Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 62: Magical Mystery Squad


Xiao Chunmian lowered his expression and did not respond.

In fact, Xiao Chunmian knew very well that he should choose Yu Sui instead of Wa Quan, but he was reluctant to let these three words always be the biggest curse.

After returning to the Black Rock Peak that day, Xiao Chunmian retreated again. When Yu Qiu took the wooden sign left by Xiao Chunmian to find him, he happened to hear the news that he was retreating again, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He could only shake his head, decided not to worry about Xiao Chunmian, then went to Xu Hong and asked about Gao Conghan's recent situation.

"Does Junior Brother Yu want to see Junior Brother Gao? Unfortunately, he probably won't be able to do so recently." Xu Hong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Because he still has a lot of things that he hasn't explained clearly."

Yu Qiu hated the cold, so he had to pray more deeply for Gao Conghan several times.

Then Yu Qiu returned to the Dongfu to fiddle with his own affairs.

The first is to hone one's own cultivation, and then to draw talismans. To be precise, it is to study the new drawing method of talismans. In addition to cost-saving new painting methods, there are also new painting methods that increase costs and increase power at the same time, new painting methods that can be used by people with lower cultivation levels, and even directly study the invention of new talismans.

For Qiu, this kind of thing is already more than before. In addition to satisfying his research spirit as a talisman cultivator and earning a lot of experience points, it also has a miraculous effect on suppressing the karma balance in the karma slot.

After all, Yu Qiu's lack of luck in this life is more vividly reflected in this kind of initiative to ask for a chance, which directly makes it a method that can stably bring bad luck. Seeing that most of the karma slots were finally occupied by the blue liquid again, Yu Qiu felt that his heart was settled because of this blue color.

... It's quite dumbfounding to think about it, but there are people who are happy because they keep encountering bad luck.

After exhausting his soul power again, Yu Qiu stretched himself.

Recently, when he was drawing talismans, he always felt a little strange, as if someone was peeping from afar, but Yu Qiu searched left and right and couldn't figure out what the source of this strange feeling was, so he had to forget about it.

He began to take a closer look at this new function of the system.

— How much experience is my experience worth now

[five hundred and seventeen]

Because the cost of the talisman being studied now is higher than that at the beginning, these experience points that will be affected by the cost are also easier to obtain than before.

Yu Qiu clicked on the reward interface of the system, feeling a little tangled.

At the bottom of the reward interface, the system opened up a special column with a row of big red characters like "Use all experience points to get lucky once". And the other rewards are still divided into categories and placed on top.

Yu Qiu clicked on it one by one, and sure enough, each category has been improved a lot compared to before. Excluding the fifty-odd pages of sword formulas, there are already more than thirty pages of magic spells, alchemy, talisman patterns, etc. .

What Yu Qiu is struggling with now is the "Use all experience points" that opens the causal slot function.

Because his current more than 500 experience points, although he can already exchange for a lot of good rewards, but one thing he doesn't need urgently now, and two things that can be exchanged for 500 experience points are mostly common goods, and the better ones are always more expensive. expensive. If it was changed to before, he would definitely continue to accumulate these experience points decisively, but now there is a function that consumes all experience points every time it is turned on, but it gives people a feeling that the more experience points are accumulated, the less cost-effective it is. I can't help but want to use up quickly.

[In fact, the number of openings of the causal slot function will not be too many]

Feeling Yu Qiu's solution, the system issued a warm reminder.

[Or, you better not use this feature too much]

-Why? This function is against the sky.

[It’s just too heaven-defying, you may not be able to afford that price every time]

—The price of being on the ground every day


The system actually let out such a mocking laugh.

[Face on the ground is nothing, if you really just face on the ground every day, it's too cheap for you]

"..." I don't know if it was Yu Qiu's illusion. After the system was upgraded again, the emotions were obviously more diverse than before.

It was a strange feeling, as if a person was slowly coming to life.

[The risk of this thing is that after you use it, you never know what kind of bad luck will bounce back afterward]

[Although based on my own wishes, I very much hope that you can use it every day, but you are my host after all, and I don't want you to lose your life because of it one day]

[If you are unlucky, it is very likely that you just used it to get rid of a dead end, and then you were dragged into another dead end by the rebounding bad luck, let alone the situation where you did not encounter a dead end at all, and using it without authorization will lead to death ]

—Wait, bad luck

[how? ]

—That is to say, in the case of extreme bad luck, how this extreme bad luck will appear depends on luck? Are these two lucks the same thing, or are they calculated separately


This long silence made Yu Qiu rub his face, and he also felt that his focus was too biased.

After a long while, the system finally responded, and there seemed to be a little helpless irritation in this response.

[Why do you add new topics to me]


[Forget it, I'm old anyway, and I can't afford to study new topics, so that's it, just remember what I said]

Then the system fell silent.

- System.


—Small department.

[What's up]

—Although the causal loop is like a magic weapon, you are actually not a weapon spirit, at least not a natural weapon spirit, right


- Who are you

The system is completely silent, no matter how you call it, it will no longer respond.

Yu Qiu shrugged. The system pretended to be dead not once or twice, he was very calm, anyway, the system would always come back to life when needed.

As for the identity of the system, he is becoming more and more curious now, but the system is unwilling to say, and he has no choice but to pay more attention to see if he can find any clues.

After a while, Xiao Chunmian finally came out... although he still failed to establish a foundation.

As soon as he left the customs, he found Yu Qiu's cave, sitting there, holding a cup in both hands, silent, looking extremely disappointed.

"Don't worry." Yu Qiu's reassurance is still old-fashioned, because this kind of thing is so old-fashioned, "There is no rush."

Xiao Chunmian looked at him, curled her lips for a while, " have reached the peak of Qi refining."

Yu Qiu raised his eyebrows, "Why, you forgot who brought you in, right? I was two floors above you at the beginning, maybe you surpassed me later, are you not allowed to equalize me?"

Xiao Chunmian lowered her head.

"Don't keep looking at yourself, look at others." Yu Qiu sat beside him, "When you were at the peak of Qi refining, I was just on the sixth level of Qi refining. Have I ever forced myself like this? You just reached the peak of Qi refining!" You have been stuck for more than a year, and your senior brother has been stuck for ten years, has he ever pushed himself so hard? Young people, how can you think about smooth sailing all day long, you have to experience some setbacks."

Xiao Chunmian looked at him with a smile, "You're right, you don't look like a young man."

Yu Qiu had a dry cough.

Xiao Chunmian tilted her body slightly and leaned on his shoulder.

Yu Qiu was stunned for a moment at first, then leaned over and grabbed the back of his hand, "If you encounter any hurdles that you can't get over by yourself, you can tell them, maybe someone else can give you the answer."

Xiao Chunmian was silent.

"Even if others can't give you the answer, you have to believe that you can overcome this hurdle." Yu Qiu said, "Even if you don't believe it, I believe it."

Only then did Xiao Chunmian raise her head, her eyes were full of smiles.

He held Yu Qiu's face in his hands, and gently tapped Yu Qiu's lips with his fingertips. Yu Qiu blushed, looked around for a while, and finally settled on Xiao Chunmian's face.

The two cuddled up to each other, kissed lightly, and when the love became so strong... that Yu Qiu didn't even hear the reminder to monitor the formation.

Until someone coughed at the hole.

Yu Qiu hurriedly pushed Xiao Chunmian away! The force of this push was so great that it overturned Xiao Chunmian including the person and the chair, and fell to the ground with a loud noise. Xiao Chunmian got up from the ground and looked out of the cave with dissatisfaction.

Xu Hong looked at the sky and stood there awkwardly, followed by Gao Conghan with a dark complexion.

"Uh..." Yu Qiu greeted awkwardly, "You two get along pretty well, don't you?"

Xu Hong smiled, "It's okay."

Gao Conghan almost wanted to spit in the back. If you want to talk about the relationship between him and Xu Hong for more than half a year, it is really... Those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry! Gao Conghan couldn't be beaten to death at first, but in the realm of comprehension, building a foundation one step earlier can crush a person to death. Now Xu Hong wants to handle Gao Conghan like a joke!

So many secrets that were originally decided to be told only to Qiu, were just knocked away by Xu Hong bit by bit...

"We came to you this time because he said that you must be involved in this matter, otherwise he would never cooperate." Xu Hong said, looking back.

High hum from the cold.

"My father and Master Uncle Li from the Demon Killing Team may both want to know what happened to that demon cultivator a while ago." Xu Hong smiled slightly.

Gao Conghan lowered his head and walked to Xu Hong's side with a listless face, "Well, that's it."

Xiao Chunmian's expression was even uglier, because Gao Conghan was actually at the peak of Qi refining right now. For him, being tied by Yu Qiu is acceptable, but being tied by Gao Conghan is simply unbearable.

"So what's the matter?" Yu Qiu asked.

"His magic power," Xu Hongdao, "he said that you promised to help him solve it."

"..." In Yu Qiu's memory, Gao Conghan did take the initiative to talk to him about this matter, but at that time the two of them failed to reach a consensus on Qiu's final condition.

The condition is to let Xiao Chunmian participate.

Right now, Gao Conghan looked at Xiao Chunmian with a dark face, and finally took another step, took out the high-grade spirit stone from the storage ring again, and handed it to Yu Qiu, "Your conditions, I All agree."

Yu Qiu harvested the Lingshi and nodded.

The four-member magic power exploration team was established!

In Yuqiu's extremely simple living room, four people gathered together to study the book of magic skills provided by Gao Conghan.

"What do you think?"

"It looks normal."

"It's normal to add one."

"Is it really a magic skill to be so normal?"

"It means that this magic book is very profound, it is definitely not a high-end product, maybe it is the best of all magic skills."

"Do you want to practice it?"

"...don't make trouble."

In the end, the four of them raised their heads from the book again, and all four faces were helpless.

"It seems that we have to look for other clues." Yu Qiu said deeply.