Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 180: Those later things 3


The biggest thing in September is that Lingling is out of danger, because the little girl won't wake up again,) the devil fish Kraken calls Lingling's name with infrasonic waves regardless of day and night, and swims happily around the beach. The sunfish's healing ability and sea monster's powerful wound healing effect only left countless pink line-like cracks on the devil fish's body, which cannot be seen on the back, but are obvious on the snow-white belly.

No one dares to approach this beach.

Anyone who doubts the legends of mermaids and sea monsters can stay here and experience the fright for themselves.

It's so stupid. Back then, the Loch Ness Monster was so mysterious that it became a worldwide sensation. There were countless researchers and tourists flocking to it. As a result, in the end of the world, there were no cameras or photos, but sea monsters could be seen at a fixed location. The reality is really the coldest joke.

Wait a minute, compared to the species of devil fish that are already in the scientific classification, the existence of mermaids is the most curious thing!

Near the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean, some people began to hear that there is a terrifying sea monster the size of three whales, with a black back and plants as camouflage. It looks like a reef island from a distance, always floating slowly in the sea. When it suddenly sank into the sea, the huge vortex it brought was enough to capsize the ship.

It's another beautiful sunny day.

"Look, halibut!"

An unshaven, tanned man with a fishy smell, holding a British shorthair cat in his arms, jumped across the sampan in a few steps. Merchandise on wooden boards.

He hugged the cat tightly, preventing it from scratching the beautifully colored woolen fabrics.

"It's too much. Five fish can only be exchanged for such a little oats. Now is the harvest season!"

"That's right, this is a new harvest! Five fish want to get more, eat last year's oatmeal, boy!"

The thick and burly man pushed a skinny crew member aside, grinning ferociously, snatched back the dustpan containing oats, and waved his fists threateningly, without any intention of returning the previous five fish.

When he was showing off his power, he suddenly felt something soft on the back of his waist, but the shirt behind him was torn immediately, and there was a slight tingling sensation in his back, which was still intensifying.

"Hey friend, this is not a good habit!"

After all, this is an era without laws, and there are weird supernatural beings, so the big man selling oats dared not move, and only glanced back from the corner of his eye.

shit! It's Captain Horn, the lunatic!

There are no supernatural beings on that guy’s boat, but all of them are former mercenaries, murderers, and car bomb suspects. Before the end of the world, he published the photos in The Times and other mainstream media gloriously. Of course Appeared as a wanted criminal.

"Your oatmeal was stolen?"

"No...Of course not." The burly man with a height of two meters smiled uglier than crying.

Half of the supernatural beings in control of the Iberian Peninsula are from Sicily. They brought the most expensive but sustainable gun assembly line after the end of the world, and also brought the extremely strict rules of the underworld there. If one person's things are robbed, others can also rob them, and they will not bear any responsibility for it.

As long as you are not an idiot, you are very clear that a good order can make a place prosperous and developed, and there is no need to care about whether it is bright and beautiful or deformed and prosperous. Although supernatural beings are precious, supernatural beings also have to eat. Just like the former ruling class, supernatural beings are also most afraid of desperate lunatics.

Besides, the oatmeal seller was nothing, and Captain Horne and his crew were notoriously mad.

For example—only they dare to cast nets to catch sea monsters.

"Very well, I like these oatmeal very much, how about three fish?"

"No, no problem!"

The captain pushed his mouth, and the bald-headed first officer behind him immediately threw the three skinny flying fish to the booth, took the winnowing bucket away without any politeness, and threw the five fat fish back to the boatman who didn't know which boat. crew.

Then Captain Horn smiled and moved away the thing that felt very soft, but scratched the big man’s clothes and was bleeding—people around were trying to hold back their laughter, so they kept their expressions weird—Horn held his cat, chubby Du's front paws were pressed against the guy's back. The short-haired cat was furious, and the sharp claws in the pads were very powerful.

"Damn!" The big man couldn't help but growl.

But seeing the three or five crew members behind Horn with scars on their faces, or bald and grinning, they immediately held back and dared not make a sound.

The unshaven former wanted criminal and current captain showed a smiling expression:

"Oh, sir, you have to understand that no one will cut the cat's nails in the last days, that's it!" "Meow!"

Captain Horn tries to waltz by the front legs of his cat, and the result is obvious, with three more gorgeous scratches on his face.

"My God, what did I see! Rum! The captain is rum!"

"You're the rum!" the captain cursed.

The ferocious appearance of these people made the young rum seller stare at them vigilantly. Next to him was an old man whose teeth were almost gone, squatting there as if nothing had happened, with no intention of running away.

"Meow!" The short-haired cat broke away from its owner, jumped down and excitedly fiddled with a plastic candy jar on the old man's booth, which contained only a few pumpkin candies.

"Two fish!"

The captain waved his hand domineeringly, and his sturdy crew members who looked sorry for the audience exchanged two fat fish for the candy jar with the old man.

Although these snacks are already rare, compared with food, of course food is still precious. The old man smiled and held the fish. According to the rules on the pier, the seller can ask the seller to handle the food, so the belly of the fish was quickly cut open, cut into sections and coded with salt. Trembling, the old man handed over a piece of fish to someone who was similarly collecting protection fees, and left contentedly.

This also makes the embarrassing people hang their heads and continue to squat there to sell things.

Now no one is willing to use his life to challenge the order on the pier.

"Captain, cats won't eat this," yelled the mate, who was unrepentant about rum.

"Stupid, this is for fish!"


The ship changed new sails, replenished enough fresh water, and sailed out to sea again. They will spend at sea until the harsh winter is over. The Azores have good timber, and sailing south can avoid the cold season and just ride the monsoon to the Canary Islands.

After going out to sea, the cat jumped on the cable and swayed back and forth, while an out-of-tune song rang out from the boat.

The sea breeze was cool, and a group of albatrosses followed the boat.

"Captain, that guy must be thinking, oh, no, that's the lunatic Horn who brutally killed three people!"

"And that bald arsonist..."

Laughing wantonly, with an eerie twist to it.

"Hey, Captain, I heard that in the eastern countries, anyone who kills people will be sentenced to death, including revenge?"

"Yes!" Captain Horn chewed hard on the dry beef, his expression contorted for a moment, "...those three scumbags who should go to hell, they did that to Lucy and tortured her to death. But You can be acquitted because you can afford a lawyer but the evidence is insufficient. Even if you can be convicted, you can only be imprisoned without the death penalty... First officer, the guy you burned to death should have been sentenced to a few years, that's right, a hundred and seven years! The law of shit, let them eat, drink, and live happily in prison? Bastard! I want to thank them for being found not guilty, and you, mate, also thank that guy for being released on bail for medical treatment!"

"Haha, thank you Doomsday!"

"Thanks for our ship! Life is great, ouch—are you really not going to cut your cat's nails, Captain?"

The sunset glowed the sky, and a three-masted ship spread its sails and glides briskly on the sea.

The little mermaid was playing with the baby whale, curiously fiddled with the sucker fish attached to the belly of the humpback whale, and suddenly felt a very disliked human emotion. So he turned his head quietly, and found that Tao Masi was sleeping soundly floating on the sea, his plump fish tail swung immediately, his chubby arms cut through the sea water, and swam towards the direction he felt.


The shorthair cat dangling on the cable screamed, and the water splashed.

Garfiel, who jumped out of the water, missed the cat's tail, stuffed his fat hand, which was almost like a fist, to his mouth, and stared at the cat that jumped onto the mast.

"Good evening, Garfield!"

"Get out of the way, little thing, we're going to cast a net!"

The captain ran out of the cabin, stepped on the slippery sea water, slumped on the side of the boat, and the plastic box containing pumpkin candies flew out and fell into the sea water.

Curious, the little mermaid rolled over and dived, and then floated to the surface holding the plastic tank in both hands.

"Delicious food!" Captain Horn showed a coaxing smile to the cat.


Ga Feier's pronunciation was ambiguous, and he shook the jar in his hand suspiciously.

Is it something to eat? wrong! Mermaids don't eat what humans give them! Only mermaids give food to humans! But why do mermaids give food to humans? They are not adults, and if they don’t understand love, they can’t think about it.

So, absolutely don't!

"Oops!" Captain Horn was hit by a candy pumpkin and fell on the deck with stars in his eyes.

"Captain, are you okay? Captain, I told you that cats don't eat candy!"

"Cast the net!" The people on the fishing boat chanted. It turns out that the area around Taomas is indeed the place with the most fish. There are abundant seaweeds, and there are also a lot of plankton gathered by whales.

Garfiel swam out with his chubby arms, and the splashes he kicked out were also small. He turned over and lay on his back in the seawater, with his palms on his belly, and continued to stare at the swinging cat on the cable. .

Putting her fist-like hand against her soft lips, the little mermaid yawned.

It dived into the sea and swam to the distant Taomas.

The author has something to say: By the way, I once saw a prison in a certain European country on Weibo, and the sub-Ao beach house is not as luxurious as it is! There is a swimming pool, library, and gymnasium, and the single room is similar to an express hotel, with a big soft bed and a separate bathroom! Ciao, is this the treatment after committing a crime? Don't tell me that there are no homeless people on the streets of that country, no slums, or that the country has a small population, employs outsiders to work, and people with household registration enjoy benefits. Crimes all enter this kind of place

There are also laws in most western countries. Except for treason and drug trafficking, there is no death penalty. Serial murderers are sentenced to hundreds of years. It's also this kind of prison, the law punishes me, and the victim's family and friends are swollen... There is no use in the law, Ye Feng, who has a bad view, thinks, Emma might as well just wipe the knife and kill the **** gd1806102