Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 79


Ji Zhenfeng was in the patrol brigade and knew people from all walks of life. He wanted to "please" his future mother-in-law and brother-in-law, so he borrowed a pickup truck to take the Zhao family back to the village.


Zhao Donglin is someone who knows cars, and he knew this car immediately.

Different from other domestic trucks, the SH130 uses an alternative timing chain, which belongs to the light-duty vehicle series, with a load capacity of 2,000 kg, and is a very practical type of truck.

All men are mechanical lovers. Zhao Donglin walked around in front of the car and patted the hood, showing great interest.

"Brother, why don't you come back and try?"

Ji Zhenfeng knew that Zhao Donglin had been in the army, and there were a lot of cars in the army. Many soldiers could drive cars, and some could even drive tanks. He saw the expression on the future brother-in-law and knew that the brother-in-law was interested in this truck, so he voted for it. So good, he sent the car keys to Zhao Donglin.

Zhao Donglin refused with a smile, patted Ji Zhenfeng on the shoulder and said, "You should come, I'll sit back and watch the child."

Ji Zhenfeng entered the cab with a smile, and Meixiang took the co-pilot with him. Zhang Qiaoer was supposed to be the co-pilot, but she suffered from motion sickness. She would rather bask in the sun outside than suffer the smell of gasoline in the car.

"This baby looks pretty good, and our Meixiang has a good eye."

On the way, Zhang Qiaoer chatted with his son and daughter-in-law.

Although Ji Zhenfeng appeared very suddenly, he won Zhang Qiaoer's good first impression of him with his outstanding appearance and neither humble nor overbearing conversation.

Jiahui nodded, "It looks good, the most important thing is to treat Meixiang well."

Including picking them up at the station on a hot day, they should have borrowed a car to take them back to the village. If they didn't really like Meixiang, why would they bother so much.

Zhang Qiaoer nodded with a smile, "That's the reason."

She also saw some truth in the marriage of the two sons. They still have to find the one that is suitable for them. What kind of pot needs to be matched with what kind of lid. Big and small don’t match. Life is bumpy and it’s not good for anyone. good thing.

The truck entered the Shengli Commune, and it attracted the attention of many people along the way. Everyone saw the people from the Zhao family sitting behind the car, with envious expressions on their faces.

Since the Zhao family passed the four college entrance examinations and became the only one in the village, and followed the whole family to move to the provincial capital, the family left Zhao Manzhu to look after the house. The Zhao family has lived well and seen the world. In the eyes of the villagers, that is It's different from everyone.

People will have a sense of awe for heights that they cannot reach, and the Zhao family is now such a height that everyone looks up to.

Zhao Donglin got out of the car and gave cigarettes to his uncles, and everyone took them with a smile.

"Yo, peony."

The owner’s surname smokes Battle brand cigarettes, and you can sell them for 1 cent each.

There is also a saying about smoking, which is called Provincial Zhonghua, City Peony, and general cadres Qianmen cigarettes are not smoked by ordinary people, so Peony cigarettes are considered the best cigarettes they have ever seen.

Zhao Donglin has quit smoking now. He used to be a cadre, and smoking was in line with his status. Now he is a student. Jiahui told him that there is no student who smokes more seriously than a teacher.

The few packs of peonies I bought were also for socializing, and I also brought a whole peony to share with the elders and brothers of my in-laws and natal family, so that everyone can have fun together.

It was more than four o'clock when the car stopped outside his courtyard. Donghe got out of the car first, carried the children out of the car, and then began to unload things. Jiahui helped Zhang Qiaoer get out of the car.

"Young man, stay for dinner."

Zhao Manzhu also came back, and seeing the smiles on the faces of his grandchildren, he thought that Ji Zhenfeng was the driver, so he thanked Ji Zhenfeng a few words and let him enter the house for a drink.

"This is a blind date with Meixiang, who I met in the county."


Then he turned his head and looked at Ji Zhenfeng carefully.

Although he is mostly taciturn at home, he is a father who loves his children very much, especially the youngest Meixiang. After she was born, the family situation has become better and better. She grew up in the palm of his hand and stayed with her for more than 20 years. , was admitted to university, and became a middle school teacher. In the eyes of her father, such a girl can match any man too much. Ji Zhenfeng is naturally picky.

No matter how good Ji Zhenfeng's mental quality was, he still couldn't help clearing his throat under the scrutiny of his old father.

"Hi uncle, I'm from the County Patrol Brigade, and my name is Ji Zhenfeng."

Looking upright, with a straight back and an open-minded face, Zhao Manzhu nodded.

"Well, hello, come in and sit for a while if you're not in a hurry."

At this time, I didn't mention drinking tea anymore, on the contrary, I was not as polite as before.

The children went to play with other children in the village after they went to the field. Jiahui repeatedly emphasized that they should not play in the water or do dangerous things, so they ran away in response.

Since Ji Zhenfeng was left for dinner, Jiahui and Meixiang naturally had to prepare dinner. They picked fresh vegetables from the vegetable garden, including cucumbers, eggplants, leeks, lettuce, bell peppers, cowpeas, two full vegetable baskets, and a reed at home The chicken was boiled, slaughtered, and depilated. After chopping up a piece of bacon left over from the Chinese New Year, we started cooking.

"Have you figured it out?"

In just one sentence, Meixiang already understood Jiahui's meaning, and she gave a low grace.

"This police officer Ji is very good, and he is a good match for you."

Meixiang's temperament is too quiet, she should have an upright and proactive man to drive her.

"I never asked, what happened to that classmate before?"

Meixiang was squatting on the ground to choose dishes. After Jiahui asked this question, she thought about her words and said, "Actually, I don't know what's going on. I met him during my internship and he took good care of me. At that time, I also wondered if he liked me a little bit."

"That day when Teacher Ji said he was going to introduce me to a partner, he was also there. Teacher Ji asked him to persuade me that I can't think that I am too young not to hurry up and find a partner. I thought he would help me speak up and refuse this matter. Who knows that not only did he not help me, but he also advised me to go on a blind date. I was completely dumbfounded at the time, and I wondered what he meant. Did he never like me from the beginning to the end? passionate?"

Jiahui nodded, she also felt that there was something wrong with the Cui one.

"What happened after that? What was Cui's reaction?"

Mei Xiang sighed, "From now on, I will go on a blind date with Ji Zhenfeng, he will always go to school to find me, and Cui Zongyi has met me a few times, and we all get along like ordinary colleagues."

I used to talk a lot before, but now I don't have much communication except for work, and I feel awkward with the naked eye.

Jiahui felt lucky for Meixiang, fortunately she was not with Cui, that kind of man was not suitable for Jiahui at all.

Jiahui is introverted and kind-hearted. A "fraternity" man like Cui Zongyi will hurt Meixiang severely.

He is the kind of man who is good to everyone and is not responsible for anyone. He likes to play ambiguously but can't really take responsibility.

Jiahui expressed this meaning, and Meixiang smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm not as good as you said. I didn't think about it so much at the time, and I felt too wronged. Since he asked me to go, I will go and have a look." .”

Who knew that I would actually meet the right one.

"You guys are called fate. If it weren't for this, you might not be able to meet each other."

Random stew, scrambled eggs with leeks, fried bacon with lettuce, chicken with mushrooms, and a pot of tomato and egg soup. The staple food is noodles and corn tortillas.

"Well, it's delicious."

"These two were made by Meixiang. She followed her sister-in-law and learned the cooking skills."

Ji Zhenfeng nodded, "It's good to cook and eat, I like to eat home food."

After speaking, he smiled at Meixiang.

After dinner, Ji Zhenfeng drove away, Zhang Qiaoer thanked him for the ride, and picked a lot of vegetables for him, as well as eggs saved at home, put them in a clay pot, and only gave them to him for twenty or so.

"Thank you, auntie, then I will accept it bluntly."

"It's all home stuff, what are you polite about?"

"I'm leaving."

He put his things in the car, turned around and waved his hands, took one last look at Mei Xiang, started the car and left.

"Hey, Meixiang has found a partner too."

In the living room, Ji Zhenfeng had already taken the initiative to explain the family affairs, and Zhang Qiaoer became more and more satisfied with him, and already regarded him as a future son-in-law in her heart.

"This is Meixiang's fate. This is very good. Meixiang is teaching in the county, and it is just right for her to marry in the county."

Zhang Qiaoer nodded, "That's the reason, but we still have to investigate and find someone to inquire about."

"I went to find someone, and there happened to be a comrade in arms at the police station."

Jiahui smiled at him.

I haven’t slept in the room for a long time. I took the mat that I washed in the afternoon into the room and spread it out. I lighted the wormwood to stun the mosquitoes. After Jiahui washed the dishes and took a bath, she entered the room in her pajamas. Zhao Donglin was already lying on the bed in her big underpants. He directly took a basin of well water to cool it down.

"I'll take the child back to my mother's house tomorrow, and I haven't seen my parents for a long time."

She rubbed her head while talking to Zhao Donglin.

"Well, I'll go with you."

He is a student now, and after the holidays, except for the school's practical projects, he has a lot of time to accompany Jiahui to do what she wants to do, and make up for the neglect he gave Jiahui before.

Jiahui rubbed her hair in front of the mirror. She was twenty-six years old this year, and she looked a little more mature than when she first came here, but she was more confident and energetic, like a pearl, emitting a faint light.

Zhao Donglin lay on the bed and looked at her, feeling infinitely satisfied and calm, just like the cool breeze in summer and the warm sun in autumn, from the heart to the body, it was the most comfortable and satisfying.

When Jiahui combed her hair and sat down on the bed, she fell into a strong arm, and the two looked at each other, with familiar eyebrows and eyes, but with different throbbing.

Some people say that after one year of marriage, a husband will gradually lose interest in his wife, and even the most beautiful women will lose their attractiveness. This law obviously does not apply to Zhao Donglin. For him, Jiahui will always have a fatal attraction.

He carefully painted the shape of Jiahui's lips, and hugged her tightly. He was a ball of fire, and Jiahui was the good medicine for relieving summer heat.

The next day, the morning light was dim, the rooster had already crowed, and smoke was rising from the kitchen. Jiahui opened her eyes and saw the familiar beams above her head. She finally remembered that she had returned to her hometown.

"Chicken run, cluck, cluck, let's see who can run fast."

"Let's go, the chickens are scared to death by you, you see they have lost a lot of chicken feathers."

"Pick up these hairs and let mother make shuttlecock kicks for us."

"This kind of chicken feathers are too soft, you need chicken feathers on the tail."

"Then I'll pick off the tail."

"Hey, don't go, chickens can bite people, don't let them peck your eyes."

"Hmph, I won't."

Outside the window was Fangfang's conversation with Yingbao. Jiahui looked out through the screen window. The siblings were chatting about the hens laying eggs in the yard, and Heidan was sitting by the well reciting English words.

Getting up late again today, Jiahui got dressed, tidied up and left the room.

"Mom, you got up really late, the sun is almost drying your butt."

"It's not that mom got up late, it's that you got up early, and you should maintain such a good habit when you go to school, do you know that you get up early every day?"

Jiahui stroked Fangfang's hair and Yingbao's little face, then turned and went into the kitchen.

"Sister-in-law, breakfast is ready."

A pot of rice porridge, fresh corn on the cob, and noodle sauce made with edamame and river prawns, it is delicious and delicious.

"Meixiang is getting more and more agile now, and she can get married."

Zhang Qiaoer went into the kitchen with the straw in her hands, and when she heard this, she said with a smile, "No, I don't know how long I can stay if the female university is not accepted."

"Oh, Mom, why do you always say these things? If you want, I wish I could stay at home with you for the rest of my life, and be your caring little padded jacket."

"Forget it then, forget about the small padded jacket, but you can't keep it as an old padded jacket."

Meixiang laughed too.

"Mom, I'll take a few children back to my mother's house after dinner."

"Okay, it should be, your mother hasn't seen you for a long time."

After breakfast, Zhao Donglin and Jiahui each had a bicycle and went to Yue's house with a few children.


"Grandma, grandpa!"

"Uncle, aunt!"

The family had just had breakfast and was about to go to the field, when the door creaked open, and the daughter and son-in-law, whom they hadn't seen for several months, came with their grandchildren.

"Oh, when did you guys come back?" Chen Guixiang walked over quickly, and said with surprise on her face, "I told your brother and sister-in-law yesterday that when they go to the town, see if they can meet your villager. I asked if you guys are back, I didn’t expect to see you today.”

She patted Heidan Yingbao affectionately, and finally put the youngest into her arms, and took a sip on his face.

"My dear grandson, I really miss my grandma."

Fang Fang also pouted and gave grandma a mouthful, stretched out his fleshy little hand to caress Chen Guixiang's face and said, "Grandma, don't die even if you miss me, grandma wants to live a long life."

Everyone laughed, and Chen Guixiang rubbed Fang Fang's face with great surprise.

"My family wants grandma to live a long life. It's really my good grandson. I don't forget that grandma loves you and misses you. Grandma has something to tell you. Next time your parents go to the city, don't follow them, stay at home and follow them." How about spending time with grandma?"

Everyone smiled and looked at Fang Fang to see how he answered, but Fang Fang shook his head and refused.

"No, I want to follow my parents, they will miss me very much if they can't see me."

"Then what does grandma want you to do?"

Fang Fang touched the buttons on Chen Guixiang's gown, and replied cheerfully, "That's okay, I'll leave a photo for grandma, and grandma won't miss me when she sees the photo."

Several children go to the photo studio to take a picture every year for their birthdays. This year, they took a photo when they missed their birthday. I miss Fang Fang very much, and I don't have to think about it when I see the photos, but I didn't expect Fang Fang to remember Jiahui's words.

"This child is very clever, come here, give my aunt a hug, and my aunt will buy you candy."

"Has Heidan grown taller? He's growing really fast."

"Yingbao has also become more and more beautiful, like a little girl in the city."

It was only then that Jiahui remembered the things she had brought, including peony cigarettes for her father and brother, food for her children, a floral dress for Tian Niu, and sandals for her mother and sister-in-law.

"Ah, these shoes look good. Last time I went to the town to see people wearing them, and said we didn't sell them here. I was envious for a while."

The black hollowed-out leather sandals cost around ten yuan a pair, which is definitely attractive to wear. These pairs of shoes are equivalent to a month's wages for urban workers, and Jiahui bought everything with her manuscript fees for translating materials.

It can be said that in Shengli Commune, wearing such a pair of leather sandals is definitely a matter of great face.

The sister-in-laws were overjoyed to receive the presents. The shoes Jiahui bought for them were all in the exact size, and they even gave up half an inch so that they would be more comfortable to wear on their feet.