Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 6: After the jungle


"Fang Shan Ji?" Yu Yuankai asked with a green face.

"Yes, Fangshanji." Yu Qiu nodded, "So don't feel bad about this food anymore. Of all the things I bought today, that one is the big one." Yu Qiu stretched out his chopsticks and pointed Pointing to something behind the wall, "Half taels of silver."

When Yu Yuankai saw it, it turned out to be a longbow and an arrow, with many arrows densely inserted in it, "What are you buying these for!"

Yu Qiu looked at him with a smile.

Although he didn't hear his son's answer, Yu Yuankai could see the answer from his eyes: I bought these, naturally, to go to Fangshanji.

"Are you kidding me!" Yu Yuankai resolutely objected, resolutely opposed, "Why do you go to that kind of place where no shit!"

The so-called Fangshan is actually four mountains, one on the southeast, one on the north, and one on the north side, which happens to form a square, so they are collectively called a "Fang" character, and then divided into Dongshan, Nanshan, Xishan and Beishan. Among them, Fangnan Mountain is not far to the north of Yulian County.

The small village surrounded by four Fangshan Mountains is called Fangshanji.

If you want to go to Fangshanji, you must pass through Fangnan Mountain. But Fangnan Mountain is not a good place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. There are fierce birds and wild animals everywhere in the mountains and forests, not to mention those poisonous vines and weeds. Even the most experienced hunters would not dare to trespass. Can't come out, let alone they are old and young

"Since you want to make money, how can you not take some risks." Yu Qiu filled his stomach slowly and carefully put away the dishes.

Yu Yuankai finally agrees with this. Although there were many dangers, if he could earn five hundred taels of silver back in one fell swoop after passing through, Yu Yuankai might not really object, he might have to rush to the front and shout to try.

But Fangshanji... just like what Yu Yuankai said just now, it's really a place where birds don't shit. It's just such a small village, with a population less than a tenth of that of Yulian County, and I haven't heard of any special products. It's surrounded by mountains. What's the point of going in after all the hard work

If it is really a good place to make a fortune, how can it be so desolate!

Yu Yuankai didn't know that although Fangshanji was desolate, it was only desolate in the eyes of ordinary people. Fangshanji, since it is named after Ji, is naturally a market. For many young monks in the qi refining period who have accidentally entered the road of cultivation, but have not been able to find a sect to attach to for the time being, Fangshanji is the only place within hundreds of miles where low-level monks can communicate with each other. place.

The importance of Fangshan collection is not only that. Going further north from Fangshanji, passing through Fangbei Mountain, you can see another beautiful and lofty mountain range—Xuanyang Mountain.

The Xuanyang Sect on Xuanyang Mountain is the only sect of cultivating immortals within a thousand miles.

For those low-level monks who want to worship Xuanyangzong, Fangshanji is their first stop. Because of this unique geographical location, Fangshanji is not only a market, but also a place where many low-level monks settle down to farm and support their families.

But it was really hard for Yu Qiu to explain these things to Yu Yuankai for a while. Even if he explained it to Yu Yuankai, he might not believe it, maybe he would think that Yu Qiu was deceived by other people's nonsense.

"Okay..." Yu Qiu was still racking his brains to find a suitable explanation, but Yu Yuankai suddenly compromised, "Since you are determined to go, then go, let's go together, and I will accompany you." you."

"Father?" Yu Qiu was both surprised and delighted.

Yu Yuankai waved his hand and went back to his room without talking to him, holding his stuffed stomach, leaving Yu Qiu alone to tidy up outside. Before entering the room, Yu Yuankai took a closer look at the longbow and arrows placed in the corner.

Looking at these things bought for half a tael of silver, it was like seeing the fighting spirit and hope in Yu Qiu's eyes.

Yu Yuankai thought, he was old, he was old, his heart was old, he was so old that if he didn't have any ambition, he would know that he would spend all day in casinos and taverns waiting to die. Such an old life, no matter what happens, it will be like that. But Yu Qiu is different. Yu Qiu has his own ideas, Yu Qiu is still willing to fight hard, Yu Qiu is still willing to venture, and Yu Qiu is still willing to take risks.

Since Yu Qiu wants to break through so much, with such an old life, so what if he breaks through with him

An hour later, Yu Qiu brought the decocted medicine to the old man. After the old man finished drinking, he took him to the dental shop without haggling too much, and finally sold the dilapidated house for five taels of silver.

Then, they carried the packed packages on their shoulders, took their longbows and arrows, and walked out of the city gate of Yulian County against the midday sun.

Before stepping out of the city gate, both father and son looked back.

In this look, Yu Yuankai saw his life here for decades.

Yu Qiu saw... a pile of debts. Debts, debts, debts to Ji's bank, debts to Tianmu Casino, debts to Xiao Chunmian, debts everywhere...

Then the two made an oath together: they will definitely come back again.

If those debts are not paid off in full, Yu Qiu will have no peace on the road of cultivation in the future.

But as long as you reach Fangshanji smoothly, that little debt is nothing! Five hundred taels of silver is certainly terrifying to mortals, but to cultivators, even low-grade spirit stones, the lowest currency in the cultivation world, can be sold for dozens of taels directly in the mortal world.

Five hundred taels of silver, converted to about ten low-grade spirit stones.

And as long as you have cultivated to the third level of Qi refining, find the white deer paper and condensed sand, and draw a piece of the lowest-level fire talisman, you can properly sell three low-grade spirit stones in Fangshan. After reaching the fifth level of Qi Refining, draw a spirit-gathering talisman, and ten low-grade spirit stones can be obtained in an instant.

After doing this calculation, Yu Qiu suddenly felt that the debt on his body was much easier.

But, first, they have to cross Fangnan Mountain...

Two hours after leaving Yulian County, and less than an hour after stepping into Fangnan Mountain, Yu Qiu has already shot fifteen arrows.

Eight of them shot in the air, five of them hit but did not cause any effective damage, and the remaining two killed a giant snake and a wild boar. Yu Qiu pulled the arrow from the wild boar, wiped it clean and took it back, felt a little hard work and reached out to touch the sweat on his forehead, then couldn't help frowning.

The odds are a little off.

Since Yu Qiu chose to buy a bow as a weapon, he was naturally confident in his shooting skills. Even if you can't hit every shot, you can usually hit at least seven or eight out of ten shots. How can there be such a frequent shot as now

This is only at the outermost edge of the forest... Yu Qiu knew that the further out the forest was, the weaker the ferocious birds and beasts would be. He originally planned to go deeper today, but now it seems that it is time to think carefully about how deep he can go.

About half an hour later, Yu Qiu stopped to pick up logs with the old man, planning to start a fire.

When he turned around, he happened to meet a pair of green eyes in the bushes.

It's a leopard.

Yu Qiu wiped his right hand around his waist, and an arrow was immediately taken into his hand, and quickly hit the string. And the leopard had already jumped out of the bushes and pounced hard on him.

Yu Qiu was about to raise his bow, but at this moment, a second leopard suddenly jumped out of the bushes on the side, and rushed towards the unaware old man behind him!

Yu Qiu quickly turned the angle and released an arrow, which was accurate and fast, and the one that was throwing at the old man was instantly killed.

This delay, the previous one has already rushed to the front! Yu Qiu turned the bow again, and shot the arrow out in a hurry, but because of his haste, he lost a little of his aim.

Yu Qiu was not too vigilant. He felt the feeling of the arrow when it left the string, and thought in his heart that at such a short distance, even if it was not so accurate, the chance of hitting it was above the ninth floor.

But it didn't hit. The arrow that missed the target finally barely missed the leopard's body and flew over.

At such a short distance, it actually missed! Because of this shot, Yu Qiu completely lost the opportunity.

When the third arrow hit the string, the leopard's sharp claws had already pressed Yu Qiu's chest.

"Qiu'er!" Yu Yuankai finally saw all this, his face turned pale with fright.

The beast opened its jaws wide, about to bite off Yu Qiu's neck.

Death was near, but Yu Qiu fell backwards. At this moment, Yu Qiu's nostrils were filled with the fierce stench from the leopard's mouth.

Taking advantage of the last time he could grab, the moment his back just fell to the ground, Yu Qiu finally released another arrow.

At such a critical moment, in this situation, Yu Qiu is of course unable to aim properly—fortunately, at this distance in front of him, there is finally no need for any aiming at all. He almost shot the arrow against the leopard's neck.

The point of the arrow pierced into the opponent's throat, and pierced through with a puff, revealing a blood-stained point from the back of the neck.

Yu Yuankai rushed to Yu Qiu's side and kicked the fatally injured wild leopard away.

"Qiu'er!" Yu Yuankai quickly helped Yu Qiu up from the ground, but he heard Yu Qiu groan in pain.

Panting for breath, Yu Qiu opened his front, gritted his teeth and looked at his chest. The leopard's claws are sharp, and with just a slap of the claws, several blood holes have already been pressed out.

"Let's go here today." Yu Qiu said, "If you go in again, you may really be unable to handle it."

Where did Yu Yuankai disagree

Yu Yuankai wished he could carry Yuqiu back to Yulian County immediately.

"I can't tell you, you have to come here!" Yu Yuankai scolded with red eyes, "How is the result now? You just came here, and your life is almost lost! Go back with me as soon as possible!"

"Don't be like this, father." Yu Qiu said with a smile, "I have expected this level of risk a long time ago. It's nothing at all. I can handle it, father."

Just like that, Yu Yuankai's fear and grief were suppressed. He remembered the resolution he had just made not long ago, and he remembered that he had already decided to risk his life to accompany his son. It wasn't until now that he realized the risk.

"Father," Yu Qiu held his hand, "Trust me, I have a measure."

Yu Qiu recalled the moment of life and death just now, and had already noticed something in the dark. The reason why he shoots so frequently is not because of his shooting skills, but because of his luck.

This is an unconvincing conclusion, after all, such things as luck are too illusory. But other than that, Yu Qiu couldn't find a better answer to explain these things. He had to think that compared with his previous life, his luck was much worse.

Fortunately, no matter what it is, as long as you know the crux, it will become easier to handle.

…but why is luck so bad

Yu Qiu tried hard to think about the differences between this life and her previous life. After thinking about it, his eyes gradually fell on the circle above his wrist.

Thinking about it further, the old man's voice made Yu Qiu wake up from his thoughts, "You desperate little bastard! Let's see how long you can go!" He cursed angrily, With his mouth pursed, the old man dug out the herbal medicine he had prepared earlier from the package, carefully applied it to Yu Qiu, and bandaged it properly.

Then the two dragged the leopard's body back to a stream they passed by before, cleaned it with running water, and peeled off the leopard's skin. Then they peeled off the meat and supported it with wood, intending to make some of it into jerky.

The rest of the leopard meat is their dinner tonight.

"It's good!" Yu Qiu said loudly while eating meat, "As long as you catch a little wild game every day, you'll be much more comfortable than living in Yulian County!"

Yu Yuankai rolled his eyes at him.

After eating the meat, Yu Qiu let Yu Yuankai rest while he sat cross-legged and began to concentrate on refining Qi for two hours a day. When he woke up the next day, Yu Yuankai was surprised to find that the wound on his son's body had almost healed.

In the next few days, Yu Qiu only wandered around the dense forest every day, and came back after getting some game. Just like this, he was really going to make this his home.

Yu Yuankai couldn't help wondering: Has this kid given up his goal of crossing Fangnan Mountain to reach Fangshanji

Needless to say, this kind of life is actually quite comfortable. After the thrill of the first day, Yu Qiu seemed to have found a way to survive in the outskirts of the mountains and forests, and there was never such a time of life and death.

Yu Qiu has indeed found a way: since the crux of the problem is luck, then no longer rely on luck.

Since the probability of 90% is not trustworthy, then don't take a single risk, as long as the probability is maintained at 100% every time.

After figuring it out, Yu Qiu adjusted his rhythm in time, and the game was played very comfortably every day.

As for the circle on the wrist, Yu Qiu carefully observed it for a few days, but had no clue, so he had to leave it for now. Anyway, if it is really something extraordinary, sooner or later it will show its original shape.

Because of keeping up with the nutrition, Yu Qiu's skin is no longer as dry and yellow as before, but gradually becomes rosy, and even the thin cheeks are plump.

This kind of life is really good!

Yu Yuankai was delighted to see it in his eyes, so happy that he didn't want to remind Yu Qiu of their goal, and wanted to live this kind of life for a little longer from the bottom of his heart.

Then, about half a month passed in such a comfortable way... One day, Yu Yuankai suddenly realized that they had pushed halfway into the depths of Fangnan Mountain without knowing it.

But Yu Qiu still seemed to be able to do so every day, and dealt with all the beasts he encountered comfortably, so that Yu Yuankai didn't realize that those beasts were stronger every day than the ones he encountered before.

After half a month of practice, Yu Qiu has now reached the second floor of Qi Refining.

Now, if he meets a few strong men like the one he was on the first day of rebirth, he doesn't need any ghost charms at all, and he can directly subdue the opponent by force.

Yu Qiu became stronger. Compared with ordinary people, the second level of Qi Refining is no longer just a cloud.

He took his old man and walked north resolutely with his own strength, which was getting stronger every day.

Then the terrain in front of them gradually flattened, and the trees gradually became thinner.

Then finally a row of houses appeared before their eyes.

"This... came out?" Yu Yuankai was so surprised that he couldn't believe it.

Yu Qiu smiled and shook his head, and continued walking towards the row of houses. Fangshan Collection is here.

Suddenly, Yu Qiu felt his feet tremble.

"Be careful!" He shouted loudly, and quickly retreated to the old man. In an instant, the place where he was standing just now had a crack in the ground.

Earth Fissure - the lowest level, about the third level of Qi Refining.

After judging the opponent's strength, Yu Qiu turned his gaze to the shadow of the house in front of him.

"Hey," a thin figure came out from the shadow, showing a bald head, "This newcomer is quite clever." As his voice fell, the shadows of several other houses turned People also came out one after another.

There are four people in total, each of whom is above the third level of Qi Refining.