Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 177: Killing intent - 2


The biggest difference between Abiser and other sea monsters is that it thinks it is very smart. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free

Well, indeed, octopuses have a very high level of intelligence and creativity. This is a conclusion drawn on the premise that the octopus race usually only has a lifespan of five years. Abiser often has her own thoughts at critical moments, instead of seeing what other sea monsters do, or what the sirens are thinking.

So it's pretty convincing.

——Xia Yi said that you can only find that person when you go ashore, and even if you don't have one, you can ask other people to help you find it.

If Xia Yi had said these words to Uribia, the result could be imagined. After thinking about it seriously, Abiser felt that Xia Yi's idea was the fastest and best, and it was more reliable than the sirens. So he immediately sneaked away with Xia Yi while the siren was away. It was a very simple matter. Kraken was tired and fell asleep from crying, and the sunfish basically refused to move.

As long as you don't take the shortest and fastest straight line, the chances of bumping into a siren on the way are very small.

The depth of this bay is limited, and the deepest part is no more than 13 or 14 meters. Obviously, Abiser can't swim in it, and it's waiting outside for Xia Yi. But the crazy surge of sea water obviously aroused the doubts of the big octopus.

Its chubby head rose above the surface for a moment, then was submerged again.

This movement is very familiar!

Abiser followed suit, tentatively approaching the bay, and the depth was just right, which made her very excited. And as a very smart octopus, it has already guessed the key to the problem.

Octopus is really a kind of creature against the sky. They not only have three hearts and two memory systems, but also change their body color according to the external environment. They are often the scariest attackers on coral reefs, flexible and changeable, with eight tentacles covering their prey like nets. The bright blue circles on the blue-ringed octopus are a kind of intimidation to scare away attackers who try to be interested in it. When Abise is angry, those blue concentric circles will be very bright. Of course what it has to do now is to hide itself.

As if in an instant, the blue color spread from the big octopus, and gradually faded, turning into a grayish blue color similar to the sea water here. The body color change of creatures is definitely the most natural gradient color in the world. It is not a single gray and blue, but a mixture of different shades. From a distance, it is absolutely integrated with the environment.

Even if Nereus is here, he can't achieve such a beautiful invisibility, because although it is transparent, the jellyfish always reflects a special and beautiful luster in places with light, either orange red, or It is the soft silver light of pearls, and it is no problem to change colors like neon lights. Hence the name of jellyfish.

So far, there have been no light-attribute supernatural beings in the world. Even if there were, they probably wouldn’t know how to make themselves invisible without professional training. Or act as a humanoid light bulb in these unlucky times.

Abiser was very cautious. After seeing the crack-like scars on Kraken's body, it felt that it was necessary.

Xia Yi is combining the three vortexes into one and covering Zhou Liang with his head, but the attack still has little effect. Part of the sea water will be manipulated by Zhou Liang, the water mass will be shredded by him, and the ice will be used by him in turn. But Xia Yi himself can't do such delicate control. He is trying to make the temperature in a whirlpool soar, but the evaporated water vapor soon attracted Zhou Liang's attention, and a large number of ice cubes were thrown into it.

Xia Yi can only retreat. In the same sea area, if he can't limit the area and raise the temperature endlessly, he will also be unlucky.

This kind of obviously controls the big environment, but the feeling of being unable to handle it in a small area is extremely bad.

Xia Yi has already discovered that it is the sea water he has gathered that maintains Zhou Liang's endless stream of supernatural attacks.

This bay is a typical trumpet mouth, but it is not too big, and the outside is Bohai Bay instead of Guanghai, so the high tide on August 15th every year is not too scary, and the seawall is only more than ten meters high. But this kind of terrain is very beneficial to Xia Yi. A large amount of seawater rushes in. Because of the limitation of the bay, the seawater is pushed up unstoppably high and fierce. The rise of seawater hardly consumes the ability. The only thing to do The only thing is to maintain them within a fixed range.

And the whole point of raising the water level this way is—

Xia Yi suddenly saw a pair of big round eyes appearing beside her.

He was able to shake his hands, not because he was afraid, but because he was simply taken aback.

He was still anxiously waiting for Abiser, but this guy unexpectedly appeared without a sound.

After making this distinction, it was found that the direction of the vortex behind him was not right. It was obviously affected by Abise's swimming. This guy's body was too huge, and it would always be affected by swimming slowly in the direction of the waves. It's as if the grass doesn't move when the wind blows through it. If you pay special attention, you will find it. But Xia Yi's attention was on Zhou Liang just now.

This experience really made Xia Yi want to break out in a cold sweat. In his impression, sea monsters are a bit silly, and only Kraken likes to play pranks.

Abise closed her eyes again without saying a word.

It skillfully pushed Xia Yi gently with the end of its tentacles, the meaning was obvious.

But Xia Yi disagreed, he was not a biologist, and he didn't know how much blood the octopus had, but Kraken was there as a lesson learned from the past, and he didn't agree with Abiser approaching until Zhou Liang's ability was consumed.

Communication failed, and Abiser's independent thinking ability let her get out of command again. She quickly dragged her body forward, brushed past a large whirlpool, and tried to roll her body and follow the waves to swim to the top of the waves.

Xia Yi anxiously discerned Abiser's movement from the changes in the water flow, which made him negligent. He was swept by the vortex formed by the water blade again, and a long mark was scratched on his arm. Blood soon seeped out, but still Well the wound is not deep.

Xia Yi immediately added a layer of pure water to the wound, the sea water tingled too much.

He had to cover Abiser with the vortex torrent without attracting Zhou Liang's attention, but this difficulty was too high, if the movement was too big, it would be self-defeating, and if it was too small, it would be discovered by Zhou Liang.

Looking at the wound, Xia Yi suddenly had an idea.

He immediately reduced the surrounding defensive water layer, and it was still a vortex accelerating rapids, but it was equivalent to exposing his own location.

Zhou Liang was really fooled.

In fact, he was already horrified. On the one hand, it was because Xia Yi had gathered so much sea water. What a powerful ability this must be. It made him gradually feel bad.

He felt dizzy and dizzy. Although the ability could last for a while, and there was an endless stream of sea water as a supplement, the severe pain in his arm made Zhou Liang's forehead twitch. The sea water was too turbid, and he was thrown out with him To prevent them from being pushed back by the torrent, the feeling of being surrounded by inexhaustible sea water is good, but the experience of being attacked in all directions, including the top and bottom of the head, is very bad.

Now he suddenly felt Xia Yi's existence.

Has that indistinguishable defensive water layer subsided

Sure enough, the opponent's abilities couldn't keep up with the consumption!

Zhou Liang felt that he had grasped the key point. In fact, according to the common sense analysis, it was indeed the case. It was useless to spend so much effort. It would be better to have a more powerful control effect. Zhou Liang himself can't remember how many people he killed to have such an accurate attack effect, but damn it, Xia Yi is too far away from his position now.

Feeling that Zhou Liang was trying to get closer to him, Xia Yi knew that the plan was successful, and he also started to retreat. This distance is absolutely important.

On the hillside in the distance, the emergency evacuators all moved their backs to the sea. Li Shao and Xu Qishen helped several medical staff carry Lingling's stretcher. Captain Hao carried Professor Lin on his back, and two old professors from the Academy of Sciences were also arrested Back up the mountain. This mountain is not very high, and the slope is very gentle. Otherwise, if you want to climb up in just a quarter of an hour, even if Captain Hao used to be a special soldier, he would not be able to do it.

Looking at the surging waves, Hao Guosong pulled the binoculars and shook his hand.

"My God! The sea monster is coming!"

On the top of the snow-white waves, something obviously like a tentacle appeared, grey-blue.

An Li took over the binoculars with a wonderful expression on her face.

"Ha, let me just say, Brother Xia won't do this kind of thing casually!" Li Shao remembered the sea monsters he had seen in the sea besieging and killing anglerfish monsters.

"What did you say?" Professor Lin suddenly grabbed Li Shao's collar, his eyes widened, as if he suddenly realized, "Yes, you are Li Shao, and you are talking about Xia Yi!"

"Ah, yes..." Li Shao looked at the trembling old man, a little dazed.

"Is this all Xia Yi? He alone?"

"Probably, I don't think Zhou Liang has such ability." Captain Hao hurriedly pulled the excited Professor Lin back.

"But with so much seawater, Zhou Liang's attack would be even more powerful! The sea monster..." An Li frowned tightly, thinking of Kraken's tragic situation at that time, she couldn't bear it.

"Sister An, I think you are just worrying about it. The sea monster must have other ways..."

Li Shao said casually, unexpectedly, Professor Lin took up the conversation excitedly, if it wasn't for the lack of pen and paper here, he would have started gesturing.

"Mollusk blood is scarce, my God, it must be an octopus or a squid... this color, maybe it is Abiser, I hope it is it, the intelligence of octopuses has always been extremely high. The body organs of Xia jellyfish are even more limited, no No, it is easy to tear off its tentacles in this torrent, and it is not suitable for Zhou Liang's ability... The king crab has a hard shell, which is very suitable for attacking, but its speed is limited..."

The three of An Li and Captain Hao's black line: Professor Lin, is he eager to make a plan for the sea monster

It is normal for a person who is said to be professional, especially who has a deep hatred with Zhou Liang, to be excited.

But at this time, someone weakly mentioned: "Professor Lin, the retreat is too hasty, those..."

All chemicals are not brought out!

"Those things are no longer needed!" Professor Lin waved his hand casually.


"Sea monsters are very vengeful, don't underestimate these most terrifying creatures in nature."

The three of them, Anli, Captain Hao: ...Actually, I always thought that they were synonymous with Silly Offline.

Abiser launched an attack at this time, passing through the vortex torrent, smashing the frozen water blade, and entangled Zhou Liang fiercely at the cost of half of the tentacles.

The tentacles quickly ejected body fluids and blood, breaking and falling into the torrent.

Zhou Liang's ability to use it in panic was very powerful, but what he didn't know was that the suction cups on Abiser's tentacles had just opened, and although the sharp teeth were all broken by the impact, it was still doing the most important thing.

The big octopus swam towards Xia Yi at an extremely fast speed, and shouted:

[Come on my head!]

Xia Yi was baffled, as soon as he swam to Abiser's head, the octopus brazenly exposed half of its forehead to the surface of the sea.

Zhou Liang didn't chase after him, but started to twitch. The sea water surged wildly, and half of it began to turn into ice cubes. Xia Yi avoided the ice cones flying over, and felt that Zhou Liang was consuming his abilities like crazy.

[what have you done?]

[Nothing... You froze my lost tentacles.]

Xia Yi's vision is simply too good now. This is simply a position more than 30 meters above the horizon, plus the height of Abiser's half head, he can see the rivers, fields and plains on the land, the house is like a matchbox, and people are smaller than ants.

Of course, this shock is also huge for the people on the hillside.

Xu Qishen's glasses fell off again, and Li Shao nearly dislocated his jaw.

Zhou Liang's ability did not last long, and he floated motionless in the sea. But it didn't look like it was dead, and there were no bubbles in the sea water.

[We can go back!]

Abiser was very happy: [If you don't go back, if the siren finds out that you are not there, I will be eaten!]

Xia Yi half-believingly let the sea recede gradually, and Abisse also followed the waves to swim out.

The water wall more than 30 meters high is receding back to the outside of the bay, and is still gradually lowering its height, allowing the sea water to return to the vast sea area. Because the speed was too fast, the sea water inevitably overflowed, almost causing a light rain in this sea area.

[Is he really dead?]

[Not yet, but...hehe.]Abiser twisted her body, losing a tentacle was also very painful.

Xia Yi still couldn't believe it, he stretched out his hand to touch the wounds on his face, and the next second he became stiff.

Angry sound waves, with a terrifying frequency:

[...Your tentacles grow out, I ate the tenderest one first!]

A silver arc jumped up on the waves, and through the telescope, it can be clearly seen on the hillside at this height. The mermaid's vigorous and beautiful body jumped out of the waves, stretched out its arms and dragged Xia Yi into the sea water, and then sank into the sea When waking up, only the smooth and slender silver fish tail can be seen, the end is as thin as a transparent silver yarn, refracting a beautiful brilliance, and there is no splash when it disappears into the sea.

The huge body of the octopus sank.

[Help—Xia Yi, help!]


Half an hour later, Captain Hao led people to the beach, just in time to see Zhou Liang being washed ashore by the waves, and there was still a terrifying octopus tentacles lying on the beach, blue concentric circles were distributed on it, and the ice was melting from it , the weather in August is still quite muggy.

Li Shao wanted to touch it curiously, but was stopped by Professor Lin:

"Don't move! You don't want to die!"

Zhou Liang lay face down on the beach, motionless.

"Is he dead?"

"Definitely dead...the blue-ringed octopus possesses the scariest poison other than the box jellyfish."

The expression on Professor Lin's face seemed to be sneering, but also resentment, his eyes were red:

"That is meridian toxin, as long as it is in the living body, it will continue to multiply and destroy. It is a strange destruction, only attacking the connection point in the middle of the meridian cells, intercepting and occupying it, gradually letting the limbs out of the control of the brain, and even the most powerful meridian convulsions are gone. There is a way to do it. Then it spreads gradually, the people being attacked are always conscious, but they can’t speak, and most of them will die because they can’t breathe on their own, but—”

However, Zhou Liang has a supernatural ability, which is controlled by the spirit, and he will not be drowned in the sea.

At that time, he will panic and use his abilities to continue to take in oxygen.

But this is the saddest torture. If you simply suffocate to death, you won't suffer so much later. The toxin will continue to spread, and finally reach the brain, destroying all neurons. Can a person who is unclear or even unable to think use supernatural powers

Of course not!

"Seeing myself dying slowly, without any scars, but my body is gradually dying, no, plus I slowly feel that I am becoming an idiot, a lunatic... my head is not my own, and I am always conscious of all this. , isn’t it wonderful—hahaha, Lin Xi, Xiao Xi.”

Professor Lin suddenly burst into tears.

Everyone was silent suddenly, the sea breeze in August felt very cold.

The author has something to say: I haven't had time to reply to the message... /(tot)/~~I will make it up tomorrow

Is it okay to talk about the text, the rest is about Youai Fanwai and explaining it afterwards gd1806102