Second-Hand Love Letter

Chapter 50: Second-Hand Love Letters 49


This year's Huaguo Waste Energy Recovery Conference is still held in the capital city J as usual. Lu Yong and the others arrived late, checked into the hotel in the morning, took a rest at noon, and went directly to the meeting in the afternoon.

At the meeting, Lu Yong also gave a speech as an outstanding representative. The manuscript was written by Lu Yong himself, and then proofread and checked by Shen Wenqiu.

It was not the first time for Lu Yong to give a speech, and he was not nervous for a long time, but this time when Shen Wenqiu was sitting in the audience, he had to bear the burden of his boyfriend, and he became nervous after a long absence. As soon as he lowered his head, he could see Shen Wenqiu's admiring eyes, as if he was a star, and he didn't know if it was his own illusion, which made his vanity swell in Lu Yong's chest, and he wanted to let I look more comfortable, so that I can look more handsome, so that Shen Wenqiu can worship himself more.

As soon as the meeting is over.

President Xu of the Recycling Association came over and stopped Lu Yong.

President Xu is a short, middle-aged uncle, with an unattractive appearance, but with a healthy and ruddy complexion, a pair of bright eyes, and without glasses, he looks younger than his actual age. He speaks slowly when talking to people, and will patiently wait for you to finish speaking before answering. No matter how bad-tempered a person talks to him for two rounds, he will involuntarily calm down and be willing to discuss things with others.

Shen Wenqiu felt that this was very similar to Lu Yong.

President Xu, with a red face and full of interest, asked Lu Yong straight to the point: "I saw that your speech today is different from usual, and you are very energetic. It's great. It's great."

"I vaguely heard that you want to participate in the national award selection, right? Why don't you come and ask me?"

Lu Yong replied shyly: "I want to tell you, but it's not too early. I think I'll ask your opinion after I'm fully prepared."

"Well, it's your temper. You like to keep your head down and do big things, and if you don't make a big deal, you will be a blockbuster." President Xu said, "But you really have to ask me first, you can't do it alone, you I don’t even know how to prepare, what to prepare? And it’s not just enough scientific research results.”

"I just came to the capital, and I have some old friends who introduced you."

He talked more and more vigorously, and said: "We must help you achieve this matter. Our association has been in operation for so many years, and it has been calm... But there is no special award that can be won. It doesn't count if it says it doesn't pay attention, but it doesn't matter if it says it pays more attention. nor."

"In a hurry and not in a hurry..."

"Fortunately, there is a promising person like you..."

Even an outsider like Shen Wenqiu can see President Xu's appreciation for him, as if he intends to pass on the position of "Big Sect Leader" to Lu Yong in the future.

Shen Wenqiu thought jokingly in his heart, Lu Yong is now the young gang leader who got the dog-beating stick, right

Chairman Xu noticed him, but he didn't ask in depth, nor did he despise him. Maybe he noticed some too close atmosphere between them, but he only regarded him as Lu Yong's secretary and friend, getting along very comfortably .

In the next few days, President Xu led them to go to various dinners, go-betweens, and ties. But to be honest, entrepreneurs like Lu Yong, who can still be called young and promising in the local area, are not enough to see in the capital. People like him are everywhere. Compared with the industry that is making money every day, it is just a piece of cake, it depends on whether the boss is willing to eat it. If he really made more money, Lu Yong wouldn't be able to easily save 100 million yuan after working for these years, and he would have to sell houses and cars to make up for it.

At the dinner party, most of them are hot faces sticking to other people's cold buttocks.

Right here.

I happened to meet an uncle at a certain table, an old classmate of Shen Wenqiu's father who didn't know how many years ago, and unexpectedly recognized him, so we chatted, and finally became acquainted, and even helped Lu Yong add a new relationship.

From this, Shen Wenqiu gradually discovered that he could also come in handy.

The bankruptcy of his family was a big deal, and everyone in the circle had heard about it. His father used to be considered a leader in the industry. Even if he didn't know him, he knew his father's name.

Shen Wenqiu even figured out a set of his own personal speaking skills. On this day, he used the newcomer setting skills that he had been brewing for several days, and introduced himself when he came up. He is the son of Shen XX, who is only twenty The unlucky guy who owed 100 million at a few years old, and now he is helping others to revive his strength, etc., etc., he said it in a joking tone, which is a bizarre conversation piece, and it can be used to enliven the atmosphere. You can laugh together.

Only Lu Yong didn't smile.

He heard President Xu say to Lu Yong: "You friend, for your sake, you are willing to go out."

Shen Wenqiu felt that this was all he was worth.

Shen Wenqiu could see that Lu Yong was not very happy, and he knew why.

Why else? I feel sorry for him.

But Shen Wenqiu himself is also at a loss now, he wants to be more useful, not only in bed, but in work, and is no longer a waste, he really wants to slowly pay back the money to Lu Yong , Even if it takes twenty years, thirty years, or even death. So he desperately wishes he could make more of a difference, even as a buffoon.

It's not a thing to be protected by Lu Yong all the time, isn't it just to let Lu Yong help him pay his debts with peace of mind? As a lover, he also feels sorry for Lu Yong's hard-earned money.

As soon as the banquet is over.

Lu Yong left first, and Lu Yong said: "I drank wine and got a little drunk. I want to walk for a while to let go of the alcohol."

Shen Wenqiu said "Oh" and followed behind him, Shen Wenqiu muttered behind him: "You told me not to drink, but I started drinking..."

Lu Yong said angrily: "Sometimes I also feel depressed and want to drink."

Slightly fierce.

Shen Wenqiu seemed to be overwhelmed, so he shut up and didn't speak.

Lu Yong muffled "I'm sorry" and continued to walk forward.

Shen Wenqiu hurried to catch up, breathlessly said: "Don't be angry... I know you are a little angry, I said that as if I was contemptuous of myself."

"Actually, if you think about it better, I dare to mention it now."

"I didn't even want to mention it before."

"It means that I have come out, I still think, sure enough everything has pros and cons, at least let him come in handy, doesn't it? It's good. I don't think I'm pitiful, really, don't be angry, I just want to give You can help me a little bit. I remembered that I knew a few uncles. I didn’t think about that before. Now that I think about it, maybe they are willing to give me this approach? When I go back, I will ask you one by one. .”

"Are you okay? Dayong."



"You're walking too fast, Dayong."

Shen Wenqiu was almost unable to catch up. He stared at Lu Yong's back, flustered, and finally stopped, as if he had suddenly stopped breathing, and said abruptly, "I really don't feel sorry for myself. You make me feel like you are like this." I'm so pitiful."


Lu Yong also stopped, turned his head, his eyes were red, and tears were rolling inside.

Turning around and striding over, he hugged Shen Wenqiu into his arms, and he said foolishly: "I just, I just love you."

Shen Wenqiu thought, what is love

Love is to explore how deep an emotional bond can be achieved between two unrelated people in this world, whether that person can feel what you feel, and mourn what you mourn.

Shen Wenqiu buried her face in his arms, sniffing the smell of alcohol on Lu Yong's body, and said, "If you don't like it, then I won't do that."

Lu Yong said: "Little Baa, don't worry, I think you must have a better way, don't be in a hurry. I... I don't say anything for sure, I can't put pressure on you, I just hope that the burden on your heart will be less .”

Lu Yong let go of his arms and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Shen Wenqiu leaned back in his arms, looked up at him slightly, and listened to his serious words.

"Little Baa, I hope you know that I seriously want to live with you for the rest of my life. Even in China, we cannot obtain a legally recognized certificate. With my job, it is impossible for me to bring you to immigrate abroad to obtain a marriage certificate. .But in my heart, we are partners for a lifetime.”

"Since this is the case, it is also my responsibility to bear each other's lives and solve your difficulties."

"So that day I immediately transferred all the money in the card in my hand to your account. As long as you accept it, I can find a way to pay off your debt first..."

Shen Wenqiu quickly shook his head and refused: "No."

"I know. I know." Lu Yong was anxious, "It's because I knew that I didn't do this against your will. You are a proud person, and after you find your value, you should agree. "

"But I hope you can think about it now. If you also want to live with me for the rest of your life, you can accept my money. As a partner, it is reasonable and legal for you to divide half of my property."

Shen Wenqiu sighed.

She tiptoed and kissed him.

"Let me think again."

"My current self-confidence is not because you help me pay off my debts, so I can regain my self-confidence."

Lu Yong said, "No."

"I want to help you pay off your debts, but I just want to give you a chance to start over."

"You can do whatever you want. Don't just live to pay off your debts."

Lu Yong stared at him deeply: "Baa, I'm a fool, I don't know how to say sweet words. When I pulled you out of the water, I thought, I have to be responsible for you."

"I hope you can be reincarnated as a human being, free and unconstrained."

"I'm willing to give my all for this, and I don't need any price from you."

Anyone who says this is absurd, but Lu Yong is serious when he says it.

Shen asked Qiu's nose sour: "Are you stupid?"

Lu Yong nodded: "I love you."