Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 181: Those later things 4


Time, April 2015. Search: \(????) Watch fine literature for free

Location, East China Sea.

The sky was dark and unclear, and the waves of more than six meters surged on the sea, which made it extremely difficult for the ships sailing on it. They constantly switched the sails to adjust the direction. The waterproof glass cover lamp kept shaking, used to indicate the direction of the boat behind.

"Damn it!" Hao Guosong wiped the rainwater all over his head and face, and threw away the binoculars.

As far as the eye can see, there are vast waves and leaden gray clouds.

"Are you sure it's this direction?"

"Of course, the three of us don't know how many times we have run this road!" More than two years have not changed Li Shao much. He still looks completely unreliable, but from the neck to the shoulders There was a deep knife wound, the wound was scarred and still looked hideous. His hair was messy and knotted, but his beard was clean-shaven. He was black and thin, and he was very stable on the deck. The violent shaking of the ship caused by the crazy rainstorm seemed to have no effect on him.

This is a very large ship with a strong keel and a very high mast. It is more than 20 meters up and down. It is definitely not smaller than some freighters before the end of the world. The outside of the ship is still covered with cold iron skin, the bow has a sharp ram angle, and there are a row of thick black lacquered gun barrels on each side, which are now covered with waterproof tarpaulin. There are two anchors at the front and rear, all made of steel. A cable connection is used to temporarily secure the vessel.

The detailed manufacturing drawings of the ship are indeed dug out from the dusty history, but the appearance and appearance, and even some details are funny, because they are references from the film studio.

On this kind of big ship, there is always a feeling of being reversed in time and accidentally going back to the Ming Dynasty.

Li Shao also wiped the rain from his face, and looked up at Xu Qishen who was climbing on the mast.

"The wind has been very strong. It is estimated that there is a rain mass from the southwest advancing here. We must change direction."

Xu Qishen leaped lightly from a height of more than seven meters. Li Shao was very envious of this guy's supernatural powers. Although he could float himself, he was definitely not so chic and easy. He felt that Xu Qishen would float in five years. He is more proficient in controlling supernatural powers. Maybe this guy can fly across the strait with the monsoon without using a boat.

"Go and talk to the captain, I don't understand this question!" Captain Hao has learned sailing knowledge for almost a year, but it is still a pity that he failed the assessment at all, let alone what to do when encountering wind and waves after boarding the ship up!

He found out that he was actually seasick!

After overcoming it with willpower and finally overcoming the vomiting, Hao Guosong felt that he could retire early and enter the Academy of Sciences for the elderly. So he has been exhausted.

[team leader…]

Lingling was lying on the side of the cabin door. The little girl was just twelve years old, and her body recovered very slowly due to a serious injury. Compared with two years ago, her height has hardly increased, and she looks thinner, with unhealthy white skin.

But this little girl was the only member of the supernatural team who didn't get seasick.

When I was in city b, I heard that I was taking a boat, so everyone who came here claimed that they didn't get seasick. But the boats on the river are very different from the boats sailing in the sea. The bad thing is that the current boats are not like the cruise ships before the end of the world. They don’t shake too much in the storm, so these people all lie down.

"Haha, it's okay, I thought I was seasick at the beginning, and after a few months of drifting at sea, this problem was cured without any medicine!" Li Shao laughed triumphantly.

Hao Guosong was not in the good mood to stare at him, and ran to the front of the cabin instead:

"Lingling, why did you come out?"

[I saw Kraken.]

"What? The sea monster is nearby?"

Captain Hao was taken aback, and hurried to the side of the boat, but a wave almost knocked him back. The soldiers on the side of the boat were all holding the cables on their waists, and they were all wet and desperately pulling the sail.

The sea was so dark that nothing could be seen except the rolling waves.

"Pull up all the anchors and steady the sails!"

An Li yelled, but the captain didn't refute her, because in such a storm, it was no longer relying on experience, but luck. And this is just a large-scale storm, which has nothing to do with the typhoon.

"Signal light! Instruct the fleet to move around!"

The captain took off his hat. He was a northerner of some age, and those rough features were as obvious as the wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes. The rain trickled down his cheeks. Almost all members of the ability team were lying in the cabin due to seasickness, and it was not easy to avoid or pass through the rain. Maybe some parts of the ship needed to be repaired as soon as possible, and they were simply unable to devote themselves to the battle.

"Your intelligence said that those bastards came by boat from Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Malay Peninsula. They not only blocked the Strait of Malacca, but also occupied the Bashi Strait and the Taiwan Strait, and drove all the ships of our country in a group?"

"It's more than driving away!" An Li said in a bad mood.

The three of them had only one ship, and even if they could smash the opponent's fleet, they couldn't hold the strait.

"Once the waterway is occupied, the iron ore from Hanoi and Indonesia cannot be transported in..."

"Even if the waterway is clear, they will not sell iron ore!"

"No matter how prohibited, if someone can't even eat, he will definitely trade high-quality raw ore for a fish!" An Li curled her lips. Obviously, this is what the three of them often do, taking advantage of the fire to rob and desperately lower the price. In the era of bartering, there is no fairness at all, only what you think is worth it.

Captain Hao is trying to distinguish the strange part in the deep and rolling waves.

This feels too cheating, like trying to find the difference between two pictures when doing an intelligence test!

[Kraken?]Lingling staggered to the deck, she grabbed the cable, the storm frizzed her hair, the rain was so fast that she couldn't see anything in the sea.

"We must find a place to rest after the wind and waves stop." The captain shouted.

He suddenly noticed that everyone's expressions had changed, their whole body stiffened, and they turned their heads inch by inch.

On the top of the waves appeared a terrifying black shadow that can only be seen in horror stories. It was so huge that it was almost lifted up by the waves and flew into the dark and dark sky. The faces of the young people were pale, and their screams disappeared in the turbulent sea.

The sea monster had jumped over the topmast and fell into the chopping waves.

The flying spray washed over the entire deck.

Thinking that this is the sea monster they want to contact, many people's expressions are very exciting.

"Lingling, don't go into the sea, you'll catch a cold!" Captain Hao quickly pulled the little girl back.

When the plan arrives in this sea area, there should be no violent storms.

Kraken, the devil fish, will approach the target silently. In Hao Guosong's opinion, he is a very good scout. As long as he comes back and tells Lingling, the strategic deployment here will be completed immediately.

[Those ships are all on the island...]

Kraken emerged from the sea again, its eyes glowing red, making its image even more hideous. But it was an obvious target after all, so there was no need to stare at the sea and look for it foolishly.

[Don't go any further, the wind is stronger over there!]

When Kraken said this, he began to sink.

Apparently such a bad weather made the stingray very excited, but there were no anchors found on the bottom of these boats, so they couldn't be towed.

After changing the direction, the rain still fell harder and harder, and the wind and waves were frighteningly high. They kept hitting the deck, and the fleet wobbled through the wind and waves. Every time they fell from the crest to the trough, only the mast remained Exposed to the outside, it is almost doubtful from a distance whether it can successfully escape from the huge waves.

Obviously, the quality of the ship can definitely stand the test, and it hasn't reached the point where it needs to use Li Shao's ability.

At most, Xu Qishen could only slow down the wind around the boat a little bit, the power of nature could destroy all supernatural beings.

"What direction is it now?" An Li just asked.

A snake-like lightning bolt suddenly flashed across the dark sky, and in the turbulent waves, it turned out to be a strange purple color. Then there was a loud bang. Fortunately, there is no instrument on board, otherwise it would definitely be scrapped!

The mast of a ship was split, and a fire was set ablaze, which was quickly extinguished by the rain.

The captain looked at the compass with a serious expression.

"It's useless to know the direction, we don't know where this storm is going."

A tentacles covered with suction cups slowly protruded from the deep and dark sea water, wrapped around the deck along the side of the ship, and the second one climbed up the mast. Anyone with normal logic would probably faint from fright.

Fortunately, all members of the fleet have undergone emergency training = =

Although some trembled and some slipped onto the deck, no one took the initiative to attack the sea monster.

[Is there a peach?]Abiser's big head looms in the turbulent sea.

"What?" Li Shao jumped up.

Lingling posed for Li Shao and asked:

[Hey, isn't it a banana?]

[That is no longer popular!]

I'll go, sea monsters still know what fashion is!

Captain Hao began to show signs of seasickness again.

[Substitute with bananas first, and...] Lingling looked at Li Shao, this guy was desperately calling "milk powder", so the little girl also asked in a dark line, [and milk powder, steamed buns... Do you want oranges?]

Abiser replaced the answer with actual actions, and it began to slowly drag the boat to another direction.

Then came the Kraken, who stood upright, and a lot of spray hit him, and the sail could barely be saved before the wind wall disappeared.

The people on several boats were all trembling, and after continuing to sail for about an hour, the wind and rain began to subside.

Then they saw land in horror.

No, it's an island!

"Bring me the map!"

The captain pressed his hand on the Ryukyu Islands, and suddenly joy and sorrow emerged together.

This is one of the gathering points of the United Fleet that Li Shao and the others mentioned. It has just been devastated by a storm, and the pressure to start a war immediately is too great. And even though the torrential rain had subsided, the waves were still four meters high, and it was impossible to distinguish the situation between the enemy and the enemy due to the harsh conditions. The draft of our own ship is too deep, even sailing from Fujian, not Bohai Bay, approaching the island rashly is obviously the encounter of hitting a rock and being stranded. When it comes to land, the advantage of the fleet is gone.


The anchor made of pig iron sank hard into the bottom of the sea.

Kraken itched to circle the anchor.

[Are you going to play chess?]Looking at the lined up fleet, Abiser was very curious.

All the supernatural beings on the boat were stunned, playing chess

[Siren and Xia Yi are playing chess like this, the first is neat, ah, the human game is very powerful, a battle requires sixteen krakens and four krakens to fight together!]

-what is that? Everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time, the cloudy sky suddenly became brighter. Looking up, you can quickly find that the clouds are dissipating and flowing away quickly. Finally, a very strange scene appeared. Only the small sea area where the fleet is located is a little bright. The sun shines through the thin clouds, but the surrounding is still cloudy and heavy rain is pouring.

"I'll go..." Li Shao sat down on the deck.

Others also had a trance-like feeling as if they were dreaming.

"Dispel the rain cloud?" Xu Qishen looked up his neck, apparently it wasn't that strange, he just squeezed a rain cloud to another place, no matter what kind of squalls and rainstorms under the clouds, the sun will always hang in the sky.

——Xia Yi can't let it rain wherever he wants, he is not. First of all, there must be rain clouds, very thick rain clouds, but in tropical areas, the evaporation of sea water is very large, and the conditions are relatively abundant, but as a means of "artificial rainfall", that is the case, the highest technology rain bomb before the end of the world It is almost the same principle, it can gather a larger and wider range, and it is not limited to rain clouds, as long as there are similar clouds, but if the sky is clear and cloudless, no one has anything to make it rain here.

But the sight still looked horrific.

A small part was separated in the middle of the storm, and the sunlight slowly shone down in a slanted line, revealing the huge fleet that had been dust-covered in history with two or three floors. The most terrifying thing was the sea monsters entwined on the wet and shining ship. tentacles. It seemed that he had just broken out of the stormy sea, and had been sleeping in the dark and lightless seabed until now.

What a pity, hundreds of years ago, a fleet larger than this arrived at the Ryukyu Islands, which was once a vassal kingdom of that prominent dynasty.

The island was shrouded in torrential rain. Some people ran out to look at it, then turned and ran towards the center of the island, while more people tried to escape by boat or drag the boat ashore regardless of the wind and waves. Captain Hao, who was holding a binoculars, saw their fuss at a glance, and there were screams one after another along the sea breeze.

"There are their ships! They are all parked in the harbor near the shore!"

"Arranged alternately, leaning to the left, wipe off the sea water on the barrel, and give them a surprise!"

The war filled with gunpowder smoke officially kicked off, but the sea monster was not interested in it at all. Li Shao pulled out a large box from the cabin, and then asked Lingling to call Kraken, and then threw it into the sea. Although Xia Yi was nearby, Li Shao knew that he would not be able to see it. Xia Yi would not appear just because he saw so many people.

Abise swam away excitedly with a basket of oranges and a can of milk powder. It was going to laugh at other sea monsters. Hmph, peaches are so popular, and it’s so troublesome to spit out their bones! By the way, there is one more thing that must be asked before leaving.

[By the way, what is porridge?]

[Uh, a kind of rice?] Lingling didn't know how to answer.

[Is it food?]

[yes.]Lingling asked Captain Hao for help.

[I want porridge next time, I heard Xia Yi read this when he was dreaming!]

Captain Hao fell to the deck in an instant. It was definitely not weakness, but the recoil after a round of salvo from the gun barrel. Chuansheng moved a long distance back, and a part of the ship plank could not support it and collapsed and flew away. The damage caused by the wind and waves was quite large.

The near-coastal bay is already in a mess, and almost 90% of the ships are broken and burned.

Satisfied with the result, the captain waved his hand: "Retire later! Wait for them to come to negotiate, and be responsible for getting the manuscript ready!"

And the war of sea monsters is obviously just about to begin.

[Abiser, should you explain, how did you hear Xia Yi's dream talk?]The siren tore open the tentacles of the octopus, filled a basket of oranges and flew out in the sea. Roll the oranges all the way down.

Xia Yi stretched out her hand, grabbed one from the sea water, and calmly began to peel the oranges. gd1806102