Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 54: As a swordsman


Inside the Black Rock Peak, Xu Hong recalled it for a long time, and then sighed, "Because of my mother."

Xu Hong's mother is a swordsman. She was a beautiful but very tough woman. She had a charming relationship with Xu Weitian, head of the Xuanyang Sect in the early years, but in the end, her temperament couldn't get along with Xu Weitian, and she often quarreled with him. In the end, she broke up with Xu Weitian completely in a fit of anger. He resolutely left with the fetus in his womb.

Then she gave birth to Xu Hong and raised her alone. Facing Xu Weitian's repeated begging for peace, she dismissed her and never thought of looking back. She was truly a standard swordsman.

She told Xu Hong that since Xu Hong is her child, he must have the same blood and characteristics as her.

So she hoped that Xu Hong would also become a sword cultivator.

But actually, Xu Hong may be more like Xu Weitian. He is not so decisive and stubborn, but more tactful and compromised. As he grows older, this characteristic of his character becomes more and more obvious. Xu Hong didn't know whether his mother would be disappointed after finding out that he had finally grown up like this, and whether he would still insist that he should become a swordsman, because his mother didn't live that long.

Because of the crime of being pregnant, the mother was suddenly surrounded and killed one night. Mother fought to the death to protect Xu Hong, and died together with so many enemies. When Xu Weitian finally arrived, it was already too late.

Then Xu Weitian took Xu Hong back to Xuanyangzong, spent several years to find out the murderer, and finally avenged the woman, and took back the sword formula that was taken away from her. The sword formula was finally handed over to Xu Hong, who then entered the Xuanyangzong's treasury.

Then Xu Weitian began to persuade Xu Hong to change the way of the five elements. As he got farther and farther on the road of cultivation, and got stuck at the peak of Qi refining for longer and longer, more and more people persuaded Xu Hong to change to other things.

It's just that in Xu Hong's heart, the figure of that sword-like woman will never fade away.

"This is called persistence." Zhao Lian said.

"Perseverance?" Xu Hong repeated these two words, savoring them over and over again.

"Sword cultivation is born for persistence." Zhao Lian smiled, "There will always be something for which you are willing to pay a lot and make all choices, even if others tell you it's not worth it. Others say you should choose a better one. But you know that it’s worth it, everything is worth it. This kind of thing is your persistence.”

Xu Hong was stunned for a while.

"The reason why sword cultivators are sword cultivators is that we are always more persistent than others, and always insist on our own persistence." Zhao Lian continued, "So you don't have to listen to other people's nonsense, saying that you are not suitable for sword cultivators. I don’t know sword cultivators. You became a sword cultivator because of your attachment, you just need to stick to your attachment.”

Xu Hongruo realized something, but still smiled wryly, "A sword cultivator who can't build a foundation can really be a qualified sword cultivator?"

"Isn't this going around again?" Zhao Lian moved, changed the position of his legs and folded them again, with his arms on his knees to support his chin, "Is it so important to establish a foundation? Why do you want to build a foundation?" base?"

Xu Hongdao, "Every Qi-refining cultivator must want to establish a foundation."

"Fart." Zhao Lian said.

Xu Hong was stunned.

"If you really want to build a foundation so much, if something like building a foundation can make you give up everything like becoming a swordsman, you have already built it." Zhao Lian said, "However, you are not obsessed with building a foundation. base."

Persistence, another persistence. Xu Hong found this thing really hard to understand.

What is his attachment? Oh, and become a swordsman. Then what? Oh, and then there's no more...

Xu Hong suddenly realized that his persistence had been achieved at the moment of becoming a sword cultivator, and all that remained was to persist in becoming a sword cultivator, not how far he could go on this road.

"What will happen if you can't build the foundation?" Zhao Lian tilted his head to look at him, "Of course, many unpleasant things will happen, so you always want to build the foundation. But you still don't want to build the foundation that much, because those The result is just unpleasant, not absolutely unbearable. Is there anything that will cause you absolutely unbearable consequences because of your failure to build a foundation? The teacher said categorically here: When you find that The day that happened is the day you build your foundation."

Xu Hong thought deeply about these words until Zhao Lian swung him back.

Then Xu Hong squatted on a stone on the Black Rock Peak, and continued to think. He finally vaguely understood that the crux of the reason why he was always stuck at the peak of Qi refining was that he couldn't find an attachment that made him insist on building a foundation. But how to find such attachment

At this moment, Yu Qiu was already standing in the center of his mind, with his back against the wall, watching those illusions carefully.

The things that made him feel heartbroken the last time he came here can be seen at peace now, and Yu Qiu couldn't help but sigh softly.

But he still couldn't let it go completely. In the deepest part of my heart, there is still a voice that is constantly asking, although it is low, it keeps asking: why, why, why why why...

The reason why he came to this road at first was to find the answer to the question of why the two generations of Xu Hong were so different, but after he really stepped into it again, what really stirred up in his heart was another question. But the two problems actually lead to the same goal by different routes, and it all boils down to—why did Xu Hong change.

Yu Qiu stepped out and looked at the memories that changed accordingly.

But when he walked to the entrance, the memories just happened to return to the first moment. Xu Hong rescued him from a monster.

So Yu Qiu discovered another strange thing. When Xiao Chunmian killed two eighth-rank monsters with his own sword, everyone was shocked, and Gu Ruxue was full of praise. Later, Xiao Chunmian became an in-house disciple, and this achievement was spread to the whole sect, which caused waves of amazement, and made the other in-house disciples in the Qi refining period unable to lift their heads, otherwise they would not be able to offend him. So many jealous people. Moreover, the reason why Xiao Chunmian was passed on as miraculous was not because of the number of two eighth-level monsters, but because of the fact that he faced the eighth-level monsters during the Qi refining period, which overwhelmed everyone, as if there had never been another one before. A monk can do it. Especially Xu Hong, who spent ten years without building a foundation, was suppressed as if it was not worth mentioning.

But now Yu Qiu carefully looked at the monster that was falling behind Xu Hong. No matter how he identified it, he could only think that it was also a genuine eighth-level monster.

In his previous life, Xu Hong also faced the eighth-order monster with a single sword, and finally killed it. And at that time, Xu Hong was still dragged by Yu Qiu.

Could it be that Xu Hong in this life can't deal with eighth-order monsters? Perhaps because of the changes brought about by Yu Qiu's rebirth, and because of the changes in various events, Xu Hong has never had the same opportunity to face the eighth-order monster in this life, but his strength will always be there, so why is he belittled like that. Unless it was just because of Yu Qiu's rebirth, Xu Hong's strength in this life would be much weaker than in his previous life.

Yu Qiu just thought about this kind of nonsense that was ridiculous at first, and quickly shook his head and put it behind him, and continued to walk in his mind.

Yu Qiu wanted to find out how Xu Hong built his foundation in his previous life, but so far he has found nothing. In fact, Yu Qiu's memories of Xu Hong's Qi refining period in his previous life were only a few days in total. Because just a few days after Xu Hong rescued Yu Qiu from the eighth-level monster, he established the foundation.

… etc.

Yu Qiu suddenly stopped. A voice in the dark told him that something was wrong.

Yu Qiu suddenly rushed back to the original picture in his mind. Xu Hong didn't care about the injuries all over his body, and just kept hugging Yu Qiu.

"Junior long as you are are fine..."

Yu Qiu flew from one end of his mind to the other.

"Junior brother, follow me closely, I won't let you get hurt in the slightest."

"What is Xuanyangzong! I only need you!"

"Even if I give up everything, I will protect you."

"I'm fine! Junior brother, as long as you are behind me, I won't fall down!"

Those heart-warming words from the past floated into Yu Qiu's ears sentence by sentence, and they gradually connected together to form a vague picture, which made Yu Qiu suddenly see one thing clearly. One thing that Yu Qiu once took for granted has remained the same since he could remember, because he has never thought about why it is so.

Why was Xu Hong so strong in his previous life

Why did Xu Hong build the foundation smoothly in his previous life, and even reached the peak of Jindan all the way

Why did Xu Hong in his previous life go forward indomitably and never back down

Because he has Yu Qiu behind him.

Yu Qiu gritted his teeth, and once again bursts of warmth flowed from his heart, but just like the previous warmth, he still couldn't get around the last scene, so it became the most hurtful thorn in the end.

He found the answer to the first question, but this answer made people ask the second question even more frantically.

Why did Xu Hong abandon Yu Qiu in the end

"Slap!" Yu Qiu suddenly heard a clear and loud slap.

He stood still in a daze, looking at the phantom in front of him. It wasn't the scene of escaping from Xuanyangzong together before. That slap was the first time Xu Hong hit him, but it wasn't the last time.

Now it's... Yu Qiu finally learned something about the way of talismans, and used talismans to help Xu Hongshi for the first time. When Xu Hong was facing the siege, he solved an opponent and helped Xu Hong relieve the pressure, but he was slapped afterwards.

At that time, Xu Hong was furious.

"What are you doing!" Xu Hong asked him excitedly, "Who asked you to do it? What if you get hurt? I told you clearly, you just need to follow me! You just need to keep relying on me Just fine!"

Yu Qiu stood in front of this scene in a daze for a long time.

At that time, he thought that the reason why Xu Hong was so angry was really just because he was worried that he would be in danger and that he would be hurt. Now he couldn't help but ask: Is it really just like this

He suddenly began to think about a problem that he hadn't realized before.

For Qiu, Xu Hong is a character who gave him everything, taught him everything, and helped him become a person, like a father. But to Xu Hong, what is Yu Qiu