Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 15: against the men in black


Feijian quickly attacked Xiao Chunmian's neck.

Yu Qiu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly stretched out his hands into his arms.

At the very moment, an earthen wall rose out of thin air, just in time to block the flying sword, blocking the attack.

The man in black frowned, turned his gaze to this side, and said with a sneer, "Another person dared to block my sword. What's going on today, there are so many people looking for death?"

Yu Qiu took a picture of the earthen talisman as soon as he came here, and was so tired that he was out of breath. Hearing this, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, but there was a flattering smile on his face, "Don't be angry, this hero. How did I offend you personally, let's talk about it?"

"Brother!" Gu Qing didn't expect Yu Qiu to show weakness as soon as he came, startled and angry.

"Shut up!" Yu Qiu yelled at him, and continued to smile obsequiously at the man in black, "Heroes are masters at first glance, and then look at these few, one is better than a three-legged cat, why should you bother with them What? It doesn't fit your status as a master."

"Oh?" The man in black narrowed his eyes, "Are you their big brother?"

"It's all a joke from the brothers." Yu Qiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'm also just a three-legged cat, you can definitely tell the hero."

While speaking, Yu Qiu had already run over and stood in front of Gu Qing and Xiao Chunmian. He saw Xiao Chunmian's sword at his feet, which had been broken in two. Reminiscent of what the man in black said before, it must be that the man in black wanted to kill Gu Qing with a sword, but was blocked by Xiao Chunmian. And Xiao Chunmian's cultivation was too weak after all, although he successfully blocked the next blow, he was shaken into this appearance by the opponent's spiritual power.

Yu Qiu's current cultivation level is only one level higher than Xiao Chunmian's, so he naturally doesn't want to confront the man in black head-on.

And the man in black kept a half-smile on his face after hearing Yu Qiu's weakness, "You still have some self-knowledge."

Yu Qiu scolded the sky in his heart: In the late stage of Qi refining, what kind of wolf with a big tail is you pretending to be!

However, he is now worse than the late stage of Qi refining, so he can only continue to laugh, his face is almost frozen with laughter, "Yes, yes, please let the hero let us go this time."



"Why should I let you go?" The man in black sneered, "You are the ones who overestimated your capabilities and asked for your own death!"

Before the words fell, the flying sword that was originally nailed to the earthen wall suddenly shook, and immediately collapsed the earthen wall, attacking like flying again.

Halfway through the sword, clicked, and hit another ice wall.

This blow already made Yu Qiu's forehead sweat. He didn't have an ice wall talisman at hand, just an ice talisman. The theoretical function of the ice talisman is to condense the water vapor in the air into ice, and then launch it out to become an ice blade. But an ice blade couldn't stop this blow at all. It was Yu Qiu who spent his soul power to change the range of the ice talisman, which created the ice wall.

The man in black snorted coldly, the flying sword shook again, and the ice wall exploded instantly.

"Hero, why do you..."

"I see how many talismans you still have!" The man in black stopped listening to Yu Qiu at all, and the flying sword attacked for the third time in the blink of an eye.

Yu Qiu sighed secretly, and took a step sideways, revealing the two people who were standing behind him.

Gu Qing's eyes widened, his face turned pale. The man in black raised his eyebrows with great interest, "You are smart."

But the reason why Yu Qiu took this step was not to hide.

He stretched both hands into his bosom, and took out a talisman each. The right hand stretched out to the flying sword that was about to cross in front of him, and the left hand stretched out to the path that the flying sword had already crossed.

The man in black was surprised by his actions, and his eyes were fixed on his right hand that was about to touch Fei Jian.

But the focus at this time was Yu Qiu's left hand.

In his left hand, he is currently holding a small talisman. The so-called refuting talismans, including small refuting talismans, large refuting talismans, etc., are generally used as the center of the refuting formation. In the absence of formations, it is generally believed that this kind of talisman is useless.

Because the way most monks use the talisman is to hit it with aura, which inspires things. But once the refuting talisman is activated, although it will also have the effect of disturbing the aura, this effect is fleeting. Even if you want to use this effect of disrupting the aura at the most critical moment, the time difference between when the aura is activated and when the effect of repelling the aura is produced is not something that ordinary monks can grasp.

Of course, Yu Qiu, who used to be the number one talisman cultivator, was not an ordinary cultivator.

Not only did he perfectly grasp the time difference of the refuting effect, but he also knew how to use his soul power to wrap the talisman in the correct way, and press the already generated refuting effect into the soul power until the time he wanted came. Release again. Even, because the effect of the small refutation talisman was too weak, he also used his soul power to control the refutation effect within a very small range he wanted, so that it could reach the intensity he wanted.

The position within this range is within the straight line connecting the flying sword and the man in black. Magical artifacts in the qi refining stage are all dead objects and must always be manipulated with aura. However, the aura in the Qi refining period is not flexible enough, so it can only go straight.

So, at this very moment, Yu Qiu accurately refuted the spirit on this straight line, and cut the line with a click.

As soon as the aura was cut off, the soul power that was still covering the magic weapon dissipated immediately, and the spiritual consciousness was severely damaged.

The man in black couldn't help but staggered, inexplicably horrified.

Yu Qiu's counterattack was not over yet.

The magic weapon that was not controlled by the spiritual energy froze in the air, and was quickly caught by Yu Qiu, wrapping it tightly with the talisman that had been held in his right hand for a long time.

Only now did the man in black see the talisman, and his expression changed dramatically again, "Stop!"

It was already too late.

Yu Qiu had already activated that talisman—the spirit-eating talisman.

The so-called spirit-eating talisman is much more commonly used among ordinary monks than the spirit-refusing talisman. Although it is named after the spirit devourer, its function is not only to devour spiritual energy, but to forcibly devour the soul imprint attached to the magic weapon by monks. After all, even if the former user is killed, the soul mark will take at least half a month and at least half a year to completely dissipate after the user's death.

Now that the spirit-eating talisman was activated, the soul imprint originally attached to the flying sword by the man in black suddenly disappeared.

His consciousness was hit hard again, and the man in black vomited out a mouthful of blood.

"You..." The man in black had a ferocious face, wishing he could swallow Yu Qiusheng alive, "How dare you..."

Yu Qiu held the flying blade in his hand, "How about using this magic weapon to exchange the lives of the three of us?"

The man in black laughed angrily, "Three ants, you think I can't kill them without that thing!"

"Of course not." Yu Qiu said as he took out another talisman and held it up for the man in black to see, "But if you think about it clearly, do you really want to do such a worthless thing?"

The entire body of this talisman is green, and it looks like mold at first glance, and it even seems to be surrounded by a faint layer of mist. Only after a closer look will you find the delicate lines on it.

The man in black's expression changed drastically again.

The Qingwu Talisman, one of the most notorious talismans in the cultivation world, is even more abhorrent than the Devouring Talisman. The spirit-eating talisman only devours the imprint of the soul at least, and if the magic weapon is snatched back, it can be marked again. And this green mist talisman corroded the magic weapon itself.

As long as a piece of Qingwu Talisman is photographed, no matter whether you are a low-grade magic weapon, a middle-grade magic weapon or a high-grade magic weapon, no matter how many spirit stones you spent to buy it, it will directly become a pile of scrap iron.

"Although it's just a small flying sword, it's the craftsmanship of Bailiantang. The entire sword body is made of fine iron, and the blade is also plated with golden black fine gold. There are two runes engraved on it. The price is at least medium-grade. It must have been tricked by the spirit stone." Yu Qiu took a closer look at the magic weapon, raised his head and smiled again, "Do you really want to trade it for the lives of us three ants?"

The man in black's expression changed again and again, and after a while, he still sneered, "I hate being threatened the most."

Yu Qiu couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Why can't he see that the guy in front of him is a proud and arrogant lord who will take revenge? Otherwise, why did he keep showing weakness? He really didn't want to offend this guy so hard, but it didn't make sense anyway, there was really no other way.

"So you must stay with us forever?" Yu Qiu said, "Why bother? We don't know each other if we don't fight. Why don't we make friends?"

As he spoke, he took out a stack of things from his pocket, "Otherwise, it would be too cost-effective for both of us."

It was a stack of talismans, at least dozens of them at a glance.

Yu Qiu laughed, "Do you really want to see how many talismans I have left?"

"You..." The man in black was really dumbfounded.

Cultivators fight each other, and the gap in cultivation is naturally a major factor in determining the outcome, but some external things, such as magic tools, formations, and talismans, can eliminate this gap to a certain extent. Even if the external things are too much, it is very likely that a low cultivation base will rebel against a high cultivation base.

It was obviously too much for Yu Qiu to take out such a large number of talismans now.

Just for this talisman, the man in black, who had just suffered a big loss but was still arrogant, finally let go of his arrogant airs, and was willing to look at Yu Qiu squarely. Although some people think that external things do not belong to the monk's own strength, the man in black is obviously not a supporter of this theory... What are you kidding, what else can financial resources belong to if it does not belong to strength

But after looking carefully at Yu Qiu's body several times in fear, the man in black doesn't feel that Yu Qiu is such a rich person.

But he didn't know that under that confident appearance, Yu Qiu was actually sweating with nervousness.

How could he draw such a large number of talismans in just one hour and with such a pile of extremely cheap materials? No, to be precise, if he insisted on drawing more characters, he could draw so many characters in the correct way.

If you don't choose the materials required for each talisman, you can't be 100% successful. This sentence is actually just "in theory".

The reason why the materials used by monks to draw talismans is fixed, because each talisman has a fixed pattern, and these patterns are destined to what kind of material will play a role. Conversely, if you change the texture, you can naturally change the material used in the talisman. This was also a subject that Yu Qiu had studied in his previous life, but in his previous life, because Yu Qiu's skills were so good, when the probability of success was increased to a certain level, there was almost no possibility of failure in his hands. Whether the new texture can make the success rate reach an absolute 100% is too difficult for Yu Qiu in his previous life to verify.

But in this life, because of this terrible luck, Yu Qiu got the chance to verify and improve.

In the crazy drawing of talismans in the previous hour, he has successfully improved the success rate of several talisman drawing methods using new materials to 100%.

The problem is that his main purpose at that time was to feed the system, and the secondary purpose was to improve the new scheme, and the finished product of the talisman was just a by-product. So if he succeeds in one type of talisman, he will immediately change to another type of talisman. Up to now, he has only drawn a few pieces, and he has used up most of them just now.

The one in his hand now, except for the two most superficial ones are real, the rest of the dozens are all useless talismans, purely bluffing.

As the man in black looked him around, and then again, Yu Qiu's heart rose to his throat.