Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 28


At this moment, Yu Qiu faced a very terrifying fact, but he didn't want to believe it.

He is still trying to convince himself: Isn't it just breasts? Who stipulates that women must have breasts!

Yu Qiu trembled, and finally took both hands away from Xiao Chunmian's chest, and almost touched down again, but stopped himself in time. No, you can't touch the bottom, whether it's a man or a woman.

In the end, Yu Qiu cast her eyes on Xiao Chunmian's neck that was always covered behind the tightly wrapped collar.

He stretched out two trembling hands, and carefully undid the neckline a little, and then a little more...

What a big Adam's apple!

With a click, Yu Qiu heard a crisp sound, as if something had cracked in his heart, completely shattered into slag.

His whole head seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, buzzing, so that the whole person froze there, and there was no movement for a long time, just staring at Xiao Chunmian's clean face in a daze. Neckline and flat chest, silly looking.

It wasn't until Xiao Chunmian snorted softly that he finally woke up from the coma, slowly opened his eyes, and met Yu Qiu's eyes.

Yu Qiu was still dumbfounded.

Then Xiao Chunmian's gaze moved down slightly, looking at Yu Qiu's hands that were tightly holding on to her neckline, and at the skin that had been exposed due to Yu Qiu's pulling. Well, there are also Yu Qiu's legs that are straddling his body.

Only then did Yu Qiu come to his senses, screamed in surprise, and quickly loosened Xiao Chunmian's collar, jumped up from Xiao Chunmian's body, and jumped a long way, "I didn't... I wasn't... It was a misunderstanding. !"

He panicked and explained for a long while, but he didn't know what he was explaining.

Xiao Chunmian narrowed her eyes, and gently adjusted her neckline again, with a nonchalant smile on her face, "Xiao Qiu didn't do it on purpose, of course I know."

Yu Qiu stroked his chest and let out a breath. In the end, he thought about it again, why was he so nervous! Now that I already know that there is a man in front of me, why should I be afraid that he will misunderstand that I am doing something to him

In front of me is a man...

Yu Qiu had to remind himself of this fact again, wanting to cry but not crying.

Xiao Chunmian saw his strange expression. Although he was confused, he couldn't think of a reason for it. He could only think that Yu Qiu was still in the embarrassment just now, and that's why he had these awkwardnesses. He immediately smiled and didn't take it seriously superior.

"Are you not injured?" Xiao Chunmian asked.

Yu Qiu foolishly shook his head.

Xiao Chunmian looked up at the sky again, "It's getting late again."

Yu Qiu nodded foolishly.

"It's time to start a fire, let's go get some firewood?"

Yu Qiu was still foolish, neither shaking his head nor nodding.

Xiao Chunmian smiled, and lightly pinched his cheek, then got up and walked into the forest, bending over to pick up wood.

Yu Qiu touched the cheek that had just been pinched. If it was changed to the past, he would definitely think that Xiao Chunmian's pinch was affectionate and sweet, but now he only feels a burst of sadness and bitterness.

Fortunately, he thought that after hundreds of years, the old tree finally blossomed, and he actually experienced the sweet first love... So it was all a misunderstanding? He actually misunderstood a real man as a girl, and then fell in love with this "girl" with a shaved head. He really didn't know who to turn to for reasoning.

I thought that the young love would end without a problem, but Yu Qiu wanted to die.

After a long while, Xiao Chunmian picked up the wood, lit the fire, and looked up at Yu Qiu with a smile, "Xiao Qiu?"

If it was the past, and Xiao Chunmian's eyes were so moist, Yu Qiu would definitely think that they were full of affectionate gazes towards him, so ambiguous that it made people feel hot. But now, he can only tell himself that he is thinking too much.

Since Xiao Chunmian is a man, why would he look at another man so affectionately? Yu Qiu secretly sighed: I really didn't know what I was fascinated by before. No matter how I look at it, this look is just a man looking at my brother who has a good relationship with me. How could I have this pure brotherhood before? It's really outrageous to see it as an affair between lovers.

Under Xiao Chunmian's ambiguous eyes of "pure" and "just looking at my brother", Yu Qiu crawled over with a listless expression and sat beside him silently.

"Xiaoqiu?" Xiao Chunmian was still a little worried, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, nothing at all!" Yu Qiu quickly shook his head.

He was still there trying to comfort himself: Fortunately, it was just a secret love before, and he hadn't had time to confess, otherwise the embarrassment would have been too great.

Yu Qiu decided to straighten his mind, and from then on, he would forget the abnormal and random thoughts caused by misunderstandings, and try to return to the right track of treating Xiao Chunmian as a brother.

It's just that getting back on track... is really hard.

After such a long time, Yu Qiu still hasn't recovered from the blow of broken love.

His heart was broken, and every time he looked at Xiao Chunmian, it would break even more.

It's first love after all...

Yu Qiu gritted her teeth hard, and realized that she was still unwilling to accept the reality, and wanted to rescue this seemingly doomed first love again.

Even if the other party has an Adam's apple... Since no one stipulates that a woman must have breasts, why must a woman have no Adam's apple? What if Xiao Chunmian happens to be a very special woman!

"Chunmian..." In pain, Yu Qiu traced back the source that made him identify Xiao Chunmian as a woman, trying to find a turning point, "When you came out of your house that day, I sneaked in and saw you The mother shouted there, "Daughter, why are you so cruel, why did you leave me as a mother and just go away like this"... "

Xiao Chunmian glanced at him in surprise, "Yes, you told me that before."

"In addition, your whole family's attitude towards you is not right." Yu Qiu wiped his face, "So I guess you are not the eldest son of your family at all, and you admitted it."

"Yeah." Xiao Chunmian picked the fire, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm just a bastard... don't you already know that?"


Yu Qiu's mind went blank again for a while.

Doesn't it mean the eldest son, in fact, it doesn't mean that he is actually a daughter, but that he is actually a concubine

"Mother gave birth to a daughter at that time." Xiao Chunmian thought that Yu Qiu suddenly wanted to talk to him, so she sighed and told her life experience in detail, "It just so happened that another concubine of my father gave birth to me, and then In order to compete for favor, my mother exchanged her daughter with me, and disguised me as her own son. Later, my sister died unexpectedly. My mother couldn't stand the blow. Since then, she has become crazy and often treats me as a She, Xiao Qiu, why do you want to talk about these things all of a sudden?"

Finally understanding the source of the misunderstanding, Yu Qiu hugged his head in pain.

But he thought again: No, it's not just that.

The reason why he has always believed that Xiao Chunmian is a girl is definitely not just because of the attitude of Xiao Chunmian's family members, but has a deeper reason, such as... If Xiao Chunmian is not a real girl, how could he let Yu Qiumian so easily? Feeling in love

Yes, in the final analysis, the reason why Yu Qiu has always believed that Xiao Chunmian is a girl is the biggest reason. It's all because Yu Qiu doesn't think that he will really like a man.

As if grabbing the last straw, Yu Qiu took a deep breath.

Even if he himself had feelings that he shouldn't have because he misunderstood the other party's gender, Xiao Chunmian knew from the beginning to the end that Yu Qiu's was a man, so he shouldn't have the same misunderstanding, right

"Chun Mian." Yu Qiu threw himself in front of Xiao Chun Mian, looked at him with a pair of eyes, and asked eagerly, "Tell me, how do you feel about me?"

Xiao Chunmian was startled, and then looked away from Yu Qiu's face very quickly, her cheeks were slightly red, and her whole body showed a kind of shyness.

But when Yu Qiu said a word, he patted his forehead in annoyance.

In fact, he also knows that the facts are already in front of his eyes, and he is just deceiving himself and others now.

"Sorry... Chun Mian, I shouldn't have asked... Just pretend I didn't say anything..."

It's better to admit it readily, that I once foolishly liked a man, and then dug a grave in my heart to completely bury this stupid relationship. Why bother to confirm repeatedly? Xiao Chunmian is a man, so he must not have the same stupid thoughts about him.

After all, this first love is over, and there is not even a corpse left.

Yu Qiu sadly backed away from Xiao Chunmian, but Xiao Chunmian misunderstood the disappointment on his face.

Xiao Chunmian suddenly raised a hand and held the back of Yu Qiu's hand tightly.

Yu Qiu was surprised to find that Xiao Chunmian's palms were covered with sweat, and he looked extremely nervous.

"Xiaoqiu." Xiao Chunmian looked straight at the bonfire, his eyes seemed a little blurred, "I still remember that we were in Fangbei Mountain for more than two months, and there was also a fire like this..."

Yu Qiu nodded, tried hard to treat the tightly held hands between the two men as a normal contact between two men, and forced a smile, "You seemed to have something to say to me at that time, I wanted to ask later , but then there were so many things that I forgot about them.”

Xiao Chunmian shook her head slightly, her eyes were brightened by the flames, "Not only do I have something to say, but also something to do."

Yu Qiu was taken aback, "What?"

"Want to know?" Xiao Chunmian raised his eyes, and the smile on his mouth made him feel a little special temptation.

Yu Qiu was so seduced by this smile that he almost lost his mind... But in this moment of losing his mind, he vaguely realized that the matter seemed to have escaped his imagination, and was slipping in an irreversible direction.

Just before Yu Qiu's heart rang the alarm, Xiao Chunmian gently lifted his chin.

Yu Qiu opened his eyes wide.

Xiao Chunmian's beautiful face approached very quickly, and then retreated very quickly after only a moment, leaving only a soft and moist touch on Yu Qiu's lips.