Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 31


Yu Qiu didn't know how long he stood there, but in the end he turned around and headed towards the east path, diverging completely from Xiao Chunmian's direction.

The heavy rain continued for another night, and it was not until the next day that the rain finally stopped and the sky cleared up.

Under the long-lost sunshine, at the corner of Xuanyang Mountain, there is a person who is desperate.

Zhang Donggua, male, thirty-five years old, has participated in six Xuanjianzong entry trials since he was twenty-nine, and was eliminated halfway five times... and the sixth time seems to be just around the corner.

Zhang Donggua looked desperately at the giant python in front of him, his spiritual consciousness had already firmly wrapped up the imprint that Gu Ruxue handed out at the beginning.

In addition to indicating the direction of the destination, the second function of this mark is to allow monks who participate in the entry trial to choose to abstain at any time. At a critical moment, once one chooses to abstain, with the help of Gu Ruxue's mana, he can escape and save his life, but he will also completely lose hope of passing the trial.

Right now, Zhang Donggua and his party, two of them collected his spirit stones in Fangshan, and the other two happened to meet on the road. The five of them formed a small team, but they could only get ahead of this giant python at the peak of the ninth order. Constant struggle.

The giant python roared suddenly, and demon flames fell all over the mountains and plains.

Two people were accidentally burned by the demon fire, and one of them, seeing that he was unable to recover, decisively activated the mark, and suddenly saw an orange light rising from the ground, enveloping him and flying towards the mountain. But the remaining person seemed to be reluctant to give up, and his reaction was a little slower, and he was instantly burned to ashes by the demon fire.

Zhang Donggua's scalp felt numb.

Seeing that the demon fire was about to burn to his face, he gritted his teeth, even though he was extremely unwilling, it seemed that he could only arouse the mark.

But at the moment when the consciousness first moved, a misty mist suddenly appeared around, and the mist quickly condensed into beads, and suddenly there was a drizzle of rain. There was spiritual energy in the rain, which suppressed the ferocity of the demon fire for a while.

But after all, there is a monster equivalent to the peak of Qi refining. The giant python roared again, no matter how strong the demon fire was, it couldn't be suppressed by this light rain with aura.

However, the water mist that suddenly appeared was not to be outdone, it continued to thicken, and the originally thin layer became so thick that it was breathless in such a short period of time, like more than a dozen layers of salsa. The tents were folded together, and the dripping rain turned into a torrential rain in an instant, pressing down on the demon fire all the time.

Only then did Zhang Donggua come back to his senses, he was so surprised that he couldn't say anything, "Yu Yuyu Qiu the hero?"

In the current scene, it is impossible to use magic, because mana consumes too much spiritual energy. During the Qi refining period, if you want to use multiple methods at the same time, you can only use multiple talismans to superimpose them. But Zhang Donggua only knew one person who could do this kind of thing with talismans, Yu Qiu.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Yu Qiu turned out from behind the tree.

What appeared in the eyes of this group of people at the same time was the large handful of talismans in Yu Qiu's hand.

The monster roared continuously under the pressure of the spirit rain, and simply retracted the monster fire, swished its huge and long tail, and was about to slap a few people, but was stopped by more than a dozen earth walls that suddenly appeared .

"What are you still doing?" Yu Qiu asked.

The remaining three people woke up like a dream, and hurriedly copied the magical artifacts and the magic formulas, and once again fought the giant python with their lives.

Because now with Yu Qiu's support, after losing the two of them, they are much more relaxed and comfortable than before.

Yu Qiu sneered, "Is this the only thing you can do? What a bunch of trash!"

Zhang Donggua couldn't help but take a look at Yu Qiu. Sure enough, Yu Qiu's face was stretched longer than a horse, the corners of his mouth were bent, his complexion was bitterer than bitter melon, and there was still a deep dark blue under his eyes. It's like who owes tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Reminiscent of the glorious experience of being smashed by a pile of talismans and running around the market three times, Zhang Donggua shrank his neck, as if he hadn't heard anything, and continued to concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

The other two didn't know how terrifying Yu Qiu was at this time, and they turned pale with anger at those words, and immediately shouted, "You can do what you want! It's just a talisman who only knows how to hide at the end..."

Hearing this, Yu Qiu evoked a cool smile.

Zhang Donggua quickly moved away from the two of them.

"Two hundred low-grade spirit stones." Yu Qiuci smiled kindly, but this kind of smile coupled with those dark eyes, was indescribably terrifying.

"What?" The two didn't know what to do.

"This talisman," Yu Qiu picked one out of the pile of talismans, "two hundred low-grade spirit stones."

"Are you kidding..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Qiu threw out a talisman.

Shake it, really shake it. He swung one arm from the side of his body from bottom to top to the back, and then from top to bottom to the front of the body, swung out a big circle, swung the talisman out like a brick, and swung it with such force that it was almost It was as if he wanted to use that talisman to smash something damned to death directly, so as to express the evil spirit in his chest.

In the end, the activated talisman turned into a spear made of ice, and was thrown towards the giant python like a thunderbolt. I saw the blue light flashing past, the water vapor along the way condensed into ice particles, and the vegetation below was all frozen stiff, even the arm of one of them who happened to be brushed by the blue light was frozen and unconscious. The giant python that happened to be pierced by the ice spear instantly pulled out layers of ice from the wound. The icicle spread out like waves, and soon covered the whole body, decorating the giant python into a vivid ice sculpture.

Everything is quiet.

"Two hundred low-grade spirit stones." Yu Qiu smiled slightly.

Only then did the frostbitten monk react, his face turned pale from the pain, but he didn't dare to yell anymore, he only quickly added the healing spell to himself.

"Two hundred low-grade spirit stones." Yu Qiu looked around with a smile, "Who will pay?"

"I'll pay, I'll pay!" Zhang Donggua rushed forward and untied his storage bag, "As expected of the hero Yu Qiu, let alone two hundred, even a thousand, I'll buy you this one!" , It's worth it! Hey, I didn't bring enough low-grade spirit stones, look, these are two middle-grade spirit stones... "

Yu Qiu looked at him.

Zhang Donggua was seen in a cold sweat, "Hero... did something bad happen to you?"

Yu Qiu frowned, grabbed the spirit stone into his hands, and didn't talk nonsense with him, just picked a way and left.

Zhang Donggua compared the direction of the imprint in his mind silently, and was sure that Yu Qiu was taking a detour. After hesitating again and again, he finally gritted his teeth and followed. Before he left, of course he didn't forget to give the other two people a run for their money, and although those two were terribly frightened by Yu Qiu's threat to get off the horse, they also knew how powerful Yu Qiu was, and quickly followed behind.

"By the way..." Zhang Donggua followed Yu Qiu, and suddenly remembered that Yu Qiu came with Xiao Chunmian this time. Just as he was about to ask a question, he met Yu Qiu's eyes.

Zhang Donggua was shocked immediately, and immediately swallowed the question back to his neck.

Or how could he be a man with a wink

Yu Qiu looked away in satisfaction.

He can't hear the word Xiao Chunmian now, and anyone who dares to mention it dares to kill anyone. But he wouldn't say this kind of thought, otherwise wouldn't it appear that he cared too much about this matter? So at this time, a person with a wink will appear very useful.

Yu Qiu told himself that although these three words had become a forbidden area in his heart, he didn't care about Xiao Chunmian, not at all. Even if he cared about it before, after being driven away like that, he will definitely not care anymore.

Yu Qiu is a stingy person, and the Qingtou Gang members had a good relationship with him back then, but because of Gu Qing's ignorant words, Yu Qiu resolutely broke up with him. Is Xiao Chunmian special? Xiao Chunmian already had that attitude, could Yu Qiu still be reluctant!

When others respect him, he respects others, and vice versa. Yu Qiu never does things that are not worth it. If others don't care about him, it can only prove that others are not worthy of him.

So Yu Qiu doesn't care about Xiao Chunmian anymore, not at all.

Thinking so complacently, Yu Qiu walked ahead, suddenly his body swayed, and he accidentally stepped into a ditch, and fell into the mud with a bang.

"Hero Yu Qiu..." Zhang Donggua's cold sweat broke out again, and he couldn't help wondering for a moment whether he believed in the wrong person this time, " are..."

Yu Qiu wiped off the muddy water on his face, but without getting up, he turned over on the spot, turned himself on his belly, looked blankly at the sky where the sun was still hanging, "It's getting late , let's rest first and continue tomorrow morning."

Zhang Donggua also raised his head, looking at the sun rising in the sky, "Isn't this... a bit too early?"

"I'm sleepy." Yu Qiu was expressionless.

"Oh." Zhang Donggua wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Then you rest first, rest."

Yu Qiu looked at him, and then at the other two people who followed him. Although he forgave them for not daring to do anything while he was asleep, he still used talismans to cover several layers of protection. Then he closed his eyes, and it was true Just fell asleep in broad daylight.

He was really sleepy, so sleepy.

On the first night, he chased after Xiao Chunmian, and couldn't close his eyes for a moment. On the second night, Xiao Chunmian threw him in the rain, and couldn't close his eyes for a moment. For two full days and two nights, even if the physique of a monk in the Qi refining period is slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, he can't bear it.

But as long as he closes his eyes, there will always be some thoughts in his heart, making him prefer to stand up and continue walking on the road in front of him, rather than lie down, so that he has the space to look back and think.

It wasn't until now that he was extremely sleepy and exhausted that those churning thoughts in his heart finally let him go.

Yu Qiu fell asleep and didn't move for several hours.

Zhang Donggua and the other two waited on the other side, got together and talked, emphasized to them how powerful Yu Qiu was, and gave the person whose arm was frostbitten a rejuvenation talisman as compensation. It really fell.

Seeing that Yu Qiu hadn't woken up yet, the three of them found a place and fell asleep.

And Yu Qiu... After the first few hours of silence, he began to roll uncomfortably in that small area again.

Those thoughts still didn't let him go, Yu Qiu kept dreaming in his sleep.

All of a sudden, it was the pitiful appearance of Xiao Chunmian lying in his home with a fever but no one to take care of him when he was in Yulian County.

All of a sudden, the two of them were sitting close to each other by the fire, and suddenly a soft and green kiss was printed on Yu Qiu's lips.

All of a sudden, the kiss suddenly became tyrannical again, his hands roughly tore his coat, stretched into it and rubbed it wantonly, and even his legs were pushed away by the other party's knees.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chunmian had that harmless smile on his face again, but there was a wound on that pretty face, from the cheekbones to the temples, and half of his face was covered with blood, which looked extremely terrifying. But it hurts.

Yu Qiu kept tossing and turning on the spot, and finally turned over with red eyes.

After a while, he stretched out his hands to cover his face, and wiped it vigorously a few times.

Hateful, I have decided not to care about it.

But Yu Qiu still couldn't help thinking, if he had never touched that talisman and hadn't hurt Xiao Chunmian, would everything have been different

Speaking of which, what would have happened if I hadn't encountered that talisman at that time

Yu Qiu stopped wiping his face with his hands.

Yeah, what will happen

Yu Qiu's mind was empty.

Of course he knew that Xiao Chunmian wanted to do something to him at that time, but what exactly was it? Now that I think about it, he was really impulsive at the beginning. Of course, it was also because Xiao Chunmian was too impulsive. He didn't have time to think about it at all, so that he was completely immersed in instinctive fear at that time, and he didn't even think about some of the most basic issues. .

Although fear is instinctive, Yu Qiu is not a person who likes to act on instinct, he is a very research-oriented talisman. So in Yuqiu's concept, without investigation, he has no right to speak. In order to decide whether to continue to fear, he should first try to clarify these basic issues.

For example, men and men... What should they do

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Donggua opened his eyes to the sound of birdsong, and then almost fainted from the shock of the two huge dark circles under his eyes.

Yu Qiu finally waited until he woke up, rubbed his hands nervously, and sat beside him like an old acquaintance, showing a friendly smile, "Old Zhang..."

Zhang Donggua was trembling with his laughter, "Hero, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Yu Qiu looked around cautiously with a mysterious face, and lowered his voice as if he was about to say something shocking, "Do you know that there is a kind of person in this world called Duanxiu?"

Zhang Donggua: "..."

"You don't know?" Yu Qiu was disappointed.

"I know," Zhang Donggua wiped off his sweat, "Why do you ask this?"

Yu Qiu was overjoyed, and pinched the hem of his clothes a little shyly, "I just want to know something."


"For example, if a Broken Sleeve wants the Overlord to force his bow, what exactly should he do?"


Yu Qiu looked at him with bright eyes.

Looking at the pure eyes of a boy who was only fourteen years old, Zhang Donggua couldn't help wiping off his sweat again, "Hero, let's talk about something else... There is nothing to know about such things, there is no need at all." I know… "

"But I don't want to have that day happen again."

"what's the situation?"

"That day I was halfway through the fight with the overlord in my family." Yu Qiu knew that at this time, he should tell the truth to show that he was sincerely asking for advice, so he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "But I found that I didn't know what to do next. How to do it."

Zhang Donggua: ( ⊙ o ⊙) Young man, what did you do to your Xiao Chunmian!