Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 68


Zhao Donghe came to the provincial capital after reviewing at home for a month. He has been away from school for too many years. It took a lot of effort to pick up a lot of knowledge points, and he couldn't fully integrate them. He thought that his elder brothers and sisters-in-law are all good at learning, and it is better to have their guidance than to grope at home.

"I'm tired after sitting in the car all day, please sit down and have a rest."

When Zhao Donghe arrived, they were still at school and hadn't come back, so they just let their mother go and let them go at home.

Fang Fang obviously didn't remember this second uncle, and stood behind Zhang Qiaoer, staring at Zhao Donghe fiercely.

Zhao Donghe showed a kind smile on his face, and waved to Fangfang, "Fangfang, do you still remember me? I am your second uncle."

Fang Fang just had his first birthday last week, and he belongs to the stage where he can understand a lot of words. He even shook his head when he heard what Zhao Donghe said.

"This kid is very smart, and he even knows how to shake his head."

"That's not right, don't look at him as a child, ask him that he knows everything, and now he can speak a lot."

Zhang Qiaoer touched Fang Fang's little head, pointed to Zhao Donghe and said, "Fang Fang is called 'Second Uncle', 'Uncle'."

Fang Fang then called out the word "Susu", and Zhao Donghe happily hugged Fang Fang on his lap.

He came in a hurry and didn't bring anything to eat. At this moment, he couldn't find a candy in his pocket, so he couldn't help feeling a little regretful. He should have bought something to bring to his nephews and nieces on the way.

He was about to ask everyone about the situation in the provincial capital, Zhang Qiaoer first asked about the family, and focused on Shitou.

"You should bring the stone here one by one. Your father is not delicate, so he can't take good care of the child."

I'm afraid it's just like raising cats and dogs, as long as you don't go hungry. As for freezing, it's now June and it's summer, and there's no such weather condition if you want to freeze.

"It's okay. I'm here to study, not to play in the mountains and rivers. I'll talk about it after my exam is over."

If you pass the exam, are you afraid of the day when you will enter the city without stones

"Hey, I'm just afraid that the stone will be unhappy."

Zhao Donghe thought that his son did howl before he came, but howling twice is nothing for a rural child, he also told Shitou that his father was preparing for the college entrance examination, and if he passed the exam, both father and son could live a good life, but if he failed in the exam, The father and father can only farm in the countryside.

"If you pass the exam, you will be the same as your uncle and auntie. Do you bring black eggs and them into the city?"

What he envied most was Heidan and the others. He heard that there are many delicious foods in the city, much better than those in the village. Heidan and the others must be living a fairy-like life in the city.

"Are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat first. Your sister-in-law made cold noodles herself."

As the summer passed, Jiahui made Liangpi again, and the movie theater sold it very well, and now her income has reached twenty-five or six a day.

With money in hand, no panic in her heart, guarding the cornucopia, Zhang Qiaoer didn't feel distressed when she spent a penny like before. Recently, the food at home has improved a lot, and she can eat braised pork once a week. It doesn’t matter, the chicken soup at home has never been cut off. Who would have thought that one day the family would worry about drinking too much chicken soup and getting tired of drinking it.

After eating a bowl of Liangpi, most of the dust on the road finally eased.

"Last time I saw Meixiang write in a letter, saying that the family is selling something, what are they selling?"

"Oh, I made my own food and sent it to the cinema for consignment."

Having said that, Zhang Qiaoer opened up the chatterbox.

"Let me tell you, this business is really profitable, and now I am waiting at home to collect money every day."

She told her son what time to get up every morning, what time to prepare, what time to pick up the movie theater, and how much she earns a day. Although many words were not expressive, too long-winded, and not concise, Zhao Donghe basically understood it. He was shocked. As for the daily income, it is someone else's wages for a month.

"This... Who came up with this?"

It is also too capable of tossing, beyond Zhao Donghe's cognition.

"Your brother and sister-in-law, so you have to study hard and get admitted to a university. Look at your brother and sister-in-law, how good your brain is when you go to college."

In fact, this business was proposed by Jiahui at the beginning, and it was only after receiving Zhao Donghe's support that she opened it to her family, so Zhang Qiaoer didn't know who was the initiator, she only knew that her son and daughter-in-law came up with the idea together, but the craftsmanship is solid. Now it belongs to the daughter-in-law, so Zhang Qiaoer treats her daughter-in-law even better now, who doesn't pay for the daughter-in-law who can earn money

At four or five o'clock, everyone came back one after another. Today Yingbao was picked up by Jiahui and Zhao Donglin.

As long as they get out of class early, they will go to school to pick up their children together, and if there is no time, let people come back with confidence.

"Donghe, here we come."

When he came back to see his second brother, Zhao Donglin was in a good mood, patted Donghe's shoulder and smiled happily.

When Donghe came, Jiahui carefully prepared dinner. After the whole family ate lively, Zhao Donglin sorted out the textbook knowledge for his younger brother in the evening.

Meixiang moved to her mother's room to live with Yingbao, and her room was given to the second brother to live with Heidan. Shen Nianru from the backyard also said that if the family couldn't afford it, it would be okay for Donghe to live with them.

Ever since he knew that the two old men in the backyard were university professors, Zhao Donghe respected them very much.

The primary school teachers in the village are all respected, not to mention university professors, how educated they are!


Donghe lived in the provincial capital for more than half a month and returned to the village. Time is gradually passing by in July, and the school is preparing for the final exam.

Zhang Qiaoer was worried about her second child, but there were still children to take care of in the city and business to do, so she couldn't talk about going home.

Jiahui saw her mother-in-law's anxiety, so she discussed it with Zhao Donglin.

"I think mom is very worried about Donghe. There are only exams left in the school, and after the exams, it will be a holiday. Why don't we let mom go back, and we will have to suffer more about family affairs."

The daughter-in-law is so understanding, Zhao Donglin is naturally only touched, and has no other opinions.

"Just let it go. Do you want Mom to take it back or stay in the city?"

Heidan Yingbao doesn’t have to worry about no one to take care of her when she goes to school. Jiahui can cook three meals a day by herself, and the other end of the movie theater can also get up early and wait late to finish. Just let them go. If they all went to take the exam, wouldn’t it just let one of them stay at home? .

It's about his son, Zhao Donglin can't think of a solution for a while, and he will leave him in the city for fear that no one will look after him, but let his mother take him with him, he is not at ease along the way.

A child can't walk, and needs to be hugged after a few steps. It's really inconvenient to take this child with him on such a long day's drive.

Normally, Zhao Donglin could spend two days sending them back, but now it's the final exam stage, and everyone is studying frantically regardless of the weekend.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow, it's late, let's go to bed first."

If you can't figure it out, just leave it there, Jiahui reaches out and closes the bedside table, closes her eyes and prepares to go to bed, and will get up early tomorrow morning to prepare those meals.

As soon as Jiahui closed her eyes, she was hugged by a pair of strong arms, and then her mouth was gagged.

"Oh, I have to get up early tomorrow."

"I'll get up early tomorrow, so you can sleep more."

Who would believe his nonsense, her mother-in-law got up earlier than her, if he was still lying on the bed when he woke up, her mother-in-law would not know what happened.

"It's okay, Mom won't say anything, she just wants us to have a good relationship."

Better to add another grandchild to her.

Of course, this was just Zhang Qiaoer's good wish. Jiahui had already expressed her opinion to Zhao Donglin a long time ago, don't try to get her pregnant during her studies.

The night at the end of June was already stuffy and irritable, but after hugging, it was like lighting a fire, and Jiahui followed suit.

Zhao Donglin is tireless in this kind of thing, he always feels that Jiahui is the missing piece in him, holding her, owning her, his heart is infinitely full and satisfied.

**At the beginning of the break, the sky had already turned pale, and Jiahui fell into a deep sleep. Zhao Donglin hugged her and kissed her sweaty forehead, fearing that she would not feel comfortable sleeping like this, so he took a towel to wipe off her sweat.

At five o'clock, Zhao Donglin let go of Jiahui and got up by himself. When he went to the kitchen, his mother was already cooking Liangpi.

"Jiahui sleep more today, I'll go shopping in the market later, what else is missing at home?"

Zhang Qiaoer pursed her lips and smiled, what can her hard-working daughter-in-law do if she doesn't wake up when the time comes, hey, men and women are different if they don't get along well. It's the kind that sticks like glue every day.

Jiahui didn't wake up until seven o'clock, her body was sore, and there were still some traces that hadn't disappeared. After tidying herself up, she went out of the room, and the kitchen had already begun to tear apart the meat.

Jiahui's face was a little hot, but fortunately no one made fun of her, and they all pretended to talk to her as if nothing had happened. After a while, Jiahui's face didn't burn so much, and the sense of uneasiness was much less.

"Mom, I told Donglin yesterday, are you worried that your family wants to go back?"

"I'm not at ease, isn't Donghe going to take the college entrance examination, and I don't know how he is preparing."

It's just that I can't help, so I can go back and help him prepare a few meals.

"It's nothing else, just Fang Fang doesn't know how to arrange it."

"Who says no, I'm also worried."

She wanted to take her little grandson back to the village, but she vomited like something last time, as if she had died once, and she couldn't take care of a half-old child at all.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qiaoer chatted with Shen Nianru about it in the yard.

"Otherwise, I won't be in class recently. If you don't worry, you can leave the release to me."

Zhang Qiaoer was both surprised and happy when he heard it.

"Look at what you said, how can you not worry about it, how kind you are to Fang Fang, just like your own grandson."

But Zhang Qiaoer didn't finish her speech, she still had to ask her son and daughter-in-law's opinion to see if they agreed or disagreed.

To say that Shen Nianru was really kind to the Zhao family's children, her only daughter went away at a young age, and the white-haired one gave away the black-haired one. It is impossible to have grandchildren in this life.

The Zhao family's children are sensible, courteous, eager to learn, motivated, and well-behaved, and they are the type most loved by the elders.

Since the front yard was leased to the Zhao family, her life has become more active. Of these children, she loves Yingbao the most. When she sees her, she thinks that when her daughter was young, her favorite was Heidan, because This baby is smart, hardworking, and has a good personality. Naturally, Fang Fang is his favorite, because he is the youngest and needs the most care. Adults always pay more patience and energy to younger children.

After Jiahui came back from school, Zhang Qiaoer told her what Shen Nianru meant.

"What do you think?"

Although she was seeking Jiahui's advice, the expectation in her eyes could not be ignored. Jiahui softened and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go tell my aunt after I finish eating, and ask her to help with it for a while."

They will have time to bring their own when the school is on summer vacation.