Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 175: hit


In fact, the meaning of the siren is just to tell Xia Yi that the person is dangerous, so he must be dealt with, so that Xia Yi will not stop him from approaching the shore. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free, but when Xia Yi heard it, another idea appeared.

In August, winds blow from the sea to land, bringing the most abundant rainfall of the year.

There was no typhoon passing through the Bohai Bay, but Li Shao felt that the atmosphere was even more terrifying than the coming of the typhoon. Some villager had spread rumors of sea monsters attacking people, and everyone panicked for a while. Many people who had already settled down took their families and moved away. Within a few days, the houses in the village were empty, and the old days of cocking and barking disappeared. This kind of scene makes those who are reluctant to move at first also rush to move away.

The wound on Li Shao's body had just begun to heal and grow new flesh, and it was so itchy that he was restless every day. The village did not have enough medical conditions, and it is even worse now. Without villagers, it means that there are no vegetables and grains to exchange, and their storage can only be consumed for another three days. Lingling was seriously injured, and she couldn't just move away casually.

There are state agency personnel in any gathering place of residents, and immediately reported to city b after Lingling's accident.

When City B rushed to the medical rescue team first, Lingling's wound was infected and burned all over her body, and light yellow water was still overflowing from the thickly sutured wound. In this kind of situation where there is no condition for surgery and such severe injuries, it is hopeless.

"Fortunately, the internal organs were not too seriously damaged." Although the diagnosis result was good, Enli still had the urge to curse. If the organs are seriously injured, Lingling won't be able to survive at all, okay

It is estimated that Zhou Liang killed a lot of people, but he still didn't do anything to the children on purpose, and the location was not so accurate. Lingling was just hit by the momentum of the ice arrow passing through the body, and finally fell into the sea instead of landing.

"This...doesn't guarantee that it can be saved!"

"You have to, you have to do that!" It was Professor Lin who spoke, and he also came with the medical team, and he was much older and terribly thin. Everyone trembled for the dying old man after recovering from a serious illness. Look worried.

"Yes! The country can lose Hao Guosong, but it can't live without this girl!" It was the other two elderly people from the Academy of Sciences who were speaking. Now that they don't have enough comfortable transportation, they are very tired from the long journey, and their eyes are deeply sunken.

What is the most powerful alternative energy source other than electricity? It is the power generated by compressed air.

Coupled with the particularity of Lingling's language expression, not to mention General Zhao, even the Academy of Sciences was so nervous that they almost fainted collectively.

"Although these villagers moved away out of fear of rumors, our people deliberately pushed behind us..." Professor Lin's only relative died. Enli subconsciously felt a little scary about the full and exhausted contradiction. She barely restrained the idea of leaving, and heard Professor Lin say:

"Zhou Liang will definitely come back!"

Just the news that Lingling was not dead leaked out by those who moved away was enough to make Zhou Liang restless.

"Analyzing now, he won't let go of anyone who threatens him..." Professor Lin said coldly, fiddled with a pile of choking powder wrapped in oiled paper and packed in a long bamboo tube, Enri could already smell sulfur and saltpeter from the middle The smell immediately numbs the scalp.

Although guns are in short supply in the post-apocalyptic world, and only some special military factories abroad and in China can make guns by hand, gunpowder and even more terrifying explosives are not too difficult to configure in the eyes of scientists, and it is quite easy to set up a trap.

"Zhou Liang is very cunning." An Li reminded Professor Lin tactfully.

He would not show up unless he was certain that there was a target in the house, or that there were people living nearby.

"After Lingling's fever subsided, you immediately pretended to be the last batch of relocated people and left."

En Li was startled by Professor Lin's irrelevant answer, and immediately understood what he meant. Looking at the dying old man in front of her, she suddenly didn't know what to say. The few days she stayed in City B were enough for her to know the identity of the dead Lin Xi.

"Hao... I mean, does General Zhao know?"

"How could they know..." After the old man said this, he refused to answer again.

An Li noticed that the medical team came this time with a lot of people. Except for those who rescued Lingling, there were five or six people who were not in the right state of mind. His eyes were red, but he didn't look like he had been crying, and he was busy around the room with a numb expression.

Sometimes, the living are more important than the dead, but without the most important person, living is meaningless.

An Li didn't speak any more, and she didn't remind Li Shao. She climbed up to the roof, and spent the night half-watching and half-going out. When the rising sun gushed out from the east again, she suddenly felt very tired, that kind of tired and powerless feeling.

Zhou Liang's ability is too terrifying, it is impossible to kill him without paying any price. During that night, An Li rotated through countless plans in her mind, even including Hao Guosong who hadn't arrived yet, but she still didn't have a plan with full confidence. Within the controllable range of the ability, Zhou Liang's attack on blood is enough to kill Li Shao and herself. Hao Guosong with special attributes and Xu Qishen with fast speed can probably avoid it.

This is the seaside again, the place where Zhou Liang is most worried about running out of water. Even this time, there is no need to kill so many people to draw blood to put out the fire.

Wait, that is!

An Li suddenly sat up from the roof, and in the morning light, a figure slowly walked from the direction of the seawall.

He walked very slowly, even a little unsteady when he couldn't step on the ground, and he looked very embarrassed, but fortunately it was summer, so being naked was nothing. The sea breeze rolled up his uneven hair, and it didn't take long for him to blow it half dry. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans, only half of them, with his right calf exposed, and the military coat still tied around his waist.

Probably because the morning wind was still cool, the man took off his ragged coat and casually put it on his shoulders.

"Xia Yi?"

An Li was startled, and climbed down from the roof, so as to arrive before Xia Yi stepped into a pit with three iron clamps on the field ridge.

So when eating in the morning, Li Shao came in with his eyes rubbed and screamed, almost knocking over the porridge in Xu Qishen's hand.

"Xia, Xia... Brother Xia? Why do you..."

The last reunion on a ship and a sea mile was always weird. Now when Li Shaomeng saw Xia Yi sitting there, his eyeballs almost rolled down, but he had to admit that Xia Yi looked different from before.

He still likes to stay quietly in the corner, but now it is particularly conspicuous, and his skin is darker, but it is not Li Shao's dryness after exposure to the sun, but a slightly brownish wheat color. In the past, Xia Yi always had a straight back no matter where she was, with a very rigid appearance, and the word "boring" was written on her face. But now he is sitting on the chair in the farthest corner, leaning against the wall naturally and relaxedly—the ocean, a world full of buoyancy that does not distinguish between up, down, left, and right, obviously makes people spontaneously find the most comfortable posture.

In the past, Xia Yi used to stare at the ceiling or a corner of the wall or maybe some decoration, just staring at it without making a sound, without any sense of presence, and not interested in what happened next to her.

But as soon as Li Shao entered the door this time, Xia Yi noticed him, obviously interested in the porridge in Xu Qishen's hand.

Those things that he didn't care about in the past, such as dishes, or a few small pickles, even Xu Qishen, he is really looking at them with his eyes, not the kind of people who are clearly here, but their thoughts don't know where they are going. state.

Although in the eyes of unfamiliar people, this kind of behavior is still a little cold and arrogant, but to Li Shao, who is familiar with Xia Yi's habits, it is already very surprising, so unexpected that he feels that the person in front of him looks a little strange.

"Brother Xia?" Li Shao sat down on his buttocks, but a wound on his back was touched, causing him to bark his teeth in pain.

The porridge was placed on the table, still steaming, and the people who took care of Lingling came to eat in turn. They looked at Xia Yi vigilantly, and found that the three of An Li knew him, and Xia Yi's characteristics were far from Zhou Liang's. , So they didn't ask, they just hurried in and out of this room.

"Where is he?" Xia Yi has never found the smell of Mi Xiang so attractive in her whole life.

This kind of nonsense made Anli and the three of them look at each other. After a while, Li Shao came to his senses and suddenly slapped the table:

"You mean Zhou Liang? Hey, who knows where that bastard went?"

Xia Yi frowned.

"Can you let me know if you have any news?"

"This—" Li Shao looked at An Li.

An Li stared at the other room with flickering eyes. Professor Lin's plan was terrible and unsafe.

"By the way, that blanket-like sea monster... I mean Kraken, it's called that, how is it?"

Xia Yi didn't answer Li Shao's words, but said, "Where's Lingling?"

Obviously, Xia Yi had thought about the first two sentences for a long time, so although his tone was blunt and weird, they were very coherent, but after the next words, Xia Yi's pauses became more obvious, which seemed a bit difficult.

"I don't know...the situation is not very good." Li Shao was very frustrated. He still hadn't figured out how Zhou Liang appeared here, they said he was dead! And even if he didn't die, he should lose half his life. Captain Hao hasn't recovered yet, so this guy is alive and kicking

Sailors also have a concept that they will be safe when they return to land.

Li Shao took another look at Xia Yi, but couldn't bear it, so he ran back to his room to look through his clothes.

So the dinner table fell into silence again, Xia Yi stopped after drinking a bowl of porridge, and no one spoke. The sun outside the house did not climb high enough, and was quickly covered by clouds, which was a cool day.

After Xia Yi changed the clothes Li Shaosai gave him, still without shoes, he stepped on the dry ridge and walked towards the embankment.

—He had to go back before the siren found out that he was gone.

Li Shaoanli came to deliver it, but Xia Yi firmly refused, because he was not sure whether the siren would have found out, so he was waiting for him by the sea.

The sea breeze was strong, and a series of unknown little yellow flowers swayed on the ridge of the field. Xia Yi's mood also barely improved. He had already walked very steadily, and the clothes he changed were exactly the T-shirts that the nearby villagers often wore. Cloth wide-cut trousers, he walked a long way in a hurry, and when he turned around and went under the seawall, he saw a bunch of footprints on the sand.

—It turned out that he was the only one!

Since the accident, almost no one has come to the beach here. It has not been an hour since Xia Yi came ashore, and the waves and wind have not had time to smooth out all the traces, but now there are two more lines of different shades next to his footprints. imprint.

Xia Yi followed the footprints and looked up, and found that they stretched all the way to the end of the beach.

This is a bay, in the shape of a semi-arc, the top edge of which cannot be seen.

The owner of this line of footprints seems to be very curious about the path Xia Yi walked, and followed Xia Yi's footprints all the way to the seawall, and naturally he would never see them after leaving the beach. Xia Yi stared straight at the sand, his expression began to change slightly.

It was because he was not cautious enough, just imagine a row of footprints from the sea suddenly appearing on the beach, or footprints left by bare feet...

Xia Yi didn't suddenly turn around and run back, nor did she go to the sea, she just stayed in place, staring at the undulating waves.

The sea is unobstructed, there is half a broken fishing boat on the beach, and there are two or three high-bulging reefs near the sea. People often climb up, so the surface is very smooth.

"Who are you?"

Xia Yi was on the beach, staring in a certain direction, asking without emotion.

The beach was empty, and a few crabs crawled slowly and clumsily, without any movement. In fact, there was no place to hide. Normal people would suddenly turn their heads and suspect that someone was hiding in a haystack under the seawall, and even followed their footprints to the other side of the beach. It was obviously contrary to common sense for Xia Yi to remain motionless on the beach.

"It was you who attacked Lingling and Kraken."

This is not a question, but a statement. Xia Yi stared at the water behind the reef. Although there was nothing unusual there, Captain An Lihao and even any supernatural person would never be able to find it, but it can hide Xia Yi's feeling

But pretending not to know, just planning to swim into the sea to prepare for a counterattack, is not something Xia Yi would do.

—Traps and calculations, if you encounter people with abnormal logic and behavior patterns, you can only scrap them.

Seeing that there was still no movement in the sea, Xia Yi used the most direct method:

[Kraken, eat him.]

Of course, the devil fish is not here, but it is a very good way to intimidate. At least no one who has encountered the sea monster head-on dares to continue hiding in the sea. The waves surged instantly, and the water droplets burst into countless tiny sharp spikes . Zhou Liang's real attack was to launch it when others blocked or resolved it with supernatural powers.

But this time, he met Xia Yi.

The seawater condensed again in front of Xia Yi, floating into a vertical illusory water curtain.

The author has something to say: ... Tomorrow's update will be advanced, otherwise it will be photographed to death... gd1806102