Second-Hand Love Letter

Chapter 42: Second-Hand Love Letters 41


Shen Wenqiu was stunned, he felt a buzzing in his ears.

He frowned, held his breath, stared at the phone screen intently, looked at the number in the text message repeatedly, counted three or four times, and was sure it was eight million.

Eight million.

Shen Wenqiu took another breath, and he directly dialed Lu Yong's cell phone number.

Lu Yong didn't set any ringtones for incoming calls.

China Unicom's phone beeped twice, and Lu Yong picked it up: "Hello? Xiaobaa, you're up. I'm on my way back. Wait a minute..."

Before Lu Yong could finish speaking, Shen Wenqiu asked, "Did you make a mistake and put 8 million into my card? Although I really want to find out your motive for doing this, but don't you know?" As soon as I have money in my account, will the bank withdraw my debt?"

Lu Yong said: "I know... Xiaobaa, I will tell you slowly later, don't worry, wait a minute..."

Shen Wenqiu cursed: "Do you know that your mother is still sending money to my card? Are you sick?"

"Go undo the transfer operation, now, right now!"

There was no answer from Lu Yong.

What is the attitude of silence? Shen Wenqiu was even more anxious. After a minute or so, Shen Wenqiu heard Lu Yong's ignorant answer: "I'll go and plug in the headphone cable, what did you say?"

Shen Wenqiu was so angry that he was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage: "I said, let you cancel the transfer operation! Turn the car around and go back to the bank!!! Why the fuck are you sending me money when you have nothing to do?"

Shen Wenqiu looked around, making sure that no one would hear him, but he took two quick steps away, lowered his voice, and asked through gritted teeth: "You really don't have to have any boring sense of responsibility just because you slept with me. You just When... you just play with me, can't you? Can you be more casual?"

Giving 800 can be said to be pocket money given casually.

Eight million? It must have been given seriously by Lu Yong. Shen Wenqiu didn't think it was prostitution. It was impossible for Lu Yong to do that. Who would spend so much money for nothing? What's more, he's such a stingy guy like Lu Yong. Lu Yong usually buys vegetables carefully and picks them one by one, so he doesn't spend money randomly.

Even through the listening hole, Shen Wenqiu could feel Lu Yong's voice froze: "Shen Wenqiu, you said last night that you also like me."

Shen Wenqiu vaguely, as if, probably remembered that he said something, he took two steps around the place irritably, and said, "I can't remember clearly, isn't it just a matter of casually saying a few words at the top?..."

After Shen Wenqiu finished speaking vaguely and self-willedly, he paused first, feeling guilty in his heart, thinking: I really look like a scumbag when I say that.

What would Lu Yong think

Lu Yong must be very angry now, right? No matter how honest and honest Lu Yong is, he would be annoyed if he teased him like this.

Shen Wenqiu anxiously waited for Lu Yong to quarrel with him.

But I heard Lu Yong's steady voice: "Yes."

Shen Wenqiu was confused, um what eh

Lu Yong continued: "I guessed that you would not accept the account. It may be this kind of reaction, so I sent you all the money in the card I carried with me at the first time."

As if unknowingly turned into the host, Shen Wenqiu was surprised when he heard Lu Yong's calm answer.

Lu Yong said lightly: "I know it all. I know that if I transfer the money in, it will be frozen by the bank and taken away. Originally, I transferred the money in to repay your debt."

"I only brought this card, I have no other ideas, just want to give you all my money."

He also said: "But in fact, I haven't finished playing all of them, and I have left some change. There are still some places where I need to spend some money."

Shen Wenqiu opened his mouth, his lips murmured, and he asked in a murmur, "... What are you doing?"

Lu Yong: "Can I tell you face to face when I go back?"

Shen Wenqiu: "No."

Lu Yongyou sighed slowly, as if he had no choice but to obey him.

With the mobile phone stuck to his ear, Shen Wenqiu suddenly felt that Lu Yong was talking to him as if he was leaning against his side, just like last night, holding him close to his face and talking in a good voice.

Lu Yong said extremely gently: "Shen Wenqiu, I want to fall in love with you, I want to get your permission to officially be your boyfriend, I want to zuo/ai with you in a legitimate way, and I want to have sex with you, I want to Do it forever."

"It's definitely not a joke."

"Don't say anything funny, you are very precious to me, I can't treat you like that."

Shen Wenqiu had dreamed countless times in his dreams. When he really heard Lu Yong say these words, even though he had practiced countless times in his heart, he would still be at a loss, his heart would be sweet and sore.

Obviously he answered "I do" every time in the dream.


Another new text message was sent to the phone.

Shen Wenqiu glanced at it, and it was a reminder that the money that Lu Yong had just transferred to the account was frozen by the bank and was about to be transferred away.

When the time came, Shen Wenqiu felt as if he was buried in the ground.

Shen Wenqiu said: "That's all right, it's too late, the money will be taken away by the bank. Forget it, let's treat it as the money I owe you and add another eight million. Anyway, I owe you so much money. For the time being Don't care too much about it."

After finishing speaking, Shen Wenqiu hung up the phone without giving Lu Yong another chance to answer.

the other side.

Lu Yong was a little dazed when he hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, he called his father, cut straight to the point, and said directly, "Dad, is Shen Wenqiu by your side now? Can you go over and watch him for a while? I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Okay, okay, thanks Dad. Hmm."

Lu Yong recalled what happened this morning. He really didn't think of doing money transfer at the beginning, but just went to wash the sheets secretly.

He got up early before anyone else woke up.

Washing the sheets with cold water in the winter is really freezing, the more he washes his brain, the clearer he becomes, and gradually he doubts himself, it seems... Shen Wenqiu didn't explicitly say that he wants to fall in love with him, right? It's just that when he was annoyed by what he said, he casually replied "I like it too".

Compared to the prudent reply, it seemed like Shen Wenqiu's inadvertent remark.

At that time, I felt that Shen Wenqiu was a little bit dumbfounded by him...

Lu Yong finished washing the sheets melancholy, stared blankly for a while, then took the sheets to the roof of the building to dry them secretly.

When I went upstairs, I bumped into my dad who had just woken up.

Dad glanced at him, then at the quilt in the basin.

Lu Yong wanted to lie very much, and felt uncomfortable being stared at. Finally, he blushed and said in a daze, "I put Shen Wenqiu to sleep again..."

Dad's eyes seemed to say: I am not surprised at all.

Lu Yong blushed even more.

Dad asked: "The relationship is settled? But isn't Xiaobaa owed a lot of money? What are you going to do? If you go to a foreign country to get married, will your spouse relationship be recognized in China? Then you have to share half of his debts, right?" ?”

Lu Yong felt that Shen Wenqiu was already very shy about having a relationship with him, and he didn't even dare to think about getting married... getting married.

And in fact, my father didn't know how much Shen Wenqiu owed.

Dad said: "How can this person not be depressed when he owes so much money? If you can help him pay it back, it will be exhausting for the couple to worry about so much. He is an excellent boy, turn him over , in the future you two will support each other and get along better."

Lu Yong nodded.

He thought his father was right.

Lu Yong dried the quilt and went outside. His father asked from behind, "Where are you going?"

Lu Yong got into the car aggressively without turning his head, and said, "I have something to do, I'm going to the city."

He thought, hesitating again and again, it is better to do it directly.

Using actions to express one's heart to Shen Wenqiu is more powerful than any rhetoric, and he also has the confidence to woo Shen Wenqiu.

What kind of state Shen Wenqiu is in now, as a person around him, he knows better than anyone else.

He always remembers a very ordinary moment, once Shen Wenqiu said to him with a light smile: "I'm not the little baa you remember before."

He never forgot Shen Wenqiu's fake optimistic smile.

Back then, the sunny, cheerful, proud and confident boy was flattened by setbacks.

Lu Yong hurried and came back just before dinner.

Shen Wenqiu sat in the yard without incident, basking in the sun while playing Go with his father. When he heard him coming back, he didn't look up and pretended to ignore him.

Lu Yong stood beside him, silently waiting for them to finish the game.

Shen Wenqiu put away the chess pieces and said, "Are you still playing? Uncle."

Lu Yong interrupted: "Shen Wenqiu, I have something to tell you."

Shen Wenqiu heard it as if he was at a loss, and directly set up the chess pieces.

Lu Yong picked up the chessboard and walked away. Shen Wenqiu could no longer ignore him, and followed behind him angrily: "Is there something wrong with you?"

Lu Yong was also angry: "Yes, I just have a problem. I'm missing an arm, it's an obvious problem."

Father Lu caught up and snatched the chessboard back, and the two quarrelsome people rushed out of the yard: "I still want to play, I will continue to play with others, you two want to fight and go out and fight! It's a headache!"

They were all kicked out.

Shen Wenqiu only felt angry, angry with himself, stared at the ground, and walked forward with a single mind.

Lu Yong followed closely behind him like a loyal dog.

No one spoke.

After walking so fast for more than ten minutes, my body started to feel hot.

At the edge of the deserted field, Shen Wenqiu finally stopped. He turned his back to Lu Yong and said, "I just mean to refuse. If you don't understand my tactful words, I will tell you clearly that I am refusing you."

He finally refused, so stop torturing him.

Lu Yong said "oh", it didn't sound like he gave up.

Lu Yong said to him: "...Then I will ask again tomorrow."

Shen Wenqiu's shoulders shook, he felt so ashamed, but still couldn't help crying, sniffled his nose, and asked: "Lu Yong, you said you like me, what you like is the old me, not the current me .What else do you like about me? Don't you...don't you also call me a rotten person?"