Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 69


After Zhang Qiaoer returned to the village, Jiahui had indeed worked a lot. She had to prepare for the final exam, and she had three meals a day to sell the food.

Fortunately, Shen Nianru wholeheartedly helped take Fangfang, which saved her a lot of worries.

In July, all primary, middle and primary school students and college students enter a happy and long summer vacation. At the end of July, the college entrance examination, which carries the happiness of millions of people, also draws the curtain.

The day before the exam, Zhao Donglin rushed back to the village to cheer on his younger brother.

"There are too many things in the city, your sister-in-law can't come back, she asked me to pass a message to you, don't be stressed, take the exam well."

Zhao Donghe nodded, the corners of his eyes were slightly sore.

Zhang Qiaoer was also very happy to see her eldest son coming back. Which parent doesn't hope that the children will have a harmonious relationship

Because high school has returned to normal order, this year's college entrance examination is naturally more formal than last year, and the exam questions are also more complicated than last year.

Donghe chose science, and took the five subjects of politics, Chinese, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Zhao Donglin accompanied him in the exam.

After the exam, it is inevitable to correct the answers. Donghe calculated it to be around 270 points, which is similar to Meixiang's college entrance examination score last year. Donghe was very worried, fearing that his grades would not meet this year's wish.

"Relax, I heard that other people's scores are not as good as yours, so let's not mess around."

The exam is over, it's useless to think too much, Donghe naturally understands this truth, but it's just that he hopes too much and is afraid that he will be disappointed.


Jiang Liangnv, wearing a straw hat and holding a hoe, was digging the ground at the gate of her courtyard, preparing to open another vegetable field to sow vegetable seeds.

Aunt Hua, the neighbor, walked over waddlingly and shouted from afar, "Good girl, I accompanied Yunyun to the county exam yesterday, guess who I saw?"

Aunt Hua's daughter, Yunyun, is a freshman in the third year of high school, and she should get points for the college entrance examination. Jiang Liangnv stood up straight with her hoe, wiped the sweat from her brow, and asked directly, "Who did you see?" ?”

Aunt Hua suppressed her voice and said mysteriously, "Your son-in-law, Dong He."

Jiang Liangnu turned her head instigated.

She hasn't heard the name Zhao Donghe for a long time, or she has been deliberately avoiding it, because every time she thinks of it, she always feels a pity.

When Aunt Hua saw her like this, she knew she was interested, and continued to smile and said, "The one his brother accompanied him was the former village party secretary of Shanghe Village, and the one who was admitted to university later."

Everyone knew that Zheng Yuefen had already divorced Zhao Donghe, and she married into another commune not long after the divorce. Aunt Hua told Jiang Liangnv about this, but she was really upset and kind.

The subtext is: look, your ex-son-in-law has passed the college entrance examination, and there are so many college students in their family, maybe he can be admitted to college.

Jiang Liangnv knew what Aunt Hua meant, and it was precisely because she knew that she hated her even more.

There is no need for her to inquire, news from the Zhao family will reach her ears from time to time, she knows that the life of the Zhao family is getting better and better, and the family has three college students, who are the first in the commune. If Donghe is admitted again, their Zhao family will be victorious The commune can really go sideways.

The daughter, Zheng Yuefen, has never returned to her natal home once after her remarriage, nor has she sent a letter. The distance between the two communes is not too close. To be honest, as a mother, she is not quite sure whether the daughter is doing well or not.

Why Zheng Yuefen didn't go back to her natal home? Firstly, she didn't want to make love with the scenery, and she was afraid of thinking of Donghe and stones. Second, she always remembered her elder brother Zheng Songnian's indifference to her. When she divorced Donghe, not only did she not accept her going back to her natal home, but If she was let to live in the pigsty, since then, she has given up on her natal family.

She often wondered, if her natal family had accepted her to live in her natal family, would she have been able to wait until Dong He changed her mind? But the result was that Donghe was determined to get a divorce, and her natal family refused to accept her, and asked her to marry quickly. As a woman without survival skills, she had no other choice but to cling to a man.

The divorce from Donghe dragged on for half a year, and after the divorce procedures were completed, the family married her. She was a widower without a wife, and he married not long after.

The life of the new wife's family is not as good as that of the Zhao family. The husband treats her pretty well on weekdays. He beats people when he is drunk, and admits his mistake when he is sober.

Every time she was beaten, she especially missed Donghe's kindness.

She thought of Donghe, the stone, and the life of the Zhao family, and she often asked herself why she had come to this point, why Donghe was unwilling to give her a chance to change her ways, and why he was so determined to get a divorce.

At first she thought Dong He was dating someone else, but she hadn't heard of anyone he married in the past two years.

Zheng Yuefen has resentment, hatred, love and confusion in her heart, but what should have happened and what should not have happened has already happened, no matter how much she thinks about it, there will be no change.

After a year of marriage, she was not pregnant and received a lot of cold eyes from her in-laws. Fortunately, she became pregnant in the second year, and now the child in her stomach is already six months old.

For the sake of her children, she decided to forget the past and start a new life.


The children's summer vacation is happy. There is a park near their home. There are many children playing in the park in the morning and evening. Jiahui entrusts Heidan with the task of taking care of her younger siblings.

When Zhao Donglin came back from the village, he brought a stone for the summer vacation. On the first day in the city, the stone announced that he never wanted to go back.

"There are delicious popsicles here, chicken soup to drink every day, brother Heidan, sister Yingbao, and brother Fangfang. I don't have anything when I go back."

"Then when your father is admitted to university, let's live together in the city, okay?"

"Okay, my dad will definitely pass the exam."

Zhao Donghe's volunteers are all filled in schools in the provincial capital, and the teacher's college is a guaranteed volunteer.

He also has no particularly big ambitions, he just wants to have a degree and a decent job, so he doesn't have to work all day, and he can let Shitou live well with him.

After the summer vacation, more people went to the movies, and the business was better. Dean Zhu came to beg for a long time, and Jiahui finally agreed to increase the amount. From 200 tea eggs to 300 tea eggs, from 15 catties of chicken popcorn to 20 catties, and from chicken wings to 50 pairs each.

Moreover, Jiahui also made an agreement with Dean Zhu that if he couldn't sell it, it would be Dean Zhu's fault, so he had to subsidize the cost to her.

Boss Zhu lamented more than once that Jiahui was too shrewd and calculating, and she simply didn't give others any advantage.

"Dean Zhu, you are a big boss and you are doing big things. We are in a small business. We don't need to tell you how hard it is, you can see it yourself."

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, but I can't speak against you anyway."

He was taken aback when he knew that the couple were students of Wudong University. After thinking about it later, it was no wonder that the couple were so smart in their calculations, who made them smart.

In the hot weather of August, Jiahui was already busy with a lot of things in the morning. At nine o'clock, Jiahui sent some vegetables to the backyard. She didn't see Shen Nianru sitting in the yard as usual. She knocked on the door, and the bell turned slightly Came out stooping.

"Master, I didn't see my aunt today."

With lingering melancholy on his face, Zhong Daomin pointed to the room and said, "Your aunt caught a cold and had a fever last night, and now she is lying on the bed after taking medicine."

Colds are the most troublesome in summer. Older people pay more attention to maintenance. Besides, this kind of weather is not always cold. There is no air-conditioning in this day and age. How can you catch a cold easily

Jiahui heard that Shen Nianru had a fever, and immediately asked worriedly, "Madam has a fever? Can I go and have a look?"

Zhong Daomin nodded, "Yes, she is in the back room, taking antipyretics and falling asleep."

The room was stuffy, Shen Nianru was lying on the bed with a thin blanket covering her stomach.

Jiahui walked over, saw that Shen Nianru's face was flushed, and then touched her forehead, it was hot, the temperature was definitely more than thirty-eight, maybe thirty-nine.

In the past few years, she has been very experienced in taking care of children. Jiahui was worried, so she went back and took the mercury thermometer that was always at home to measure Shen Nianru's temperature, which was thirty-nine degrees two.

Seeing such a high body temperature, Jiahui became anxious, and turned around and said to Zhong Daomin, "Master, my mother's temperature is too high, I can't just lie down at home like this, we have to send her to the hospital. At the age of my mother, the resistance is too high." If you go down, you won’t be able to take it if you move your body a little bit, so we should be more cautious and take it seriously.”

Shen Nianru is different from her mother-in-law Zhang Qiaoer, she is already weak, and she has suffered a lot in the past few years, and her body is severely deficient. This is like many young wives from rich and noble families who have difficulties in giving birth to children, but women who work all year round can carry the burden to give birth to children On the ridge.

Zhong Daomin also panicked, he didn't expect his wife's fever to be so serious, in fact, when he woke up in the morning, he advised his wife to go to the hospital, but his wife said it was fine, just take some medicine and lie down.

Jiahui hurried home and called Zhao Donglin. Zhao Donglin went to the hospital with Shen Nianru on his back. The doctor found out that it was not a common cold and fever but flu, the kind that would kill people. Everyone was afraid after hearing it for a while.

Sickness comes like a mountain, and goes away like silk.

Shen Nianru's illness only recovered intermittently after staying in the hospital for a week. Jiahui cooked porridge and soup every day and went to see her in the hospital. Shen Nianru was very moved.

"Girl, it's really thanks to you and Dong Lin this time, otherwise, I'd be a piece of loess now."

Shen Nianru held Jiahui's hand and smiled weakly.

When people die, the lights go out, they have experienced so much in this life, the good and the bad have already been overlooked, and there is no regret if they really die, but they are just worried about leaving the old man alone.

"I felt close to you the first time I saw you."

Shen Nianru looked at Jiahui, as if looking at someone else through Jiahui.

"Lao Zhong and I have had a daughter in this life. Since she was born, I have thought about giving her all the good things in the world. I hope she will grow up happily. I don't expect her to become more talented, as long as she is happy. She grew up day by day and became a caring and sensible girl with bright eyes and a pair of dimples just like her father when she smiled. Our hearts are really as sweet as eating honey."

Tears flowed down slowly, and Jiahui passed a handkerchief from her satchel.

"It's a pity that she has a bad life. She left early. Lao Zhong and I always feel sorry for her, and let her suffer with us. If she is as old as Hua Guduo, she will be gone."

After regaining their freedom, they went to Heilongjiang to bring their daughter back. The poor daughter didn't even have a place to live. Later, a local fellow pointed them to a high slope and said that there were several cemeteries in that area. Probably Nana's.

Recalling the past here, it is inevitable that the heart will be broken. Shen Nianru took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Shen Nianru had never mentioned these things in front of Jiahui before, this was the first time.

The real wounds cannot be exposed to others. No matter how difficult it is for them to sleep every night, they never complain to others.

To them, the daughter is alive and has not left this world.

"Old Zhong and I thought that we were going to die alone together, but I didn't expect that meeting your family would be considered fate. I want to recognize you as my daughter, but I don't know if you want to."

Marriage has been a popular custom in my country's feudal society for a long time. There are generally two situations for recognizing a relative. One is because the daughter's birth date is not good.

The other situation is to continue the friendship, because once the god-in-law is recognized, most of the exchanges between the two parties are relatively frequent, and a relatively fixed relationship is formed by imitating the communication method of family affection.

In other words, Shen Nianru recognized Jiahui as her goddaughter, and no matter where Jiahui went in the future, she could not leave this family relationship behind. Shen Nianru was equivalent to Jiahui's half-mother.

Shen Nianru's thoughts came up a little suddenly, and it took Jiahui a few seconds to reflect. She held Shen Nianru's hand back with red eyes.

"Auntie, I am naturally willing. You and the uncle have treated us so well. The relationship between us has long been no longer relatives than relatives."

Shen Nianru smiled gratifiedly.

"Okay, as long as you are willing, we will formally recognize relatives after I am discharged from the hospital."

"No, you can do whatever you want. Since I admit it in my heart, you are my godfather and godmother."

Shen Nianru smiled and nodded, her mood was the most relaxed in the past few years.

After being discharged from the hospital, even though Jiahui said that she didn't need to be so particular, Shen Nianru still held a table of wine very solemnly, and invited several of her old friends besides the Zhao family.

She gave Jiahui a jade bracelet and a pair of earrings as a gift, and bought two new clothes for Jiahui from top to bottom.

The jade bracelets and earrings are old objects, they were saved from being ruined by trying to hide them in the first place.

Originally, I thought that what my ancestors left behind should be a thought, if something really happened, at least I could exchange some money for a temporary need, and if it was not needed, I would give it to my daughter Nana as a dowry when she grew up.

It's impossible to give Nana a dowry, but now it's enough to give Jiahui the original intention.

In mid-August, Zhao Donghe found his college entrance examination score, which was 294 points, which was more than 30 points higher than his previous estimate. According to Zhao Donglin's analysis, with this score, he must have no problem going to university, and he can be admitted now Notice to see which university he was admitted to.

According to the newspaper, 6.1 million people took the college entrance examination this year, and the acceptance rate was 7%. That is to say, only 420,000 of the 6.1 million candidates have received university admission letters.

Zhao Donghe was notified when he was working in the field, saying that the commune had his mail and asked him to pick it up by himself.

Zhao Donghe's heart was pounding when he heard the notification, and he had a premonition of the good news that he was looking forward to.

"I've been admitted! I'm finally admitted to university."

Ecstasy, excitement, sometimes things have changed after the excitement, and the rain is over and the sky is sunny.

His life will finally open a new chapter.