Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 182: Those later things 5


Li Shao's dream in the past was to become a professional agent. He didn't want to be famous, but as long as he had a popular star, he felt that his whole life would be worth it. Search: \(,,,,,) Watch fine literature for free Speaking of which, the entertainment industry is a very tricky place, the bright ones are always the big stars, maybe the director is also counted. But the producers who can really speak harshly, the big bosses, those fans are not interested, let alone who the idol's manager is, and who is the assistant.

Therefore, small people such as Li Shao also hope to have a role in the circle to show off and have fun secretly at night.

He doesn't have any upright personality, nor is he smart enough, and he even likes to be opportunistic and refuses to work honestly. He used to think that it would be a good life to get a down payment on a commercial house in a big city, but the end of the world opened a door to a new century for him.

Come be a pirate!

Li Shao thought vigorously.

Two years later, he found that this goal was not realistic. China can manufacture guns for sea ships, and so can foreign countries, but there are differences in quantity and quality. No matter how powerful the supernatural beings are, they cannot imitate sea monsters and hide in the deep sea. The telescope can spot their ships at a long distance on the sea. If they run ships for trade, as the fleet of city b grows larger, they have to go to farther places to pan for gold, or they can only do business in small places that big ships don't bother to go to.

The three of An Li insisted on refusing to join the national ability team.

Freedom is an extremely precious thing in any age.

"So?" Enri asked.

"Why not open a restaurant?"

The first sea monster restaurant in history was freshly baked after World War I in the Ryukyu Islands. The black sails have not been changed. Anyway, sea monsters can’t understand Chinese characters, and the signature horse is not important. Drive the boat to a relatively open sea area, fill the boat with fruits and food just purchased from the island, and then the most important thing is to make recipes.

Take a piece of material that is not very good, such as a plywood plastic board, as long as it is large enough.

Then use paint to draw various large-scale fruits on it, such as bananas, oranges, grapes, lychees...

"Bastard, come back, Old Xu, you painted lychees like grapes!"

"The paint is limited, otherwise you will know what it is by color..." Xu Qishen looked at it seriously.

"Are you sure the sea monster is not colorblind?"


It is said that cats and dogs can only see black and white, and snakes can only see infrared heat, so whether sea monsters can understand inanimate pictures and distinguish colors are serious problems.

"Maybe we should go back to city b and ask Professor Lin for a detailed list of sea monsters." The topic is the color discrimination of marine life.

Enli suddenly said, "Some sea monsters don't have eyes yet, such as... jellyfish?"

At least no one has seen jellyfish with long eyes after eating shredded jellyfish!

Li Shao waved his hand: "We don't do business with Nereus!"

In fact, even the devil fish business is not easy to do!

"Actually, they can be sold to Kraken toys, such as a big, big ball..." Li Shao is eager to try, but toy stores are more troublesome, and if you open a restaurant, you can eat sea monsters without eating them, and you are not afraid of waste.

"We can provide kraken fishing services, such as where it eats, and we can cast a net to catch some of the fish there." Xu Qishen's businessman attributes as a golden collar of the enterprise followed.

"It's too complicated, we don't have Lingling's communication."

"There is Xia—"

"You can't be sure where he is. We are not sitting on the ark in the Arabian Nights. We can fly to any place."

While talking nonsense, he grabbed the drawing board and painted four different images. In the end, An Li and the others were still defeated, so they went to hire one... Well, maybe Lian Meng kidnapped a little brother from the Academy of Fine Arts before the end of the world to board the boat, specializing in drawing recipes.

In the end, I don't know what kind of wind Li Shao got, and he instructed the last piece of the recipe to draw porridge.

"Wait that's not the case!"

A certain painter stared at the wooden board stupidly, what's wrong. White porridge in a blue and white pottery bowl. It means that this job is very easy. In the past, the landscape sketch of the art college entrance examination was to draw a bunch of fruits and utensils. The combination of light perspective and light and shade was absolutely lifelike. But he didn't understand why Li Shao used adhesive tape to stick a layer of film on the surface of the drawing board after painting. No matter how satisfied the drawing was, he didn't need to save it like this. Or is it difficult to preserve due to the high humidity at sea

No matter, in the last days, it is a great enjoyment to be able to have a full stomach without doing physical work, and sleep until you wake up naturally.

And in the past, if you hold money for a long time, you may not be able to travel overseas, and see what a world with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery—children, you are happier if you don’t know the truth first.

Now Li Shao is blowing his beard and staring at his works, and the painter is very puzzled. He can definitely take a bowl of porridge for the exam. Is there any problem

"Our focus is on rice porridge, porridge!" Li Shao hopped with a painting in his hand, "Your focus is all on the bowl! The most important thing is, what should we do when our customers ask us for 'bowls'? We don't sell canned food , comes with a tin box!"

Wait, are you selling porridge

The little painter has a bad feeling.

"But how to draw porridge if you don't draw a bowl?" Is this unreasonable, drawing porridge on the whole side of the paper

"You can pretend that the bowl doesn't exist!" Li Shao said decisively.

Brother painter: = dish = this is unscientific!

Forget it, the people in charge of food are the most ruthless these days, and besides, there are even supernatural powers in the last days, so let's put science aside for the time being. Then a piece of round porridge with no bowl edge was officially baked.

"It's going to be hot and the fruit rots fast!"

"Fuck, it's like this for restaurants. The door is open but no customers come in."

"Let's borrow Lingling..."

"No, opening a restaurant has nothing to do with the country! Wait, let's inquire about the fleet's next plan so that we can do business outside the battlefield by the way..."

Li Shao sat on the bow of the boat thinking and thinking, then suddenly jumped up!

"No, we didn't draw the price!"

Why should the price be painted! No, are you running a fruit shop in the sea!

The little painter started to draw fish with a strong sense of foreboding, all kinds of fish, as well as shells and pearls—some places have settled down, and there is a small-scale market for luxury goods, and some shells are very hard, too. Very nice container.

The guest Li Shao was looking forward to arrived soon.

It was Abiser, who was holding the can of milk powder, and sadly urged it to not open it.

The black sail is very recognizable. A huge octopus floats out of the sea. A can of milk powder is curled up at the tip of one tentacle, and it is held up high. The other tentacle is rubbed on the can to make a beating shape, but it looks like milk powder. The jar, and this is really funny, like the most unscrupulous advertisement before the end of the world, the so-called milk powder that even sea monsters love to eat—err no, there are too many weird chemical ingredients in the milk powder, what are big-headed dolls, if you eat too much, it will become A sci-fi warning image of a sea monster!

"Sea monster, help me, sea monster!!" The little painter was rolling and crawling on the deck. Who can understand this kind of panic, it's not a movie, it's not a computer production, such a big thing really popped out of the sea! ! Is it really the end of the world? !

"Huh!" Li Shao rushed over excitedly holding various drawing boards, waiting for sea monsters!

First of all, it is a difficult process to let the sea monster know that you have to pay for the food.

So the drawing boards that Li Shao hugged were all price lists...

Abiser looked at the people on the boat shaking a big wooden board through the sea inexplicably.

What is painted on it

—Sorry, the college entrance examination only tests portraits of people and utensils, fruit sketches or watercolors, not realistic hairtail mackerel and prawns, bastard! If you just throw a dead fish as a reference, and only paint brushes can be used, if you can paint vividly and vividly, you are not a little brother from the Academy of Fine Arts, but a master of oil painting!

Li Shao saw that Huang didn't respond for a long time, so he quickly changed it, and he was so tired after changing it, Abiser finally understood!

To open a can of milk powder, you need to give them shells! (big mistake)

It’s really not that expensive for the sea monsters to point the way to the fleet or grab a hand, because they didn’t pay any food as a price. It can be said that it is relying on strength to create extra money, but should they take the initiative to send fish and oysters to their door? snort!

Abiser thought, it can still go to Xia Yi, but it will be secretly, and it cannot be discovered by the siren!

The octopus simply dived into the sea and disappeared.

Leaving Li Shao thinking dumbly, is the price really too high

The idea of the sea monster restaurant, which was not on the logical line, did not die completely because of the second customer, which saved Li Shao from the tragic end of being beaten into a pig's head by An Li.

The weather was fine that day, because bananas rotted the fastest, so Li Shao sat on the deck and ate bananas.

Their boats are still sailing through the wind and waves, and opening restaurants and other things is a pastime at sea, and trading business is still done incidentally.

As a result, when Li Shao, an immoral guy, threw the banana peel into the sea, a splash came out. The siren tossed his hair, slowly tore off the banana peel from it, held it in his hand, and stared at the banana peel with dangerous eyes. sailing.

Li Shao almost choked to death with half a mouthful of banana in his mouth.

He danced and coughed, I need to explain, the language is barrier! Play dead, and he knows that the most terrifying of all sea monsters is this mermaid! Wait, should he call Xia Yi for help

Fortunately, from the logic of sea monsters, throwing food should definitely not be a provocative act.


Siren thinks it should be this word, Xia Yi has to find what she wants to eat no matter what. Although Abiser didn't know what it was, but when she asked Xia Yi, there was only the simplest sentence, food that humans only eat.

Since humans have them, we must find a way to find them!

Li Shao was dumbfounded, is this an order? Is this really an order? What is the price? No, the point is to boil it now, it will definitely not work without Anli's help!

"Mermaid, it turned out to be a mermaid!!"

Oh, Academy of Fine Arts brother, your horror days are yet to come.

Half an hour later, on the sea far away, Xia Yi grabbed pull ring and opened the milk powder jar for Abiser.

It smells so good!

Xia Yi himself couldn't bear the temptation, he looked down at the octopus.

[Can I eat it?]

Abiser was confused, if she had known that Xia Yi also liked this, if she wanted to share this, she might as well give it an oyster and ask the humans on the boat to open it for it!

Grab a handful and wrap it in the boiling water, and the aroma of hot milk will soon waft away.

Abiser became seductive and asked Xia Yi to wash up all the milk powder and pour it into her sucker and mouth.

Xia Yi drank milk and suddenly felt strange, why did the siren go to find lunch for so long this time, the sun was so good, and she started to feel confused again when she was sitting on Abiser's head, half asleep and half awake suddenly appeared in front of her eyes Something startled me.

It is a bowl, two bowls, two bowls that are closed up and down to cover, the upper bowl is larger and the lower one is firmly covered.

Xia Yi was puzzled and reached out to touch it. It's still hot.

Floating on the surface of the sea and opening it, Xia Yi was stunned, burnt porridge! ! This is something that is absolutely impossible to appear on the sea, right!

Siren: ... (Strange why Xia Yi doesn't eat)

Xia Yi struggled: ... (The degree of burnt should be barely edible)

In the distance, Xu Qishen silently turned his head to look at An Li. Is that kind of porridge really edible

"It's okay, sea monsters even eat orange peels and banana peels!"

Li Shao held a round South Sea pearl to look at it, two bowls plus a half-dark dish of porridge, did he lose or win the deal? gd1806102