Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 27


Zhao Donglin took out the posture of eating in the army, finished his breakfast in two bites, and took Yingbao from Jiahui so that she could free up her hands to eat her own breakfast.

Sitting at the same table, Zhao Donglin's actions naturally failed to escape the eyes of the whole family. Zhang Qiaoer pursed her lips and smiled calmly. The wooden son also knew that he loved his wife.

As for Zheng Yuefen, who was sitting opposite Jiahui, she glanced sideways at her husband, Zhao Donghe, after seeing her elder brother's actions. They are brothers of the same family. What about pancakes

Dong Jiahui picked up her bowl of half-warm porridge, took a corn pancake, and started her first breakfast in Zhao's house.

Zhao’s breakfast is very similar to Dong’s, they are rice porridge with less rice and more soup. The difference is that Dong’s often adds sweet potatoes to the porridge, while Zhao’s adds corn to the porridge.

In this era when hybrid rice had not yet been cultivated, mechanized planting had not been popularized, and it was not easy for farmers to cultivate the land. Part of the grain grown in a year's hard work had to be handed over to the state to supply the lives of urban residents.

Under such circumstances, every family can barely fill their stomachs, and it is unrealistic to eat rice porridge openly. The Zhao family is considered to be in good condition in the village. Also increases satiety.

"Mom, do I want to go to the field with you today?"

Dong Jiahui never went to the land when she was in Dong’s house, because she was a married girl. In the countryside, a married girl is like water poured out, and her food relationship was transferred to her husband’s house. Marry and follow husband" is the truth.

There are few divorces in rural areas. Even if they return to their mothers after divorce, they cannot be counted as members of the team.

Because work points have to be counted and paid according to work. In addition to the distribution of rations, there are also cash dividends at the end of the year. The total annual income of the team is deducted from production costs and various reservations. The total work points and the total number of work per person Calculated money.

Theoretically, if one more person contributes to work, one more dividend will be counted, and others will naturally get less, which can be regarded as infringing on the interests of other members.

But the situation is different now, she is married to Zhao Donglin, and since then she has been a member of the Zhao family, so naturally she should work.

After Dong Jiahui asked this question, sister-in-law Zheng Yuefen also looked curiously at her mother-in-law Zhang Qiaoer. She married Zhao Donghe three days later, and she wondered what her mother-in-law would do to this new sister-in-law.

Zhang Qiaoer was stunned for a while, but she didn't expect Dong Jiahui to ask about the work. She thought for a while and said, "I don't need it today, you take Yingbao at home, and then make lunch. I will tell you about our family later." How to cook, and how much you can eat. As for your work, I will ask the captain later."

Dong Jiahui nodded after hearing this, and had no objection to this arrangement. Zheng Yuefen glanced at Dong Jiahui, and saw that she was drinking porridge with her head down and holding a bowl, with an indescribable charm in her eyes and eyebrows.

Dong Jiahui's eyebrows are beautiful, and they are deciduous eyebrows that look good without any modification. The bangs are parted on both sides. In fact, this kind of bangs parted in the middle is very picky, but Dong Jiahui looks good when combed, probably because of her small face and oval face , so any hairstyle can be worn.

The reason why Zhang Qiaoer said to wait until she asked the captain was that she really wanted to mention it to the captain. She wanted to talk to the captain and arrange an easy job for Jiahui.

After breakfast, she was about to go out, and Dong Jiahui was left to clean up the pots and pans.

Now the village is making preparations for planting winter wheat. The land needs to be plowed and fertilized. Once the preparations are complete, the wheat will start to sow.

Zhang Qiaoer took Heidan away. Before leaving, Dong Jiahui asked Heidan if he would like to stay at home, but Heidan ignored him and ran away.

"Don't worry, Heidan is a child's heart. I'll talk to him in two days."

Zhao Donglin came to the kitchen to tell her these things while washing the dishes. Dong Jiahui stopped and turned around, seeing his serious face, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

"I know, I didn't take it to heart."

Zhao Donglin was relieved to see that her expression didn't look like what she said reluctantly.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Dong Jiahui took the lead to look away. His eyes were too deep, and when she saw him, she remembered what happened last night. She was really embarrassed.

Zhao Donglin coughed, obviously, like Dong Jiahui, he was brooding over what happened last night.

"Well... I'm going to the village committee right now, and I'll be back for lunch. If you need anything, you can go to the field to find your mother, or you can go to the village committee to find me."

Zhao Donglin's place of work is the village committee. As long as the commune has no meetings, he normally works in the village.

Dong Jiahui agreed with a hum, thinking that it would only be a long time, and he came back for lunch at noon, so why would I need to find him for anything special!

"Then I'm leaving, you pay more attention at home."

Dong Jiahui nodded, "I know, don't worry."

Zhao Donglin also felt that he was talking too much, he stepped out of the kitchen twice, patted Ying Bao who was eating candy standing on the walker, and pushed the bicycle out of the yard.

Hearing the sound of the courtyard door, Dong Jiahui looked out through the window, and when he left, the shame in her heart was only a little less.

After washing the pots and bowls, putting away the items in the kitchen, and sweeping the floor, Dong Jiahui went out.

"Yingbao, what are you doing? Are you feeding the hens?"

The few chickens in the chicken coop were released by Zhang Qiaoer early in the morning, and the whole yard was a place for them to roam. As for Yingbao, he broke the corn tortillas into small pieces and scattered them on the ground. Ying Bao pecked at the open space in front of him.

Dong Jiahui patted Yingbao's clothes, and the chest of the clothes was already stained with dirt, which could not be removed even if she patted her hands.

She picked Yingbao up from the trolley and brought her back to the house, planning to find a piece of cloth to make two bibs for Yingbao, so that she would not be afraid of staining her clothes.

"Yingbao, sit down obediently, can I make you two small bibs?"

Dong Jiahui put Yingbao on the wooden sofa and gave Yingbao a piece of fruit candy. Afraid that Yingbao would accidentally get stuck, she deliberately broke the fruit candy into two small pieces.

Seeing the delicious fruit candies, Yingbao stretched out her chubby little hand, grabbed one of them and put it in her mouth. The familiar sweet taste pleased her. She clapped her hands happily and said a few words to Dong Jiahui. A syllable that I don't quite understand.

Dong Jiahui brought a lot of fabrics. Zhao Donglin tore a few pieces for her before she got married, and the relatives at her natal family also loosened up a little, as well as leftovers from making clothes for others.

It doesn't take much cloth to make bibs for Yingbao. Dong Jiahui found a few pieces from the pile of leftover materials and planned to make two spliced bibs for Yingbao.

Opening the cloth covering the sewing machine, Dong Jiahui threaded the thread on the needle, stepped up and down after marking the leftover material, and the bib was ready after a few efforts.

"Yingbao, try to see if it fits well. This bib looks good. It's all floral. I even embroidered an apple on it."

Dong Jiahui never claimed to be a mother or anything else when talking to Yingbao and Heidan, not to mention that the children couldn't accept her all at once, but Dong Jiahui herself was ashamed to say that her mother was long and her mother was short.

"Yingbao looks so pretty in a bib, and she won't be afraid of getting her clothes dirty."

Ying Bao looked down at the extra coat on his body, obviously very interested in the red apple on his chest.

"Yingbao, do you know what this is? This is an apple, a very delicious fruit."

Now it belongs to the era of planned economy, and there is no well-connected transportation network. There is not enough fruit supply in the market. Anyway, Dong Jiahui has been here for more than half a year, except for the jujubes, persimmons, peaches and pomegranates that are native to the local area. I have never eaten the oranges, bananas and apples I bought on the Internet.

A child as young as Yingbao may have never seen an apple in his life.

The first one fit well, and Dong Jiahui went back and made two other ones, one in vest style and one with sleeves, and just used up all the scraps.

After finishing the bibs, Dong Jiahui tidied up the closet. She was in a hurry yesterday and didn't have time to tidy up many things.

When she took out the watch that Zhao Donglin bought for her from the box, Dong Jiahui made a gesture on her wrist. The new-colored strap and the delicate and small dial looked delicate and chic on her wrist.

"It's a pity, you don't need to wear this when you work at home every day."

Wearing a watch for washing and cooking? Wearing a watch for working in the field? Nothing ruined the watch.

This watch was given to her by Zhao Donglin privately at the time. Dong Jiahui told Chen Guixiang about it after the Zhao family left that day, and Chen Guixiang kept praising Zhao Donglin for his grand manner.

"I've never seen such a bright young man. He bought it for you sincerely. You see, he puts the watch in the bride price. How good would it look on Zhao's face?"

There is also Zhao Donglin's bicycle, which he bought after returning to his hometown, and he has only ridden it for two months. It is no different from a new one. It can be seen how down-to-earth and low-key he is.

Thinking of these, and Zhao Donglin's various performances in the past two days, Dong Jiahui's understanding of him has been refreshed bit by bit, not getting worse and worse, but getting better and better.

At ten o'clock, Dong Jiahui started to prepare lunch, and Zhang Qiaoer gave her a rough idea of what to do before going to the ground.

Steamed sweet potatoes with rice, cornmeal pancakes, there were still a lot of vegetables left at the house yesterday, so she asked her to pick a few meat dishes to heat up, and then choose two vegetables from the vegetable field to fry.

Dong Jiahui herself doesn’t like to eat leftovers. Modern people pay attention to healthy eating. Leftovers contain excessive amine nitrite, which can cause cancer if eaten, and the taste of leftovers is not very good. It is definitely not as delicious as freshly cooked.

But this was the 1970s, wasting food was very shameful. After Dong Jiahui heated up a few meat dishes according to her mother-in-law’s instructions, she cut leeks from the field and a basket of green vegetables, packed them up and fried them separately. She prepared this meal Just eat these two.

As soon as Dong Jiahui's meal was ready, the Zhao family came out of the field. Zhao Meixiang could tell at a glance that the bib Yingbao was wearing was newly made by her sister-in-law.