Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Chapter 89: scramble


Just when Yin Xuzi's condensed demonic energy was about to fall, there was a sudden vibration between the heaven and the earth.

Not only were the people stunned all of a sudden, but even the devilish energy was scattered.

Yu Qiu was dumbfounded: Could it be that he summoned an earthquake? This, this, seems a little far away from a complete solution to this matter, right

Soon he knew that he was thinking too much, and it was not an earthquake in front of him. It was not only the heaven and the earth that shook, but also all the auras! The defenses used by the Jindan sect were all in shambles, and the demonic energy on the opposite side was naturally unable to survive.

"Is this... Skyquake?" Someone asked in astonishment.

The so-called skyquake shakes the entire time and space. If you look carefully, even the scenery you see in your field of vision seems to be out of place. This is an extremely rare natural phenomenon. Once it appears, it doesn't matter whether you are a golden elixir or a qi refiner, it will be difficult to move, and the Nascent Soul is probably the same.

"Run!" Someone soon realized that this was an opportunity to escape, but everything was shaken so violently that it was not easy to run away.

What's even more desperate is that Yin Xuzi doesn't seem to be completely immobile. Hearing "Where to run!", a wave of devilish energy attacked again. Although the devilish energy was almost dispersed halfway, it finally stopped it.

Yu Qiu gritted his teeth: Even if he summoned Skyquake, wouldn't he be able to deal with it properly

As a result, he thought too much.

Skyquake is not what he really summoned, but just a prelude to that thing.

When the turbulent vibration was on the verge of stopping, the demonic energy returned to the clear sky due to the shock, and suddenly a smear of black appeared again. It wasn't dyed black again, but—and turned out to be, a black slit was pulled out from the middle.

"Crack in time and space!" More people screamed.

When an earthquake occurs, there is an extremely rare chance that cracks in time and space will be shaken. It is said that there is another world behind the time-space rift, but the time-space rifts that have appeared so far are all extremely narrow, and once encountered, they will only be cut to pieces, and no one can verify the legend.

The space-time rift suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was so huge that it seemed to be able to squeeze directly into a mountain, not to mention passing through a monk.

But how can this crack that appeared in the air solve the situation in front of him

"Could it be..." Yin Xuzi's eyes were all attracted by this space-time crack, "Could it be..."

Just as he kept muttering, a white horn appeared in the black space-time crack.

It was a corner of a white palace-like building. The cracks in time and space are getting bigger and bigger, and the white palace is protruding out little by little, beautiful and beautiful, as if it contains the starlight of the whole world.

Not only Yin Xuzi, but everyone couldn't help looking up at the white palace, with their mouths slightly open, in disbelief.

"The cave of Taoist Karma?" Yu Qiu heard Xu Weitian whisper beside him.

Yes, at this moment, when it appeared like this, everyone remembered the treasure map and the cave of the Karma Taoist. The opening method that can't be deciphered no matter what, is actually a crack in time and space! No one would have thought that Taoist Karma actually hid his cave behind the crack in time and space.

It has never been heard of anyone who can control the space-time rift. Every time it appears, it depends on luck, and it is extremely rare luck.

Now luck comes.

—but it was just an empty, ownerless cave.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Yin Xuzi suddenly laughed wildly again, "God help me! Really help me! To be able to see it... to be able to see it at this time, I thought I would have to wait a long time! It's impossible Lost! Don't miss this opportunity!"

[it turns out… ]

In Yu Qiu's mind, the system was also dumbfounded.

Gradually, most of the cave was finally exposed. Everyone could see that a huge ring was floating above the cave.

Yu Qiu's pupils shrank.

It was a huge magic weapon, with countless rings stacked on top of each other, constantly rotating. Yu Qiu had seen it before, just after the latest upgrade of the system, when it was said that it had reached a complete form.

— causal loop…

The causal ring that Yu Qiu saw at that time was very small and delicate, far from being as huge as it is now, and it was dilapidated and full of traces of time.

But even such a huge and dilapidated causal loop, Yu Qiu had seen it before.

[You remember? ]

Yu Qiu nodded.

That was before... the rebirth in this life, and just after the step of taking the Nascent Soul rather than death in the previous life. Yu Qiu's spirit touches the world and extends to every corner of the world. Just behind a dark crack in time and space, Yu Qiu encountered this huge and dilapidated ring.

"But are you willing?" Karma asked him at that time.

Yu Qiu replied that he was not reconciled, and then walked all the way to the present.

—I see, my rebirth is because of you.

[you should have thought earlier]

— Indeed, it has been thought of for a long time, but it has not been finally confirmed until now.

Between these two short sentences, the sky quake had completely stopped. Yin Xuzi laughed maniacally, riding on the magic energy, abandoning all the original prey on the ground, and frantically flew towards the cave, "Karma! You are mine!"

— He knows the causal loop.


—He knows you very well.

[It's just bad luck]

Yin Xuzi eagerly flew towards the ring at the top of the cave, but when he was approaching the cave, he bumped into an invisible barrier.

Another barrier! Yin Xuzi let out a roar, and the berserk devilish energy hit him one after another. The barrier of the cave was slightly stronger than the one made by the previous system, but gradually began to vibrate slightly.

"Run!" Suddenly someone shouted again.

A word awakened the dreamer, and everyone who had been stunned decisively tried to run away again.

But Yin Xuzi temporarily ignored them, which didn't mean he would watch them run away. Seeing this scene, Yin Xuzi roared angrily, and the devilish energy all over the sky was poured down like boiling oil.

When the magic energy was about to hit the ground, it was blocked by a barrier again.

"It's you again?" Seeing this barrier, Yin Xuzi shrank his pupils suddenly, and then laughed again, "What else can you do? Your karma loop will soon be mine."

The system suddenly sighed.

[I see, I see]


[Can't let him take away the causal ring, once he gets the causal ring, no one can compete with him anymore]

- so what to do

The system was silent for a long time, then suddenly chuckled again.

Yin Xuzi's attacks continued to fall, even if the system became slightly stronger than before due to the current causal loop, it would be very difficult to resist.

Under this strong attack, a white shadow suddenly appeared beside Yu Qiu.

"Xiaoqiu?" Xiao Chunmian exclaimed.

Everyone saw the white shadow, and all eyes turned over.

Yu Qiu also turned his head sideways, looking at the white shadow beside him. If he guessed correctly, this was the first time he saw the real body of the system.

This is a young and handsome man, but there is an aura that has been polished by the years all over his body. The eyebrows are slightly raised, dressed in white, and looks like a fairy.

Yin Xuzi yelled wildly several times, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, he kept waving his hands, and the attack suddenly became violent again. But the original attack was already intense to the extreme, and now it has intensified again, only because of this eagerness, it has become a little more messy.

The corner of Bai Ying's mouth turned into a system slightly curled up, and he said two words softly, "Sinister."

With just those two words, Yin Xuzi went completely insane. He didn't care about whether the attack was messy or not, and he just threw all his devilish energy at Yu Qiu's side.

Secretly, the system is talking to Yu Qiu.

[The causal ring is because of your summoning, this can only prove one thing]


[it belongs to you]

As soon as the system raised its hand, the barrier rose to a higher place in the air.

Then Bai Ying flew up and rushed towards the cave with Yu Qiu.

Yin Xuzi's continuous crazy attacks made the system's barrier start to tremble again, but there was still such a calm smile on the system's face, which stimulated Yin Xuzi even more crazy.

The system brought Yu Qiu to a stop at the entrance of the cave.

[quick! Open it! you know what to do]

Yu Qiu looked at the complicated lines around the entrance and nodded. There are six gaps in the pattern, where six talismans can be placed. This is a puzzle about talismans. The words Yu Qiu once saw on Gao Conghan's rags, such as the Qian Kun Sun Penetration Talisman, were not the correct answer, but just a hint—or rather, a guess about the answer.

The real answer has to be considered in terms of these lines.

Yu Qiu was sitting cross-legged facing these lines.

After a while, he raised his hand, and carefully took out several talismans from the storage bag. Yu Qiu has always cherished the set of five ancient talismans given to him during the last competition in the sect, and is determined to use it at the most important moment.

This is the moment. Of course, they were not the correct answers. Yu Qiu took them out at this time not because they could solve the puzzle, but they could save time. To draw a talisman of this level, it takes a lot of time just to process enough materials to withstand it.

Yu Qiu slightly rewritten one of them. As soon as the pattern on the talisman changes, so does the brilliance on the talisman, which immediately loses its effectiveness. But Yu Qiu didn't need their effectiveness at this time, only the texture.

Yu Qiu followed the same pattern, and quickly rewrote all five sheets, and then pasted them in the gaps of the gate one by one.

At this moment, there is the last one left. Yu Qiu looked at the last gap.

Yu Qiu curled his lips into a smile, and reached out to touch the gap. At his fingertips, there is a wisp of divine consciousness entwined.

Consciousness is the pen, and space is the paper.

Just when the void talisman was connected to the last talisman point, the entire cave trembled. Then the barriers outside the cave mansion collapsed.

The moment the cave was opened, Yin Xuzi's attack suddenly stopped, and he watched all this with wide-open eyes in disbelief, as if he was stunned and stiff.

The system pulled Yu Qiu's ray of consciousness, and rushed towards the causal circle above the cave.

Just when the system was about to arrive, Yin Xuzi suddenly came back to his senses.

"Hahahaha..." Yin Xuzi was laughing again, no longer the crazy laugh before, this smile inexplicably contained a lot of sadness, "So that's it... This is the person you identify with, wait for, and fancy. "

After this sudden desolation, Yin Xuzi went crazy again, "Hahahahaha!"

Smiling and laughing, the magic pattern finally appeared on Yin Xuzi's face, and the magic energy suddenly rose. The system was caught off guard, and the barrier that had been set up was suddenly pushed back far away by the magic energy, and the causal ring that was originally protected within the barrier was exposed all of a sudden.

The demonic energy all over the sky enveloped the causal ring in an instant.