Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 184: The End Chapter


360 million years ago was the Paleozoic Era. At this time, there were no humans on the earth. Yes, not to mention mammals, even reptiles were still in their infancy. Search: \(¨¨¨¨¨) Watch high-quality literature for free. . The land has not yet been fully structured to successfully rise from the bottom of the sea. This is the era of fish!

There are already coral reefs, brachiopods, shells, jawless fish, bony fish... It will take 100 million years for the land to be fully exposed from the sea, and all the land is a large piece without separation. The ocean is truly boundless, beautiful and prosperous, and land plants have just appeared not long ago, and life is in the blue and deep ocean.

[…When it opens its mouth, the lower jaw and the upper jaw can be drawn into a straight line, even if the prey is bigger than its mouth, it can swallow it in one gulp.]The siren's tail is pressed against the sunfish's back, and the long silver hair is stretched out in the sea water, entangled in the light green or yellow-green seaweed. This piece of seaweed is very strong and soft, layer upon layer undulating along the waves.

Gululu lying on the rock could not help pinching his pincers.

These descriptions obviously hit the sore spot of the king crab. Although it is very large as a sea monster, the opening of its mouth is very limited. Compared with its size, this guy is definitely a gentleman among sea monsters. , it is necessary to use pincers to assist in tearing the prey into pieces before it can be sent to the mouth for chewing.

Xia Yi looked up at the Xia jellyfish floating above everyone's heads.

It brings light and changing pink purple and cyan blue to the dark sea water. Nereus seems to be very good at using its transparent body surface to gather and reflect various lights, or it can emit various psychedelic effects. color. It is definitely the best choice for bedroom lighting!

But this bedtime story is a little bit scary!

[... Is there really such a scary fish? ] Kraken trembled, trying to hug the sunfish.

Its hideous appearance and its largest mouth among sea monsters-it is really not convincing.

Of course, the mouth to eat plankton is of course very large.

[Many years ago, it was the most terrifying creature in the ocean. If you didn't swim fast or were caught up by it, you would be eaten by it!]The Siren didn't know that humans discovered fossils and named that species Dunkleosteus. Inheritance memories are all blurry fragments, which need to be recalled clearly and neatly when encountering the same crisis, and this is already a memory from a long time ago. If it weren't for Deng Shiyu, it would be too scary. This fragment of memory will all disappear.

In the past, the ancestors of mermaids and Deng's fish were like sperm whales and giant squids, fighting to the death and winning each other.

Sometimes the dun's fish die, and more often, juvenile merfolk are eaten. So the memory will inevitably appear in the mermaid's childhood dreams. Even if time passes by and the crust is deposited, everything has become a fossilized past.

But that was very, very early days.

Just like today's human beings hardly dare to recognize their 360 million-year-old ancestors, the ancestors of mermaids are not what they are now. It can be said that it is so outrageous that it is not human at all! Yes, that's right because no one existed at that time! It has a ferocious appearance, and those on its body are not so much scales as scales, covering the skin with a layer, part of which is erected upside down, with sharp tips, so that a head about two meters in size will not be easily bitten and eaten by huge sea creatures Lose.

The sharp edges of the scales are an unusual dark blue color and may be poisonous.

There is probably no hair, and the arms are probably bony fins. Because of the threat of Dunkleosteus, the bony fins are getting longer and sharper, and the finger-like claws may be very long. Maybe there are more than two arms. Because it can firmly grasp the opponent's body in a fight with a huge difference in size, and attack the fatal vital point.

In the Devonian period of the Paleozoic Era, there were many creatures like Eurebia Abise, who were like devils in the ocean, attacking fish. At that time, there were a lot of sea monsters, and the inheritance memory was very vague, and there were probably all species that were not afraid of infrasonic waves. Yes, like the ancestors of mermaids, sea monsters are not individuals, but a race that is not afraid of infrasonic waves, such as Dunkleosteus. Many of them, like mermaids, can cleverly use sound waves as weapons, but most of them don't have a strong enough appearance or ability, so they have to settle for other evolutionary directions.

Xia Yi was suddenly curious. The siren said that many years ago, according to the description, it should be at least the age of dinosaurs (it was earlier than that, and amphibians appeared), without humans, what kind of partner would a mermaid look for

[...It's very bad. When you see the same kind, you will kill them, but you must get close because of reproduction.]Siren tried hard to recall, and found that there is almost no inheritance memory about this, and it is probably completely useless, so it has not been passed down ==

It was an unprecedentedly prosperous ocean, and it was also an era when fish ruled the earth. The survival of mermaids should not be easy. When there is not enough food, it is the ability of creatures of that era to kill the same kind, including females swallowing sex when procreating offspring\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Matcher. Therefore, creatures with a little intelligence, if they are highly territorial, are very disgusted with their own kind.

As for protecting offspring and young children, that is the habit of higher organisms such as birds and mammals.

[Then I will definitely be eaten!] Kraken howling.

[Fat and no teeth, only patting and pressing... Well, it will indeed be torn to pieces and eaten!]

In the Paleozoic Era, there was no such thing as a devil fish, or in other words, how could such a shallow sea fish that is not tough survive!

[Abiser and Uribia may be able to survive, and Vorkus will also be eaten. At that time, there were a lot of shells...Nereus can only hide in the deep sea, so it is safer. Gululu needs some solid shells It's the best protection, but the teeth of those big fish can still bite you in half!]

Gululu also started to tremble: [Then it can also bite Taomas in two?]

[No turtles!]That's a reptile.

Of course, it is impossible for the siren to know the specific age of each species. The inherited memory is a vague fragment. He lay on the seaweed and thought about it for a long time before he managed to find the memory belonging to the devil fish, but the background was dinosaurs.

Well, there are many, many behemoths with fat bodies, sharp teeth, and fast swimmers.

[Dinosaur, what is that, can it be eaten] Nereus curled his tentacles in the waves.


[Oops, I'm hungry!]Dengxia jellyfish left without authorization before going to bed, wobbly to hunt delicious small fish.

Kraken was holding the sunfish, and his long thin tail was raised mischievously, just hitting Nereus's soft head.

[Kraken! !]

Nereus was furious, and covered all his tentacles, and soon the devil fish was paralyzed and floating in the depths of the sea, the sunfish rolled down from its arms, rolled all the way into the depths of the seaweed, and continued zzzing unresponsively

Fortunately, the sound waves are not affected by the paralysis, Kraken continued to say cheerfully;

[Siren, I don't want to hear what the most powerful sea monster is, I want to hear the story of the end of the world!]


[Lingling said that now is the end of the world! Humans say so. Lingling also said that after I was born, it will be the end of the world, Siren, what is the end of the world, and how is it different from the past?]

[The difference is that Uribia is going to lead the penguins.]The answer was Gululu, confidently,

This answer made Xia Yi feel powerless.

In fact, this is true. For the sea monster, life has not changed at all, and it is even happier than before. For example, you can float out of the sea casually, rob ships, and go to restaurants to eat bananas, oranges, and apples... There is no noisy machine roar like a large freighter. The pollution discharged into the sea has become less, the greenhouse effect has been reduced, and the reduction of carbon dioxide in seawater has allowed many coral reefs to survive, and the new shells of many shellfish will not become softer and softer. There are too many benefits!

[A long time ago, there were two end times in the sea.]

This time it was Xia Yi's turn to be surprised, he looked at Siren suspiciously.

[The sky is gray-black and very hot. When it rains, you can't get close to the sea surface. If the fish scales come into contact with too much rain, they will fall down in pieces. But the sea water has become very stuffy, it is almost impossible to breathe in the depths, it is unbearable, all species that need a lot of oxygen and suitable temperature are extinct...] The siren swims to Xia Yi along the soft seaweed, and gently sharpens the smooth fish tail Xia Yi's arm suddenly flipped over and lay on Xia Yi's back again. But such an ambiguous action, no sea monster noticed, and even Xia Yi was attracted by the story of the siren.

[It happened suddenly, and the situation is getting worse and worse. All fishes are migrating to the south, but the sky is getting more and more cloudy, and the sea water is like a boiling crater. He was scalded to death by the hot water sprayed from the bottom of the sea... All the big fish died.]

Sounds like a global volcanic eruption.

[So all the dinosaurs were destroyed?]Xia Yi involuntarily thought of a doomsday movie about the earth's crust floating.

[Dinosaur? That was the second end of the world, and this is the first time.]


That kind of fish, which was so ferocious and could be tougher than snakes with its big mouth open, disappeared before the dinosaurs appeared! Sure enough, if they survived and multiplied, the ocean would not be occupied by dinosaurs.

[In the sea... all dead?]

[No, otherwise there would be no octopus squid jellyfish shells.]

[There are no more sirens.] Kraken muttered.

The era when fish ruled the earth and the era when oceans ruled everything was destroyed by the apocalypse, and then there were dinosaurs, and then the ice age that encountered another mass extinction 65 million years ago. Reincarnation repeats itself, the life history of the earth is so strange.

Therefore, mermaids dive into the deep sea in order to survive, and natural evolution will bring different talents to the surviving species, just like the benefit brought by the later ice age is that the siren can swim to the cold North Pole and Antarctic indifferently. that temperature.

However, in the memory of the mermaid's inheritance, the most terrifying thing is the first disaster that even made Deng's fish extinct.

[The sky has always been gray and the sun can't be seen... There are rotting corpses everywhere in the seawater, and finally there are no corpses, and the place is empty...]

— Is this kind of bedtime story really good

Thanks to the earth, what human beings encounter is only the reversal of the magnetic field, otherwise! !

Xia Yi decided to sleep, she must not listen any longer!

Lying on the soft seaweed, he felt his calf itching. Xia Yi knew it was the fish tail of the siren, so he ignored it. He moved his arm, and suddenly felt something, so he stared at a man who looked like seaweed with a stiff expression. Almost, no, it's a collection of seahorses and seaweed wobbling into another pile of seaweed.

The long tail hooks the seaweed firmly, and then stretches its body, making itself a part of the seaweed.

It may be that his expression of staring at the seaweed was too expressive, but Siren suddenly bowed his head and kissed his eyes lightly.

Xia Yi had to close her eyes.

The water here is very cool, hardly tropical in May. Xia Yi thought about the ruined city, and the fishing village where Li Shaoanli lived temporarily after going ashore, and the fleets sailing in the East China Sea and the South China Sea now, and her thoughts jumped to the ocean full of countless terrifying creatures. Then he fell asleep in a daze, as if he himself had become a fish, and he climbed ashore when the sea receded, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard the waves and the beautiful singing.

Tempted to let him approach the sea slowly.

In the snow-white waves, a familiar figure appeared, with long silver hair and purple eyes, staring at Xia Yi and smiling.

The mermaid stretched out her hand, and the tulle-like fins trembled slightly on the wrist and elbow along the rolling water droplets. He looked at Xia Yi, it was a silent and irresistible temptation.

In the dream, Xia Yi felt that she was gradually walking into the sea, and the sea water slowly submerged her calves, waist, and chest.

As he got closer to the mermaid, he was suddenly gripped by a strong force on his arms and waist. He couldn't even move. He felt his whole body being dragged into the deep water. The sea water covered his head, and the blue sky Into an untouchable, floating and shattered phantom.

Beautiful and deadly.


Xia Yi suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. In front of him was the long silver hair floating in the sea. Xia Yi reached out to touch it, and put his arm on the siren's cool but slippery fish tail again. It turned out that the siren was lying on his body with his head on his left chest and fell asleep, which made him have a nightmare.

However, that might be what mermaids would do, luring humans back to the ocean where life began.

Love is a death encounter with no right or wrong.

(full text)

The author has something to say: Devil fish appeared in the Mesozoic Jurassic = =

Before the dinosaurs ruled the earth, there was a mass extinction in the late Permian period. Almost 90% of the marine life disappeared. It was not a genocide, but the entire outline... I can’t see it anymore today, cough cough, It is said that it was a global volcanic eruption plus subsequent catastrophic effects, such as acid rain horses, horses without light and oxygen, fossils in the geological layer show that the volcanic ash accumulated later was five kilometers thick, and the end of the world lasted for a million years

Finally, there is an elegant creature in the ocean, Ye Hailong, this is a distant relative of the seahorse, it is a fish, just like the seahorse is a fish!

This is the total fin fish, the representative creature is called coelacanth, the ancestor of creatures that climbed ashore, the common ancestor of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, that is to say, we may all be descendants of this thing ╮(╯_╰) ╭

Finally, thank you all for your support all the way, bow

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