Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 39: Find ways to change


Yu Qiu stuffed the book back under the pillow, sat up, and wanted to finish today's two hours of qi training, but his body felt lazy and weak from the inside out, and he couldn't concentrate at all. In the end he had to fall back on the bed again, curled up in a ball, and covered his head with the quilt.

He closed his eyes and reflected on the day.

A lot of things happened that day, whether it was Xiao Chunmian's or Gao Conghan's, they all needed to be tidied up.

First of all, sleeping with Xiao Chun... After a day of lingering, Yu Qiu did not wash himself, those traces still remained on his body, the tip of his nose seemed to still linger with the smell of that boy, so that the slight heat on Yu Qiu's face could not fade away. . After all, they still took this step, but this step itself was not as difficult as Yu Qiu imagined.

Although there was still a doubt left in the end, Yu Qiu was very satisfied with the smooth reconciliation with Xiao Chunmian.

Well, no, maybe it can't be said that the reconciliation is as good as "beginning".

Yu Qiu narrowed his eyes, stretched out his palm, touched the dried up marks on his thigh, and sighed.

He understood that after taking this step, the relationship between him and Xiao Chunmian had completely changed. This still made him somewhat at a loss. But that's okay, it's something he decides on his own, he's already mentally prepared, it just takes a few more days to get used to it.

Thinking of Xiao Chunmian, Yu Qiu was only happy.

And the matter of Gao Conghan was particularly troublesome.

Until now, recalling Gao Conghan's bright blue eyes, Yu Qiu still couldn't help but shudder. Because in the previous life, he was tortured for three whole months under such eyes.

But he couldn't confirm whether Gao Conghan was really that guy from his previous life. After all, on the Xuanyan Continent, although everyone shouts and beats demon cultivators, and it is rare to see them, the actual number is not rare. They were just kicked out of the orthodox circle of comprehension by the joint efforts of several sects. In the memory of Yuqiu's previous life, it wasn't until after that incident that the influence of the orthodox cultivation sect over the years collapsed overnight, and the magic cultivators emerged from the ground one after another. , and directly occupied half of the Black Rock Continent.

Shadow Fiends are the best among magic cultivators, but it is impossible for every magic cultivator to be a Shadow Fiend.

But even if the memory that belonged to the Shadow Demon is taken away, the conflict with Gao Conghan at noon is enough for Yu Qiu to engrave it in his heart, revisit it repeatedly, and keep vigilant.

Gao Conghan is a demon cultivator - this is something that Xuanjianzong needs to worry about, Yu Qiu doesn't care, the demon cultivator is also a monk, it's the same.

If Xiao Chunmian hadn't caught up in time, Yu Qiu would have been almost powerless to fight back against Gao Conghan - this fact would be very unbearable.

Of course, Yu Qiu could find countless reasons for himself. For example, he was miserable when he was given the potion by Zhang Donggua, and he couldn't stop crying, so his strength would naturally be affected. Another example is that Gao Conghan was normal at the beginning, and perfectly confused Yu Qiu, so that Yu Qiu didn't show enough vigilance. When Gao Conghan suddenly became abnormal, Yu Qiu's hands were restrained, and he lost opportunity.

But in the final analysis, there was only one reason why Yu Qiu was unable to fight back at that time - he failed to touch the talisman.

In this life, Yu Qiu's arrogance, Yu Qiu's confidence, and Yu Qiu's strength are all because of the talismans in the storage bag. Yu Qiu, holding the talisman in his hand, is confident that he can face all masters below Foundation Establishment with his mere cultivation in the late stage of Qi Refining.

It's like he can use a piece of ice gun talisman to instantly eliminate a giant python monster at the peak of the ninth level, just like he can use a piece of quicksand talisman to make Gao Conghan, who is already equivalent to an eighth-level monster, so sleepy that he can only jump by himself into another fire pit. This set of talismans that can allow him to torture the peak of qi refining in the late stage of qi refining and the early stage of monoclonal resistance foundation building is specially created for this trial by Yu Qiu, who spent a period of time carefully accumulating family wealth in the Fangshan collection. prepare. Wind, wood, water, fire, and earth, there are five in total, and now there are three left, each costing more than two hundred low-grade spirit stones. If it weren't for this, Yu Qiu would be considered a rich man by now, so he would have to plan carefully and carefully to buy a soft armor for Xiao Chunmian.

This was an invention of Yu Qiu's previous life, even though it was of no benefit to him who was already in the golden core stage at that time, it was still Yu Qiu's proud work.

Yu Qiu has gone farther than any monk on the Xuanyan Continent in the way of talismans. It is doomed that Yu Qiu, who holds talismans in his hand, is not a strength that ordinary people can match.

However, just because he failed to touch the talisman, Yu Qiu could suddenly become vulnerable.

For a Fuxiu, this seems to be a matter of course. All the talisman cultivators on Xuanyan Continent are like this.

But Yu Qiu wanted to be that exception.

He hasn't forgotten why he died in his previous life, let alone what kind of resolution he made at the last moment in his last life, what kind of understanding he had. Although he didn't think about being able to do it all over again at that time, he had already vowed not to rely on it.

From this level, he was a little grateful to Gao Conghan. Of course, it's not thanks to him for almost stepping on my hand, but thanks to him for letting me see clearly the dependence of this life. Although it is true that Yu Qiu is no longer dependent on anyone in this life—including Xiao Chunmian, Xiao Chunmian's strength is his own business and has nothing to do with Yu Qiu—but he still relies too much on one thing.


This is a ridiculous conclusion at first glance. Generally speaking, a talisman should rely most on its own talisman. Talismans are different from people. Talismans will not betray, Talismans will not run away when you are trying to fight the enemy, and Talismans will not stab you in the back. The talisman created by oneself is absolutely loyal, as long as you use it well. However, a talisman cultivator who vowed not to rely on anyone else can't guarantee that he won't encounter such a situation where he can't touch the talisman at all.

Yu Qiu was lucky today. Gao Conghan went crazy in Xuanyang Mountain. Even if Xiao Chunmian didn't arrive in time, Gao Conghan wouldn't really find anything with the Xuanyang sect hanging high above his head. big waves. But Yu Qiu can't think that he will always be so lucky in the future.

So Yu Qiu must seek a change.

The question is how to change.

Yu Qiu was thinking about these things while he was half asleep and half awake, then looked at his wrist with eyes that were already hard to open, and then let a ray of his consciousness sink in, sinking into the light-colored circle above the wrist.

The system has been silent for too long, so long that Yu Qiu almost thought it had lost its spirituality.

But a few days ago, when the first trial was still going on in Xuanyang Mountain, Yu Qiu came in to have a look and knew that the system was still alive, it was just busy.

Busy... writing.

The last time Yu Qiu came to see it, he clicked on the column of sword formulas in the rewards, and a dozen pages of sword formulas were photographed in one go, which almost scared him to death. At that time, Yu Qiugang and Xiao Chunmian had a quarrel, and his heart was not comfortable. Seeing these sword tactics, he felt as if he had seen the day and night, touched the scene, and felt even more depressed, so he didn't disturb the system, and just retreated silently. out.

Come again this time in the autumn, click on the happy method, wait for the update, click on the pill formula, wait for the update, click on the talisman pattern, wait for the update, click on the magic method... Well, still waiting for the update. Yu Qiu took a deep breath and clicked on the sword formula again.


Oh my god, there are more than fifty pages!

Yu Qiu turned to the last page and stared at the numerous sword formulas in a daze for a while, then suddenly heard a bang, lowered his head and looked, Yaoshou, the system unexpectedly gave birth to another one.

— Tell the truth, what happened to you by the sword art!

Yu Qiu finally couldn't help roaring.

After a while, the system finally squeaked like a human with a long reflex arc.

[Um? ]

After a while, the system seemed to finally wake up and know how to speak human words.

[Ah, host, you are here]

Yu Qiu twitched his eyes. The current state of the system, why does it look like he has been at his desk tossing talismans for several days and nights. This is really a strange feeling. Since the upgrade, although the system hasn't said anything, it seems to be more and more like a human being.

—I wanted sword tactics at the beginning, but that one is enough. What are you doing with so many

[I have nothing to do anyway]


[I wanted to write casually, but I couldn’t stop accidentally]

Yu Qiu helped his forehead.

— Could it be that your former master was a sword cultivator

[Well… ]

Seeing his faltering look, Yu Qiu didn't ask any further questions, so he briefly flipped through the fifty pages of sword formulas. Some of these sword tactics he knew, and some he didn't know. As far as the ones he knows, if they are all genuine, they are already much richer than the treasures in the Xuanyang Sect.

—Since it’s all right, let’s write something else.

[what do you want]

— Like... spells


[But the experience value is only so little now, you can’t change it after writing it out]


Well, this is indeed a real problem. Looking at the two-digit experience points on the record interface, Yu Qiu frowned. The last time he used his experience to exchange for a copy of Hange Jianjue, it was the system's compensation for the slow update. Except for that one, the cheapest of the more than 50 pages of sword formulas cost 100 experience points, and the better ones even have thousands of them.

—Anyway, you write first.

If it really doesn't work, the big deal is to find a way to make good use of the resources of the Xuanyang Sect after successfully joining the Xuanyang Sect.

Thinking of this, Yu Qiu withdrew from the system and yawned.

[Do you want to use a spell just in case]

"Hmm..." Yu Qiu was a little sleepy, and hummed the answer directly.

[But is this really okay]

"What's the meaning?"

[Whether spells or other things are fine, no matter what, it doesn't happen overnight]

Yu Qiu didn't expect the system to say this kind of reasoning, a little surprised. As for the principle itself, it is very simple, and Yu Qiu himself understands it. In short, Yu Qiu is a talisman cultivator. If he puts too much energy into other places, he will naturally lack in talismans. And if you still put most of your energy on the talisman and only allocate a small part of your energy to learn other things, it's hard to say how effective it will be in the end.

But what can be done? There is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Thinking of this, Yu Qiu couldn't help being a little envious of those five-element cultivators, sword cultivators, and even demon cultivators. The five-element cultivator strengthens spells, and the magic cultivator strengthens the body. The one who is strong is himself. Even if the sword cultivator says that he is cultivating a non-sword, in fact he pays attention to the unity of human and sword, and he is actually cultivating himself.

If it is a sword cultivator, even if he loses the flying sword in his hand, although his strength is damaged, he will not be vulnerable. Because once a sword cultivator reaches the extreme, he himself is the sharpest sword.

On the other hand, Fuxiu...


A bright light suddenly exploded in Yu Qiu's mind.

Sword cultivator can combine human and sword into one, why does talisman cultivator have to be bound to that piece of talisman paper

An unprecedented inspiration suddenly burst out from Yu Qiu's heart.