Second-Hand Love Letter

Chapter 51: Secondhand Love Letter 50


It was rare for Lu Yong to get drunk, and he babbled a lot.

Lu Yong: "When I went to the police station to pick you up, I thought, you look so skinny, you don't have a lot of meat on your body, you must not have eaten well, I feel so distressed. But you are still very cute, just cute."

"As cute as when I first saw you. I saw you curled up sleeping in the back seat of the car, thin and small like a little stray dog, and my heart ached so much."

Shen Wenqiu: "Well..."

Lu Yong: "But I'm just afraid that you will still hate me. I think, if you really can't find anyone else, you won't look for me."

"When you were eating, I hesitated for a long time. I felt that if I didn't say anything else, I would have no chance, so I dared to ask you if you want to live in my house. In fact, I wanted to say at that time, it doesn't matter if you want to live forever. so happy."

Shen Wenqiu: "Yes."

Shen Wenqiu said in a low voice: "I borrowed 5,000 from you that time. In fact, except for buying two packs of cigarettes, I donated the rest to the Mountain Girls Education Fund, in your name."

"I lied to you by saying that I gambled my money."

"You thought you would drive me out, but you didn't get angry with me." "Why do you believe that I won't really do bad things?" Shen Wenqiu asked helplessly, "There is no cure for gambling with dogs. You still take the initiative Take me back, and treat me so well, without any bottom line. I can bring people back to your house to steal money at any time, or worse, kidnap you, and ask you to give me all the money."

Lu Yong nodded: "You don't need to kidnap me, you just ask me for it, and I will give it to you. I can give it all to you."

Shen Wenqiu felt a little crazy like talking about chicken and duck: "That's what I'm talking about, you're still so confident!"

Lu Yong said: "I don't give it to others, I only give it to you."

Lu Yong's eyes were bright and tender looking at Shen Wenqiu, as if his love was so strong that he couldn't help it, he unconsciously leaned down and kissed him suddenly.

Shen Wenqiu was stunned, and blushed suddenly: "You suddenly kissed me on the street without saying hello."

Lu Yong said "I'm sorry" in a daze, with an honest attitude of actively admitting his mistakes but not repenting. As soon as he finished speaking, he said cheekily: "Then I say hello to you, can I kiss you again?"

This time without Lu Yong taking the initiative, Shen Wenqiu gently kissed him on the mouth. Lu Yong was so happy, because of the strength of wine, he completely lost his usual reserve and honesty. He was so happy that he didn't know what to do. He hugged him tightly, hugged him so hard that he seemed to want to take him into his heart, and foolishly Shout: "Shen Wenqiu." Shen Wenqiu: "Yeah."

Lu Yong: "Shen Wenqiu."

Shen asked Qiu: "What are you doing?"

Lu Yong: "Shen Wenqiu."

Shen Wenqiu: "Are you stupid? I've answered it several times. I'm here, and I'm being hugged by you. You're not ashamed."

Lu Yong didn't care about it, and his voice was muffled, as if he didn't know how to express it, and what he said was so stupid that it was about to bubble: "Shen Wenqiu, you need to know."

"You don't have nothing, you still have me, you always have me. I will always be yours."

Shen Wenqiu couldn't speak, his nose felt like it was blocked.

So, Lu Yong is also the bottom line of his conscience.

The most muddled period of his life was when he wanted to get better but was helpless, he wanted to numb himself to be a bad person, but he couldn't do it to the point where he couldn't make himself completely bad.

He obviously thought about it when he went to see Lu Yong, but when he really saw someone, he couldn't convince himself that he really did enough bad things to Lu Yong when he saw people and looked at him with Lu Yong's eyes. He was thinking that even if people all over the world thought he was a bad person, he still hoped that Lu Yong would think he was a good person.

And Lu Yong did the same.

Shen Wenqiu pulled Lu Yong to the hotel.

Lu Yong asked: "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

Shen Wenqiu took the initiative to say: "I want to z/ai with you, now."

Lu Yong's face was flushed, not to mention he was drunk, even if he was not drunk, he would have no self-control in the face of Shen Wenqiu's seduction.

He is obedient and listens to his wife. Shen Wenqiu can do whatever he wants, and he can do it as many times as he wants, and he will accompany him.

When he woke up the next morning, Lu Yong kissed Shen Wenqiu's red-stained back and apologized.

Shen Wenqiu lay on the pillow, talking to him so cutely: "I will support you no matter what you do."

"Dayong, these days, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do in the future. Is it just to pay off the debt for the rest of my life?"

"I always feel like it's not enough."

Lu Yong fondled his hair: "You can do whatever you want, ask me for money if you want it, and start a business if you want to start a business."

Shen Wenqiu shook his head: "But I found that I don't seem to have anything in particular that I want to do. I haven't done anything since I was a child. That's why I especially admired you when I was in high school. I thought you were amazing."

"At that time, I looked at you like I was looking at a future star. I don't know why I just believed that one day you will realize everything you said."

There is no time in Lu Yong's life when he is more inflated than at this moment.

Shen Wenqiu still stared at him with such adoring and dependent eyes, and asked: "I really want to have no dreams. My dream is to support your dream. I want to share your dream, is that okay?"

At the moment, they are here, facing each other with sincerity, and at this moment, their hearts are quietly connected together.

Lu Yong didn't say anything exciting, but just gave a soft "hmm".

Shen Wenqiu felt that his heart, which had been wandering and had nowhere to go, finally had a place to rest.

In the palm of Lu Yong.

President Xu treated Lu Yong like his own son. He supported and supported him, and helped him travel all over the place.

In President Xu’s words, it’s almost time, the country’s economy has already started, and now Huaguo is the second largest economy in the world, and the next step is to start to strictly control pollution, and at the same time, pay close attention to emerging technologies. Regarding the generation and disposal of electronic waste, the above also intends to set up a person as a model representative.

It is a good time to push Lu Yong, the Ziwei star, up.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Lu Yong himself is also very active. He seldom has anything he wants. He is satisfied with the company’s requirements if he makes ends meet, and it would be better if he makes a little profit. Once there is a goal that needs to be accomplished, he will go all out to achieve it Do it with an almost desperate drive.

Anyway, do your best and obey the destiny.

They stayed in the capital for half a month, returned to City H, and continued to work.

Shen Wenqiu didn't reject Lu Yong again, Lu Yong withdrew most of his current savings, and filled up the debts under Shen Wenqiu's name totaling more than 50 million yuan.

Because Shen Wenqiu refused to let him sell the house.

But according to their company's performance, Lu Yong could earn enough money in the past five years to pay off Shen Wenqiu's debts.

Shen Wenqiu had no other ideas, but wanted to help Lu Yong become a real leader in the industry one day.

Together with Lu Yong, we work together at home and at work every day.

There is no particular day of transition.

I just waited until I came back to my senses, this time I really started a new life.

Just forgot one thing.

Shen Wenqiu is now pretending to be Lu Yong. He rejected Sheng Xu's suggestion to go out to play together, and has been forgetting to go to Sheng Xu ever since.

this day.

Shen Wenqiu had dinner with Lu Yong and was walking the dog, discussing about Lu Yong's birthday next week.

Sheng Xu appeared out of nowhere, and asked with a dark face, "Didn't you say you would call me next time? You have time to walk the dog, but not me."

Shen Wenqiu was immediately embarrassed.

Lu Yong took the dog leash over: "You talk to Sheng Xu, I'll take the dog for a walk first."

There is no need to say too much between the two people, just a word, a look, and a movement, and they understand what each other is going to do, and they have a very tacit understanding.

It's a tacit understanding that didn't exist before.

Shen Wenqiu walked up to Sheng Xu and said to him, "Let's go to the store and say it's too cold."

Sheng Xu let out an annoyed "hum", walked two steps quickly, and found that Shen Wenqiu was walking slowly, so he slowed down, turned his head to take a look, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Shen Wenqiu walking with Lu Yong waved.

Shen Wenqiu didn't speak, but just looked at Lu Yong.

A beam of pale golden light from a winter afternoon falls on the ends of his hair, forehead and eyes, making the tenderness at the corners of his eyes and brows seem to be glowing.

The jealousy in Sheng Xu's heart soared, reaching the peak of his tolerable threshold.

He couldn't bear the three-minute walk to the coffee shop anymore, and his mind became hot, and he asked, "Did you and Lu Yong sleep?"

Shen Wenqiu: "..."

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Yes."