Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 37: Little, little magician


However, Xiao Chunmian said that before Xiao Chunmian was full of shame and anger, when the shame turned into anger, he picked up something casually and threw it out at Yu Qiu. After he had smashed it out, he sat on the bed blankly, thinking in a daze: Why did he want to smash it out... Then he finally came back to his senses, put on his clothes, washed his hands, and chased him out.

At that time, Yu Qiu had already disappeared. Fortunately, Xiao Chunmian knew the approximate location of the other monks who participated in the trial, and was able to find them all the way.

But I didn't expect...

Xiao Chunmian watched all this with red eyes.

Yu Qiu was lying on the ground trembling, both hands had been crushed by the soles of the shoes, and there were spots of dark red blood oozing out, and the knuckles were already a kind of bruise.

And Gao Conghan was standing beside Yu Qiu, smiling arrogantly at Xiao Chunmian, "You're just a wounded soldier, do you want to be a hero?"

Xiao Chunmian didn't say a word, just waved another sword light towards him.

Gao Conghan dodged calmly again, and stretched out his hand again, trying to grab Yu Qiu who was on the ground.

Xiao Chunmian rushed over desperately, blocking Yuqiu. So Gao Conghan's hand slammed onto his sword, making a loud bang. The sound lingered for a long time, and the sword kept vibrating.

Xiao Chunmian's face paled slightly, and he attacked one after another with his sword moves. Gao Conghan didn't take his magic weapon, but used his hands as claws, like a monster, he kept parrying the opponent's sword with his body, and he didn't lose the wind in the slightest.

During the Vietnam War, Xiao Chunmian became more astonished.

Whether it was this attack method or this power far beyond ordinary people, Xiao Chunmian had an illusion, as if what he was facing was not a monk in the late stage of Qi refining, but an eighth-level monster.

Xiao Chunmian had just fought with an eighth-level monster not long ago, and the feeling now is very familiar, almost the same as then.

At that time, Xiao Chunmian experienced life and death, and after beheading an eighth-level monster, he almost died with the other one behind him. Only relying on the soft armor given by Yu Qiu, he finally survived and narrowly saved his life. But now the soft armor has been destroyed, and the wounds on his body have not completely healed. Facing Gao Conghan, who is almost the same as the eighth-level monster, feels even more difficult than before.

No matter how difficult it was, with Yu Qiu behind him, he couldn't back down.

But the difference between Gao Conghan and the eighth-order monster is that he has the cunning of a human at the same time.

Gao Conghan saw that Xiao Chunmian couldn't fight for a long time, so he didn't fight recklessly, he just kept harassing, and from time to time, he struck the Ruoqiu sword hard, not asking for merit, just like this, knocking Xiao Chunmian's face It's getting whiter and whiter, not to mention the shock of the tiger's mouth bursting, and the corners of the mouth are oozing blood, which makes the previous internal injuries repeated.

Gao Conghan smiled at the corner of his mouth, seeing Xiao Chunmian strikes with his sword again, he jumped back lightly and gracefully, and landed on the ground gracefully.

At this moment, the ground suddenly sank, and Gao Conghan's foot was engulfed like quicksand, biting him so that he lost his balance and almost fell onto his back. Gao Conghan quickly put his other foot heavily on the ground, and finally kept his balance, but even this foot was also sucked in by the ground.

The ground that became soft at some point kept spinning around his feet, really like quicksand, pulling Gao Conghan down to the ground bit by bit.

Gao Conghan raised his head and looked at Yu Qiu who had been crying on the ground.

Yu Qiu is also crying on the ground now, but his right hand is stretched out in front of him, and his five fingers are firmly clasped on the ground. And that left hand had already been retracted by him and pressed on his waist at some point, and it was impossible to see what he was doing. Of course, now that Gao Conghan knew, his left hand must have been inserted into the storage bag, holding a talisman firmly.

Yu Qiu raised that face, his eyes were still hazy with tears, but when he looked carefully, the panic and fear had actually disappeared from the eyes under the tears.

With Gao Conghan's current strength, the talisman that could trap him would naturally not be an ordinary one.

Yu Qiu gritted his teeth, blood dripping from his heart: Two hundred low-grade spirit stones... Another two hundred low-grade spirit stones were wasted...

Gao Conghan stared at Yu Qiu for a while, then suddenly smiled.

Then Gao Conghan let out an earth-shattering roar.

It's really roaring! Like a monster, like the roar of an eighth-order monster!

Both Yu Qiu and Xiao Chunmian turned pale from the yelling, and their foreheads felt dizzy. Even the ground, which was spinning and swallowing Gao Conghan down bit by bit, was roared with ripples.

It was this ground that Gao Conghan was targeting.

With one roar after another, the ground was shaken more and more scattered, and there was no trace of rotation, leaving only the ripples shaken by the roar. With the last loud roar that was far better than the previous ones, the ground suddenly dispersed, splashing out like gravel. In the flying sand all over the sky, Gao Conghan finally flew up and attacked Xiao Chunmian and Yu Qiu again.

Xiao Chunmian raised his sword to block it. But there was a sword light faster than him, and it bumped into Gao Conghan's body suddenly. Gao Conghan only had those two people in his eyes now, he didn't expect that someone else would intervene, he couldn't dodge all of a sudden, and was beaten to the side.

Yu Qiu sneered in his heart: an idiot who is smarter than monsters is still an idiot, he dared to forget that this is in Xuanyang Mountain.

"What are you arguing about..." Xu Hong walked in from the woods, grabbing his hair, and complained gloomily, "I told you not to fight without authorization, why are you so ignorant..."

Before finishing a sentence, Xu Hong met Gao Conghan who was getting up from the ground. When he saw the pair of shining green eyes, his whole body was shocked suddenly, and the remaining drowsiness disappeared immediately.

At the same time, an originally dull stone on the flying sword in Xu Hong's hand suddenly glowed with a yellow light, flickering on and off, as if sending some kind of warning.

"Demon Cultivator!" Xu Hong's face changed suddenly, and he pressed his finger hard on the stone on the hilt of the sword. Suddenly, the stone stopped flashing, but kept shining with that yellow light, "Bold Demon Cultivator, how dare you break into it?" Enter Xuanyang Mountain!"

Gao Conghan originally wanted to deal with him too, but the moment Xu Hong pressed the gemstone, Gao Conghan froze in his footsteps, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, his face changed drastically, and he turned around and ran away.

Xu Hong gritted his teeth and chased after him without hesitation.

In just a moment, swish, swish, dozens of sword lights flew down from the top of the mountain. There were dozens of monks of the Xuanyang Sect, a few of them practiced Qi, most of them were building foundations, and there was even a team leader from the Condensation Stage, who flew into Xuanyang Mountain as if facing a big enemy and continued to patrol, not stingy at all in this place. It is said that the greatest attention is only placed on Moxiu who is on the edge of foundation establishment.

But Gao Conghan's speed was unexpectedly fast.

Xu Hongyujian followed closely behind, even further and further away. Xu Hong had to think that the other party must have prepared a special flying weapon for escape. In Xu Hong's limited knowledge of magic cultivators, it is really a wonderful thing among strange things to have such an enlightened magic cultivator. Speaking of which, it is already weird enough that a demon cultivator would actually run away after being discovered. You must know that most of the demon cultivators are irrational guys.

A moment later, Gao Conghan slammed the cat deep into the mountain, leaving no shadow behind.

Xu Hong had no choice but to hold his sword hilt, and speculate on the location of the demon cultivator by monitoring the status of the gemstones on it. But after a while, the gem suddenly went dark, as if it had never sensed this magic cultivator.

Xu Hong was taken aback: Once this gem finds a demon cultivator, it will keep following it. The sudden darkness at the moment indicated that the demon cultivator had either fled thousands of miles away, or had been wiped out. Either way, it seems unlikely right now.

Xu Hong took out the jade pendant from his waist and asked the team leader of the Condensed Yuanqi Demon Killing Team. The answer he got was that there was no second person who discovered this demon cultivator. Xu Hongming thought hard but got nothing, so he sighed, pressed the jade pendant again, and contacted another person, "The demon cultivator is lost..."

"Lost it? How did you do it!" The other party yelled at the other side, "I finally had a chance to make me look good, and you messed it up like this! How did I give birth to a son like you!"

Xu Hong looked up at the sky, patted his forehead helplessly, curled his lips and said, "Sorry, father, I don't want to..."

If any of the Xuanyang Sect disciples were here, they would be able to recognize that the middle-aged man who kept snorting coldly on the opposite side was the current head of their Xuanyang Sect, Xu Weitian.

Xu Hong is Xu Weitian's biological son, so even though he is still at the peak of Qi refining, his status among the current disciples of Xuanyang Sect is somewhat detached. But just because he is still at the peak of Qi refining, Xu Weitian is more dissatisfied with this son every day than the last.

"Forget it, if you lose it, just lose it. I didn't expect you at all." Xu Weitian said again, "Let's talk about that girl from the Shen family."

Xu Hong continued to stare at the sky speechlessly: the last thing he wants to talk about right now is that Shen Qianlan.

"Don't think I don't know, she has already started to hook up with other men blatantly, and she doesn't pay attention to our Xu family at all!" Xu Weitian was furious at the other end of Yupei, "She is your fiancee! You don't even care about it!"

"It's okay." Xu Hong said, "I don't like her anyway."

Xu Wei was almost overwhelmed by the weather, "Then why did you agree to the marriage contract in the first place!"

"Shen Qianlan and his family first said they wanted to marry me." Xu Hong recalled for a while, and then said, "Anyway, I don't have anyone else I like, so it doesn't matter."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Wei was so angry that he really wanted to take his breath away, "You idiot! It's because of this that the foundation has never been built!"

Xu Hong rubbed his chest: Is this your own father? Do you know what it means to scold without revealing...

And Xu Weitian over there has completely opened up the chatterbox, pointing at Xu Hong and scolding from the beginning to the end, from your mother being so ruthless and unreasonable at the beginning to scolding you to the fact that your mother is also a sword repairer like your mother, and then to you This kind of virtue is not suitable for sword cultivators at all, you know, quickly turn around and follow me to be an orthodox five-element monk, maybe there will be salvation in this life... I can't stop at all.

While Xu Hong kept enduring his father's saliva, Xiao Chunmian finally sent Yu Qiu back to Yu Qiu's room, and wanted to fetch a basin of cold water to wash his wound.

As a result, Yu Qiu grabbed his sleeve and cried with tears in his eyes, "Chun Mian, don't go..."

Xiao Chunmian looked at his tearful eyes, and her heart trembled suddenly.