Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 178: Those later things 1


Zhou Liang's death is a big and sensational news to many people. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch fine literature for free, especially this time with the exact death of a corpse, many people still can't believe it, they just received the news that Zhou Liang appeared in a small fishing village by the sea and then attacked Lingling, Just as everyone is in danger, suddenly good news hits them again, which is too much a test of the heart's endurance.

In fact, Captain Hao wanted to block the news, but unfortunately the effect of the "tsunami" was too terrifying. Although the people near the fishing village had all moved away, there were still people living on the mountain or beside the river. These people who don't know the cause and effect have already told the story of the sea monster to the fullest. There are almost a hundred kinds of jokes with different styles and plots being circulated.

This kind of thing can't be stopped, so let's just let it go around. Anyway, apart from witnessing it with their own eyes, everyone else is skeptical and skeptical. The more outrageous, the less people will believe it.

What Captain Hao and the others needed to do was to quickly send Lingling to City B to receive the best treatment.

Hearing that the three of them will continue to go to sea in the future, many people encouraged them with the eyes of martyrs.

"They are sick!" Li Shao felt uneasy when he was seen.

The ocean is boundless, and it is not easy to encounter sea monsters. Really met, throw bananas dear, this is a popular flavor among sea monsters recently, I will not tell you this secret——Li Shao thought triumphantly.

Enri set fire to the tentacles.

Li Shao squatted there and sighed, what a plump and wonderful octopus tentacles!

So it is normal for him to be regarded as a classic disease.

The main shock to everyone was actually how a mermaid can be so fierce that it even eats sea monsters! ! And it turns out that Zhou Liang is stupid, if this guy is really smart, anti-humanity and anti-society should have stayed in the sea early, setting off a tsunami from time to time to destroy the city is the most promising! God bless, luckily he's an idiot.

As for the sea monster, I'm sorry that all the sea monsters don't know the name of the person who was killed by Abiser just now!

Is it important

Is it important to have small yellow croaker mackerel and prawns

Even for Kraken, the most important thing is that Lingling is not dead. This made it very excited, and before the injury fully healed, it tossed and turned slowly in the sea water, allowing the sun to warm its snow-white belly through the sea water. The double fins spread out like a bat lightly patted the sleeping sunfish.

[Wake up.]

[Ok?]The sunfish opened its eyes in a daze, and there were many small fish around it. This made Kraken very dissatisfied, because the small fish all competed with it, but the big octopus didn't eat them all.

[Have you seen Abiser?]

[It must have been eaten by a siren.]

Kraken: (⊙_⊙)

[Then... what about Xia Yi?]Wound healing is very itchy, and Xia Yi's touch is also good!

[Been eaten by the siren too!]

[Wow—will the Siren eat me and you next?]

The sunfish looked at Kraken with contempt, forget it, the contemptuous eyes are so tired, so it is better to sleep.

Kraken really trembled, pulled his fins twice, and then screamed:

[Nereus help, Abiser was eaten by the siren. ] So mulberry heart is so scary!

[How many days have you eaten in total? ]


This focus is really good and powerful.

In the Azores, the little mermaid squeezed into a group of humpback whales let go of the fins of the young whales, raised its head curiously, and let out an indistinct whimper from its throat.

[Gafeier?]Taumas rushed over excitedly, the cub shrank under the belly of the mother whale with a panic cry, and the humpback whales slammed their bodies into the uninvited turtle, the uninvited guest, but the little mermaid couldn't bear it because of her strength. Being noticed, it climbed onto the back of the female whale and looked at Taomas with a smile, and made that tone again.

[Great, Gafeel, you can talk now!]

Tao Masi excitedly knocked the female whale away with his head, and thought very satisfied after catching the little mermaid.

The first word he can say is eat, it's so good, thanks to Abise who was eaten by the siren.

Of course the big octopus was not eaten, it swam depressedly in the sea with its tentacles curled up, but the siren forbade it to get close to the sunfish, telling it to grow out its tentacles slowly. It was too painful. The last time the anglerfish was bitten, the sharp teeth on the sucker collapsed, and the mouth couldn't bite. The venom secreted by the sucker couldn't be injected into the strange fish. The fight was so suffocating. This time too, if there is no Xia Yi. That guy must have run away long ago when he saw the sea monster, the siren's idea is not right at all, hum!

Abiser swam in the sea angrily, and then met Gululu!

The king crab is still on the difficult long march, holding the deformed moon cake box with a small pincer. This species of Gululu is actually really different from ordinary crabs. It only has six legs, and besides crawling sideways, it can definitely move forward smoothly and vertically, but this speed is too slow.

Nonsense, other sea monsters can swim, only Gululu can crawl. The gap between them is like flying and driving a car. The terrain of the seabed is complicated, and it takes a long time to climb a slope!

The only advantage is that you can jump down fearlessly when encountering a downhill

[Abiser, are you here to pick me up?]The big crab quickly waved its pincers, afraid that Abiser would not come when it swam over its head. This kind of ride must not be let go, and it was afraid that Abiser would not agree, and said emphatically, [Xia Yi’s things are all Here I am!]

Sure enough, Abiser swam back after hearing the last sentence, and she and Gululu looked at each other with big eyes.

[Xia Yi... I don't need this for now.]


Seeing that Abisse seemed to be swimming away again, Gululu shouted anxiously:

[Where are you going, didn't Kraken say that you were eaten by sirens?]

Abise shrank her body and ran away in embarrassment.

— Well, in fact, Xia Yi saved it, didn't it

August is a good weather to go to the North Pole. This is a real sea of ice, without the raging winds of Antarctica. It's just that to go to the North Pole, you have to detour, and the Arctic Ocean is surrounded by land. It is equivalent to swimming to the middle of the Pacific Ocean in order to enter the North Pole from the Bering Strait. The temperature of the sea water is only a pitiful four degrees Celsius, and the food is under the ice or deep sea. The closer to the North Pole, the colder it is, and there are white patches everywhere. In such an environment, it is better to stay in the sea water, otherwise it will damage the eyes. very big.

Of course, the journey is long and food is difficult to find, Xia Yi doesn't need to spend on such things.

He saw a sea lion moving slowly on the ice, it was really a big shadow, and then finally jumped into the sea with a plop, and in the sea, this clumsy and chubby guy became flexible and chased after the fat cod to bite .

Xia Yi floated motionless in the sea water.

He hasn't recovered his breath yet, and he does everything slowly. Fortunately, he is in the sea, otherwise the sore joints and muscles will make it difficult for him to even lift his arms. Even if there is a warm water layer, he himself will Don't dare to touch the place near the lower back. Yesterday, the Siren fell asleep and unconsciously wrapped his arms around Xia Yi, which woke Xia Yi up with pain. To be honest, he felt that his tendons might have been pulled.

In the blue and cold sea, there are no ships or people.

Xia Yi saw a polar bear moving near the ice hole, and didn't know whether it wanted to drink water, or planned to use its fat paws to pat fish for dinner. However, they happened to meet Xia Yi who was five or six meters below the water, and they were both stunned.

The polar bear took a funny step back and sat down on the ice.

Natural creatures are very cautious about species they have never seen before. They usually observe and then consider testing.

However, creatures in the natural world will express anger at any behavior that dares to spy on their own territory or exclusive things (such as food? Companion?) - the siren is back, holding a very large cod in his hand, and is aiming at the shadow on the ice Finally, the mermaid quickly pulled Xia Yi to the depths of the sea, and at the same time let out an angry cry.

Before Xia Yi understood what happened, he was hit by the cod.

The muscles are so sore that they almost twitch...

Hurry up to wrap the fish that was trying to escape with water balls, and without the siren's urging, Xia Yi also began to hide in the depths of the sea, because the polar bear jumped into the icy sea water and slapped the siren fiercely with its fat paws When it comes down, it swims very fast and is very flexible in sea water.

At first, he didn't notice it through the sea, but now he found that the bear was at least three meters long. Xia Yi thought about the scene when it stood up in front of her, and his face changed accordingly.

The siren stared at the polar bear vigilantly. Compared with the shark, this guy has four more sharp claws with pointed hooks. When wrestling and fighting in the sea, he is almost unaffected by his huge body and is more flexible than a dolphin. And what is very peculiar is that in the seawater, the hairs that look like snow-white are still distinct, without any signs of sticking to wetness, like spike-like scales, all of which are blown apart. Scattered ice floes stirred in the sea water with the fight, and hit the ice layer several times, dropping a lot of broken ice chips, shining and scattered among the long silver hair of the siren.

Xia Yi no longer knew how to help.

The silver fishtail jumped up along the huge body of the polar bear, almost all entangled, and the siren slammed his elbow hard, but the fat on the polar bear's belly was too thick, and it didn't cause any harm to this sturdy creature on the ice sheet.

The polar bear tilted its head and swung its front paw like a sweep. On the way, a squid that couldn't swim was hit, sprayed out a belly of ink, and then sank crookedly. The polar bear's body turned over, so its attack was absolutely sharp You can also adjust the direction up to 360 degrees! But in this way, the tip of the nose was exposed, and the siren's fingers opened and pulled down fiercely from top to bottom.


The polar bear covered its big black nose, which was not covered by fur, with its front paw, hurriedly left the battlefield, paddled to the hole, jumped up at the cost of trampling half a meter of ice, shook off the water droplets, and ran away.

When Xia Yi floated up, she could only see its snow-white and round buttocks, twisting and disappearing into the ice and snow.

The fins on the mermaid's elbows were torn unevenly, and some of the hair was torn off, but the siren's expression seemed to be very happy, the slender white palms were spread out, and there were bright red blood stains on the fingertips . Then he exerted some force on his palms and shoulders, and sat down on the ice, with the silver fish tail hanging down and soaking in the icy sea water.

Xia Yi swam over and threw the dying cod onto the ice, which was almost steamed to death by warm water.

Watching the siren easily disembowel the fish, it took Xia Yi a long time to find a sentence:

[It will attack people?]

It seems that there have never been many examples of polar bears actively attacking humans. I remember seeing them in newspapers before.

[It eats seals and sea lions, and may regard you as those prey!]The siren grabbed the cod's liver, bent down to wash it in the cold sea water, then bit off half of it, and handed the rest to Xia Yi.

[They like to squat in front of the ice hole and wait for the seal to come up to take a breath, then jump down to bite and drag the prey up to eat. In fact, this method is really good. Sometimes whales will come up to take a breath. These guys will not refuse anyone, as long as they are fat and fat creatures, they are their favorites.]

The blood of the cod is grayish red. The siren carelessly brushed away the hair that was hard by the wind with his bloody fingers, and then dug open the belly of the fish to remove the spine. Flying, the sharp and transparent nails are like blades, evenly dividing the fish flesh into snow-white fish flesh of almost the same size.

These are used in soups and are obviously a very good delicacy.

When Xia Yi was leaving, the Siren suddenly said:

[Actually, they don't want to attack humans at all. You humans wear a lot of inedible skin, layer after layer, which looks very fat, but there are many bones and no fat...]

Xia Yi finally realized what kind of mood it is called dumbfounding.

So the polar bear didn't attack him immediately, did he dislike him for being too thin

[Let's go after eating...] Next time he will never hang around under the ice hole, no, he will definitely not do this in the North Pole!

The siren fell back and lay on the ice, the fish tail gently patted the sea water, picked up a piece of white and tender fish and stuffed it into his mouth, then turned sideways and slid the fish tail onto the ice, supporting it with his elbows Chin, lying on the ice and looking at Xia Yi, with a very happy expression:

[It doesn't matter, these ice floes and holes are their territory.]


Now that you have chased it away, this territory is yours, right

The author has something to say: The polar bear is the largest land carnivore. Generally, when a larger male polar bear stands upright on its hind legs, it is more than 3.5 meters tall and can look at an elephant = =

But the swimming level is very high, it is not scientific, it is so unscientific that humans once classified them as marine organisms

The smell of polar bears is 7 times that of dogs, the running speed is 60 kilometers per hour, and 1.5 times the speed of the human world 100-meter champion—that is to say, running is useless? The hair is cold-proof and not soaked in water. In fact, it is a small thin tube that is very high-grade, so it is not white. It will be golden when it encounters sunlight, but you understand the sunshine in the Arctic ╮(╯_╰)╭

oh goodbye my lovely domain gd1806102