Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 29


Zheng Yuefen was so angry when she heard the bursts of laughter outside the window, this Dong Jiahui just entered the door for the second day, and she has all her mother-in-law and sister-in-law under her wing, making clothes for them, and for herself, let her make a bib for Shitou Neither are happy.

"It's too bullying, I really can't live through this day."

The more Zheng Yuefen thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't help talking to her husband.

"what happened again?"

Zhao Donghe knew his daughter-in-law's personality too well, so he always compared trivial things, and she was a little small-minded. If his mother didn't hold her back and made his daughter-in-law dare not think about it, what would this family be like

"Your new sister-in-law wants to make clothes for your sister and your mother, but she won't even make a bib for us."

Zhao Donglin lost interest after listening to one sentence.

"They don't owe you anything, so you can do it for whoever you want."

Seeing that her husband did not share the same hatred with her, Zheng Yuefen frowned and shook her head and asked, "Zhao Donghe, what do you mean, who are you on the side with? Look at how happy she made our mother, if she likes her more, we Wouldn't it be a disadvantage?"

The parents-in-law have two sons in total. Before the eldest brother was not at home often, the parents-in-law relied on their own men. Later, the eldest brother returned to his hometown professionally and became the village party secretary. , will this family still have a position with Donghe in the future

Zhao Donghe didn't know the little things in his daughter-in-law's heart, maybe he knew something but didn't take it seriously, he sneered, "If mom likes her, then you can coax her, you came in earlier than sister-in-law all these years, it stands to reason that mom should like you more Yes, if you had made mom happy long ago, are you worrying that sister-in-law will be more liked by mom than you?"

Zheng Yuefen was bullied by Zhao Donghe, but she just refused to accept it.

"I'm a straightforward person. I can't say those boring words, such as 'Mom has worked hard', 'Mom likes to eat', Mom is like this, and she doesn't crawl on others to spit out the overnight meal."

Zhao Donghe shook his head helplessly.

"What do you want me to say about you, who doesn't like to hear good things, knowing that mom likes to hear you, but she doesn't want to say it, if you are as sweet-mouthed as sister-in-law, how can mom not like you?"

Zheng Yuefen rolled her eyes and said, "Then you admit that Mom is biased now?"

Zhao Donghe frowned and denied, "Since when did I say Mom is biased?"

"Didn't you say that mom would like me if I had a sweet mouth? Doesn't that mean mom doesn't like me?"

Zhao Donghe patted his head, and felt that it was a waste of time to talk about it with her, and he might as well sleep if he had this free time.

He lay down directly, pulled the quilt back, closed his eyes and said, "Okay, say what you like, I'll sleep for a while, and I have to go to work in the afternoon."

Zheng Yuefen raised her leg angrily and kicked him.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep all day long, what else do you do besides sleep?"

"Oh, you don't like to sleep? How did the stone come from? Don't hug me at night if you don't like to sleep."

Zheng Yuefen blushed and spat, "Bah, who is hugging you, don't hug me if you have the ability."

"If you don't hug me, I won't hug you. I won't hug you today. Don't beg me when it gets dark."

Zheng Yuefen snorted, walked out of the courtyard with the stone in her arms, and went to the next door to visit.

"How is your new sister-in-law?"

The family surnamed Ding lived next door, and their daughter-in-law was Zhang Yulan, who was about ten years older than Zheng Yuefen. Although the two of them were quite different in age, somehow, they got it right, and Zheng Yuefen often came to talk to her.

"I think it's better than the previous one, and it's not a good match."

Wang Mei returned to the city with all her heart, and she didn't care about the Zhao family's affairs at all. For her, it was a very cheap thing to argue with people like Zheng Yuefen, so she never had conflicts with Zheng Yuefen, but directly ignore.

Zheng Yuefen obviously didn't understand what Wang Mei meant, but felt that Wang Mei was open-minded, unlike this Dong Jiahui, who was easygoing and petty.

Hearing what Zheng Yuefen said, Zhang Yulan raised her eyes, "Isn't it possible? Your new sister-in-law looks very docile, she always smiles when she sees everyone, and she doesn't say a word when anyone says anything."

What Zhang Yulan was talking about was Dong Jiahui's behavior when she was acting as a zoo gorilla in the new house yesterday. She just kept smiling and responded to what others said.

Zheng Yuefen sneered and said, "It's all just pretending, she can speak with that mouth, she made my mother-in-law and sister-in-law so happy."

Then, she told Zhang Yulan what happened today.

"Tell me, it's not too much, obviously there is cloth, I said to make one for the stone, and she said that it is not good to use floral cloth for the stone, so I went to measure the size for Meixiang and my mother-in-law in a blink of an eye. What is the Chinese New Year, I want to give them Make new clothes."

Zhang Yulan was speechless, "Is it still like this? How dare she be so embarrassed, they are all a family, how can they be separated from each other?"

Zheng Yuefen finally got the recognition and response from others, and she seemed to have found a confidant all of a sudden.

"That's right, how much cloth does a child's bib cost? She refused without even thinking about it, because she didn't want to make it for a stone."

Zhang Yulan held the soles of her shoes and said, "Then you have to be more careful in the future. Your elder brother's monthly salary is only sixty-two yuan. In the past, your elder brother gave the money to your mother-in-law. Now he married a wife, and the daughter-in-law is another Great, will your eldest brother leave some private money for his wife to spend? If your mother-in-law is also partial, wouldn't you and Donghe suffer a lot?"

Zhang Yulan's words made Zheng Yuefen enlightened!

"Sister Lan, if you don't tell me, I wouldn't have thought of this. Brother's salary is paid on the 20th of every month. Today is the 11th. There are still nine days until the salary is paid."

To say that the Zhao family's good life is indeed in the light of Zhao Donglin, why Zheng Yuefen didn't think about dividing the family after being married for so many years is because Zhao Donglin is the one who gets the salary every month, and the money is managed by the mother-in-law who is in charge.

"Probably not, my mother-in-law definitely can't agree."

The former sister-in-law, Wang Mei, didn't see her eldest brother take care of the money for her either.

"Men, if we're not together, we don't know how good a wife is. We're together every day, and there's a daughter-in-law who is seven or eight years younger than me. She's pretty, can you not be tempted?"

When Zhang Yulan said this, Zheng Yuefen thought of Dong Jiahui's face, which was white and thin, not as big as a palm, and it was indeed seductive. The key is that the eldest brother seems to be very satisfied with this new daughter-in-law. At the beginning, the eldest brother himself fell in love with it and wanted to marry her back. of it.

After Zhang Yulan mentioned it, Zheng Yuefen began to pay attention to this matter. Before that, as long as she got her salary, her mother-in-law would drop by and bring back two catties of meat.

In the afternoon, the family went to work, and Dong Jiahui was still at home alone with Yingbao.

"When it's late, drive the chickens to the chicken coop, and you can watch the dinner."

Zhang Qiaoer explained a few words and left.

"Yingbao, we are at home again, what do you want to eat tonight, how about I make you a cake?"

Since Zhang Qiaoer entrusted her with cooking, Dong Jiahui still wanted to cook two meals when she first entered the house, which also meant bright craftsmanship.

Making hair cakes is less troublesome than making steamed bun rolls, and the steps are simple. The first step is to take out cornmeal and mix flour, add yeast and brown sugar, and knead the noodles with warm water.

After kneading the noodles, spread a piece of gauze on the steaming tray, apply oil on the area around it that can touch the noodles, use chopsticks to pick the kneaded noodles into the steaming tray, and smooth the dough with water or some oil on your hands. Cover to start fermentation.

The fermentation time is determined by the temperature. The time is shorter in summer and longer in winter. It is considered successful when the dough is about twice its original volume.

At this time, if there are red dates and candied fruit at home, you can sprinkle it on, but Jiahui just came in, so I don't know if the Zhao family has these, and she has already added brown sugar when kneading the noodles, so I won't add anything else today.

The preliminary work is ready, and the next step is to steam the noodles on the pot. When steaming, cover with a piece of gauze to prevent water vapor from dripping in.

According to Dong Jiahui's experience, 20 minutes of steaming is enough for a cake of this size.

After steaming, don’t open the lid immediately, wait for the temperature to drop before gently uncovering the gauze, shake the steamer a few times, and place the cake upside down on the chopping board after the cake is loosened.

Dong Jiahui pinched a piece the size of her thumb and tasted it. It tasted sweet, soft and not sticky to the teeth.

"Yingbao, try it, it's delicious."

Dong Jiahui cut a small piece for Yingbao, and blew it before her mouth. After she finished chewing, she asked with a smile, "Yingbao, is the cake delicious?"

Yingbao nodded while eating. Children always like to eat sweet things. Brown sugar is added to the hair cake. The sweetness of brown sugar and the fragrance of cornmeal are perfectly blended. It is soft and soft, and children naturally like to eat it.

"Then do you still want to eat?"

Yingbao nodded vigorously.

"Little smart ghost."

Dong Jiahui pinched Yingbao's little face, and lamented that the child's skin is just good, and it is not slippery when touched, like tender tofu.

At her age, no matter how well maintained she is, she will not have the smooth and tender skin feel of a child.

"Here, I'll give you a piece. You sit there and eat slowly. I'm going to start making dinner, you know?"

Yingbao nodded obediently, sitting alone on the small bench, obediently, gnawing on the cake like a bunny.

After finishing the first one, Dong Jiahui made another one, because with previous experience, this one was more successful after mastering the heat.

After making the fat cake, Dong Jiahui started to cook porridge, cornmeal and sweet potato porridge, heated up the rest of the dishes, and also fried a pickle, and did not make anything else.

Food in the countryside is not so particular. When she cooks, she also has to consider the situation at home. She can't wipe out all the stocks at home at once. If that's the case, the mother-in-law probably won't dare to let her into the kitchen again.

Stuff the cooked rice in the pot and watch the time, everyone will be back soon.

After driving the family's hens back to the coop, Dong Jiahui took the dried clothes and sheets back into the house, and sat by the bed to fold them up.

The car bell of "Dinglingling" rang. It was Zhao Donglin who came back first. After he entered the door, he looked around first. He didn't see Jiahui in the yard. Then he entered the room and saw Dong Jiahui sitting by the bed folding clothes , Yingbao was playing with her legs on the sofa.

"came back?"

Dong Jiahui had heard the sound of the bicycle a long time ago, and knew that it was Zhao Donglin who had returned. After all, the Zhao family only had this bicycle, and there was no one else besides Zhao Donglin.

Looking back while she was folding clothes, a gentle smile made Zhao Donglin's heart as warm and comfortable as cotton wadding that had been dried in the winter.

He smiled at Dong Jiahui, and stretched out his hand to hug Yingbao into his arms.

"Yingbao, are you being good at home today?"

Yingbao hugged Zhao Donglin's neck and lowered her head and said nothing. In fact, Dong Jiahui had already discovered that Yingbao was not close to Zhao Donglin, including Heidan. She seemed a little afraid of him. Perhaps Zhao Donglin had been absent from the role of father for too long. The children are a little strange to him.

Dong Jiahui said with a smile, "Yingbao is very obedient, very obedient, took a nap and woke up without making noise, and even ate two small pieces of fat cake."

Ying Bao looked at Dong Jiahui and smiled, there was a kind of shyness in the smile that only belonged to children.

Zhao Donglin touched Yingbao's head with a smile, and sighed, "You and Yingbao get along better than me, and she fell in love with you in just one day."

After returning from the army, he wanted to take good care of the children, but he didn't have much time at home every day when he went to work in the village. Usually, his mother and younger sister took care of them a lot.

As for Heidan, I took him to sleep with him every night before. At that time, I thought Heidan was okay, quite lively and sensible, but judging from the past two days, his performance was not satisfactory.

"Maybe I am more destined for children. My niece from my natal family also likes me."

Zhao Donglin smiled, children are the most innocent, she treats whoever is good to her, like Yingbao, who is closest to his mother and Meixiang at home, because they spend a lot of time and energy, even if it is him It is not easy for a father to get close to his daughter because he does not spend much time with him.

The reason why the child fell in love with her in one day was because of Dong Jiahui's patience with the child. It was Ying Bao who felt Dong Jiahui's kindness that made her willing to get close and like her.

As the heat gradually darkened, the Zhao family returned home one after another. The live seedlings in the field these days had to work hard to plant the winter wheat before the frost.

There are only two cows and one tractor in the team, because most of the land is still completed by manpower.

It stands to reason that Zhao Donglin is also very busy during this period. He has to inspect the work of the various teams in the village. In the past, he only came back when it was completely dark. After getting married, he also learned to be punctual. People in the village committee joked, People who are married and have a daughter-in-law are really different, and they know that returning home is like an arrow.

The dinner made by Dong Jiahui was unanimously approved by the family. Making cakes seems simple, but it is not easy to make. How to make it soft and dense is not so easy to control.

The man is okay, just fill his stomach, and the women in the family like this sweet and soft mouth, and it is a pleasure to eat a meal.

After a hard day in the field, Zhang Qiaoer was very satisfied to have such a delicious dinner.

After dinner, after finishing the odds and ends of housework, Dong Jiahui was going to sleep with Yingbao, after all, she had already taken Yingbao for a day.

"You are still newly married, don't worry about raising your children."

How do you develop relationships with children? Didn't you see the anxious look on your son's face

When Zhao Meixiang took over Yingbao from Dong Jiahui, Dong Jiahui's face turned red. Her mother-in-law really "considered" her enough, and even left them a world of two, but she didn't know what she didn't know was how to face her. To Zhao Donglin.

After taking a long time to take a shower, Zhao Donglin was reading the meeting notes when he returned to the room. He was wearing a white vest, his muscles were smooth, and he exuded a resolute masculinity.