Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 2: tough start


—Are you willing

Yu Qiu heard a small voice asking.

He replied: I am not reconciled.

I finally understood where I was wrong, and finally found the path I should go, but I have no chance to go on, how can I be reconciled

This is the last thought sent out by Yu Qiu's soul.

But he didn't know if the small voice could hear the answer.

He has fallen into a long darkness.

After wandering in the darkness for an unknown amount of time, Yu Qiu suddenly opened his eyes.

When the blurred blocks of color gradually gathered in his vision, he saw a dilapidated roof. This is a dilapidated small room, surrounded by a strange old smell, one stain on the wall is connected to another, the window is leaking crookedly, and a piece of cloth full of holes is hung on the door to block it. to another room outside.

Yu Qiu was stunned for a while, then jumped up from the bed.

He stretched out his hand in front of his eyes. This is a thin hand, the skin is yellow due to long-term malnutrition, and the bones under the skin are thinly wrapped, so thin that no flesh can be seen. But it is indeed a hand, a solid, real, living hand with blood flowing!

The small hand began to tremble. Yu Qiu felt that it was her shaking.

Yu Qiu knew that his body had been turned into a ball of powder... Then what is this living body in front of him

As a monk, Yu Qiu's first reaction was naturally to seize the house. Could it be that he took away others unconsciously? This idea rolled in his mind for a moment, and was quickly ruled out. Because he can clearly feel that the thin and small body he has now is a pure mortal body that has not undergone any cultivation at all.

A pure mortal cannot be taken away, because the body of a mortal cannot withstand the soul power of a cultivator.

Wait, soul power? Only then did Yu Qiu discover to his astonishment that not only his body had become a mortal, but even his soul power had regressed to the level of a mortal.

Within the scope of his knowledge, there is no reason at all that can explain the immediate result.

But Yu Qiu didn't panic.

This world is so big, he is just a mere alchemy cultivator. The range he once knew was only a drop in the ocean.

Yu Qiu quickly noticed something. He pulled down the tattered cuff, and saw a light-colored pattern half an inch above his wrist. It was a small circle with a very light color, and it was impossible to find it without looking carefully.

Yu Qiu touched the circle, and it was no different from the skin in other places. But inexplicably, Yu Qiu felt that this should not belong to this body.

Before he could start thinking further, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Smelly gambler! It's been another month, when are you going to pay back the money!" With such a curse, something smashed through the door outside.

Yu Qiu quickly jumped off the bed, opened the door curtain, and saw a haggard old man kicked in from the outside, knocked over the table and chairs, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, making a loud bang.

Three or five strong men broke into the house quickly, grabbed the old man's hair and slammed it against the wall, "You still haven't paid back the money! You haven't paid back the money!"

"Repay it! I'll pay it back!" The old man repeatedly begged for mercy, "Wait for me... When I win the money, I'll pay it back right away!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, bursts of alcohol came out. This is not just a gambler, but an alcoholic.

Yu Qiu suddenly saw this man's face, but his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Yu Qiu couldn't tell what kind of feeling this was. The person in front of him seemed very strange, but at the same time seemed very familiar. Before he could sort out this feeling, he had already rushed out, hugging the hand that the strong man was holding on the opponent's head without thinking, trying to save the old man.

However, the opponent's figure was unexpectedly tall... No, it should be that his figure was unexpectedly short. Yu Qiu found that his current body was still an immature young man.

"Qiu'er!" Seeing his movement, the old man exclaimed.

Autumn? How does he know that he is a single name and one autumn character? Yu Qiu was still thinking about it.

When the strong men saw him, they giggled and said, "This silly boy, he looks quite energetic today."

The person whose arm was held by him gave a strong shake, and Yu Qiu was thrown against the wall. The feeling of being hit hard on the back made his eyes stare, and his hands loosened uncontrollably. Immediately afterwards, someone next to him grabbed his hair, lifted his head, and slammed it against the wall, causing blood to flow out all at once.

Yu Qiu felt pain and snorted. He was still not doing well, but the old man who smelled of alcohol was about to go crazy, and suddenly struggled desperately, "You bastards! Let him go! Let Qiu'er go!"

How could those strong men care about him? Hearing him shouting there, he punched and kicked more and more recklessly, "Damn old man, you owe us money, how dare you do anything wrong? Let's see if we don't beat you to death today!"

"Let go of him!" The old man was still there yelling desperately, "Let go of my son!"

… son

Yu Qiu, who was also struggling at first, couldn't help being shocked when he heard this sentence.

He quickly realized that this body was the other party's son. But there was another voice deep in his soul telling him that it wasn't just that.

After reacting, Yu Qiu struggled more violently. The scene in front of him was both strange and familiar, as if he had experienced it once before, but it didn't leave any trace in his mind.

Yu Qiu didn't remember what happened before he joined the Xuanyang Sect.

Now he is only eager to save a person who calls himself "son", desperate to save him!

But after retiring as a mortal, Yu Qiu's resistance turned out to be so weak. As the beating continued, the old man's voice became weaker and weaker, but Yu Qiu still couldn't get away from the two strong men blocking him. Facing these mortals, he has nothing to do, because he is just a mortal now.

Yu Qiu's eyes turned red.

He couldn't help thinking, if he had even the lowest fire talisman on him now...

Wait... Fire Talisman

Yu Qiu suddenly had a jolt. Then he exerted all his force, bit the arm in front of him hard, took advantage of the pain of the other party, saved his right hand, stained the blood from his forehead, and stabbed his surprisingly tattered clothes again. Tear off a piece.

The strong man who was bitten quickly recaptured him.

Just such a little gap, but enough. Yu Qiu has been drawing talismans for hundreds of years, from a most ordinary disciple in the Qi refining period to the number one talisman cultivator in Xuanyan Continent. It's dizzying to move.

When it was recaptured, the rag had already been drawn with many intricate lines by blood.

Yu Qiu firmly stuck the rag to the opponent's forehead.

The flames burst out immediately, burning the other party's body. The strong man screamed and rolled to the side, the fire burned all the way through, causing the others to keep jumping. Soon, the whole house was set on fire, and the fire was raging!

Yu Qiu climbed up to the old man. The fire seemed to recognize him, but it didn't burn that way.

Several strong men rolled on the ground in pain, scrambling to escape from the house.

This effect looks just like a real fire talisman.

But before they could escape far, the fire suddenly went out. Not only did the fire burnt on them go out, but the fire in the whole house also went out, and even the places that had been burned before did not leave any traces. The body that was originally burned also no longer hurts.

The strong men stopped, turned their heads in a daze, and looked at the two people inside through the broken door.

Yu Qiu couldn't help showing a wry smile.

It was not a real fire talisman after all. How could one draw a real fire talisman without a level three or above of Qi training, without white deer paper of at least the ninth grade, or even the condensed sand that can be seen everywhere in the cultivation world? What's more, even if there is a real talisman there, a mortal body is completely useless.

Yu Qiu just drew a ghost painting talisman in the way of fire talisman.

The so-called ghost painting talisman, to put it bluntly, is a means for mortals to deceive mortals. It looks bluffing, but it is just an illusion, and it is an illusion that is only useful to mortals. It has no shape but no substance.

Yu Qiu concentrated his energy and looked at the few strong men who were still outside the house. After figuring out the way to draw a ghost talisman, he won't just be able to draw a fake fire talisman. What kind of illusion can be created to achieve the best effect, Yu Qiu is thinking hard...

As a result, he underestimated the power of the ghost painting talisman in the mortal world.

In the eyes of monks, it is just a fake talisman, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the real power of gods and ghosts.

After reacting from the ignorance of the sudden extinguishment of the fire, the strong men all let out a shrill scream, several times more shrill than when they were burned by the fire just now, "Ghost! Ghosts and gods have descended to earth!"

That's how they got scared off.

Yu Qiu spent half a day preparing in vain, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. At any rate, he also knew that now was not the time to be good-looking when he got a bargain. The old man who was smelling of alcohol and would call him his son had already been knocked out, and was moaning behind him.

Then Yu Qiu searched for a long time in this poor and white house, and finally found some ointment, and quickly applied it to the old man. During this process, Yu Qiu couldn't help but look at the old man's face more.

Yu Qiu could tell that the old man's facial features were somewhat similar to his own.

After treating the old man's wound, Yu Qiu carried him on the bed, covered him with a quilt, fetched a bucket of water in the yard, squatted down and took a good look at his face through the surface of the water. It was an immature and thin face, with deeply sunken cheeks and eye sockets, and the eyes were surprisingly large because of the thin face, like a monkey.

But this is indeed Yu Qiu's own face, but it is much younger, about twelve or thirteen years old.

Yu Qiu stood up, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

By now, he seemed to have to make a guess. There is an event that has never been recorded in the entire Xuanyan Continent's cultivation world, which happened to him.

Whether this guess is correct or not seems to be proven soon.

He walked back to the house and stood by the gate for a while.

A passage came to mind in Yu Qiu's mind - "When I was traveling down the mountain, when I happened to pass by your house, I saw that your father had been beaten to death by a group of murderers, and you were being dragged out by the group of murderers, saying that they were going to kill you." You sell it. I saw it, couldn't bear it, and saw that you are extraordinary, so I rescued you and brought you into the Xuanyang Sect."

Before he finished thinking about a paragraph, the person who said these words to him back then had already mixed in the crowd coming and going, and walked past the door. Halfway there, the man stopped suddenly, turned around, and looked at Yu Qiu carefully.

"Hey," he said this time, "little brother, I think you have an extraordinary foundation and a good foundation in cultivation. Are you interested in joining Xuanyang Sect with me?"

The person standing in front of Yu Qiu is... Senior brother Xu Hong, who had just reached the peak of Qi training hundreds of years ago and traveled down the mountain for the first time.

Looking at Xu Hong, Yu Qiu couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for your kindness." He said with a smile, "Forgive me."

"Hey..." Xu Hong wanted to say something else.

Yu Qiu turned around abruptly, and slapped the half-remained door panel hard with his backhand. Unfortunately, Xu Hong just took a step forward and almost broke the bridge of his nose.