Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 65: Conflict broke out


Yu Qiu stared at the lonely package in astonishment.

Then he gritted his teeth and continued to go back in time. One year forward, two years forward... Yu Qiu staggered suddenly, took a step back, pressed his head and hissed in pain.

Yu Qiu secretly sighed, the soul power was exhausted again.

Although he has already built a foundation, his soul power is much stronger than before, but the time regression technique originally consumes a lot, so he keeps going forward again and again. The longer the backtracking time, the greater the consumption will be. What's more, whether it was Yu Qiu's illusion or not, when he finally stared at the package, the consumption of soul power seemed to be several times greater than the normal consumption.

After a while, Yu Qiu exhaled and said to Xu Hong beside him, "It seems that this matter is not that simple."

"The magic skill that Gao Conghan took is not the relic of that corpse?" After listening to Yu Qiu's narration, Xu Hong was stunned at first, then frowned, and resolutely tried it in that cave again, and the result was naturally It was even worse than Yu Qiu.

They personally explored the cave for a long time, but found nothing.

"The clue is broken again?" Xu Hong was helpless, "Should we go back and practice more?"

"This may not be something that can be solved during the foundation building period." Yu Qiu shook his head, "I doubt there is any force stopping us."

Xu Hong was stunned.

"The problem of magic skills, it should be..." Yu Qiu hesitated for a while, and couldn't describe his feelings accurately, so he had to shake his head in the end, "Let's go back first, even if we can't find the root, we can try to use other methods." The method is to stabilize Gao Conghan's situation."

"For example?" Xu Hong asked behind Yu Qiu.

Yu Qiu walked towards the confluence, and replied, "Calmness Talisman, I gave him some before, it's very effective."

"Stable your emotions..." Xu Hong frowned. This kind of means treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and it is not a long-term solution after all. But they have no other way but this.

"Actually, have you ever thought that maybe it's not just a matter of emotions." Xu Hong hesitated for a moment, "What I mean is that changes in emotions may be the appearance of being enchanted, but it may not be because of emotional changes that you become enchanted. "

Yu Qiu slowed down, "What new ideas do you have?"

"Desire." Xu Hongdao, "or rather—impulse. The impulse caused by desire."

Yu Qiu paused and looked at him.

"I asked him, what kind of circumstances are he getting into demons every time." Xu Hong continued, "During the entry trial, he wanted to..." He glanced at Yu Qiu at this point, "But your reaction hit him hard." Xu Hong pondered for a moment, and said cautiously, "And the time I met before, he said he wanted to kill someone. Ever since he came out of his mind that time, he has always wanted to kill someone. He used up a lot of strength to hold back, trying to stop himself, but... he couldn't."

Yu Qiu pondered.

Emotional instability is just a symptom? Unsatisfied desires trigger this emotional change, but desire itself is actually the root cause

Yu Qiu pressed his chin, "It seems to make sense."

When desire breeds in a person's heart, if it is not satisfied, this desire will naturally become stronger, which will disturb emotions. In this case, desire breaks through reason and becomes an impulse. In order to break through the barriers that stand in front of desires, why do you become obsessed

Two keys have been extracted: the breeding of desire, and the unsatisfied desire.

"But even if it's really a desire, we know it, it doesn't seem to be of any use." Yu Qiu pressed his aching head and said, "Are we going to satisfy all his desires in order to keep him from becoming a demon? Or Find a way to make him not have any desires?"

Xu Hong looked at the sky.

Yu Qiu shrugged helplessly.

Then they finally ended this esoteric topic and began to talk about their own interesting things.

When they reached the meeting point, Yu Qiu was talking about how he managed to keep a low profile by using the Foundation Establishment Pill Gao Conghan gave him, "I was holding that box at the gate of Baiwu Pavilion like this." Squat down, that's it..." He folded his hands in front of his body, his eyes drooped, and he played the extremely entangled decision-making mentality vividly, "Then once the foundation is built, they will think that I must eat it."

Xu Hong was amused and laughed.

Yu Qiu also smiled and raised his eyes, looking at Gao Conghan and Xiao Chunmian who had arrived a step earlier.

At this moment of raising his eyes, the smile on Yu Qiu's face suddenly froze.

Gao Conghan had already greeted him, while Xiao Chunmian was leaning against a big rock with a restless face.

Ever since Gao Conghan and Yu Qiu established the foundation, Xiao Chunmian often had this restless expression. Yu Qiu knew what he was worrying about, but he didn't take it too seriously because he felt helpless, after all, in Yu Qiu's view, this was just a road that must be passed.

But at this moment, with such a glance, Yu Qiu suddenly found that Xiao Chunmian's appearance at this time was so similar to the expression he played just now. With a bit of disheartened, but also with some strong unwillingness, his expression kept swaying in the choice.

Yu Qiu didn't know where this uneasy premonition came from. When he came back to his senses, he had rushed to Xiao Chunmian's eyes, saw the storage bag in Xiao Chunmian's hand, and snatched the storage bag away. come over.

"Xiaoqiu?" Xiao Chunmian noticed his return, and stretched out her hand in amazement, chasing after the stolen storage bag, "What are you doing?"

"I should be the one asking you," Yu Qiu gritted his teeth, "What do you want to do?"

Before Xiao Chunmian could reply, Yu Qiu forcibly opened his storage bag.

Xiao Chunmian's expression changed suddenly.

The storage bag shouldn't be so easy to be opened by others, Yu Qiu did this kind of thing by relying on his cultivation in the first year of high school to suppress it.

Xiao Chunmian suddenly became agitated, trying desperately to get back her storage bag, but once Yu Qiu releases it intentionally, it is not so easy to resist the suppression of realm. Although Xiao Chunmian quickly summoned the spirit energy, Yu Qiu had already taken out something from the storage bag in this short period of time.

A square brocade box.

After opening it, there was a plump and round red pill inside.

Zhu Jidan.

It's not the one that Gao Conghan had before, that one was already dealt with by Yu Qiu. Without knowing when, Xiao Chunmian silently obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill for herself!

Yu Qiu took a deep breath, "What do you want Zhu Jidan to do?"

Xiao Chunmian froze in place, and it took a lot of effort to maintain her calm, "I want to build a foundation."

"You..." Yu Qiu's head started to hurt again, "Do you think you need Zhuji Dan?"

Xiao Chunmian pursed her lips, then quietly opened the corners of her mouth, showing a seemingly indifferent smile, "Why not?"

"You, you..." Yu Qiu didn't know what to say for a while. He really never dreamed that Xiao Chunmian would also have the idea of building Jidan!

Who eats Zhuji Dan? In short, it shouldn't be Xiao Chunmian who came to eat. Yu Qiu has always firmly believed that Xiao Chunmian is a genius, and Xiao Chunmian has a bright future. Right now, this genius just fell at a certain intersection. What he needs is to get up by his own strength, and he will definitely get up sooner or later, but the foundation Dan would totally destroy him!

Yu Qiu turned the brocade box in his hand upside down, and the round red pill came out of the box and fell to the ground.

Xiao Chunmian wants to catch it.

Yu Qiu pushed him away, raised his foot and crushed the elixir into fine powder.

"Yu Qiu..." Xiao Chunmian's cheeks flushed, and she finally began to look furious, "Why did you do this!"

"Chun Mian, let's go back." Yu Qiu stretched out his hand to grab his arm, "Forget about the Foundation Establishment Pill, go back and start properly, step by step..."

Xiao Chunmian pulled him away and took two steps back.

At this moment, Yu Qiu heard a sneer from someone next to his ear. It's Gao Conghan.

Yu Qiu suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, because under the sneer, Xiao Chunmian's shoulders trembled slightly, and he looked very fragile.

What's this? Teenager's fragile self-esteem

Yu Qiu's headache couldn't be relieved in the first place, but now it hurts so much that it wants to burst. He knows that his current reaction is not perfect, he should be more gentle, at least he should suppress this matter first, don't let others see the Foundation Establishment Pill, and talk to Xiao Chunmian when there are no others, and try to minimize Xiao Chunmian. A possible hit to Spring Sleep.

But Yu Qiu had enough!

He has been trying to take care of Xiao Chunmian's emotions for a long time! Ever since their quarrel in Xuanyang Mountain, Yu Qiu has been compromising, constantly compromising, whether because of guilt or reluctance! As long as he was with Xiao Chunmian, he always tried his best to think about each other, but no matter how well they got along, Yu Qiu could always feel that Xiao Chunmian was always deeply dissatisfied with the relationship between the two of them. Xiao Chunmian is always awkward, she doesn't know what she is awkward about!

And Xiao Chunmian didn't say anything! Don't say anything! Yu Qiu is also tired of playing the role of a sweet couple without problems all the time, so tired that he is almost exhausted!

There is also Xiao Chunmian's heart barrier, which Yu Qiu still can't see through... How delicate and fragile a boy of this age is!

"Chun Mian!" Yu Qiu stretched out his hand and shouted, "Come here, let's go back."

Xiao Chunmian looked at him.

"Are you going back with me?" Yu Qiu asked through gritted teeth.

Xiao Chunmian smiled lightly.

Then Xiao Chunmian turned around, Yujian, in front of Yu Qiu, galloped towards a certain distant place like lightning.

Yu Qiu was so angry that he almost lost his breath, and cursed in his heart: Fuck you!

He really wanted to let it go at once, he really had enough, what to do, who can't live without him? No one is anyone's mother, who is willing to take care of the young's slender heart all day long!

So Yu Qiu stood where he was for a long time.

Xiao Chunmian really never looked back.

Then Yu Qiu cursed again: You really are fucking.

Yu Qiu pressed his painful head, stuck a soul talisman on his forehead, and hurriedly chased Xiao Chunmian in the direction where Xiao Chunmian flew away.