Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 10


Zhao Donglin was so tortured by his mother that he finally let go of the matter of finding a wife. After a failed marriage, he had no emotions in his heart, but he admitted that his mother was right in saying that he had to think for himself The child thought, while Heidan Yingbao didn't have much impression of his own mother when he was young, he would hurry up and find one. If the child was older, it would be difficult to find a relationship.

"Could it be possible that you still want to guard for the rest of your life? Let me tell you, if you still think about that woman Wang Mei, I will take my two grandchildren to jump the Tongzhou River. As long as I am in this house for a day, she, Wang Mei, will never want to step in." .”

Zhao Donglin had no choice but to appease his mother and prove that he didn't want to rekindle the old relationship with Wang Mei, Zhao Donglin started a blind date. He had no opinion on what kind of woman he should find, only one requirement, to be good to Heidan and Yingbao.

The son finally let go, Zhang Qiaoer hurried away, and the Zhang family became lively.

"Sister Zhang, let me tell you, the girl I'm talking about is first-class, good-looking, good-natured, nineteen years old, has gone to school, can do any job, does laundry, cooks, raises chickens, and farms Such a skillful hand."

"Don't listen to her, I know the girl she said, she is ashamed to say that she looks good, her face is as big as a basin, the flesh on her face trembles when she speaks, and she eats too much, this kind of girl is free You can’t even ask for it, how much food will be spent to afford it.”

The matchmaker introduced was exposed like this, and his face suddenly swelled like a pig's liver. He snorted coldly and said, "The girl from the Sun family has nothing wrong with her, even if she is fat, she doesn't look bad, so what do you say?" Which one do you recommend, I want to see how good the matchmaker you are talking about."

"The one I'm talking about is naturally good. You all know the little girl of Li Wangcai's family, right? She looks good, has a good figure, and is delicate and pretty. Since she was eighteen years old, a suitor stepped through the threshold of her house. , Eldest sister of the Zhang family, if you like it, this marriage will definitely come true."

"Oh? It's so good, so why didn't anyone like her? Is it possible that she is waiting to be Donglin's wife?"

Although the words were not pleasant, they made sense. Zhang Qiaoer also looked at the words and waited for the matchmaker to explain.

"Before, I was cautious and high-minded, and it was not appropriate to pick and choose. No, Donglin came back and became the village party secretary. Once I passed by her house on business. She had a good impression of Donglin."

How can the little girl not understand, Zhao Donglin looks good, he used to be a cadre in the army, and now he is still a cadre after returning to his hometown. Even if this kind of excellent man is married twice, even if he has two children, the girl from the Li family will I was so excited, I fell in love with him the first time I met her. I heard that Zhao Donglin was looking for a wife. Can you hurry up and ask her mother to find someone to talk to her, saying that if she gets married, she will marry such an excellent man as Zhao Donglin.

Her mother was not very happy at first, a family of daughters and hundreds of families begged, so many people came to her door, choosing anyone was better than a second marriage, and once she entered the door, she had to be a stepmother, how could it be so easy to be a stepmother.

But the daughter was stubborn, so she decided to look for Zhao Donglin, saying that she is not afraid of being old, as long as she knows how to hurt others, she also said that Zhao Donglin is a brigade cadre, and after finding him, her family will be able to follow her.

Li Wangcai also thinks highly of Zhao Donglin's abilities, just because he has dealt with some thorns in the village just two months after he became the village party secretary, it shows that Zhao Donglin is a man with a strong right wrist. If such a person becomes his son-in-law, then he The father-in-law's face should also be polished.

Li Wangcai gave it away, but his wife naturally had no objection, Li Wangcai was the one who made the decisions about the Li family.

Zhang Qiao'er was quite satisfied with the daughter of the Li family. She had met this girl once before, and she was indeed not bad in appearance. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the village.

She has a selfish intention, if she wants to find a daughter-in-law who is not inferior to Wang Mei, she has to tell Wang Mei that Donglin's life is not bad without her.

When Zhao Donglin came back in the evening, Zhang Qiaoer told her about the daughter of the Li family, and she made no secret of her love for the daughter of the Li family.

"Mom, can we be more pragmatic? Do you think this kind of girl is suitable to be my wife? I am more than ten years older than her, and I have two children. She is still a little girl herself. How can she help me take care of Heidan and Yingbao? Yingbao is so young, she can't walk yet, and she has to be taken care of at home and outside, so is it possible for me to pay for her after marrying her?"

Zhang Qiaoer was choked by his son's words, and everyone at the dinner table lowered their heads and remained silent, so as not to suffer disaster.

Zheng Yuefen and her husband Zhao Donghe looked at each other. If she really found a sister-in-law younger than her, she would not be happy. Zhao Donghe winked at her and told her not to watch the excitement while eating.

"What's wrong with Xiaodian, you can learn everything, how do you know what she looks like if you haven't seen her before."

Zhao Donglin put down his chopsticks and stopped eating. He didn't want to tell his mother that he had seen that girl. She was really good-looking, but her behavior was not steady enough. He was considering getting married for the sake of his two children. He just wanted to find a woman who could live a good life, okay? Whether he looks good or not is not within his consideration.

"Mom, you forgot what I told you before. I want to find someone who can take care of the children. Everything is based on Heidan and Yingbao. Can you find someone who is more stable? Also, I am a divorced man. , don’t be picky, don’t be so picky, just find something similar.”

Zhang Qiao'er originally wanted to reply, or you can find it yourself, but the words stopped when she reached her mouth, afraid that her son really didn't want to look for her if she said it.

At night Zheng Yuefen lay on the bed with Zhao Donghe, Zheng Yuefen patted Zhao Donghe's arm and said, "What do you think if your brother is really married?"

Zhao Donghe looked puzzled when he was asked, "What should I do?"

"If you marry a woman and come back, you have to have children. He already has Heidan and Yingbao. If he wants to give birth to a guerrilla again, then our family will have only one child."

"The person hasn't been seen yet, but you will worry about it."

"Why am I worrying about it? You don't have anything on your mind all day long. You said that your brother is back and has become the secretary of the brigade. He will definitely be popular in the future. Why don't you let your brother give you an errand? You know every day Get to work, get to work."

"It's not that you don't know about my brother. He has been in the army for a long time, and he pays attention to discipline in everything. He hates people who use power for personal gain. Besides, he just became the secretary of the brigade. He can't just find a job for his younger brother as soon as he comes up. So much Eyes on him."

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be not stupid, and you know how to think about problems."

"That's right, if I'm stupid, I can still find you, and even if I'm stupid, you can't see me."

Zheng Yuefen stretched out her hand and twisted his waist, and cursed, "You are the only one who is poor-mouthed, and you didn't know how to speak at the critical moment, so you used me."

Zhao Donghe rolled onto Zheng Yuefen with a smile, his hands under the quilt became dishonest.

"That's right, don't you just like this tune, do you still want me to talk to others?"

Zheng Yuefen panted, and patted Zhao Donghe on the back when she heard this, panting and said viciously, "If you dare, I will break your leg."

Zhao Donghe walked in and out, dripping sweat, panting and said, "That's no good, I have to keep this leg to serve you, if it's broken, how can you enjoy the rest of your life."

Zheng Yuefen blushed, feeling sweet in her heart.

This is what she is satisfied with Zhao Donghe, he usually looks very honest and serious, unlike other men who like to talk dirty, but in private he is another look.

"Let's work hard, maybe we can catch up with my brother soon, and we will also form a guerrilla team."

Thinking about the creaking of the plank bed, the stone sleeping at the end of the bed was unaware of it, but lying on the bed, Zhao Donglin, who was two rooms away, heard a little movement.

He sighed, looked at Heidan who was sleeping soundly next to him, covered him with a quilt, and closed his eyes to force himself to sleep.

This day, the family ran out of needles and threads, Dong Jiahui was going to the town to buy more, and asked her mother if she had anything to bring at home.

"It's okay, why don't you buy some suet, and the lard at home is gone."

Chen Guixiang took the meat ticket and money to Dong Jiahui, but Dong Jiahui only took the meat ticket but no money.

"I'm rich."

Her tailoring business has been going on for more than three months, and she has collected some money besides food. In this day and age, money is useless to put on her body, and it is also appropriate to buy some meat for the family and bring it back for a tooth-beating festival.

"Keep your money for yourself, and find a good family in the future as your dowry. If you have money, you can live in your in-law's house without panic."

"Mom, I know. I'll keep the money, so I'll go now."

Dong Jiahui walked to the town by herself. There was a bicycle at home, but she didn't ride it. Anyway, the town is not far from home, but it's only a few miles away. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to walk there, so it's just like exercising.

She is wearing white floral short sleeves, black trousers, black cloth shoes, and a braid on her head. She has eaten well in the past few months, as if she had gained weight and whitened her skin when she first came here, because she did not work in her natal family. The relationship, even the hands are more delicate than before.

The air was very good in this era. Dong Jiahui enjoyed the rural scenery while walking. She didn't have a watch and didn't know the time. When she arrived in the town, she went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

"Comrade, give me all the threads of these colors. I want three rolls of each."

The salesperson indifferently took the colors Dong Jiahui pointed out to her from the counter.

After buying the things she needed, Dong Jiahui went shopping in the supply and marketing agency, and she was full of interest in various items full of the atmosphere of the times.

As she was leaving, she bought some candies for her nephews and nieces that did not require a ticket. After packing them, she turned around and bumped into a woman.

"Hey, who are you, why don't you have eyes when you walk?"

When Dong Jiahui turned around, she really didn't look to see if there was anyone behind her, and she was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, so she quickly apologized, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention, are you okay?"

What Dong Jiahui bumped into was Li Caifeng, the daughter-in-law that Lu Chengyuan later married.

What Dong Jiahui doesn't know, Li Caifeng doesn't remember Lu Chengyuan, and Li Caifeng has never met Dong Jiahui, so it's okay to meet two people who don't know each other, just say a few words of apology and it's over, but today Lu Chengyuan and Li Caifeng went to the street together, but when he finished shopping, he turned around and saw his ex-wife standing with his second wife, one white and one blue, one thin and strong, one lowered his head to apologize and the other looked coldly, it was Li Caifeng who was bullying Dong Jiahui is gone.

"What's the matter, Caifeng, I've already divorced Jiahui, if you have anything to say, let's go home and say don't make trouble here."

Li Caifeng turned her head suddenly when she heard the words, her eyes widened, and she looked at Dong Jiahui viciously.

"Okay, so you are Dong Jiahui!"

Dong Jiahui is simply baffled. She went to the street to buy something, but turned around and met her ex-husband and his step-wife. What script did she take? Are you playing with her