Second-Hand Love Letter

Chapter 49: Second-Hand Love Letters 48


No matter how excited the caller was, Shen Wenqiu was as confused as he was. He searched in his mind, but he still couldn't figure out who it was. He only thought the voice was familiar, and it seemed to be his former poker player.

Shen Wenqiu didn't want to get involved with those people related to his black history, but after thinking about it, he asked politely: "I don't remember who you are? What's the matter?"

The other party said: "I'm Dong Hang, why don't you even remember me, I even treated you to dinner... Forget it, I heard them say that you are working in a big company now? Do you have any spare money?" Money, can you lend me 10,000 yuan to turn around..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Wenqiu hung up his phone.

Shen Wenqiu frowned and looked at the phone for a while, and then he realized that Lu Yong was standing beside him, so he was almost taken aback.

Lu Yong vaguely heard something and asked, "Your friend?"

"No." Shen Wenqiu shook his head indifferently, "It's just a gambling dog that we played together before. You want to borrow money from me."

Lu Yong saw him drooping his eyelashes, and there seemed to be an icy aura of world-weariness overflowing from his body. Shen Wenqiu sneered twice, and criticized calmly and coldly: "Hehe, don't say that I have no money at all, even if I have money, I can't lend him. Betting on dogs is betting on dogs. There is no cure for betting on dogs, anyway. It's human scum."

"I remember this person, his mother died a long time ago, his father died in an accident, he was awarded a million dollars, and then he became addicted to gambling. Not to mention losing all his money, he still owed it Millions. He also has a grandma and a younger sister who is studying.”

Shen Wenqiu said soberly: "I understand too well, no matter how nice the words are, Gambling Dog's claim that he wants to borrow money to repay his gambling debts and start a new life is a lie. If he borrows money, he will turn around and continue gambling. It's not worth believing at all...”

Lu Yong suddenly grabbed his hand, "Little Baa, stop talking."

Shen Wenqiu just stopped talking abruptly, and he couldn't tell whether he was scolding others or scolding himself for a moment. After a while, he said softly and slightly nervously: "It's not Xiaobaa, Xiaobaa is good. Son, don't do those things, it's Shen Wenqiu who does bad things."

Lu Yong pursed his lips tightly, his cheeks were tense, and he said after a while, "I believe in you."

Shen Wenqiu slowly restrained himself, and with a low "hmm", he looked up at Lu Yong and asked, "Do you want to do it?"

Lu Yong didn't realize what he meant at once, and it took two seconds to react, his black face blushed: "No, don't do it."

Shen Wenqiu chased him like a child and asked, "Aren't you going to do it?"

Lu Yong simply said: "Go to work."

Shen Wenqiu nodded in disappointment and desolately, he thought, Lu Yong really has self-control and knows that he can't delay his work and career for the sake of his children's personal relationship.

Lu Yong held back for a while, and added: "You have to go to work. I can't let you work during the day, but you have to work overtime at night, right?"

Now it was Shen Wenqiu's turn to blush. Lu Yong said again: "But we can lie down and sleep together, it's better not to sleep on a quilt."

Shen Wenqiu accepted this proposal, and he was satisfied even if he didn't do too intimate things if he could lie beside Lu Yong.

Lu Yong watched Shen Wenqiu take the medicine, and after a while, Shen Wenqiu fell asleep.

He looked at Shen Wenqiu's curled up posture, like a puppy who insisted on sleeping next to its owner.

Shen Wenqiu slept deeply.

He had a vivid dream in which he stood at the door of the hotel and looked around restlessly at the high school graduation banquet.

Someone asked him, "Little Baa, who are you waiting for?"

Shen Wenqiu said, "I'm waiting for Lu Yong."

They told him cruelly: "Don't wait, if you can't wait, don't wait for Lu Yong. You sent him an invitation, but he didn't come, because he didn't want to pay attention to you."

Shen Wenqiu was furious, and said, "No, I have to ask him personally."

So he ran to Lu Yong's house, kept running, kept running, thirsty and tired, and finally saw the courtyard of Lu Yong's house.

The door of Lu Yong's house was wide open.

Lu Yong stood at the door, and when he saw him, he asked, "Baa, why are you here?"

Shen Wenqiu halfway thought he couldn't find it, so anxious and angry, when he saw Lu Yong, all the grievances in his heart came up, his eyes were red, and he said sobbingly: "I sent you an invitation card, why are you Won't you come to my banquet?"

Lu Yong panicked: "I haven't received it... I'm just standing at the door waiting for the notification. Don't cry, don't cry."

Shen Wenqiu cried even more fiercely: "I scolded you first, it was my fault, I am afraid of liking boys, and also afraid of being liked by boys, I am timid and cowardly."

So, they reconciled.

We are in contact one after another.

As soon as the holidays come, they go out together to travel and become underground lovers. Their parents don't know about each other, thinking that they are just best friends.

When he just graduated, there was still a major incident at home.

He wanted to secretly lend money to the family, so Lu Yong told his father about the matter in time, and his father and Lu Yong persuaded him together and stopped him from doing anything stupid. Their company filed for bankruptcy and liquidation, but they managed to get by.

One day Lu Yong called him, saying that he felt that Uncle Shen was not feeling well and almost fainted, so he was forced to take him to the hospital for an examination, and found out that something was wrong, and now he is going through the hospitalization procedures.

When Shen Wenqiu rushed to the hospital, he saw his father wearing a hospital gown and sitting on the hospital bed. Seeing him coming, he smiled kindly on his pale face: "What's the matter? You look so scared, isn't your father well?" ?”

——Then Shen Wenqiu woke up.

Sometimes life is just a choice that doesn't seem so wrong at first glance, but it takes a completely different path.

As soon as Shen Wenqiu opened his eyes, he saw Lu Yong staring at him worriedly with a pair of bull's eyes, and was immediately amused: "What are you looking at?"

Lu Yong said: "You stopped crying in your dream. You couldn't stop crying. What did you dream about?"

Shen Wenqiu lied proficiently: "Really? I don't know. I can't remember clearly. It might be something sad. Why didn't you wake me up when you saw me crying?"

Lu Yong replied: "There is a saying in my hometown that if a person who is immersed in a dream is forcibly woken up, part of his soul will remain in the dream."

Shen Wenqiu glanced at the time and got up first: "It's getting late, get up quickly."

As soon as he opened the door, the puppy was sleeping outside the door. When it saw him, it stood up, shook its head and barked happily at him. Shen Wenqiu laughed, and knelt down to touch his furry head: "It's so close after feeding you once." Me? You're too easy to buy, right?"

Shen Wenqiu picked up the puppy, turned around and said to Lu Yong: "You wash up first, I will feed the little thing and comb the hair." Shen Wenqiu felt that he was very boring, just squatting and looking at the puppy It was cute and interesting to eat, and I never got tired of watching it, so I reached out to touch it from time to time. It was troublesome for Lu Yong to get up early, and he had to wait a long time to put his prosthesis back on.

Shen Wenqiu was still watching the puppy eat, when the phone rang, he took a look, it was called by Sheng Xu, he picked it up without thinking too much: "Hello?"

Sheng Xu asked, "What are you doing?"

Shen Wenqiu replied: "I'm feeding the dog. Preserved eggs, let me say 'Wow' to my brother."

The puppy was obsessed with cooking and ignored him, but Shen Wenqiu didn't mind and laughed.

Sheng Xu followed with a laugh: "What are you so silly about? If you want a dog, I can give you one too."

Shen Wenqiu refused: "No, no, no, this is raised by Lu Yong, I just touched a few by the way. What's the matter with you?"

Sheng Xu said angrily, "Can I call you if I have nothing to do? Look at you, it's been a while, and you still don't take the initiative to find me."

Shen Wenqiu said: "If I have the money to pay you back, I will take the initiative to find you."

Sheng Xu: "If you don't have money, you won't look for me, and I won't press you to pay off the debt."

"All right, all right, Master Sheng." Shen Wenqiu said, "But I don't know what to do when I'm looking for you. I'm so poor now that I can't play with you. There's no travel expenses, so I have to ask Lu Useless borrowing."

Sheng Xu smiled angrily and said, "Let's go online and play the game together to download the copy of the head office?"

Shen Wenqiu agreed this time: "Normally, I have to read books. You know, it's not easy for me to work on rehabilitation now. I need to study more, otherwise I won't be able to continue working. I can only do it on weekends."

Sheng Xu said, "Then Saturday night, are you always free?"

Shen Wenqiu hesitated for a moment. In fact, he wanted to play absurd bed/sex games with Lu Yong, but he remembered what Lu Yong said to make him try to make more friends, so he said, "I'm free."

He hopes that in Lu Yong's eyes, he looks like he is living an active life.

As soon as Lu Yong came out, Shen Wenqiu told him about it.

Lu Yong said: "Little Baa, we are going on a business trip this weekend, did you forget to participate in the association's activities?"

Shen Wenqiu: "..."

Lu Yong added: "It doesn't matter if you want to stay at home and play games, I can go on a business trip by myself, or I can ask Sheng Xu to come and play with you." Play with your own children.

Shen Wenqiu tapped himself on the head: "Why did I forget? I'll go tell Sheng Xu now."

Therefore, Sheng Xu waited expectantly for less than five minutes, and waited for Shen Wenqiu's temporary notice: "I can't play games with you anymore, I have to go on a business trip with Lu Yong, let's play next week."

Sheng Xu asked him angrily what happened.

Shen Wenqiu apologized to him: "Sorry, I have a bad memory and almost forgot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Xu hung up the phone angrily.

Shen Wenqiu touched his nose and touched his nose in embarrassment.

In a blink of an eye, it's the weekend.

Shen Wenqiu followed Lu Yong to attend the meeting of Huaguo Environmental Recycling Association for the first time. The association was established in the early 1990s and has developed for more than 20 years. Those who joined were well appreciated and considered one of the core members.

This time, it was Lu Yong who accompanied him to buy the second-class seat ticket.

Before getting into the car, Lu Yong jokingly said to him: "Our profession is jokingly called the Beggar Gang, so this should be considered a gathering of the elders and rookies of the Beggar Gang?"