the whole thing fell apart and then put back together again.

Abiser's three hearts were beating loudly, and she swam around the Kraken, and now she understood why the Siren forbade it to touch the Kraken.

What was this horrible wound like before it healed!

What is it that can hurt Kraken like this? Sea monsters are scary and dangerous when they see them, and Abiser can’t figure out how the siren brought the sunfish here—Abiser, you are so sorry for your racial IQ, the siren really can’t move the sunfish Fish, but the sunfish is still a fish, it just doesn't usually swim, it's not that it can't swim.

Kraken whimpered, sounding very much like crying.

The siren's expression was terrifying.

Xia Yi stroked the wound on the devil fish's belly with her fingers. The scar was very long, almost three meters long, the edges on both sides had healed, and there was still flesh turned out in the middle.

Kraken, who usually loves to toss around, doesn't even have the strength to swim now.

It is desperately trying to swim back to the deep enough sea area, and its physical strength is exhausted due to excessive blood loss. If it stays in the shallow sea, it will run aground sadly. Damaged internal organs are under heavy pressure and can literally kill you.

Although he feels much better now, the wound doesn't hurt, and his body doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore, but Kraken has no strength to float in the sea, still crying and calling Lingling.

Not to mention Abiser, even the Sirens think that Kraken is too worthless.

However, Kraken is actually only one and a half years old. It doesn't know the infrasonic resonance that kills humans, and it doesn't even know many things in the ocean. Due to the nature of the race, it can only play tricks, it can't hunt, it's not fierce at all, and it doesn't feel sorry for its terrifying appearance at all.

[This is impossible!]Abiser waved her tentacles violently.

The child Kraken must be talking nonsense, how could the sea water turn into a swordfish's mouth and poke its body, why does it seem that hagfish got into its body and bit everywhere... How could such a thing happen to humans

[There is no hagfish in your stomach.] Sunfish said slowly.

[I... don't know... Lingling! Ah, yes! Lingling was pierced by an ice pick falling from an iceberg... and the sea water turned into something like that!]

Abisher almost growled.

This is not the Sea of Okhotsk, where did the icebergs come from

August is summer in the northern hemisphere, the hottest season.

Xia Yi's face changed.

[ this kind of thing?]

Three or four slender and transparent ice cones quickly condense in the sea water. Xia Yi usually uses small ice blades. Recently, he uses sea crab claws or sea urchin back thorns directly when eating. He has never condensed like this before. Sharp and razor-sharp ice arrows.

Kraken rolled his eyes and screamed:

[Yes, that's... Wuwu Lingling is dead, I will never see Lingling again.]

Abiser really wanted to slap it with her tentacles, but she finally withdrew it.

Xia Yi's face was pale, and he could use sea water to turn into invisible sharp blades or a large number of ice arrows to attack sea monsters, what a powerful water ability. Moreover, most of the wounds on Kraken's body burst from the inside out, and it was obvious that they were also attacked by supernatural powers. What else can a water attribute ability control? Blood!

That was something Xia Yi never thought about.

[Don't get close to the coast—]Xia Yi suddenly pulled the siren, he has very little emotion, but now this expression of panic and fear makes the mermaid capable of responding.

Such deep, dark horror.

Xia Yi suddenly thought that no matter which sea monster, if it meets that person, it will suffer the same bad luck as Kraken! Moreover, the sirens don't have the body and physical strength of the sea monsters, so they probably won't be able to come back alive! There is no blood on the body of any creature, and the blood on the sea monster is probably calculated in tons! It's too easy to be attacked!

And Nereus's body is too soft, external attack can break it to death.

In particular, sea monsters live in the sea!

[Even if we don't go ashore, what if that person comes to the sea?]

The siren's voice was cold, and he grabbed Xia Yi's hand, and inserted his cold fingers into Xia Yi's fingers, and the soft web slowly slid along the knuckles. Then hold Xia Yi's hand tightly, and swim close to Xia Yi's side, the siren leaned over and whispered in his ear:

[Just like you, what should I do when I come to the sea?]


Xia Yi's pupils suddenly shrank.

The author has something to say: It is very difficult for people with autism to fight with others...

Siren used the right method gd1806102