Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 36


After breakfast, Zhang Qiaoer asked Meixiang to take Yingbao at home, and she took Jiahui to the captain's house.

"Brother Huaishan has a good friendship with our family. I have already said hello. You can do whatever job he arranges for you. Don't hold back if you encounter someone who makes things difficult for you. Come back and tell me, and I will find it for you." to the venue."

On the way, Zhang Qiaoer told Jiahui about the team. A production team has dozens of households and more than 200 people. There are 16 production teams in Shanghe Village.

Who is close to her family, who is the most difficult to get along with, who likes to gossip, who likes petty theft, etc., she explained to Jiahui one by one.

Dong Jiahui is a new daughter-in-law, and she hasn't been around much for a few days after marriage. Except for a few acquaintances, more than half of the people in the village don't know each other. She couldn't match what Zhang Qiaoer mentioned for a while.

This is the time when people in the village go out for activities one after another. Seeing Zhang Qiaoer and Jiahui walking on the road, they inevitably have to go forward and say a few words.

"Guixiang, where are you taking your wife?"

"Go to Huaishan's house."

After Zhang Qiaoer answered, she turned around and introduced to Jiahui, "This is your fifth aunt, who lives in the third house in the front row of our house."

Dong Jiahui stood aside, showing a decent smile, "Hello Fifth Aunt."

Aunt Wu has been observing Dong Jiahui quietly. Today Dong Jiahui is wearing a maroon jacket, black overalls, and white sneakers on her feet. A twisted braid hangs behind her head, with bangs parted in the middle, white skin, and eyes Looking at people with a full smile, her small mouth is as bright as red, looking elegant and delicate.

She clicked her tongue twice in her heart, thinking that this Zhao family really knows how to marry a daughter-in-law, the previous Wang Mei was not bad, but the new one is no different, even the second daughter-in-law, Yue Fen, is also dignified and generous.

"Hey, your daughter-in-law looks really cute, and people like it at first sight."

Aunt Wu's words were half-truths and half-false. Dong Jiahui's appearance was indeed pleasing. Who doesn't like a smiling face, but Aunt Wu couldn't accept the fact that she was divorced.

But she thought in her heart that she couldn't say that with her mouth, she still had to say something nice, as for how to say it in private, it was another matter.

Zhang Qiao'er didn't care whether the fifth aunt said the truth, anyway, she was very happy to hear it.

"No, she's well-behaved and sensible. She can cook and make clothes, and she can do housework neatly. It's just that she's so honest that I worry about it."

Aunt Wu laughed and said, "I see, you don't have an extra daughter-in-law, but a girl."

Zhang Qiaoer also laughed, "No, this girl is more considerate than her own daughter."

After talking and joking, they separated, and Zhang Qiaoer led Jiahui to continue walking. After walking about 500 meters, they finally arrived at Captain Ding Huaishan's house.

"This is the captain of our production team, your brother Huaishan, and this is your sister-in-law Ping."

Ding Huaishan was young but anxious, tall and burly, with a simple and honest smile. Aunt Ping was very enthusiastic. When she saw them coming, she hurriedly asked them to come in and asked them if they had breakfast. no.

"We ate at home."

"Really? They're all from my own family, so don't be too polite. There's sweet potato porridge in the pot."

"You're welcome, what else is there to be polite with you?"

As an aunt, Zhang Qiaoer's age is not much different from Daping's. Speaking of Zhang Qiaoer's biological father, he is also a person with a lot of stories. He was very capable when he was young, and he was handsome and handsome. Ding Huaishan's mother was one of them.

Zhang Qiaoer is her father's old daughter, so she is not a few years older than Ding Huaishan. She still remembers when Ding Huaishan's mother was her father's concubine.

When she was six years old, Ding Huaishan's mother left the Zhang family and married an honest man in the same village who did not marry a wife. This man was Ding Huaishan's father.

What's rare is that they don't feel embarrassed, and their relationship is actually quite good.

Anyway, when Dong Jiahui knew that the two families were in such a relationship, she couldn't describe her feeling in shock.

Ding Huaishan went back to the house and took out the key, and handed it to Dong Jiahui, "The work of keeping the warehouse is very simple, you just need to ensure that there are a lot of things. You take this key, and the team leader goes to the warehouse to pick up things every day. Pay it back the same day."

There are many labor tools in the team, such as sickles, hoes, plows, wooden carts, wheelbarrows, tractors, etc., all of which are important assets of the team, and they must be relied on for farm work.

For example, there are only five tractors in the entire Shanghe Village, and their team belongs to the advanced production team and only has one tractor. Ding Huaishan's son usually drives it.

The team leader explained the precautions. There are two key points. One is that there must be no shortage of things, and the other is to ensure that there must be someone in the warehouse before starting work.

On the first day, Zhang Qiaoer accompanied Dong Jiahui to the warehouse. Afraid of Jiahui's psychological pressure on the way, she comforted her and said, "Don't worry, this job is not difficult. You just need to remember to open the door at 7:40 every day. Who gets what?" Just remember clearly, just close the door before you leave."

Dong Jiahui expressed understanding that this job is actually similar to some factory custodians in later generations.

On the first day of work, Dong Jiahui was naturally watched by everyone.

"Is this Sister Ya's eldest daughter-in-law?"

"I looked thin on the wedding day, but I look fine today."

"When did our team arrange custodians, and there are still people looking after such a few things."

"Hey, what the captain arranges is what you say, what's the use of what you say."

"If you don't arrange it early, all the benefits will be taken by others."

"You are just jealous, if you have the ability, ask the captain to arrange for you."

Speaking of it, the warehouse keeper is easy, but the work points are not as much as the land, and besides, to write notes every day, you have to know two characters. The older people in the village are illiterate and illiterate, and everyone is used to working , being a custodian feels restrained.

But it doesn't matter if I don't know how to read, the children in the family can read and write, it's not worthwhile for boys to do this, isn't it just right for girls

I haven't set up an administrator for so many years, and now I suddenly give this job to Donglin's wife, and no one will believe it if there is nothing wrong with it.

After opening the warehouse, Dong Jiahui divided up the hoes, rakes and other agricultural tools, took out a notepad, and used a self-made excel sheet to record the people who borrowed the agricultural tools and the approximate time.

"We didn't need to register before, why are we so troublesome today?"

Most of the people who came to the warehouse to pick up farm tools were young and middle-aged or elderly laborers. There were no custodians before joining the team, so naturally no one registered for this.

"Master, it's my first day on the job today. Please cooperate. You just need to move your mouth and I will record it. You will get used to it after registering a few times."

As the saying goes, when you stretch out your hand, you don't hit a smiling person. When a young daughter-in-law talks to herself with a smile on her face, no one can really put down her face, and they all register in the end.

The people who were waiting for the tools left, and the captain Ding Huaishan came to see Dong Jiahui's situation.

"Siblings, how are you? Can you adapt?"

Dong Jiahui handed over her notebook, "Captain, I don't know if this is right, why don't you show it?"

Ding Huaishan's result record book, when looking at Dong Jiahui's watch, he didn't realize it. The main reason was that it was too formal, just like an accountant making a watch to report to the commune.

The table header is divided into farm tools, borrowers, borrowing time, whether to return, and the vertical column is the date.

"You are amazing, have you studied accounting before?"

"No, I just read a few books on accounting, but I haven't studied it systematically."

Ding Huaishan nodded in satisfaction, and handed the notebook to Dong Jiahui.

"Okay, very good, I'm relieved to see you doing so well."

Originally, it was for the face of Zhang Qiaoer and Zhao Donglin, so Dong Jiahui was reluctant to be the custodian. On the way here, he encountered some thorns in the team and was secretly reprimanded, which meant that he was using his power for personal gain. Now it seems that my decision is not bad, at least Dong Jiahui is not an embroidered pillow, and if she encounters other people talking nonsense, she has something to say.

Everyone returned the farm tools after work at noon, and Zhang Qiaoer was worried, so she stopped by the warehouse even though she didn't borrow the farm tools.

"How are you doing today?"


"Your brother Huaishan also said that you did a good job, that you made a watch yourself, and that you are as good as the accountant in the village, and praised you for your good handwriting."

Zhang Qiaoer came over to look at the horizontal and vertical lines on the paper, which looked very sophisticated. She didn't know many characters, but she could still tell the quality of the characters. At least the characters written by Dong Jiahui were arranged neatly one by one, similar to that Poured on the paper, the words written as if drunk are not the same.

"Let's go home and eat. I don't know what Meixiang cooked today."

Two days ago, Zhao Meixiang also learned how to cook with Dong Jiahui. Jiahui started to teach a little bit from the preparation of dishes, and her cooking skills have improved a little bit compared to before. At least she knows what fried oil is.

"In the future, you don't have to stay all the time, you can go back when there is no one in the middle."

Dong Jiahui also knew that she could come back in the middle, but she was on the job for the first time today, and she was a newcomer in the workplace, so she didn't dare to act like an old fritter from the beginning.

"Then I'll go back and cook when I have time."

When they got home, the food was already on the table, waiting for them to start when they got home.

Seeing Dong Jiahui coming back, Yingbao came over on her short legs and wanted her to hug her. Dong Jiahui smiled and picked her up, kissed her little face and said, "Does our Yingbao miss me? Seeing me come back So happy."

"I don't miss you. You give her this delicious or that delicious food at home, and she still chooses what I cook for her."

Sitting at the dining table, Heidan watched Dong Jiahui hug Yingbao, and even watched her kiss Yingbao.

Even Wang Mei had never done this kind of intimate expression to him. Heitan felt a little envious, his eyes fixed on him, but his small mouth was tightly pursed, showing a posture of self-defense.

After eating at noon, Dong Jiahui took the initiative to wash the dishes, and Heidan played with stones under the tree alone. Dong Jiahui looked through the window and saw that Heidan's trousers were scratched, the pants were a little short, and Heidan's shoes were worn out. It's also quite serious. He goes to work with Zhao Manzhu every day, and his clothes and shoes get dirty easily.

"Heidan is four years old this year, shouldn't he be enlightened?"

"Well, why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

At that time, there were no kindergartens, and the children in the village went to primary school at the age of six or seven. At the age of Heidan, it was not yet time to go to school.

What's more, children in rural areas at this time have no such thing as enlightenment.

"His age is the best time for learning. Teach him a little every day, and he will learn faster than others when he goes to school."

Although she never calls herself a "mother" or "mother", she still has a basic compassion for children, and tries to be an adult when considering issues.

All kinds of early education are popular in modern times. Children who are a few months old start to take various early education classes, and there are also those who start prenatal education just after pregnancy. It can be said that a series of competitions have already begun from the mother's womb.

Dong Jiahui raised this question, and Zhao Donglin said that it was false not to be moved. In life, Dong Jiahui took enough care of the black egg Yingbao, and she was a very competent stepmother. The life of the children, even considering their education, is the concern from the heart.

Zhao Donglin held Dong Jiahui's hand and stroked her palm, no amount of words could express his feelings at this moment.

"I have made many decisions in my life. Besides going to the army, the most correct decision is to marry you home, really."

This sudden confession made Dong Jiahui a little ashamed and blushed.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

Zhao Donglin hugged him into his arms, full of tenderness in his heart.

"What I'm saying is from the bottom of my heart. In the past, I was most worried about Heidan and Yingbao. I was afraid that they would be wronged by finding someone else. The first time I saw you, I thought you would be a good mother and wife. , Facts have proved that my choice is not wrong."

This is the first time that Zhao Donglin has mentioned the topic of Heidan Yingbao directly. Dong Jiahui has an indescribable feeling in her heart. Although she really loves Heidan and Yingbao, they are not her own children after all. They are the children of Zhao Donglin and others. , She sometimes wonders whether Zhao Donglin will often think of his ex-wife Wang Mei, saying that they are a one-night couple with a hundred days of grace, not to mention that they have children, and the cuts are constant, and the reasoning is still chaotic.

"What's wrong?"

Dong Jiahui shook her head, "It's nothing, I was just thinking, if I treat Heidan Yingbao badly, will you be disappointed with me, our relationship..."

"No, there is no such if, what I see is that kind of you, I know you will be good to them, and I believe it from the beginning."

"Don't think about it too much. I didn't want to marry you because of this. I really liked you and admired you. Your character and morality are only part of it."

Zhao Donglin was afraid that Jiahui would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained a few words. Dong Jiahui laughed and said, "Why are you nervous? That's what I said. Anyway, as long as you treat me wholeheartedly and don't think about others, I will definitely treat the child well." , but if you move your mind that you shouldn't, I will show you."

She would be willing to marry Zhao Donglin. To be this cheap stepmother, apart from being forced by the situation, she also admired Zhao Donglin. Although he was divorced and had two children, he was handsome and not too old, at least In modern times, thirty is just the right age.

Moreover, he has an inexplicable temperament, the perseverance of a soldier, and the connotation of a sub-cultural man. This kind of man was born in the wrong era. If he was in modern times, he would definitely be able to make a career.

When Dong Jiahui went to the warehouse in the afternoon, she put on the watch that Zhao Donglin bought for her. It was inconvenient to wear it for work, but now she was working as a custodian, which was quite suitable.

When Dong Jiahui was going out, she happened to run into Zheng Yuefen. Zheng Yuefen's eyes seemed to be equipped with radar, and she noticed Dong Jiahui's wrist at a glance.

"Sister-in-law still has a watch. I didn't see you wearing it two days ago."

Zheng Yuefen's eyes were burning, and what she said was somewhat inexplicable. Dong Jiahui smiled half-truthfully, "I don't need to explain anything to others. I just have a watch. I can wear it whenever I want. Is there a problem?"

After Dong Jiahui finished speaking, she didn't care about Zheng Yuefen's face, and went directly to the warehouse, leaving Zheng Yuefen grinding her teeth at her back with a dark face.

That watch still looks new, it must be newly bought, maybe it was a gift from her mother-in-law who secretly made it up for her, if it was the Dong family’s dowry, why didn’t it take it out when giving the dowry, besides, the Dong family’s conditions can’t be said How wonderful, it is impossible to accompany a sewing machine and a watch, that is a Shanghai brand, more than 100 yuan!

It has to be said that Zheng Yuefen got the truth, but she made a mistake with the person. This watch was not a bride price, but Zhao Donglin bought it for his wife with his retirement allowance, it was his private money.