Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 5


Dong's family has been full of people recently. Since everyone has seen and recognized Dong Jiahui's sewing talent, everyone will bring something to ask her for help from time to time.

Or sewing, or making clothes to change clothes, or embroidering a pattern or something, of course, if you ask her for help, you are too embarrassed to come empty-handed, and bring the eggs laid by two old hens at home, or the vegetables and melons grown in your own vegetable garden. Fruits and such, more polite ones include fish, shrimp, snails, eels, etc. Anyway, the recent food of the Dong family is more than a little bit better than before.

As for why things are given instead of money, these days, no one has any spare money. Besides, in the era of lack of food and drink, food is equivalent to money, and money cannot be bought with money, such as Wild mushrooms, wild eggs, duck eggs, and occasionally a few small sparrows for tooth and tooth sacrifice.

Dong Jiahui didn't expect that after time travel, she would rely on the craftsmanship passed down to her by her grandmother to support herself. If her grandmother knew what happened to her, she would feel distressed or relieved.

After doing the math, my grandmother fled to her hometown in the countryside in the past six or so years. Zhexian County is a little far away, and she has to take a train to get there. She thought, when it is convenient, she will definitely go back to her hometown to find her grandmother, even if she cannot recognize her. , when a relative leaves is also good.


One day, Chen Guixiang was mixing chicken food, and the third aunt of Dong San's family at the head of the village opened the door and came in.

"Oh, his third aunt."

Dong Sanjia and them are not in the same production team. When they were divided into cooperation groups, 30 households had a production team. Their family was the first production team, and Dong Sanjia was the second production team.

"I have a good thing here, about Jiahui."

Chen Guixiang heard the strings and knew the elegance, looked at the room where the girl lived in the west, invited the third aunt to the room to talk, poured her a cup of tea with brown sugar, and took some wild fruits from the mountain for her to eat.

Aunt Dong said with a smile, "Recently, I have met many people asking about Jiahui. I know that you have always wanted to find a good home for Jiahui. Today I went to town and met an old sister I knew before. I mentioned my family, this child's father is a statistician at the grain station, this child's first wife is gone, and the family has been trying to find another wife for her, I thought, Jiahui is pretty good, she has good looks and temperament, He is young and has a craft, so it doesn’t matter if he can’t have babies, the one in front of him keeps three.”

Chen Guixiang frowned. This kind of condition was not unusual. Most of the matchmakers who came to Dong's house were widowers, and they all left children behind.

Not being pregnant for three years after marriage is not a big deal. There are many people in the village who conceived children only a few years after marriage, but the Lu family used this as an excuse to speak out with great fanfare. Dong Jiahui could only suffer from this.

Although Chen Guixiang was not very satisfied with what the third aunt mentioned, she still asked a few questions in detail, and the marriage of thousands of miles is linked by a thread, what if it is a good one

"How old is this man? Where does he work? Why didn't the daughter-in-law before him disappear? How old are the children?"

After asking a few questions, Third Aunt Nie was almost overwhelmed. She sighed and told what she knew.

"In her thirties, her surname is Chen, and she belongs to the tiger. The daughter-in-law in front of her died of illness. My old sister has a relationship with his family. This is just a casual chat. The Chen family asked me to come back to talk about it. They expressed their opinion. As long as Jiahui agrees, she is willing to offer a bride price of 100 yuan."

Chen Guixiang saw the smile on the third aunt's face, and knew that the Chen family must have promised a large sum of money to thank the matchmaker, otherwise, with the third aunt's temperament, it would be impossible to come here to be a matchmaker.

She thought about it in her mind, she is a tiger, and at thirty-seven this year, she is more than one round older than Jiahui.

Of course, age is not a hard condition. If it is really good, it doesn't matter if you are older, but you can't give an answer easily, and you still have to visit carefully.

"His third aunt, you know about Jiahui's situation, and I won't be able to give you an answer for a while. Why don't you go back today and wait for me to discuss it with Jiahui."

Third Aunt Dong didn't expect to be able to do it today, she drank the brown sugar tea in the bowl, wiped her mouth and stood up, "Okay, then I will wait for your news."

When the eldest daughter-in-law came back from the field, Chen Guixiang told her about it in private. The reason why she told Zhou Yindi was that Zhou Yindi's second brother worked in the town and was the accountant of the supply and marketing cooperative. The supply and marketing cooperative was in front of the grain station. more convenient.

"Mom, I see. I'll go back early tomorrow."

After hearing what her mother-in-law said, Zhou Yindi immediately responded. She had always cared sincerely for Chen Jiahui, her sister-in-law, and hoped that she would find a husband who was pleasing to her liking, so that she would love her well in the next life and stop suffering.

Chen Guixiang nodded, and said, "Don't go back empty-handed, take the dozen or so eggs you saved at home."

Zhou Yindi shook her head hastily, "Mom, no need, save the eggs for home eating, I'll pass by the town on the way back, and just weigh some snacks for my nephew at home."

For example, biscuits, fruit candies and the like are decent and practical to take home, and the price is not expensive.

Chen Guixiang patted her on the arm, obviously disagreeing with her daughter-in-law.

"Take it with you, you buy it, you buy it, and ours is ours."

Early the next morning, Chen Guixiang sent her daughter-in-law Zhou Yindi away and went into her daughter's room, where she saw Dong Jiahui sewing clothes stitch by stitch.

The day before yesterday someone sent a piece of cloth and asked Jiahui to make her a dress, which is the popular Lenin suit. The reward was two catties of rice and three catties of sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are not rare, but rice is very rare. Two catties of rice are enough for the whole family to eat a meal of white rice.

"It's a pity that we don't have a sewing machine at home. It can be done quickly with a sewing machine."

Several daughters-in-law got married early. At that time, the conditions of every household were difficult, and they had no spare money to buy such valuable things. Besides, sewing machines not only cost money to buy, but also had to use industrial tickets, which was not affordable for ordinary farmers.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm not doing anything else now, just sewing a few clothes, it's not a big deal."

Dong Jiahui's temperament is not one to take advantage, she is now an abandoned woman returning to her natal family, and she is embarrassed to eat free food if she doesn't have to give birth.

The countryside in this era pays attention to the water thrown by a married daughter, not to mention that she is also the daughter of the Dong family, but in the eyes of others, her current status and situation are indeed criticized.

My teeth sometimes bite my tongue, my parents and brothers don't care, and I don't know what the sisters-in-law think. She can try her best to contribute to the family, and eat with confidence when she eats.

Chen Guixiang sat down and touched her daughter's hair. As a mother, Dong Jiahui could understand Dong Jiahui's thoughts. If she didn't consider other people's opinions, she would be willing to keep her daughter by her side for the rest of her life.

But she and her husband will grow old one day, so we can't let our daughter live alone in this world, we still have to find a good family for her.


"Donglin, you have to think about it clearly. Your ten years of hard work will be in vain. Let me tell you something, this time you have a good chance to go up. If you go up a level, you will be the battalion commander. Now you Retiring from the military can be said to fall short of success.”

Soldiers are popular now, and even the chairman said that they don’t like red makeup and prefer armed forces. It’s not easy for children like them who came out of the countryside to get to where they are today.

Zhao Donglin silently smoked a cigarette. He was tall and burly, with a Chinese character face, resolute and resolute eyes, and he was a heroic man.

"I've already thought about it, so let's do it. You have to give up to get something in life. Something happened at home, and my leg was injured before. Even if I stay, I may not be able to go very far."

No one in the army said anything about his divorce from Wang Mei. Apart from feeling ashamed, he didn't want his comrades to worry.

"Hey, it's just a pity that we have been comrades-in-arms for so many years, and we are really reluctant to part."

Zhao Donglin exhaled a puff of smoke ring in the night, he twitched the corner of his mouth, flicked off the ash, and looked at the distant night sky with the cigarette in his mouth. The sky was full of stars, just like the thousands of melancholy in his heart, which he couldn't count.

He received a letter from Wang Mei a few months ago. He loves and respects this wife because she is his wife and respects her because she is his wife.

When I went home to visit relatives that year, I met Wang Mei, who went to the countryside to jump in the queue. She was carrying a bag of wheat with difficulty, stopped and stopped, sweating profusely. He walked over to help her carry the bag of wheat and sent it to the village for grinding. Rice processing.

"Thank you, are you a soldier? What's your name?"

She smiled brightly, looked at him sideways, her eyes sparkled with a smile, which cast a ripple in his heart.

He no longer remembers how they got together. He married Wang Mei during the Spring Festival that year, and they had a son, Heidan, the following year.

In the past few years, they have been together less often, and the time they have been together has not exceeded two months. Wang Mei said in the letter that she does not want to live such a widowed life, nor does she want to live such a poor life. She is eager to leave. In the countryside, he longed to leave him and leave the Zhao family to start a new life.

Zhao Donglin wrote back to try to save her, but Wang Mei was very determined. She said that there was a job waiting for her in the city, and urged him to sign all the divorce documents quickly.

"Donglin, don't make me hate you. I've waited too long for this day. It was a mistake to go to the countryside. It was a mistake to marry you. I can't let my wrong life continue. This is the last time I beg you , please allow me to live for myself once."

Her words made his heart ache, not to mention heartbreaking and disheartened. He seemed to know Wang Mei for the first time, and also understood her determination.

Zhao Donglin signed the divorce papers, the twisted melon is not sweet, and this marriage seems to be a child's play when recalled now.

Perhaps as Wang Mei said, they were wrong from the beginning.

Zhao Donglin closed his eyes, thinking in his heart, that's it, after so many years, he was already very tired.