Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 176: Killing intent - 1


It is not difficult for a Siren to kill a person. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

The only problem was that the man was on land, and the mermaid couldn't go ashore to find him.

Of course the siren refused to let Xia Yi approach the land, this time he was not afraid of Xia Yi leaving, he stared at the scar on the devil fish repeatedly, his gaze became more serious. It is rare to be able to cause this level of trauma to sea monsters, even in the memory of mermaid inheritance.

He can't let Xia Yi take risks!

Leaving Kraken in the care of Sunfish and leaving Xia Yi with Abiser, the siren swam along the seabed current to the place where the sonic location heard Kraken howling a few days ago.

It is very close to where humans live.

The closer to the beach, the faint smell of blood can be discerned. This is a bay, and the blood left by Kraken has been almost washed away by the sea, and only some residual traces can be barely seen near the coast.

Merfolk have a strong dislike for shallow ocean areas near cities.

There are always various wastes on the gravel on the seabed, and there are even tattered fishing nets. The current is slow and the buoyancy is not enough, which greatly affects the speed of the mermaid. But the advantage of turbid sea water is that it is difficult to expose yourself. Siren swam around the bay and found no signs. It seems that that person doesn't stay in the sea for a long time like Xia Yi.

The siren wiped off a light-colored plastic bag wrapped around the fish's tail with his arm in disgust.

The sea water here made him feel sticky and uncomfortable. How can you live in such a sea? That's why Kraken, a playful kid who doesn't understand anything, likes to swim here.

Maybe that human is no longer here—the siren swam around the bay again, memorizing the surrounding terrain firmly, and left quietly again under the cover of night, he decided to go back and call Abiser.

Maybe that human lived nearby.

There are many such fragments in the inheritance memory. Human beings are more obsessed with the place of residence. Once a mermaid brought a sea monster to attack a port. It didn't take long for someone to try to kill or drive away the sea monster in various ways.

But when the Sirens returned, they found that Abiser had disappeared.

No, it doesn't matter if Abisse is gone, but Xia Yi is also gone! !


The dense blade-like water waves suddenly condensed silently, like a drop of water entering a river, stopping and merging naturally, making a layer of water curtain appear in front of Xia Yi out of thin air.

Before Xia Yi had time to see the figure of the attacker clearly, she suddenly felt a jump in her chest.

It felt like I had just run 1,500 meters, my heart beat wildly and my blood vessels constricted, I could start panting and I couldn't help but want to bend down, the veins on my wrists and insteps were throbbing.

Xia Yi knew what it was, and could guess the horror of this attack from the cracked wounds on Kraken's skin. He started to push back, and then found that on the empty beach, he couldn't walk steadily, and Xia Yi didn't have the concept of "power control range". Do standard. Now he miscalculated the strength of his opponent.

A huge water column suddenly appeared as the sea surged, Xia Yi leaned forward and fell into the waves.

He quickly swam away in the sea water, and the dull and sharp pain also stagnated.

Xia Yi panicked, no wonder Kraken almost died—he didn’t know that Zhou Liang was even more depressed, because after the water curtain appeared, Zhou Liang couldn’t feel Xia Yi’s existence anymore, relying on his experience of killing many people The attack launched by the previous vision, but the control of the ability was not smooth, as if stuck in a quagmire, unable to pull out the root or catch it, so I had to stir it desperately, but it still felt far away, as if it was not five or six meters away but five or six Ten meters exceeded the limit of the ability's control range.

Seeing the strange huge waves appearing on the sea, engulfing that person, Zhou Liang felt particularly bad.

Under the control of his ability, the sea water turned into a sharp ice front again, but Zhou Liang couldn't find that person, so he had to attack everywhere randomly and frantically. But the stupid method was also effective, and soon he found that there was an area that was completely out of control. Zhou Liang suddenly became excited, and condensed the seawater to attack that piece desperately.

But that deep sense of powerlessness came after him. Not only did he fail to break through the barrier-like defense, but the uncontrollable scope became wider and wider.

This is absolutely impossible! !

Zhou Liang's burned face twisted ferociously.

When he found the footprints on the beach this morning, he had a sense of foreboding. There was no sign of any boats docking on the beach, and the people in that village had almost moved. He could even sneak into the village casually at night. Find an empty house to sleep in. No one dared to approach the beach... He ventured to step on the road he came along again, then climbed up the reef and jumped into the sea. Zhou Liang believed that no matter how powerful the trap was, he would never be afraid of fire and explosion this time in the sea.

Finally, it turned out to be such a person.

In fact, there are only a few small fish in the empty sea, and the water is very shallow, only five or six meters deep. Let alone sea monsters, even a big fish is obvious. But no matter how courageous Zhou Liang was, he was frightened by Kraken's size and his terrifying and angry howls, and his conditioned reflex jumped out.

But that sound wave is very familiar! People with supernatural powers who are often woken up by sea monsters in the middle of the night will feel that this sound wave is familiar. Although the owner of this voice does not speak much, the sound wave is very special. It is different from those sea monsters with strange tones and incoherent words. Xia Yi!

The one with this name is not a sea monster!

Now Zhou Liang roared crazily in his heart, such an obvious water ability! And it turned out to be walking ashore from the sea... No, is this really a human being? Zhou Liang's mind began to become confused. Of course, he had heard stories about vampires, zombies, and fairies. It's the end of the world, and it's not uncommon for sea monsters to have some monsters that look like humans.

The sea water surged up very fast, and it covered Zhou Liang's ankle in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Liang didn't dare to turn around, so he could only back away crazily, while condensing something hard like a shield to block in front of him.

Xia Yi also noticed that he was going to run away, but with the lessons learned from the past, he dared not get too close to Zhou Liang. A person with abilities at this level, with the same attributes, is absolutely deadlocked. Xia Yi's control over the sea water is limited. If he is too far away from him, the turbulent sea water will be manipulated by Zhou Liang in turn. There is no way to do anything to anyone, but each has built an unbreakable defense around them.

Zhou Liang looked back, only to find that the sea water was like sparks falling on the oil, and spread across the beach like a long snake in an instant, getting higher and higher, and crossed the seawall in less than three minutes.


Li Shao squatted there washing the dishes with a shaking hand, almost breaking a bowl, and turned his head in doubt:

"what sound?"

The dull and terrifying rumbling sound didn't sound like thunder.

He ran to the window to look, and suddenly jumped up.

Looking from the treetops on the ridge, you can actually see the sea! ! The sea water rolled back and forth like boiling, and white foam came out, like a high wall of water, infinitely approaching the overcast sky.

"The tsunami is coming!" Other people shouted in horror from outside the house.

Xu Qishen almost rushed into the room to hug Lingling and flee for his life, but Lingling was covered with a bottle and a needle, so there was no way to pick him up. Professor Lin also rushed in, yelling for people to take the unconscious Lingling away.

Riding a few bicycles, Captain Hao and the supernatural team who had just arrived at the entrance of the village almost overturned into the paddy field.

Immediately, no one cared whether he would be punished for losing his bicycle, so he quickly hugged the nearby tree trunk, because no matter how fast a person is, no matter how fast he runs, he can't compare to the speed of the waves.

Only Hao Guosong disappeared in an instant with his supernatural power, and then appeared at the door of the chaotic house.

"Lingling? Professor Lin, let's go!"

"It's not a tsunami!"

An Li suddenly shouted, grabbing Li Shao who was running around like a headless fly and carrying a big pot out of the house. If it wasn't for the special circumstances, she would have wanted to beat Li Shao to death. If it was a real tsunami, what would be the use of the bathtub roof? In the face of such a huge wave of more than 30 meters, even the female Thalassa is in danger of capsizing.

"See, the waves haven't come over at all!"

The person who stumbled on the ground looked up hastily, and sure enough, looking over the treetops, there was still a terrifying wall of water, but there was no sign of falling down, and the sky was still cloudy, not completely covered by the waves.

"I'll go and have a look!" Captain Hao stepped on Li Shao's hand, and disappeared before the latter could roar.

Hao Guosong appeared not far from the seawall, dumbfounded.

It seems that the dam has risen infinitely with the waves, and it is still a transparent barrier, which keeps the waves of terrifying heights always blocked inside. From time to time, sea water overflows like rain.

Suddenly aware that something was wrong, Captain Hao quickly dodged, and he saw countless shards of ice falling side by side on the wet ground.

Shards of ice flying from the sea—

Captain Hao's face changed instantly. The only person with water attributes he knew was Zhou Liang. If Zhou Liang had this ability, he wouldn't use City B to carry out an attack. Submerged in stages, hanging alone in the sea, no matter who comes, as long as a huge wave is set off, who can win it back

Captain, you think too much. Really, even Xia Yi would not do this kind of thing. The terrain is here. Unless you use this scale of abilities continuously, the sea will still recede. The tsunami The effect is at best to destroy a city.

"Go, it's too dangerous here!"

An Li also rushed over, she didn't dare to get too close, seeing the turbulent sea water, she felt a lot of horror in her heart.

More ice-shattering water arrows flew out of the water wall, and some of them were strangely pulled back before landing. Countless eddies appeared in the sea water. The terrifying sound Li Shao heard afterwards was when the waves brought by the vortex collided with each other.

"What's going on here?" Captain Hao appeared next to An Li again in a daze.

An Li hesitated for a moment, but said concisely:

"Xia Yi came just now... Maybe he met Zhou Liang."

"Xia Yi?" Captain Hao raised his voice an octave.

"Yes!" An Li ran back decisively, there was no way to intervene in this level of supernatural confrontation. It looks safe now, who knows when the waves will crash, it is better to evacuate to a safe place quickly.

Captain Hao followed suit. It's troublesome, there is no high ground around here, and the only few hills are more like earth slopes. I don't know if there are sixty meters.


Of course Zhou Liang didn't have such a tough ability.

No, it should be because he felt that he would never be as tough as he is now in his whole life! A large amount of sea water flooded in. Although Xia Yi controlled it, he could also snatch part of it. Zhou Liang was even more excited than ever when he was in the unknown depth of sea water.

He worked hard to control the water waves, pierced through a vortex, and added countless sharp ice blocks in the vortex to reverse the water flow.

Zhou Liang found out that his ability control in the past was all wrong, and the place where he could really use his abilities to the limit should be the sea. He inevitably thought of the same thing as Hao Guosong, and his eyes were red with excitement.

But he is not yet able to control so much seawater, he can only take a small part and turn it into sharp blades as he likes, and even imitate those whirlpools, so that the sharp blades formed by the water will also turn into continuous whirlpools. After a period of time, Xia Yi has this effect. He let out a painful muffled groan, and traces of blood filled the sea water.

Zhou Liang still doesn't know, and now he can't even find out where Xia Yi is.

Contrary to him, Xia Yi knows exactly where Zhou Liang is, which is also the area where the vortex is most densely torn apart, but Xia Yi's control over the sea water is not delicate enough, he is used to making the waves roll and follow certain rules to produce terrifying effects , such as whirlpools or tsunamis, but the huge amount of sea water, his ability only played a role in promoting it, not every area or even every drop of water is within his control range, this line formed his control over Zhou Liang. Temporarily helpless situation.

But this result completely made Xia Yi think of killing Zhou Liang.

Because he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this guy came to the sea to attack the sea monster.

Zhou Liang is not a fish. If he can swim again, he will not be able to flip freely in the vortex. The initial novelty and fun is over. He would feel dizzy, not to mention that Zhou Liang's fractured left hand had already fallen down, seriously interfering with Zhou Liang's will.

It's just time, Xia Yi can afford it, this is to fight whose ability can last until the end.

And Xia Yi didn't come here alone, and he wasn't a sea monster, he knew where to distinguish the sound waves to find here.

The author has something to say: Go for rough rice, eat rice for breakfast and lunch, crawl away at night... gd1806102