Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 82: isolation


The four major masters of the Xuanyang Sect's golden elixir worked overtime to thoroughly investigate the entire sect, and the results they found were jaw-dropping.

In comparison, Gao Conghan's absconding is nothing. There are far more than this one among the half-demon cultivators in Xuanyang Sect. What's better than Baiyumen is that Xuanyangzong didn't have any Jindan masters who were recruited, but several disciples in the foundation establishment period were recruited.

For example, Zhao Yuan, who used threats to make Xiao Chunmian admit defeat, and then lost to Yu Qiu in the Dabi inside the sect, was caught out by the sect. And when he was pulled out, he decisively fell into a demon, and then decisively blew himself up. In addition, there are many semi-demon cultivators with mild symptoms who were isolated by the sect. For this reason, Xu Weitian specially designated a place in the back mountain, and four Jindan masters took turns to guard them.

As for Xiao Chunmian, just as he said, when the Zongmen just started this thorough investigation, he went to confess on his own.

"Brother Zhao..." After hearing what Zhao Lian said, Xiao Chunmian opened his eyes slightly, "He blew himself up? Why did he blew himself up?"

"Who knows?" In other words, he was also his disciple, Zhao Lian seemed a little depressed, "Maybe he was afraid that the sect would harm him... But no matter what, can it be worse than self-explosion?"

Xiao Chunmian closed her eyes slightly, "Or, is it because I'm afraid that the sect will know something from him?"

Zhao Lian looked at him.

"Elder Li of the White Feather Sect, didn't he also blew himself up?" Xiao Chunmian said, "It's so coincidental... Maybe it's not out of my own will."

Zhao Lian smiled, "You are quite calm."

While talking, Zhao Lian looked around Xiao Chunmian again. At the back of the mountain, every semi-devil cultivator was isolated individually, and the formation drawn on the ground was like a cage, confining them within this square inch. As Zhao Lian walked along, he saw that many people were already kneeling on the ground and shivering. In contrast, Xiao Chunmian's composure really made people's eyes shine.

"Because I believe in the sect." Xiao Chunmian still said the same thing.

Zhao Lian sighed.

"And now I can only trust the sect." Xiao Chunmian said again, "Otherwise, even if I am not imprisoned by the sect, I will always be under the shadow of the demon cultivator. Only the sect finds out the truth of the matter, and then finds the truth." Only by finding a solution can I be truly free."

"You kid..." Zhao Lian shook his head and chuckled, and clenched his fists for a while, "Just for your words, the sect will definitely do its best."

Xiao Chunmian also smiled, and then couldn't help but began to inquire, "Has the sect stabilized the other disciples?"

Zhao Lian nodded.

Because it is inconvenient to disclose the matter of the half-demon cultivator, although the Xuanyang Sect made a full-scale investigation this time, it did not make a big splash. Only a few Jindan masters and a very small number of people related to the matter knew the truth. The few semi-devil cultivators who were isolated here said that the sect was looking for them for other matters, and even Zhao Yuan's self-explosion was covered up by accident.

"The competition inside the door has also been re-run."

"Oh?" Xiao Chunmian's eyes lit up immediately, "What's the result?"

"In the foundation building group, your third senior brother won." Zhao Lian looked over with a smile, and sure enough, Xiao Chunmian curled his lips with a look of disappointment.

"You bastard!" Zhao Lian pointed at Xiao Chunmian and laughed, "Sure enough, I'm counting on your brother to lose! Tell me, why are you turning your elbows out like this!"

Xiao Chunmian lowered his head and remained silent.

"I know if you don't tell me." Zhao Lian laughed enough and sighed, "That little guy named Yu Qiu was able to fight with your senior brother, and he did fight for a long time last time, but this time …too far-fetched…”

Xiao Chunmian smiled, "I made Xiao Qiu worry."

"Although these things happened in the middle, no matter what, the competition in the sect is finally over." Zhao Lian sighed, "We have to start making final preparations for the Dao Discussion Conference."

"Discussion Conference?" Xiao Chunmian raised his head, "If something like this happens, do you still want to compete?"

"Compare!" Zhao Lian patted his knee heavily, "Of course we must!"

Not only did the Dao Discussion Conference have to be held according to the agreement, but there was one more thing that should be resolved at this conference. For a long time, the Dao Discussion Conference has been a grand gathering of the five major sects. Its significance is not only to learn from each other, but also to be the most important bridge for the five major sects to communicate with each other.

As for the matter of the half-demon cultivator, it is obviously a matter that requires the five major sects to get together to solve it.

Although only the Baiyumen and Xuanyangzong are currently involved, the incident at the Baiyumen was too much trouble, a Jindan blew himself up, and a son of the head was involved, and soon the other three major sects also heard from their own channels. One or two.

As for the Xuanyang Sect's thorough investigation, even if the disciples in the sect were hidden from it, it might not be possible to hide it from the other three major sects.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xu Weitian to get the news from his own channel—the three major sects also began to thoroughly investigate the sect. Moreover, although the situation of the family's lottery is not as serious as that of the Baiyu sect, one or two inner sect disciples are always unavoidable, and the situation of Xuanyang sect is relatively light.

"Scary..." Xu Weitian slumped on the seat and muttered to himself, "Why is it so scary..."

This day it was Zhao Lian who was guarding the half-demon cultivator, Long Yi and Gu Ruxue were all gathered in Xu Weitian's room.

What Long Yi was flipping through was the magic book left by Gao Conghan, "Senior brother, don't keep talking, come and have a look. This little guy...although he ran away, what he left behind is pretty good." interesting."

"What did you see?" Gu Ruxue asked.

Long Yi shook his head slightly, "With my ability, I can't understand this exercise."

Hearing this, both Gu Ruxue and Xu Weitian were surprised. Long Yi is the one who likes to study the most among them, and with the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, he can't understand the exercises, and it's even more difficult for others to understand.

Both Gu Ruxue and Xu Weitian took this magic book and looked at it, and the more they read it, the more astonished they became.

In the end, they came to the same conclusion as Yu Qiu and others, "It's an ordinary exercise book, and it's relatively superficial."

"Superficial? I also thought so at first." Long Yi smiled, "But this is a book of magic."

The so-called magic skills refer to the kind of skills that will change the monk's xinxing during cultivation, making them violent, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and then lose themselves. In the cultivation world of Xuanyan Continent, the reason why everyone shouts and beats demon cultivators is precisely because they don't have the rationality of normal monks. The higher the cultivation level, the easier it is to just kill indiscriminately.

These Jindan masters of Xuanyangzong have also seen other magic arts. Basically, there are some contents that make normal people sick, and it is very easy to distinguish which parts can change the mind of a monk.

And now this Gao Conghan left...

"If it's really a magic skill, it's too concealed." Gu Ruxue frowned, "Could it be just a blindfold?"

Long Yi closed the page, "Get in touch with fellow Taoists from other sects, they may have found the same thing."

Xu Weitian recorded this exercise on jade slips and passed it on to other sects. Soon, a piece of jade slip found from Li Qiming's cave came from the Baiyumen, and the other three major sects also heard from the half-moxiu.

After comparing and studying several exercises, several Jindan took a deep breath.

"Every book is different?" Gu Ruxue first sighed in surprise.

"On the surface, they are indeed different." Then Long Yi shook his head slightly, "But looking carefully at these parts, there are quite similarities. And I tried to deduce it, no matter which book of exercises, At the beginning of cultivation, it can make the cultivation base grow surprisingly fast."

"Like what it said?" Xu Weitian read the letter left by Gao Conghan, "I thought this exercise book was surprisingly good at the beginning, no matter how many other exercises I encountered later, I couldn't find a better one. This book is more efficient, so naturally, I have been working hard to practice this book... When I find out that something is wrong, it will be too late?"

The other two fell silent.

After a while, Gu Ruxue said, "It sounds like a trap."

"If every magic book is a trap..." Long Yi said slowly, "This is really a terrible conspiracy."

Someone is using an elaborate trap to create a demigod? But who would do such a thing, and what's the point of such a thing

No, before that... Who on earth could do such a thing

To write exercises that even several Golden Cores can't see through, and let Li Qiming, who is already at the peak of Golden Cores, also fall into the trap. But the Xuanyan Continent has not had a Nascent Soul for hundreds of years!

During the silence, the three people in the room only felt a huge cloud hanging over their heads.

After a long while, Xu Weitian finally came back to his senses, and looked outside the door, "That little guy is here again."

"Ah!" Long Yi was happy, and suddenly patted the magic skill in his hand on the table, "Is my good disciple here?"

"It's your good apprentice." Gu Ruxue held his forehead, "But it's not for you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Long Yi had already opened the door, and it was indeed Yu Qiu standing outside the door.

Ever since Xiao Chunmian was isolated in the back mountain, Yu Qiu would come here every day, just wanting to go and see Xiao Chunmian.

This time is no exception. Yu Qiu started to call Master a few times, making Long Yi's heart burst with joy, and then he went around to Xiao Chunmian's matter again.

With Long Yi protecting him, Xu Weitian couldn't directly throw people out, so he had to pretend to be stupid with Gu Ruxue, anyway, Yu Qiu went to see Xiao Chunmian anyway.

Seeing that he was about to return in vain, Yu Qiu sighed.

"Actually, I know what happened." Yu Qiudao, "He told me before... But I still want to see him. Master Xu, Master Gu, I know what you are worried about, and I know that you are doing it for my own good But it's been a few years since Chunmian became like that, we used to be together every day, and I was fine, so what's the point of seeing each other now?"

But even after saying that, Xu Weitian still didn't let go.

Yu Qiu lowered his head, looking depressed.

Long Yi wanted to say a few words of comfort, but suddenly his mind moved, "You used to be together every day?"

"Yes." Yu Qiu looked over in surprise. Ever since Xiao Chunmian came back after establishing the foundation, he has been living with Yu Qiu in Tianjing Peak, it is impossible for Long Yi not to know.

"Then are you really okay?" Long Yi suddenly became nervous. Even though he had confirmed that Taiqiu was really okay, he couldn't help but confirm it again now, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really okay...but how could it be okay?"

After all, based on the information they have received now, it is easy to be infected after being in too much contact with a half-magic cultivator. And Yu Qiu and Xiao Chunmian have long been sharing the same bed, this contact is not ordinary intimacy.

"Because nephew Xiao is very light." Gu Ruxue said, "Brother Zhao said that nephew Xiao is the best among those in Houshan. Although he has the bones of demon cultivation, he is almost not possessed by demons. As long as Senior Nephew Xiao is not possessed, no matter how much he contacts him, nothing will happen."

Long Yi nodded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, "It seems to be the truth."

Yu Qiu's complexion suddenly changed.

He remembered that Xiao Chunmian had also been possessed by demons, and when Xiao Chunmian was possessed by demons, they...

Yu Qiu couldn't help but raised his hand, and used a penetrating method on his fingers. It turned out that he was thinking too much, and he was really fine. But how can it be all right? Yu Qiu couldn't help falling into the same thought...