Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 41


This year, the team raised 23 pigs, 15 were handed over to the commune, and the remaining 8 were slaughtered for the New Year. Each pig was carefully fed by the commune members, weighing up to 200 catties.

The pig slaughtering scene was very lively, and there were quite a few people watching the fun, most of them still holding baskets and pots in their hands, just waiting for the meat to be divided.

"Should be able to get a lot this year, right? Last year it was six, and the family got 28. This year must be more than last year."

"A lot is definitely a lot, but last year I didn't taste a single bite of those dumplings, but I ate two bites. My family avoided me when they ate meat, which made me so angry."

"Isn't that so, cooking in one pot can hide you from eating meat?"

"When I go back to my mother's house, it's fine if I don't give it to me. Da Zhuang is the grandson of their family, and he doesn't even leave two yuan. I don't expect them at all."

Next to Dong Jiahui were two young daughters-in-law, they both complained about their in-laws' family, but her mother-in-law Zhang Qiaoer was standing next to her, which made her a little embarrassed.

"Mom, will the released pig blood be divided into teams?"

Although Dong Jiahui is not particularly fond of this bite, it is not bad to eat it once in a while. Of course, the most important thing is that she wants to make pig blood cake.

"There is not much pig blood. Some people like to eat it and some don't. Whoever wants meat should share less."

Speaking of which, it is collective property, and everyone has a share. This kind of distribution mechanism is the most taboo of the word "unfair", such as pig blood. Even if some people don't like to eat it, they should be unhappy when they see that others have it. Therefore, the meat that requires pig blood should be reduced by one or two taels as appropriate.

"Mom, does anyone want some water? I want some pork belly and lungs to make soup. It's very nourishing."

It was a pity that Jiahui saw that those who were thrown into the water were casually thrown on the ground, and no one seemed to pay attention.

"Can this stuff be eaten?"

It’s not that no one eats water and the like, but it’s extremely troublesome to clean up. If it’s not cleaned up, it will have a strange smell. In addition, everyone’s stomach is short of oil and water, so eating fat meat is fun. Usually, I really wouldn’t buy this. .

Jiahui also discovered the differences between regions and times. For example, Shengli Commune has a lot of water and fish, but the local people don’t like to eat fish, and the cooking methods are also very simple, unlike the 21st century, where one kind of food comes in hundreds There are different methods and different tastes. Taking fish as an example, there are fish head with chopped pepper, fish with pickled cabbage, fish in stone pot, squirrel fish, grilled fish, etc.

"Yes, you can eat it after washing it, just like a big bone, it's delicious to make soup."

The daughter-in-law said it was delicious, and it was definitely not bad. She remembered the taste of the bone soup. The key thing was that it was affordable. You could buy a few catties for fifty cents. Cook it in a big pot, add some radishes in it, and have a delicious meal. Round and round.

"Success, I'll talk to you Huaishan brother, then he will be kept for our family."

Several pigs were slaughtered for more than two hours, and weighed after slaughtering, the pure meat was more than 1,500 catties.

"Great, this year is really a bumper harvest."

Everyone smiled. The accountant in the team took the abacus he had prepared early and calculated the amount of pork that each family could share based on the total work points of the team members. The Zhao family could get forty-five catties. Of course, this The count does not include Zhao Donglin, who has to go to the commune to get his share.

Forty-five catties sounds like a lot at first glance, but it takes about ten catties to make steamed buns and dumplings, and about ten catties to entertain relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year. There will not be much left after a year.

When dividing the meat, it is the same as the panic buying in the shopping malls in later generations. Everyone wants to divide first, and choose the front legs with good quality meat, especially the fatty pork belly.

"I want this piece, just give me a knife."

"Does anyone want a pig's head? No one wants to give it to me. I'll take this one."

"I have such a big bone in this piece, the bones are heavy, I am not at a disadvantage."

Ding Huaishan, who was so noisy, had a headache. He patted the table and shouted loudly, "Don't make noise, just give whatever you want. Forget about the time when you have no food? Let you eat too much." Are you full? Nothing to worry about."

"Is it possible that a pig has front legs, and the hind legs don't need to grow? If you don't want it, then don't divide it."

After yelling, he took a sip of water to moisturize his throat, and began to soothe everyone's emotions with a pleasant face.

"Families line up to receive them in order. Let's strive to treat each household fairly. Those who have more bones will take a piece of fat, and those who want pig heads will register. Let the accountant see how many people want it, and we can discuss how to divide it."

It took two hours to slaughter the pig, and it took more than three hours to divide the meat. Dong Jiahui was too lazy to listen to the noise of the vegetable market. After receiving the pig's blood, she took the initiative to ask Ying to take it back first. Before leaving, she didn't forget to remind her mother-in-law about getting into the water.

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

In fact, if Jiahui hadn't reminded her, Zhang Qiaoer would have forgotten about it.

The first thing Jiahui did after arriving home with the pig's blood was to add a spoonful of salt to the pig's blood and stir it so that the pig's blood would gradually coagulate.

Then, she quickly scooped up two spoonfuls of glutinous rice, washed it and soaked it in water. The soaking process took about half an hour.

During this process, Jiahui prepared the seasonings needed and cleaned the steamer for later use.

After the glutinous rice is soaked, put it in a steamer and cook it. After the glutinous rice is cooked, pour it into the pig's blood and stir it. Cut it into long strips and pass it through with a long bamboo stick. Put it in the steamer again and steam it until it is cooked. At this time, it can be used practically. The pig's blood cake is delicious, whether it is dipped in soy sauce or chili sauce, it tastes very good.

Dong Jiahui poured some soy sauce and tasted it by herself. It was fragrant and glutinous, which was the kind of taste she had eaten when she was a child.

Before finishing a bite, Zhang Qiaoer led the family back.

"Hey, it stinks to death. Hurry up and throw it over there. What are you going to do with this thing? Who will eat it if it's so disgusting?"

It turned out that Zhang Qiaoer and Ding Huaishan wanted to go into the water. Ding Huaishan not only gave pig lungs and belly, but also two large intestines. Zhang Qiaoer asked Zheng Yuefen to carry it.

"Mom, Meixiang, I've already made pork blood cake, do you want to try it? Heidan Shitou, come here too."

Hearing that there was food, several people happily walked to the kitchen, especially Heidanshi, who rushed in like a bullet.

Dong Jiahui didn't call Zheng Yuefen, she is getting along with Zheng Yuefen now, and I won't quarrel with you, I will treat you as air, this kind of attitude of ignoring often makes Zheng Yuefen feel humiliated, but she wants to have a fit again. No suitable reason could be found.

Just like right now, when everyone went to the kitchen to eat pig blood cake, Zheng Yuefen naturally wanted to eat it too. Even if Jiahui didn't call her, she couldn't stop her desire to eat it. She felt unhappy, but she went with everyone in action.

"Hmm! It's my first time eating this, sister-in-law, this is too delicious!"

"It's a bit like a zongzi. It's really rare for us to do this. It's because you have a good brain, why did you think of doing it like this?"

People here usually stew tofu with pig's blood, stew with pig's blood in soup, and even eat it directly after heating with some salt and pepper.

"Mei Xiang, take two to your uncle's house. Your aunt loves rice dumplings, so she must like this one."

Mei Xiang nodded, filled a bowl with two and went to the uncle's house.

"Children of glutinous rice should eat less. If they eat too much, they will accumulate food and their stomachs will swell."

Zhang Qiaoer saw that the two grandsons were eating deliciously one bite at a time, afraid that they would have a stomachache if they ate too much, and hurriedly stopped them. As for Yingbao, one piece is enough and no more can be eaten.

"Yeah, you can't eat too much, you have to save some stomach for other things."

The child who was a bit reluctant at first stopped talking willingly when he heard Jiahui say that there was still food to eat. Where no one was paying attention, Zheng Yuefen also stopped eating, obviously looking forward to the delicious food that Jiahui said .

Cleaning up the sewage is a troublesome process. Jiahui picked up some stove ashes from the stove, threw the cleaned sewage into the stove ash and rubbed it to clean the layer of grease on the skin.

"Hey, your method is quite good."

Zhang Qiaoer saw that the eldest daughter-in-law worked well and quickly, and couldn't help admiring in her heart. Maybe it was because she had too little expectation of Jiahui before her marriage, and Jiahui often gave her a sense of surprise afterwards.

Jiahui first cleaned the pork belly and lungs, which was to be kept for the stew.

Put water and seasoning into the soup pot, and simmer slowly on a briquette stove. It takes about two hours to stew the flavor.

The remaining large intestine is a big project. Although Jiahui can tidy it up, she is still a little princess who only needs to eat without doing anything in modern times!

"Dong Lin, help me get this done, and I'll cook something delicious for you."

When Jiahui was at a loss, Zhao Donglin came back pushing the bicycle, and she hurried over to pull Zhao Donglin.

"Wait, wait until I put the pedals down."

She dragged the car away before it stopped, and then dealt with two extremely smelly pig intestines.

But after all, he is a soldier who has been baptized through countless difficulties and obstacles. He is not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice with real guns and ammunition. What is the little pig intestines

"Great, you're really good, wait, I'll cook something delicious for you."

Zhao Donglin bent over the well to wash his hands with soap, seeing Jiahui's happy face, the corners of his mouth also curled up.

As long as it makes his wife happy, not to mention the whole pig's intestines, he is willing to let him jump into the cesspit. Of course, it would be even better if he can cooperate with him in bed at night as gratitude.

This evening, other people's family served braised pork and pork head meat, Zhao's family served pork belly and lung soup, stir-fried large intestine with green peppers, and pork dumplings with Chinese cabbage.

The milky white soup is filled with delicious dumplings. Pick a piece of chili sauce and put it in. It is fragrant and spicy, and the taste goes straight to the brain. And the pig's large intestine, which is originally smelly, how can it be so delicious when cooked? Simply unscientific!

The whole family's stomachs are full of food. The key is that there is no money for the water. Jiahui stewed a big soup pot and can continue to eat tomorrow.

"This is really, I feel very comfortable after eating."

Zhang Qiaoer has never been to school, so she doesn't know what happiness is. She only knows that she is extremely happy and comfortable at this moment. This is the happiness that food brings to people.

Under the dim kerosene lamp, everyone had a warm smile on their face, even Zheng Yuefen lost the sharpness and tit-for-tat in the past.

After eating, Jiahui took a bath, and left the pot and pan kitchen to Meixiang and Zheng Yuefen. Today, Zheng Yuefen worked more willingly than ever before.

When Jiahui came out of the bathroom, the main kitchen was already dark, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you so capable, you can cook anything?"

As soon as Jiahui returned to the house, Zhao Donglin hugged her into his arms, and kissed her face and mouth impatiently. Jiahui felt that her legs could not stand up after a while, and pushed him onto the bed.

Zhao Donglin hugged her horizontally with a smile, consuming all the calories from dinner on Jiahui.

It was late at night, the wind was blowing the clouds, and the dim moonlight was blocked by the dark clouds from time to time. Only the starry sky indicated that tomorrow would be a good day again.