Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 31


"Huaishan, what about the thing I told you last time?"

Zhang Qiaoer went to work, and after seeing the captain Ding Huaishan on the field, he dragged him to the willow tree by the river, and asked about his daughter-in-law Dong Jiahui's work.

"It's not that my aunt is deliberately looking for trouble, but my daughter-in-law is really weak, and her arms are not as thick as chopsticks. I may not be able to do the work in the field, but she is good at delicate work. Let's make the best use of her."

Ding Huaishan is in his forties. He is a strong man with a cropped cut. He has been very thoughtful since he was young. After competing to be the captain a few years ago, he has made a lot of contributions to the team. The cash dividend at the end of the year is huge. It is a real income.

Zhang Qiaoer is a senior citizen, Ding Huaishan had to call her aunt when he saw her. There is still a relationship between them. Ding Huaishan's mother was Zhang Qiaoer's father's concubine when she was young, and she married Ding Huaishan's father after liberation.

"We don't have any easy jobs in our team now, why don't we let her work as a custodian in the warehouse?"

The easiest part of the team is the scorekeeper and the accountant, but there are people doing both of these, and he, as the captain, can't do other people's errands, because the team is full of relatives.

As for the custodian, Ding Huaishan's son Ding Zhiyong was in charge before, because Ding Zhiyong was the tractor driver in the team, and he left the warehouse key for safekeeping.

Let Dong Jiahui be the custodian, which will not infringe other people's interests, but also fulfill Zhang Qiaoer's favor. This is the idea that Ding Huaishan came up with all night.

Zhang Qiaoer's request was that the bowl should not fit on the ground, and she was satisfied after getting the promise.

"Yes, go to the warehouse. She will come back tomorrow, and I will ask her to ask you to get the key the day after tomorrow."

"Auntie Qiao is very kind to her new daughter-in-law. She specially finds her an easy job. Didn't she say that this daughter-in-law has been divorced and can't have children? How can she be so kind to her?"

Zhang Huaishan's daughter-in-law, Daping, chattered with her husband while mixing wild vegetable seedlings.

"I don't know. I guess it's because of my eyesight, or because of Donglin's face."

"Indeed, if it weren't for Donglin, how could their family live such a good life? This daughter-in-law was chosen by Donglin himself, so it's normal for her to be nice to her."

The Zhao family was not prominent in the village before, and it was only after Donglin went to the army that they gradually became a well-off family that can be counted in the village.

On the third day of the wedding, the new daughter-in-law returned home. Zhang Qiaoer helped prepare the homecoming gift early in the morning. A hen, from her own parents, five catties of pork, which was cut at the meat stall at the entrance of the village in the morning, and twenty eggs , a pack of shortbread, rich and solid.

"Mom, I won't take this old hen with me, it can still lay eggs if I keep it at home."

The value of an old hen cannot be measured by the value of its meat. This is an old hen that lays eggs every day, and the eggs cost five cents apiece. If this calculation is made, the value of this chicken will be high.

"No, you can take it with you. I've saved eggs, and I'll go to Aunt Mu's house to incubate chicks tomorrow. I don't think the commune will care much about this this year. This time, I plan to hatch a few more eggs and bring them back to raise."

In the past few years, the inspection was strict, and every household was not allowed to raise more chickens. This year, the policy was loosened, and no one in the commune often came down to check who violated the policy. Zhang Qiaoer then emboldened and planned to raise eight or ten chickens.

"Then... thank you, Mom."

Since her mother-in-law really wanted to give it, Dong Jiahui didn't refuse. Whether the return gift is generous or not is directly related to her status in her in-law's family. The more things she brings back, the more assured her family will be about her married life.

"Hey, thank you for the whole family. Go back and bring a treat to your parents, as well as your brother and sister-in-law, so that they have time to come and play at home."

Dong Jiahui smiled and agreed.

Dong Jiahui wanted to take Heidan with Yingbao when she went back to her natal home, and when she asked Heidan for his opinion, he didn't seem to want to go.

Zhao Donglin took Heidan to the room to talk.

"Why don't you want to go? Dad is married to the new mother. This is your mother. Your mother's family is your grandmother's house."

Three days have passed, and Zhao Donglin thinks that he and Jiahui have given Heidan enough patience.

Heidan's tears fell down, and he wiped the tears with the back of his hand.

Zhao Donglin frowned and sighed, reached out and pulled Heitan to his side, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and helped Heitan wipe his face clean.

"Why are you crying? I didn't scold you or hit you. I just had a good word with you."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Donglin lowered his volume and asked again, "Then do you want to go?"

Heitan shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes again.

Zhao Donglin nodded, and continued to say patiently, "Why? Tell me the reason. If the reason can convince me, then I will respect your opinion."

Heidan continued to remain silent, and Zhao Donglin was not in a hurry, just sat on the stool and waited for him to speak.

He even took care of so many soldiers, it makes no sense that his son couldn't take care of them.

After two or three minutes of silence, Heidan finally spoke.

"My aunt said, if I recognize my new mother, my mother will never come back."

Heidan's voice was obviously crying, and after he finished speaking, tears fell straight down, sobbing.

Zhao Donglin patted Heidan on the back, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Which aunt said this?"

Heidan hiccupped and said, "Two, two, Second Aunt."

Zheng Yuefen was the only one who called Heidan Second Aunt, and Zhao Donglin frowned when he heard that there were younger siblings involved.

"Heidan, your mother will always be your mother, but she is now separated from her father and returned to a place she is familiar with. The new mother is your father's wife. She will take care of you instead of your mother. She will wash your clothes and cook for you. Delicious food, take care of your life, you can't treat her with this attitude, you should learn to respect her and appreciate her."

Zhao Donglin was also very hesitant. The reason why he didn't want to say more about Wang Mei's betrayal and abandonment was because he didn't want his son to be filled with hatred.

"Your mother doesn't want you anymore", this kind of words are very cruel to children.

Ten minutes later, when Zhao Donglin came out with a black egg, Dong Jiahui had already changed Yingbao's clothes.

"have they gone?"


"The black egg should also change clothes, let's go to visit relatives, we must dress clean and tidy."

After marrying and returning to her mother's house, she would be leaving relatives. After changing Heitan into the new clothes Jiahui made for him, the family of four went to Dayu Village.

"I saw your new sister-in-law today, and brought your nephew and niece back to her mother's house?"

Zhang Yulan and Zheng Yuefen talked together at work.


"I think they brought a lot of things. There is a chicken hanging on the faucet, and there is also a vegetable basket, which is full of stuff. You can vaguely see meat and shortbread."

But after a face-to-face meeting, Zhang Yulan could see it so clearly, if Dong Jiahui heard it, she would definitely admire Zhang Yulan to death.

Zheng Yuefen got angry when she mentioned this, she was dissatisfied when she saw her mother-in-law preparing a homecoming gift for her new sister-in-law this morning, when she married Donghe back home, her mother-in-law didn't prepare so many things for her, it was just eggs and meat That's all.

She joked with her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law actually said that her sister-in-law's family married a sewing machine as a dowry, so she should prepare a generous gift in return.

One sentence choked Zheng Yuefen.

What do you mean, blame her natal family for not accompanying the sewing machine

Zheng Yuefen also knows that it is not appropriate to make a big fuss about this matter, as her mother-in-law said, the dowry from the new sister-in-law's natal family is indeed thicker than her own, not only the sewing machine, but also a bed, a few bedding, and the Zhao family's dowry money. When I came back, when I married Donghe, my natal family not only didn't prepare any dowry, but also didn't give her the gift money, leaving it for my younger brother to pick up his wife.

Seeing that Zheng Yuefen was just unhappy but didn't speak, Zhang Yulan wondered how she could hold her breath today, and said again, "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I don't know if you know."

"What's the matter?"

"Your mother-in-law found the captain and asked the captain to arrange an easy job for your sister-in-law. She said that your sister-in-law is weak and delicate, and can only do delicate work, but can't do the work in the field. No, the captain arranged for your sister-in-law to do it." The warehouse keeper."

After Zhang Yulan finished speaking, Zheng Yuefen was about to explode, and this time she was really angry.

The same daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law treats her with two different hearts. She entered the door earlier than Dong Jiahui, and gave birth to a big fat grandson to the Zhao family.

On the other side, Zhao Donglin rode for about 30 minutes to the head of Dayu Village, and met several people from the village on the way.

"Hey, isn't that the daughter of the noble family?"

"Yeah, the one who just married into Zhao's family in Shanghe Village two days ago."

"The one riding the bike is her man, I heard he is the village party secretary of Shanghe Village?"

"Are you bringing the child with you when you return home?"

"The child was left by the man's former wife, who was an educated youth in the city and went back to the city after divorce."

"Oh, both of them are divorced."

Hammer was sent by his grandma to wait at the entrance of the village. When he saw Zhao Donglin's car, he ran there in a hurry.

"Aunt, uncle, you are here, grandma has been waiting all morning."

Heidan sat on the front bumper and looked at Hammer running over, obviously curious about him.

Dong Jiahui jumped out of the back seat with Yingbao in her arms, and said with a smile, "Did grandma send you over to wait?"

"Yes, I have received the task."

Dong Jiahui laughed and scolded, "You little clever ghost, you must know that there is something delicious waiting for me."

She took a few candies from her satchel to Hammer, handed them to him and said, "Here, here you go, run back and tell grandma that we'll be there soon."

Hammer ran away after receiving the task.

Zhao Donglin smiled and said, "This hammer is quite interesting."

"It's too skinny, you have to teach it well."

Dong Jiahui has already got out of the car and carried Yingbao to walk, Zhao Donglin also got out of the car and pushed the bicycle to accompany Dong Jiahui.

"Boys have to be skinny, the more skinny the better."

Like when he was a child, although he studied well, he still did those mischievous things. Thinking about it, he was really happy at that time.

This kind of happiness continued until he entered the military camp. He honed his composure and comprehension in the day-to-day training, and he also understood a lot of truths. Everyone was moved by the change, but in just a few months, everyone has undergone earth-shaking changes, and they have grown up in an instant. They are no longer the young man who swims and fishes in summer, and goes to the mountains to catch pheasants in winter.

Let’s talk about his son Heidan. When he comes back from being wrong, he finds that Heidan doesn’t like to talk. He goes to the fields with his grandma every day, and he doesn’t often play with friends of the same age. Zhao Donglin sometimes feels that this is not good. Heidan should be more lively, even if he is naughty. It's nothing, as long as there is no danger.

Dong Jiahui glanced at Zhao Donglin, "The more skinny the better, there is no scientific reason at all."

"Yo, you still tell me about science."

"Why, do you think that I, a rural woman, am not worthy of teaching science to you, the village party secretary?"

"That's not true. I just think what you said is very reasonable. You shouldn't be buried at home as a housewife."

Dong Jiahui snorted, "That is."

I am also a graduate student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor in modern times.

While they were talking, they arrived at Dong's house, Dong Jiahui was holding Yingbao in his hands, Zhao Donglin was carrying Heidan in the car, and the four of them entered the yard.

"Sister and brother-in-law are here."

"Dong Lin is here."

The family greeted them, and the four were instantly surrounded.

"This is Heidan, this is Yingbao, right? The two children look so good, so beautiful and neat."

Zhao Donglin carried Heitan off the car and put him on the ground. Heitan leaned against Zhao Donglin's leg, stared at the ground and said nothing, but Yingbao looked at you and him with round eyes, and didn't recognize him at all.

Chen Guixiang just likes little girls, so she took Ying Bao from Dong Jiahui's hands.

"This little girl looks really good, she looks like two sisters with our sweet girl."

"No, I think Yingbao and Tianniu are quite similar, and they both hurt people."

Zhou Yindi held Heidan's hand, stroked his head and said, "Heidan is about the same size as Xiaoman, come, come in, aunt will bring you something delicious."

Heidan hesitated, turned his head to look at Zhao Donglin, saw Zhao Donglin nodding to him, and then followed Zhou Yindi.

Jiahui's three older brothers chatted with Zhao Donglin, while Chen Guixiang took Dong Jiahui back to the house, still holding Yingbao in her arms.

"How is it? Do the Zhao family treat you well?"

In fact, Chen Guixiang almost knew it when she saw the return ceremony.


Dong Jiahui told Chen Guixiang about her life in Zhao's house in detail, and Chen Guixiang nodded with satisfaction.

"Just be nice to you. I don't think your mother-in-law is that unreasonable. I've visited her before. She's good to the daughter-in-law at home. Otherwise, even if you agree, I wouldn't dare marry you over."

Dong Jiahui hesitated to speak, she didn't know whether to tell Chen Guixiang about that matter, although it was a very personal matter, it was related to the original owner, as the original owner's mother, Chen Guixiang was also qualified to know the truth, after all, the original owner committed suicide by jumping into the river because of this Well, even though she came here later, the original owner is gone after all.

"What's the matter, just say what you want, don't hide it."

Seeing her daughter like this, Chen Guixiang thought there was something wrong with the Zhao family, so she hurriedly asked.

"It's not about the Zhao family, but it's the first time I've been with Donglin this time. I didn't know much about it before, and I haven't had anything to do with Lu."


Chen Guixiang's voice soared to an octave, startling Yingbao in her arms, she patted Yingbao on the back, and asked anxiously, "What do you mean by what you just said? Lu's slept?"

Chen Guixiang used the word "sleep" to embarrass Dong Jiahui, she nodded in embarrassment, Chen Guixiang got up suddenly, Yingbao was frightened again, Dong Jiahui saw her like this, took Yingbao into her arms and hugged her.

"That is to say, it's not because you have some problems that you didn't get pregnant, it's because that Lu didn't touch you at all!"

Dong Jiahui nodded, it should be, otherwise it wouldn't explain it.

"This one surnamed Lu, okay, pour dirty water on you, I'll bah, see if I don't punish him to death."

"Mom, let me just tell you, don't go looking for him. To be honest, I don't want to have anything to do with that kind of people. I'm living a good life with Donglin now, and I don't want to cause trouble."

Chen Guixiang choked and sighed.


She held Dong Jiahui's hand, feeling mixed emotions in her heart, and her eyes were hot again.

"I've been worrying for the past few days. I'm afraid that your life will be bad. If you have any troubles, it will really kill me."

She looked at her niece, her hair was black, her eyes were shining, her skin was moist and glowing, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth all the time.

"I'm finally relieved."

Knowing this, apart from hating the Lu family deeply, she couldn't help being happy for her daughter. She knew a man, no matter how indifferent he said, there must still be a little thorn in his heart. Now it's all right, the thorn in the son-in-law's heart is gone.

"Why are you so confused? Blame me. I didn't teach you well at the beginning, so you married someone without knowing anything."

It's also because the daughter is too young, she married into Lu's family at the age of eighteen, it looks like a moth.

When Chen Guixiang returned to the kitchen, she was all smiles, and several sister-in-laws teased Dong Jiahui, "It seems that Jiahui and her brother-in-law have a good life after marriage, otherwise, Mom can't be so happy."

"That's right, I brought an old hen, five catties of pork belly, eggs, and shortbread. What are these things? Isn't it the satisfaction of our Jiahui?"

"Our family is not bad. We started to eat early in the morning. It's because of my brother-in-law's face."

Zhou Yindi smiled and cut a piece of marinated pig heart and put it in Yingbao's mouth, "How about these two children, I think that boy is not very talkative."

She just took Heidan to find Xiaoman, let the children in the family play with Heidan, and brought him some food.

"It's generally okay, maybe I can't accept it all at once, after all, he still has a lot of affection for his mother."

"Hey, it's said that it's not easy to take care of a stepmother. If you take care of it well, no one will say it's good, but if you take care of it badly, people will say it."

"I'm fine, I'm used to being talked about anyway."

Whoever does not tell others behind their backs will not be told behind their backs.

Isn't that what life is all about? Dong Jiahui has already figured out a set of rules for her own life, which is to live her own life and let others talk about it. I live a good life, no matter what others say, anyway, there will be no loss of meat.

The sisters-in-law didn't dare to continue talking about Jiahui's previous affairs, and directly changed the topic, but Chen Guixiang sighed inwardly, lamenting that good fortune made people fool.

Who would have thought that it was such a thing that Jiahui didn't have a child? If she had known, she would have taken a hoe to the Lu family's house, making their family miserable.