Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 92


Ji Zhenfeng and Mei Xiang's wedding house is in an apartment building near the county government, where they live with Ji Zhenfeng's parents.

Ji Zhenfeng asked Mei Xiang for her opinion on this point, and asked her if she would like to live with her elders.

"You know my parents. They have very good personalities and are not the kind of elders who are difficult to get along with. Before my brother got married, my sister-in-law didn't want to live with them, so my brother moved out. When we get married, I have to respect you too. idea."

"I can do it. If my uncles and aunts don't feel that there are many people in the family who are not used to it, I can live with the elders."

"This child, how can we not get used to it because of multiple people? We wish our daughter-in-law could live with us. Please rest assured that Meixiang, I am definitely not the kind of annoying mother-in-law who loves her like my own daughter. of."

Yang Yuqin was so happy, Meixiang is a caring and sensible girl, she knew she was right.

At this time, Yang Yuqin and Ji Qingming were happily waiting at home, as were Ji Zhenlin, Luo Siwen, Ji Jialu and Lu Wei.

Ji Zhenlin is the director of the municipal party committee office, Luo Siwen works in the electric power department, Ji Jialu is married to another county, she is also a teacher, and her husband Lu Wei is the person in charge of the railway department.

"Sister, have you seen the daughter-in-law that Zhenfeng is looking for?"

The room was very lively, Luo Siwen played with his fingers.

"Meet it once, she's a nice girl."

"Really? I think my parents also praised her as a flower. Is it so good?"

Luo Siwen just wasn't convinced, her mother-in-law Yang Yuqin never spoke of herself in such a satisfied tone.

But a person from the countryside, even if he is admitted to a university and becomes a teacher, he can't hide his rural flavor. How good can it be

Ji Jialu glanced at her and said nothing.

When the convoy arrived, there was crackling firecrackers in the yard. Yang Yuqin was sitting on the sofa talking and laughing with the old sisters, but when she heard the sound, she stood up happily.

"It's Zhenfeng who brought the bride back."

"No, I can finally see your daughter-in-law who is full of praise today."

This was an unintentional remark, but Luo Siwen was very unhappy when he heard it.

Mei Xiang was wearing high heels, Jiahui wanted to help her when she got off the car, Ji Zhenfeng got out of the car with big strides, and a princess hugged Mei Xiang out of the car.

"Oh oh oh, the groom hugs the bride."

"The bride is so beautiful."

"No wonder the groom likes it so much."

Standing at the window and watching, Yang Yuqin also had a smile on her face when she saw her son walking towards the yard with Meixiang in her arms.

"I didn't expect Zhenfeng to love his wife so much. The relationship between the two will definitely be good in the future."

"No, it hurts."

"You don't like being a mother?"

"What's so delicious about it? Now that you're married, you must treat your wife well. It's the couple who live forever. The better they live, the happier I am as a mother."

That kind of mother-in-law who is jealous of her daughter-in-law is indeed not uncommon. Anyway, Yang Yuqin doesn't understand it very well. If she can't get along with her daughter-in-law, she stays far away. Usually, even the neighbors who are closer to her are kinder than her.

Meixiang nestled on Ji Zhenfeng's chest with a blushing face. She didn't like to attract attention, but today was her wedding day. On this day, she was destined to receive countless attentions. Although she was not used to it, there was such a man who used He embraced himself tightly with his powerful arms, and accompanied him to accept everyone's blessings and attention. Mei Xiang's heart was sweet, and she became very courageous.

"Mom, Dad."

"Hey, good boy, you are marrying Zhenfeng today, don't worry, I will definitely treat you like my own daughter in the future."

Yang Yuqin took Mei Xiang's hand and introduced the guests at home to Mei Xiang one by one.

"This is your great aunt, not a relative, but a relative. I have loved Zhenfeng the most since I was a child."

"Oh, you look so iconic, so good-looking, no wonder Zhenfeng likes the same thing."

"This is your uncle, Zhenfeng's real uncle."

"This is your eldest aunt."

"This is your elder brother, sister-in-law, this is your elder sister, elder brother-in-law."

Ji Jialu met Mei Xiang before, took her hand and smiled and said some blessings. As for Luo Siwen, this was the first time she saw Mei Xiang, and it was very different from what she imagined. She thought Mei Xiang must have a rural appearance and a timid personality. Can't get on the stage, I didn't expect to be such a beautiful and foreign person, wearing red but not tacky, but with a dignified and graceful beauty, not like someone from the countryside at all.

"These two are Meixiang's eldest brother and sister-in-law. They are both students of Wudong University. They are the pillars of the country. They are useful."

Yang Yuqin did not neglect Zhao Donglin and Jiahui, and introduced them to her relatives and friends.

"Oh, what about college students, there are so many college students in a family, and they are well-educated."

"There is also a brother who is also going to university in the provincial capital, Wudong University of Mining and Technology. He didn't come today. See you next time we have a chance."

"Definitely, we can be influenced by seeing a few more college students, right?"


When the bride arrived, the whole atmosphere became lively. Ji's banquet was in the restaurant. It's not time to eat yet. Those who are close to Ji's will come to Ji's house, and those who are far away will naturally go to the restaurant to eat when the time comes.

"It can be regarded as meeting you, I often hear Meixiang mentioning you."

It was Ji Zhenfeng's sister Ji Jialu who was talking to Jiahui.

"Hello, I also heard that Meixiang talked about you, saying that you were very kind to her."

"A family, not to mention any kindness, it should be."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The banquet at Ji's family was very lively. Eighteen tables were set up in the restaurant at noon, each table's banquet standard was 50 yuan, including chicken, duck, fish, pigs, cattle and sheep, and crabs shipped from other places.

The wine is Wuliangye, the tobacco is Zhonghua, at noon it is only relatives and friends, and at night there are colleagues and various relationships in the society. The number of tables is more, and the preliminary calculation is thirty-six tables. After this calculation, the banquet alone will cost two thousand Many pieces.

"The situation in Ji's family is quite big."

Before eating, Jiahui whispered to Zhao Donglin, Zhao Donglin nodded.

"His brother-in-law, don't sit here, you have to drink, come and sit at that table with me."

Ji Zhenfeng's uncle took Zhao Donglin away, and Zhao Donglin even looked back at Jiahui, meaning to let her take care of herself.

"You two have a really good relationship. How long have you been married?"

Sitting next to Jiahui is Grandma Meixiang's friend, Auntie Damei.

"Five or six years."

"That time is not too short. You are quite young. How old are you this year?"

"I am twenty-eight this year."

The imaginary age is twenty-eight, and the real age is twenty-seven.

"You look quite young. He looks about twenty-four or five years old. I think your husband is older than you look."

"Yes, he is a few years older than me."

Maybe because she was afraid that Jiahui would get bored, Auntie Mei kept chatting with Jiahui in a pleasant manner, and chatted with Luo Siwen who was sitting across from her.

"I heard that you are not the original couple, you are both married?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the table stopped talking, and some people secretly looked at Jiahui.

"Yes, we are indeed not the original couple, we were divorced for some reason."

Jiahui calmly dealt with Luo Siwen's difficulties.

"Hey, everyone, don't be dazed, eat quickly, the food will be cold if you don't eat any more."

Ji Jialu didn't expect that this younger brother and sister could make Jiahui look bad in front of so many people, not to mention that Jiahui is Meixiang's sister-in-law, today is the wedding of Meixiang and Zhenfeng, just say that she is a serious college student, and her future future must be limitless Well, Luo Siwen always felt that she grew up in the city and was superior to others. In fact, what capital did she have to look down on others

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, maybe others will develop in the future, and there will be places where others can help.

"Okay, let's eat. Today's dishes are specially selected by Yuqin. She invited me to try the dishes the day before yesterday. I think they are good. Everyone should eat more."

"Hey, okay, it's not bad at first glance, it took a lot of thought."

Under the adjustment of Auntie Damei, the atmosphere finally got better. Luo Siwen put down his chopsticks and left after eating a few mouthfuls. Ji Jialu sighed, feeling that this sister-in-law's temper was getting more and more serious, and she was living more and more. go back.

"Jiahui, don't take it to heart. She is just like this. She doesn't get along well with anyone, and she doesn't speak well."

"It's okay, I don't care at all, and I have nothing to say about my marital problems."

Ji Jialu smiled reassuringly, "Well, I can see that you are open-minded, so good, people can't be narrow-minded, if you are too narrow-minded, if you are not happy, others will follow suit."

For example, an outstanding person like my elder brother took the position of director of the municipal party committee office at a young age. He married Luo Siwen at the beginning because of his good family background and good family background. Who knew that Luo Siwen's temperament could not be supported at all. I can't rely on her at all, let alone establish any relationship, and sometimes mess things up, my eldest brother is also miserable.

Looking at Meixiang and this in-law's sister-in-law, even though they came from the countryside, they treat people better than Luo Siwen. It can be seen that family background is not the only criterion for judging a person's quality.

Jiahui stayed with Meixiang at Ji's house all afternoon, and after having a banquet at the hotel in the evening, the highlight of the day was entering the bridal chamber.

There are a group of playful young people in the patrol brigade, and there are many tricks in the bridal chamber, such as five sons enrolling in the imperial examination, beating gongs and drums, sweet and sweet, loving each other, etc. Mei Xiang blushes with shame, and Jia Hui, a bystander, can't help but have a toothache.

The five sons enthroned a red rope, each of the bride and groom bit one end in their mouths, tied a lighted cigarette in the middle, and placed five matches on five oranges. The bride and groom could not use their hands. ignite.

For beating gongs and drums, a big spoon was tied around Ji Zhenfeng’s waist, and a frying pan was tied around Meixiang’s waist. Ji Zhenfeng stood up and hit the pot on Meixiang’s waist with the spoon ten times in a row, and the two shouted the slogan of Iron Man Wang Jinxi: Work hard, go up fast, drill wells frequently, and produce more oil.

Mei Xiang couldn't shout at all, all the work was done by Ji Zhenfeng alone.

The sweetness was still mild, Ji Zhenfeng stood on the chair, threw the peeled orange petals into Mei Xiang's mouth, half of the oranges fell out and gave him a drink, but Mei Xiang missed a petal in the middle, and Ji Zhenfeng drank a cup Baijiu, Meixiang was so frightened that she could only cooperate with all her strength.

As for the final blind date, it is the kiss in the middle, and the action is determined by the person making the wedding room. Whether it is a long kiss or a deep kiss, the action must be in place.

"This is the last one, you have to perform well, otherwise we won't comply."

"That's right, if you show the blood of a man, you have to let everyone see that the blood spurts."

These words successfully made Jiahui laugh, and she said to Zhao Donglin with lingering fear, "Fortunately, we didn't have these things when we got married."

Ji Zhenfeng looked at Mei Xiang, and the two stared at each other amidst the noise, Mei Xiang blushed, she didn't know if she was ashamed or drunk after drinking two glasses of wine at night.

Originally, Meixiang was only flustered, but after meeting Ji Zhenfeng's deep eyes, her emotions were also attracted by him, and she forgot everything around her.

Ji Zhenfeng took a step forward and stood in front of Meixiang. Their gazes were locked. He reached out and pulled Meixiang into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed Meixiang's red lips. This French kiss lasted for more than three minutes. Followed by booing, and later found out that the two kissed with real affection, and showed a clear smile.

"Hey, why don't we all go away, a moment of sex is worth a thousand gold, after watching the excitement, it's time for someone to have a bridal chamber."

After speaking, everyone burst into laughter and walked out of the room one by one. The last one to leave closed the door very intimately.

Jiahui and Zhao Donglin smiled at each other, thinking of the day they got married at the same time.

That day was not very smooth, and there was an oolong. Looking back, all the memories are full of sweetness.