Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 84


It has been open for three days, and the business of the restaurant is very good. While the income has increased steadily, it has also formed a good reputation. Apart from the staple food, the snacks are not enough to sell at all.

"Boss, this stewed chicken feet in your family is so delicious, every time I want to eat two more, I don't have it. Can I make more next time?"

"this… "

Li Wangping didn't know how to respond, and looked at his sister-in-law Dong Jiahui who was keeping the bookkeeping.

"Sorry, the store can only supply so much for the time being. If customers want more, they can order in advance, and we will prepare them for the guests the next day."

The other party's eyes lit up when he heard this. He really likes to eat chicken feet. With his appetite, let alone two or three chicken feet, he can even eat twenty or thirty chicken feet.

"Oh? Is it still possible to book?"

Jiahui smiled and said, "Of course, open the door to do business, there is no reason to sell the business."

The reason for the limited supply is that it is a means of "hunger marketing" in addition to the fact that the weather is too hot to keep, and it will be wasted if it cannot be sold.

It has to be said that most Chinese people have a "problem". What they can't get is always the best. If there are too many things, no one cares about them. However, once the same things are not sold enough, they will become delicious in minutes.

"I didn't expect that you, a woman, have a business mind. Okay, then I'll order two catties. It just so happens that there will be guests at home tomorrow, and it's decent to take it out to treat guests. I'll come and pick it up at noon tomorrow."

After speaking, the other party was ready to leave.

"Please wait a moment, it is scheduled to leave your name and contact information."

The other party turned around, his face was not very good-looking, "Why, are you still afraid that I will run away? Didn't pay first or what?"

He is a fat man, and the flesh on his face looks too fierce. Others may be afraid of him, but Jiahui is not afraid at all.

She said with a normal face, "If you are willing to pay a deposit, that's fine. I asked you to leave your name and contact information just to protect your rights. In case someone takes it for you, since I promised to book it for you, it's natural It must be handed over to you."

Two catties of chicken feet, even if the customers really don't come to pick them up, they can still be sold. Even if they really can't be sold, they can finish them by themselves.

Jiahui's letting guests register is only to establish an effective system. In case there are too many people who make reservations later, each of them will say nothing, but in the end they never come to pick them up, which is very detrimental to the restaurant's operation.

Hearing Jiahui's explanation, the other party barely breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still unhappy, took a pen and wrote his name and address, and couldn't help complaining.

"It's pretty good-looking, with such a hot temper, it's blinding this face for nothing."

Jiahui couldn't hear what he said in a low voice, but Li Wangping who was standing next to him heard it all.

In fact, Li Wangping was already sweating anxiously. He is not good at talking. If he encountered this kind of thing, he would definitely be confused. The sister-in-law is the best, and he can solve it in a few words.

Zhao Donglin will not be here now, and went to the vegetable market with Donghe to buy vegetables. In order to ensure the quality, the ingredients used in the restaurant are fresh every day. When Zhao Donglin came back, Li Wangping told him about it, and he didn't even miss the other party's words.

Zhao Donglin's face was very ugly when he heard this. He is a protective person, especially when it comes to Jiahui. His daughter-in-law loves him, and he is usually reluctant to say a harsh word, but today he was sneered at by others.

He took out Jiahui's accounting book and looked. The person who ordered the chicken feet was a man named "Ding Guifa", whose address was near the restaurant.

"Donglin, what do you see this for?"

Li Wangping became anxious again.

"Nothing, I'll just take a look."

No matter how simple and honest Li Wangping was, he didn't believe this, seeing his elder brother's expression, it was as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

"Don't trouble him, he is a guest after all."

Zhao Donglin closed the notebook, looked at Li Wangping very seriously, and expressed great disapproval of what he just said.

"What's wrong with the guest, the guest can play tricks and tease people with words?"

"He just talked a little too aggressively, and he didn't make fun of it..."

"Why didn't you flirt? What does my daughter-in-law have to do with whether she looks good or has a good personality?"

Jiahui heard the movement in the kitchen and was amused by Zhao Donglin's last words.

This man's short-sighted appearance is quite cute.

"Dong Lin, let's talk about it tomorrow, he just spoke loudly twice, nothing else."

She has seen this kind of people a lot, after all, not everyone is polite and educated in life, but obviously Zhao Donglin is not going to let it go easily.

"I just have to make a rule. We are in business, but what we sell is food, not face. How can we do business after everyone is like this?"

Jiahui thinks about it, what he said is quite reasonable, this store is ultimately opened by her sister and her husband, and with their two personalities, they may not be bullied in the future.

"Okay, then you can deal with this matter."

There is nothing wrong with Jiahui that a man is willing to stand out for him. Besides, Zhao Donglin is a measured person and won't make any big troubles.

When Jiahui returned to the kitchen, Zhao Caixia asked anxiously, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. Donglin is also thinking about you and brother-in-law. If we are gone, what will happen to you if someone troubles you? It will save a lot of trouble by setting up the rules now."

Zhao Caixia nodded with lingering fear. In the past three days, she has already seen that the money she earns in business is not fake, but the money is not easy to earn. She is really afraid that her husband and wife will not be able to handle it.

"Sister, don't worry, it's not a big deal if we don't open this store."

Zhao Caixia was completely "frightened" by the trace of sadness that had just been born, she quickly shook her head and said, "That's impossible, don't worry, I and your brother-in-law can handle it."

A day's income of dozens of dollars, even for the sake of money, I can't back down.

At noon the next day, when Ding Guifa, the customer who ordered chicken feet, came to pick up the goods, he was stopped by Zhao Donglin.

"This old man, take a step to speak."

Ding Guifa looked around suspiciously, making sure that Zhao Donglin was talking to him.

"What are you going to tell me?"

He was simply bewildered.

"I heard you troubled my wife yesterday?"

As he spoke, Zhao Donglin took out a box of peonies from his pocket and gave one to Ding Guifa.

He is taller than Ding Guifa, although he is not as strong as Ding Guifa, but his eyes are firm, his fingers are slender and strong, and his expression is the same as that of an army instructor or the most stern dean of the school. Ding Guifa was overwhelmed by the force of blowing the dust.

Ding Guifa's defensive line quickly collapsed. He recalled what happened yesterday, as if his attitude was a little bit bad, but just a little bit, it definitely didn't constitute "seeking trouble".

"No, how could I trouble your daughter-in-law, I don't know who your daughter-in-law is."

Seeing that Zhao Donglin was unmoved, he stretched out his thick right hand like a bear's paw and swore to the sky, "Really, don't misunderstand me just because of my appearance. , It's not my fault, I was born like this, it can only be my mother's fault for not giving birth to me well."

Zhao Donglin exhaled the smoke ring, nodded silently, and did not speak.

"It's really a misunderstanding. You see, I go to your store to eat every day, and I don't mean to make trouble at all."

This time, Zhao Donglin finally let go.

"That's fine. Even if we don't know each other this time, we welcome you to visit us often in the future. Take care and don't make trouble. I came out of the army. I don't mind fighting with others to see whose fist is tough."

Ding Guifa looked at the clear muscle lines on Zhao Donglin's arms, and his sweat dripped down.

"Okay, I have seen a powerful person today, and I will definitely be respectful and respectful in the future."

With his strong physique and fierce appearance, Ding Guifa often frightened and cried children on the street, and usually no one would mess with him, but he didn't expect to be "threatened" today with just a few words.

The movement of the two was seen by many "careful people". Afterwards, it was spread widely, saying how powerful the owner of Xiaoli Restaurant was, how he punched a strong man, and no one dared to make trouble in the restaurant afterwards. , Of course, one of the reasons is that the frequent police visits are also one of the reasons.

Ji Qingming finally had time to rest this weekend, and Yang Yuqin told Ji Zhenfeng to bring Meixiang back for a meal.

Since the opening of Xiao Li's restaurant, Zhao's family has been helping out in the restaurant most of the time. Ji Zhenfeng first told Mei Xiang about this when he came to the restaurant.

"Huh? So fast? I'm not ready yet."

"I told you to prepare the day lily and it's cold. My parents are kind people. You just go over to have a meal and chat with them. Say what you want to say. Look at me if you don't want to. I'll round it up for you .”

He said it lightly, but Meixiang's tension did not ease at all, but she knew that it would be a matter of time before she saw her parents, as the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law must see her in-laws sooner or later.

"Okay, then you have to help me, and you can't let me get down alone."

"Don't worry, you won't fail to come to Taiwan. You will know when you go. My parents must like you very much."

His sister-in-law is a very ambitious woman, and she is not very gentle in her words and actions. His mother endured many things for the sake of family harmony, and never said a harsh word to her sister-in-law. Meixiang has a gentle personality and knows how to be considerate of others. Temperament and his mother will definitely get along.

"Go to your house for dinner?"

"Yes, auntie. My parents have wanted to meet Meixiang for a long time. They also said, if you and uncle think it's appropriate, we can meet."

Zhang Qiaoer let go, if she disagreed with Ji Zhenfeng and Meixiang, she would not let Ji Zhenfeng come to her house, but Ji's family conditions are better than hers, and she is afraid that her daughter will be wronged.

"Don't go empty-handed. Buy something. Do you have any money? I'll get you something if you don't."

"No, I have money."

In the past two years, Meixiang saved some money by relying on sewing skills, and spent part of it on going to school. Now that she has officially joined the work, it is difficult to get money from her parents.

"What are you going to buy?"

"I have not decided yet."

"How about buying a can of milk powder and bringing some fruit?"

"It's good, but I don't have a milk powder ticket."

"I have it, I'll get you one."

Meixiang happily took Jiahui's arm, and said coquettishly, "Sister-in-law, it's better you, I can solve any problem with you."

Jiahui smiled helplessly, "What can I do? Seeing how you are now, you are at most as old as Yingbao, who can tell that you are an aunt."

Mei Xiang laughed out loud.

"That's my sister-in-law hurting me."

Her sister-in-law is only four years older than her. Apart from knowing more than her, she also behaves better than her. This kind of reliability and dependence often makes her forget her sister-in-law's age.

In the evening, Ji Zhenfeng came to pick up Meixiang. Meixiang was wearing a blue bragi dress, a pair of leather sandals on her feet, and set off with a beige canvas bag made for her by her sister-in-law. The milk powder and fruits had already been bought in the afternoon. , which is being carried in Ji Zhenfeng's hand.

"How are you still nervous?"

Meixiang has always been good-looking in Ji Zhenfeng's eyes, but today Meixiang looks fresher and more elegant. On the way, Ji Zhenfeng wanted to hold Meixiang's hand, but Meixiang avoided him, so he had to touch his nose as a cover-up.

"I wasn't very nervous at first, but my heart started to jump again when you asked me this. Did you remind me on purpose to make me nervous?"

Meixiang usually speaks in a soft voice and is considerate, so Ji Zhenfeng has never seen such a playful and "unreasonable" look before, which makes him feel very pleasantly surprised and has a different flavor.

Just like eating too many sweet apples, occasionally eating a sour apple is quite appetizing.

Ji's family lives in the center of the county, adjacent to the county government.

Ji Zhenfeng took Meixiang up to the third floor, and stopped in front of a door with the word "Fu" on it.

When she rang the doorbell, Meixiang took a deep breath and stood behind Ji Zhenfeng. Those few seconds felt extraordinarily long. When a kind and friendly voice said "Come" from inside the door, she suddenly became less nervous .

With a sound of "squeak", a woman in a white shirt and black trousers with a neatly combed hair appeared in front of Meixiang, with a bookish look on her face, wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, with very kind eyebrows.

"Mom, this is Meixiang."

Ji Zhenfeng held Mei Xiang's shoulders and brought him in front of Yang Yuqin. Mei Xiang smiled sweetly at Yang Yuqin and shouted, "Hello, Auntie."

"Hey, hello, come in and sit down."

Just as Ji Zhenfeng expected, Yang Yuqin fell in love with Meixiang when she saw her. This girl has a round face, and her eyes are bright and clear when looking at people. The character of the child is clear, and Meixiang is a pure and kind girl at first glance, the kind who has no bad intentions.

Yang Yuqin took Mei Xiang's hand and entered the room, leaving her son behind. Mei Xiang looked back at Ji Zhenfeng, and Ji Zhenfeng returned a reassuring smile.

Ji Qingming was writing calligraphy in the study, when he heard the movement, he came out of the room.

Yang Yuqin smiled and said to Meixiang, "This is Zhenfeng's father."

"Hello, Uncle."

"Hey, okay, your name is Meixiang, right? Come on, let's sit on the sofa and talk."

Ji Qingming is a leader, and he naturally has a leadership temperament. Meixiang respects him unconsciously. This kind of respect is entirely out of respect for intellectuals, and has nothing to do with his identity and background. Ji Qingming can see this , Yang Yuqin can also see it.

Innocence, kindness, and gentleness are the first impressions of the two when they first met Meixiang.