Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 45


1976 was a year of turmoil, and it was also a year of great sorrow for the people of the whole country. In this year, three great men passed away one after another. Although Shengli Commune was thousands of miles away from the capital, the people in the commune loved the great man’s devotion. The heart is no worse than anyone else's. The old people wept with grief after hearing the news, and various activities in memory of the great man were carried out in the school.

This year's National Day is not as lively as in previous years, because Chairman M, our great savior of the people, passed away more than 20 days ago.

At the end of October, the commune suddenly notified Zhao Donglin to go to the county for a meeting. The meeting lasted for two full days. When he came back, he brought back news to the village head that the Digital Gang had fallen.

"Yeah, why did you say you just fell down?"

Village head Xu Haiming smoked a cigarette, his face flickered in the smoke ring, he couldn't tell what he was feeling, he seemed to be relieved, but at the same time he was a little at a loss.

Life has not been easy for everyone in the past ten years, especially in the past few years, when there was a disagreement, he went online, and he, the village chief, also held his heart.

"The meaning above is to let us stabilize the hearts of the people, find problems and solve them in a timely manner. The news has not yet come out, but it does not rule out that someone with a heart will provoke, 'a centipede is dead but not stiff', and a grasshopper after autumn can also jump."

Xu Haiming nodded, "Yes, I know the seriousness of this problem. Don't worry, I will never make political mistakes."

He is just a village chief, unlike Zhao Donglin, who was sent by the commune. Like this meeting, the commune named Zhao Donglin to go, which shows that the higher-ups value Zhao Donglin. At Zhao Donglin's age, he can't stay in the village as the village secretary for the rest of his life. I want to go up, but I am different. I am in my forties. I don’t think I’m old or I’m young. It’s not bad to be a good village chief. His biggest goal is to be transferred to the commune one day, no matter what he does. , It is good to have a cadre establishment.

In fact, the leaders above thought too much. The common people didn't care about politics, especially Shanghe Village, which was so far away from the political center. Everyone only cared about whether they could have enough food and clothing, whether they could live and work in peace, and couldn't think about other things at all.

Don't be afraid even if the sky is falling, there is a tall person to support it, and nothing will fall, as long as it doesn't affect your life.

"Why did it take so long this time?"

I went to the county for a meeting before, and I could go back in the morning and go back in the evening, unlike this time, I stayed in the county for one night.

As a traveler, Dong Jiahui knows the major events that happened in the country at various times, but she is on a historical cruise ship and cannot be a tourist who stays out of it. Her concern for Zhao Donglin is from the bottom of her heart. After all, no amount of knowledge can replace her. life itself.

Zhao Donglin just took a shower and was wiping his head with a towel. When his wife asked, he didn't hide it.

"The news from above is that the gang has collapsed. During this special period, the county leaders have made some arrangements for everyone's meetings to prevent mistakes in the work of all levels."

That's all he can say. This is only a few words when asked by his own daughter-in-law. If others ask, Zhao Donglin will never say anything. After two years of marriage with Jiahui, he knows that Jiahui is a quiet, sensible person. , What should be said and what should not be said is very good.

Dong Jiahui thought to herself, this is indeed the case. The collapse of the Communist Party indicates that the country is about to start a new era, and the pace of reform and opening up has taken another step forward. Moreover, the college entrance examination will soon be put on the agenda.

In fact, Dong Jiahui had dug out the original owner's high school textbook a long time ago. She is a top student in modern times, but the book knowledge of this era is very different from that of later generations. If you familiarize yourself with it in advance, you can prepare it in advance to ensure nothing goes wrong.

In addition to textbooks, she also found some review materials, and sometimes she pretended to forget the knowledge points and asked Meixiang, so that Meixiang was forced to review her high school knowledge from time to time.

Meixiang once asked Jiahui why she read high school textbooks. Jiahui’s answer was, “We as parents must set an example and set a good example for our children. Heidan will go to elementary school next year. Sometimes, I study with him, so that he knows the importance of learning. The other is to review the old and learn the new. Knowledge is always learning and always new. I found that I will lose this knowledge for a while. When I grow up, if someone asks me if I can’t do it, I’ll tell them I can’t do it, so will it be embarrassing for me as an elder?”

This passage made Mei Xiang completely confused. Although she didn't understand the relationship between high school textbooks and Heidan's study, what my sister-in-law said sounded very reasonable.

She is now a small fan of Jiahui. This year, under Jiahui's leadership, her cooking skills have improved and she has learned basic clothes-making skills. She paid more than one hundred yuan, and the matchmaker almost broke through the threshold of her house.

"Mom, those matchmakers introduced good and bad. We have to visit one by one. In fact, there is nothing good about getting married early. It is not as comfortable to go to your in-law's house. It is very tiring to serve the old and the young. After all, I met you. The probability of such a good mother-in-law is too small, besides, Mei Xiang is not in a hurry to get married, so let's not worry."

Zhang Qiaoer originally wanted to tell her daughter about her family quickly, but when Jiahui said this, her daughter also meant the same thing, so she let go of her thoughts and planned to wait until her daughter was twenty years old.

Since my sister-in-law said that it is good to read more books, it must be good to read more books. Occasionally, when Jiahui is busy with other things and has no time to study with Hei Dan, Meixiang will accompany Hei Dan with a book, first teach him to read, and When learning to digest by herself, Mei Xiang reads her own book.

Zheng Yuefen saw that she often made sarcastic remarks, saying that the Zhao family was going to produce a few champions, the younger ones started to read before school, and the older ones still regarded themselves as students, holding books and pretending all day long.

"It's just that my mother-in-law can tolerate it. She doesn't do the housework and reads books all day long. She regards herself as a lady in the city. She has the heart of a lady, but she is the life of a maid."

After the word got out, the elderly women in the village would turn around and ask Zhang Qiaoer a few words when they met Zhang Qiaoer.

"I heard that your eldest daughter-in-law doesn't do anything at home, but reads books all day long. Is it true?"

Zhang Qiaoer knew who spread the word as soon as she heard it, and she was tired of the broken mouth of the second family, but she didn't show it on her face, and explained with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's nothing, don't mention how diligent you are, do it. Meals, taking care of the children, and helping others with sewing and mending, whoever said that, it’s too unreliable.”

"Oh hehe, this, didn't you just listen to other people's nonsense."

The two finished their work and lay down on the bed. Jiahui was in Zhao Donglin's arms. She looked at the mosquito net over her head and said in a low voice, "Donglin, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Donglin patted Jiahui's arm lightly, his voice was low and soft, "Okay, tell me."

Jiahui thought about the wording, and then said with a hum, "If, I said, if, if the national policy is changed in the future, those of us who have not gone to college due to special reasons can one day take the college entrance examination. If there is such an opportunity, you will Participate?"

Zhao Donglin didn't understand why his daughter-in-law suddenly mentioned this, the college entrance examination, that was too far away, as far away as the last century.

"There will be no such opportunity, let's go to bed quickly."

Jiahui was in a hurry, why wouldn't she have a chance? The policy of resuming the college entrance examination next year will come out!

She turned around and lay down on the bed, grabbed Zhao Donglin's clothes and said eagerly, "I said, just in case, if there is such an opportunity, will you support me to continue studying?"

Zhao Donglin frowned in the dark, feeling that his daughter-in-law was not quite normal today, regardless of whether there would be such an opportunity, even if they did, they were already married and working, not students of the school, so they were not eligible to participate at all.

But he could hear what the daughter-in-law meant. She was eager to go to college and make progress. In fact, she could tell from the fact that she often held high school textbooks.

"You want to go to college?"

Jiahui lay on the bed and her arms supporting her upper body were tired, so she leaned into Zhao Donglin's arms again.

"Of course, people can't live in ignorance. To realize the value of life, the Communist Party collapsed, and the country is facing great changes and reforms. This is an era when everything is waiting to be done. There is a lack of professional talents in all walks of life. The country needs talented people. Under this background, we should stand up and contribute to the country."

The impassioned speech, Zhao Donglin couldn't help laughing when he heard it, he thought his wife was really cute.

It is undeniable that what the daughter-in-law said has a certain truth. The government will definitely make corresponding reforms and adjustments when the Communist Party collapses. In the past ten years, the national education has been implicated, and many experts and scholars have been sent down. Contributors, but he couldn't help laughing when such words came from his wife's mouth.

"I didn't see that you were so patriotic before, and you only wanted to contribute to the country."

Jiahui heard the ridicule in Zhao Donglin's words, and angrily bumped him with her elbow.

"I'm telling you business, don't joke with me."

Zhao Donglin sighed in his heart, not to mention when the educational environment will recover, it may be one year, two years, or even more years, it is unknown whether he will be able to take the exam and selection as his wife said if he is overage and married. One, even if it is true, in his perception, struggle is a man's business, and as his wife, Jiahui only needs a happy and stable life.

When Wang Mei divorced him, she shouted "dreams" and "future", and her words were full of dissatisfaction with rural life, because they were in the same relationship, and he was a dignified man, unwilling to bow his head and beg for a one-hearted man. For the woman who wanted to leave, he agreed to the divorce. When the political commissar was talking, he didn't say much about Wang Mei's fault. If he sincerely wanted to hold her back, the marriage would never be divorced.

If the same thing happened to Jiahui, he would never let it go no matter what.

Therefore, no matter what Jiahui said about the value of life or how to contribute to the country, to him, nothing could compare to her gentle smile and soft words every day.

"Are you dissatisfied with your current life?"

Zhao Donglin didn't answer Jiahui's words directly, but asked her a question back. Jiahui's heart skipped a beat when she heard it, knowing that Zhao Donglin had misunderstood her meaning.

"No, I'm not dissatisfied with my current life, I just said, if there is such an opportunity, we can go together..."

In the middle of speaking, Jia Hui stopped talking, hey, what's the point of saying this now, he doesn't believe there will be a resumption of the college entrance examination at all.

"Well, let's truce today, let's talk about it later."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Donglin turned over and fell on Jiahui's body, and began to pay the rations.

That day he was so ruthless that Jiahui finally fell asleep in a daze. In the second month, Jiahui found that her aunt was delayed by a week, and her heart began to panic.