Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 35


After the two brothers finished talking by the river, Zhao Donghe wanted to be alone and be quiet. It was the yard that Zhao Donglin went back to first.

Dong Jiahui has already taken a shower and is cutting a piece of floral cloth to make a coat for Mei Xiang.

"When are you going to town? Next time you go, remember to bring a few feet of cloth back. It's almost Chinese New Year. I'll make a set for each of my parents, and I'll also weigh some cotton. There are plenty of places to use it."

She has looked at the clothes of the two children. There are not many winter clothes, and there must be enough to wear, especially Ying Bao, who was born last winter and has grown from a baby to this big in a year, so the clothes must be re-prepared.

The eldest aunt came back with some leftover clothes, and Zhang Qiaoer also found a few with acquaintances. Not to mention these years, the big ones were worn for the small ones, and they were changed one by one. It's all pudding, let's say this patched clothes, others are reluctant to give it.

In winter, the climate is cold and humid, and it takes two days to wash a cotton-padded coat, not to mention it rains or snows. If you pee your pants or something, it will be troublesome.

Farmers often dry wet clothes on the stove, which dries quickly, but after drying, the clothes and pants are hard and uncomfortable to wear.

Anyway, the family conditions are not bad, there is no shortage of money to buy cloth and cotton. When the wheat is planted, the farm will start the longest slack season of the year. Dong Jiahui is going to take advantage of this time to buy winter clothes for the family, especially Heidan Yingbao. Clothes and pants, and a small quilt or something.

Zhao Donglin has no objection to his wife's arrangement, but he has a small thought and wants to go with his wife.

"I don't know how to choose, don't buy it, it's not suitable, you might as well go with me."

Dong Jiahui was right after thinking about it. Most men don't know anything about fabric patterns, needlework, etc. Let him go. If it doesn't fit, you have to change it. It's better to pick it yourself.

"Then take me with you when you go to town."

"En." Zhao Donglin replied, looking at the quiet and beautiful daughter-in-law under the kerosene lamp, she lowered her head and carefully drew lines on the fabric, just like the poem said, "The tenderness of bowing her head is like a flower of water." The lotus is too shy for the cool breeze." At this time, Jiahui was as beautiful and fragrant as a lotus in his eyes, which aroused the happiness and throbbing in his heart.

"It's so late, don't do it, it's not worth breaking your eyes."

Dong Jiahui marked the last place, put away her things, washed her hands and went to bed, just touching the sheets, she was hugged by Zhao Donglin.

"Just now in mother's room, I asked you a question and you didn't answer, why did you say that mother is so nice to me all of a sudden."

"Hasn't Mom always been nice to you?"

"You know that's not what I mean. Mom was very good to me before, but today is especially good, very good, better than before, and the change is too fast in the last twenty minutes or so."

Zhao Donglin smiled, "It's nothing, I just told my mother something."

Dong Jiahui looked at him suspiciously, what could make her mother-in-law so happy, seeing the meaningful look in his eyes, she suddenly said, "You, you won't tell my mother about me!"

Zhao Donglin nodded, "Say, what's wrong?"

Dong Jiahui beat Zhao Donglin's chest with her fist, and said in embarrassment, "Why are you telling mom this, it's so embarrassing."

Zhao Donglin held her hand, got up and pressed her under him, and said in a hoarse voice, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, at my age, I haven't seen anything."

After finishing speaking, she pressed her lower lip, only Dong Jiahui's sobs were left in the room.


Zhao Donghe blew a cool breeze by the river for about 20 minutes, and Zheng Yuefen was already lying on the bed after returning to the house.

"Where are the stones?"

Not seeing his son, Zhao Donghe asked.

"It's at my parents' place, I guess they're asleep."

Normally, she would go to the in-laws' room to bring the stone over. Today, she would be embarrassed to go if she had a problem with her mother-in-law.

Hearing what she said, Zhao Donghe didn't say anything, he sat down on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed, propped his arms and turned his head to ask Zheng Yuefen, "Did you say something to Heidan before the new sister-in-law came in, saying that you recognized the new mother?" Mei won't come back?"

Zheng Yuefen's heart tightened, she didn't expect Zhao Donghe to suddenly ask about this matter, based on her understanding of Donghe, he hates people who talk badly, and he would definitely be angry if he admitted it.

"No, who did you listen to say, can I do this kind of thing?"

Seeing that she did not admit it, Zhao Donghe snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, Zheng Yuefen, let me tell you for the last time, put away your petty thoughts, live a good life, don't mess with what you have, if you think this life is too good, I can help you if you don't want to live it. Tomorrow, remember to admit your mistake to mom, and sister-in-law, don't provoke her again, and you should stay away from the black egg Yingbao."

Zheng Yuefen was ashamed and annoyed when she heard it, she knew that she was wrong to quarrel with her mother, but what did Zhao Donghe mean by saying that, can't she speak softly, must it be so ugly

"Don't provoke me" and "stay away", as if I have some infectious disease, is she that miserable

The most important thing is that in the past few years after marriage, Zhao Donghe has always given way to her. He never bothered with her about some trivial matters before, and this is the first time he has spoken so forcefully.

"What do you mean, what do you want to fulfill me, how do you want to fulfill it, just like your brother, want to get divorced and find another one who suits you?"

She seemed to have forgotten that Zhao Donglin didn't ask for the divorce on his own initiative, it was Wang Mei's wholehearted desire to return to the city that caused so many troubles.

If it wasn't for Wang Mei who wanted to go back to the city, and Zhao Donglin divorced her, Zhao Donglin might have been promoted to battalion commander in the army, and the life of the Zhao family would still be the same as before. Dong Jiahui's marriage.

Zhao Donghe turned his head and glanced at Zheng Yuefen. At this time, she was still messing around, she didn't know what to say.

"You want to wake up the whole family in the middle of the night and I will accompany you, but let me remind you, you are out of line today, who will have a bad face if you make trouble?"

Zheng Yuefen's chest was heaving and panting, she was not upset but she also knew that Zhao Donghe was telling the truth, if she continued to make trouble, not to mention her mother-in-law, even Zhao Donghe would not bear herself any longer.

She turned around and lay down, hugged the quilt and fell asleep with her eyes closed. Seeing her like this, she hadn't made any progress for so many years, she shook her head helplessly, and took off her coat and lay down on the other side.

The next day Dong Jiahui opened her eyes after the sound of the rooster crowing, and Zhao Donglin's arm was still around her waist. The pain in her whole body reminded her of the madness of last night. She herself was that poor prey.

Her back was sore, her legs were sore, and she had to get up early to cook in the cold weather. Dong Jiahui felt that she was suffering so much that she wanted to cry.

"Don't get up, sleep a little longer."

She was grabbing his arm and trying to shake it off, but Zhao Donglin held her hand instead, wrapping her into his warm and generous embrace, and caressing her back through the clothes with his palm.

Dong Jiahui feels comfortable in her heart, but her face is tender, and if she delays in getting up, others will know what the reason is. After all, as an adult, who still doesn't understand this twist Come on, that's really embarrassing.

"No, I have to cook breakfast."

It is agreed that she will cook the meal, and she will cook it for the past few mornings.

Zhao Donglin kissed her on the face, and helped her press the sore back and waist with his big hands, and said while pressing, "Then close your eyes and sleep for another five minutes."

In the bottom of her heart, Dong Jiahui couldn't escape the temptation of this comfort. She closed her eyes as she said. When she woke up after closing the eyes, the sky was already bright. She took out her watch from under the pillow and looked at it, it was 6:20!

God, she usually gets up at five o'clock, but today she was an hour late.

Hurriedly washed up before going out, in the yard, Mei Xiang was drying clothes, a few children were squatting and playing by the vegetable field, Zhao Donglin was chopping firewood, Zheng Yuefen was sitting by the well washing her and Donghe's clothes, her mother-in-law was busy in the kitchen, and she didn't see her father-in-law The figure, probably went out to log off.

Dong Jiahui went into the kitchen with a blushing face, saw Zhang Qiaoer serving porridge for dinner, and hurried over to help.

"Mom, I got up late today."

Zhao Qiaoer looked happy when she saw her blushing face, and said with a smile, "It's okay, why don't you just sleep more, and I won't eat you, you young people should sleep more, when you were young, you should sleep more. Enjoy it when you get older and want to enjoy it, and when the time comes, you won’t be able to fall asleep even if you want to sleep, and you will wake up at the slightest sign of trouble.”

Don't say that Zhang Qiaoer didn't care much about this, otherwise, how could the Zhao family's daughter-in-law live so comfortably? There are only so many housework at home, others do more or less, and she can do it all by herself.

I didn't care about it before, but I didn't care about it after hearing what my son said yesterday. How can the couple have a bad relationship and have children? She still hopes that Donglin will have more children. Rural people pay attention to having more children and more blessings. Black eggs, or less.

During breakfast, Zhao Donghe made an expression with Zheng Yuefen, signaling that she should not forget what he said last night and apologize to his mother.

There is nothing Zheng Yuefen can do if she doesn't want to, Zhao Donghe is usually easy to talk to, but once he gets into trouble, he has to rely on him.

Besides, she did have feelings for Dong He, and she didn't want to make the relationship so rigid.

So, Zheng Yuefen put down the chopsticks in her hand, waited for Ai Ai to speak, and said to Zhang Qiaoer, "Mom, I was wrong yesterday, I shouldn't talk back to you, I shouldn't have said those nasty things, I already knew I was wrong, Mom, you just Adults don’t remember me as villains, please forgive me.”

Zhang Qiaoer lowered her eyes and ate the fried pickles in a slow manner. Zheng Yuefen didn't even raise her head when she said such an air.

I really know why I didn't say anything when I came back last night, and I didn't say anything when I woke up this morning. Don't think she didn't see the second child to wink.

"It's good to know that you are wrong. From now on, don't just open your mouth when you speak. No matter what you say, think about it before you say it. The words you say are like the water that is poured out. This time I don't care. But it’s not so easy to talk about.”

It's the opposite of the sky, which daughter-in-law dares to be so stubborn with her mother-in-law? If it weren't for looking at Donghe, how could she have passed so easily.

Zheng Yuefen bit her lip, her mother-in-law said that she didn't care about her own face at all, especially in front of Dong Jiahui, she was not very happy, she looked at Dong Jiahui, and saw that she had nothing to do with herself, I'm feeding Yingbao porridge.